MidReal Story

A professor and his assistant discover a time machine but

Scenario:A professor and his assistant discover a time machine but yet they discover that the time machine travels not just in time butin between parallel universes. Professor, his assistant and some of his faithful students that took part in this project travel in different parallel universes trying to find a way back to their original universe. Each universe is a new adventure.
Create my version of this story
A professor and his assistant discover a time machine but yet they discover that the time machine travels not just in time butin between parallel universes. Professor, his assistant and some of his faithful students that took part in this project travel in different parallel universes trying to find a way back to their original universe. Each universe is a new adventure.
I’m Dr. Benjamin Hayes, and I’ve always had a dream of building a time machine.
When I told the world about my idea, the scientific community laughed in my face.
The university where I was employed took away my funding faster than a kid can steal candy from a store.
But, with the support of my assistant, Emily Parker, and one of my dedicated students, Alex Thompson, we took our research underground and kept going.
We found an anonymous benefactor who believed in our work and funded a warehouse for us to continue our research.
That warehouse contained a state-of-the-art laboratory that rivaled the best research facilities in the world.
Now, ten years after the university turned its back on us, we’ve built a fully-functioning time machine.
It was huge with wires and tubes snaking their way around the room like vines on a jungle tree.
I took a deep breath and glanced at Emily and Alex who were standing next to me, both looking more like they were about to go on holiday than embark on what we were about to do.
I took another deep breath and turned back to the time machine I’d spent years of my life creating.
Now was the moment of truth.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
Emily asked as she stepped closer to me.
She looked up at me with those beautiful green eyes and her face wore an expression that said she was equal parts scared out of her mind but willing to do anything for me.
It was an expression I’d seen many times over the years and it never failed to warm my heart.
I reached out and cupped her cheek, stroking my thumb along her skin.
She moved closer to me and rested her head against my chest while I continued gently stroking her cheek as I also looked down at the top of her head, feeling like the luckiest man in existence to have someone as loyal as her by my side.
“I’m sure,” I replied, trying not to think about what we were about to do too much or I might chicken out.
“Let’s get this show on the road.”
I released Emily and moved over to my computer terminal where Alex had already started typing away at the keyboard in front of it.
He glanced over at me then back at his screen before he returned his attention to his work.
After a few moments of typing, he finally stopped what he was doing and looked up at us, his hands shaking slightly at his sides while his eyes darted nervously between Emily and me.
A professor and his assistant discover a time machine but