freespirited, and passionate about life. Jack meets Lilly by chance on the ship's stern and forms an instant connection with her over their shared dreams of adventure and art. Despite his poverty, he captivates Lilly with his sincerity and courage during the ship's tragic events.
controlling, and traditional. Cal represents the societal pressures that Rose faces in their arranged marriage. His relationship with Rose is strained due to his lack of understanding of her desires for freedom and adventure. He serves as an obstacle to Lilly's blossoming romance with Jack Dawson on the Titanic.
reserved, and conflicted. Rose struggles with the pressures of her arranged marriage to Cal while secretly yearning for freedom. Her relationship with Lilly is close but strained by societal expectations. Rose's presence on the Titanic serves as a backdrop for Lilly's journey of selfdiscovery and romance with Jack Dawson.