MidReal Story

A Nintendo Carol

Scenario:If nintendo characters were in a christmas carol: scrooge:Wario Bob cratchit: Tiny tim: Baby mario Jacob marley: waluigi Past: rosalina Present:king dedede Future: bowser Fred: Luigi Fezziwig: pac man Belle:Captain syrup Fan: zelda Portly gentlemen:kirby and pikachu Mrs.Cratchit: peach Fred's wife: daisy
Create my version of this story
If nintendo characters were in a christmas carol: scrooge:Wario Bob cratchit: Tiny tim: Baby mario Jacob marley: waluigi Past: rosalina Present:king dedede Future: bowser Fred: Luigi Fezziwig: pac man Belle:Captain syrup Fan: zelda Portly gentlemen:kirby and pikachu Mrs.Cratchit: peach Fred's wife: daisy
I am Wario, a miserly and bitter character who hates Christmas.
I own a toy factory and have a kind employee named Mario Cratchit.
He is cheerful and hardworking, but he is very poor and underpaid.
One day, Mario asks me for a day off for Christmas, but I refuse.
That night, I am visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley, my former business partner.
He warns me that I will suffer a terrible fate if I don't change my ways and become kinder.
He tells me that I will be visited by three spirits: the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Future.
The first spirit is Rosalina, who shows me scenes from my childhood when I was happy and loved.
The second spirit is King Dedede, who shows me how my behavior is affecting others and how I am wasting my life.
The third spirit is Bowser, who shows me what will happen to me if I don't change: I will die alone and be tormented in hell.
After the spirits visit me, I become a different person.
I raise Mario's wages, give him extra time off, and donate to charity.
A Nintendo Carol