MidReal Story

About Reincarnation in Another World It s raining heavily outside


Apr 22
Scenario:About Reincarnation in Another World: It's raining heavily outside the window and the wind is blowing Ziyou is concentrating on the game and controlling the characters on the screen to beat the hilichurls {hilichurls are monsters in Genshin Impact}, and he doesn't know that his window is not closed, and suddenly a strong wind mixed with rain blows over, blowing the water onto the plug row, and the plug is full of fire in an instant, and before Ziyou can react, his supreme invincible computer exploded. When he woke up, he found himself in a forest, surrounded by strange plants, and he clearly felt that his vision had become much lower, and he heard the sound of the water and gradually walked towards the sound, and when he reached the river, he found that he had changed into the hilichurl he often beaten
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About Reincarnation in Another World: It's raining heavily outside the window and the wind is blowing Ziyou is concentrating on the game and controlling the characters on the screen to beat the hilichurls {hilichurls are monsters in Genshin Impact}, and he doesn't know that his window is not closed, and suddenly a strong wind mixed with rain blows over, blowing the water onto the plug row, and the plug is full of fire in an instant, and before Ziyou can react, his supreme invincible computer exploded. When he woke up, he found himself in a forest, surrounded by strange plants, and he clearly felt that his vision had become much lower, and he heard the sound of the water and gradually walked towards the sound, and when he reached the river, he found that he had changed into the hilichurl he often beaten
The enemy was a Fatui skirmisher, one of the hardest enemies to deal with in the game Genshin Impact.
As an electro gunner, he was known for spamming his super annoying homing missiles and shield that deflects attacks.
Ziyou's character was Amber, a cute, red-haired archer.
He did not have any powerful characters because he only played the game to relieve his stress.
It was the time when he was fighting the Fatui skirmisher that he suddenly felt light-headed.
He didn't know what happened, but when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a hilichurl's body in the game.
"Annoying." Ziyou cursed as he dodged the skirmisher's missiles.
He hated it when such things happened during important boss fights.
"I don't care if it is a game or not.
I will defeat you no matter what."
In the real world, it was raining heavily outside.
The wind was so strong that it caused his window to creak.
The rain was so loud that he could hear it even from inside his room while wearing his earphones.
But he was too focused on the game to care about anything else.
As Amber, he dodged another missile and retaliated with a charged shot.
It seemed simple, but dodging missiles as an archer was not an easy task.
It took a lot of practice and muscle memory for Ziyou to get used to it.
Not to mention that the Fatui skirmisher could change his direction and shoot homing missiles at him at any time.
But Ziyou wasn't worried at all because he had played this game for a long time, and he knew all of the enemy's attack patterns by heart.
In fact, he could even close his eyes and still dodge every single missile without getting hit.
This time, Fatui Skirmisher used his shield ability, making Ziyou unable to deal any damage to him no matter how many times he shot him.
"Aim for the weak spot!"ziyou commanded Amber.
Arrows could not penetrate the Fatui's shield, but there was a way to get rid of it.
He locked onto the enemy and started spamming his basic attack.
As expected, the shield was gone after a few seconds of continuous attacks.
Ziyou then switched to his charged shots and started spamming them before the shield could regenerate.
The skirmisher was about to shoot missiles at him, but Ziyou predicted it and dodged to the side before it could happen.
After dodging the missile, Ziyou quickly turned around and shot the enemy again.
This time, the skirmisher was left with only a sliver of health bar.
As soon as Ziyou saw that, he quickly commanded Amber to use her special ability: Explosive Puppet!
Amber summoned a bomb doll in front of her that could distract enemies for a few seconds before exploding and dealing massive damage to them.
Ziyou used this opportunity to unleash all of his attacks on the skirmisher while it was distracted by the bomb doll.
Just a few more hits…
The skirmisher raised its gun and was about to shoot another missile when Ziyou finally landed the killing blow on him!
About Reincarnation in Another World It s raining heavily outside
"Dieeeee!" Ziyou shouted in triumph and watched as the elite enemy disintegrated into thin air and dropped lots of rewards for him to collect.
"Damn it!" Ziyou cursed after the power went out in his apartment, knowing that it had just ruined his perfect battle.
He fell into darkness, and for some reason, everything seemed more quiet than usual.
He quickly removed his earphones and stood up from his chair.
His eyes were still adjusting to the darkness so he hurriedly took out his phone and turned on its flashlight functionality to light the way as he walked around in his untidy room filled with random junk everywhere on the floorthere were instant noodle packages, empty soda cans, and dirty clothes.
The room looked like a total mess, but it was nothing compared to where the real-life hilichurls lived in the game.
Ziyou had lived in this place for about two years now, and over time, he had gotten used to the messinessso much that it almost felt like home to him.
"What happened?Did the power go out?"
"Damn you!You'd better fix this soon!" Ziyou cursed his landlord in his mind.
He was the one who was supposed to be responsible for fixing everything at Ziyou's apartment whenever there was something wrong with it.
But he had been ignoring Ziyou's messages for days nowssome of the problems he had reported were: the ceiling leaked every time it rained and there were insects everywhere.
Ziyou couldn't stand living in such an environment and had been planning to move out soon.
But he had yet to find another apartment that was both cheap and near his work place so he ended up staying here for now.
He walked to the door and opened it.
He could see the faint light coming from the apartments next to his but not much else because of the heavy rain outside.
Raindrops splashed on him as soon as he opened the door, so he quickly closed it and went to the fuse box to check what went wrong with the power.
He flipped the switches multiple times in hopes of restoring the power.
A loud thunder boomed, and a flash of lightning momentarily lit up the entire sky outside as Ziyou continued flipping the switches.
The storm seemed to be getting worse, but Ziyou was too focused on fixing the power to care about it right now.
"What's taking you so long to fix it?" someone from the neighboring apartment shouted at him.
"Shut up, I'm trying to fix it!" Ziyou shouted back.
After flipping the switches a few more times, the power was finally restored.
The sound of the refrigerator starting up could be heard from the kitchen room as Ziyou opened the door and saw that everything was back on now.
He turned on his computer, and the screen immediately lit up before showing the desktop.
He then sat down on his chair again and picked up his earphones, ready to continue his game.
About Reincarnation in Another World It s raining heavily outside