MidReal Story

a frog managed to talk a tortoise in to leave


May 9
Scenario:a frog managed to talk a tortoise in to leave it's shell and frog started to use the shell for shelter itself.
Create my version of this story
a frog managed to talk a tortoise in to leave it's shell and frog started to use the shell for shelter itself.
“Well, what is it Fredrick?
You know you can always talk to me about anything.
I’m here for you.” Tilly said as she looked at Fredrick with her big, kind eyes.
Fredrick took a deep breath and said, “Well, I couldn’t help but notice that you were struggling to swim today.
You usually swim so gracefully, but today it seems like you are having a hard time moving around with your big, heavy shell.
It must be so uncomfortable.”
Tilly looked down at her shell and said, “Yeah, it does feel a little heavier today.
I guess I’m just tired.
Fredrick looked at Tilly with his sharp eyes and said, “No, I’m sure that’s not it.
You know Tilly, I can’t help but notice that you are never truly happy.
You are always so kind to everyone and you always have a smile on your face, but I can see that deep down inside, you are not truly happy.
I think that your shell might be the reason why you are so unhappy.”
Tilly looked up at Fredrick and said, “What do you mean Fredrick?
I love my shell!
It protects me from danger and keeps me safe.
I don’t know what I would do without it.”
“Well, I just thought that maybe if you took your shell off for a while, you might feel happier and more free.
Just imagine what it would be like to not have to carry around that heavy burden all the time.” Fredrick said as he looked at Tilly with his sharp eyes.
Tilly was taken aback by Fredrick’s words and said, “But my shell is a part of who I am.
I could never take it off.”
“I know Tilly, I know.
But just think about it for a moment.
You are such a beautiful and graceful creature.
You have the most kind and gentle heart of anyone I know.
And to top it all off, you are also very nimble and quick on your feet.
Just imagine how much more beautiful and graceful you would be if you didn’t have to carry around that big heavy shell all the time.
You would be able to move around much faster without it weighing you down all the time.
You would be free to swim and do whatever you wanted without anything holding you back.
Just imagine how happy and free you would feel without your shell weighing you down all the time.”
Tilly looked down at her shell and thought about what Fredrick had said.
She had never really thought about it before, but she realized that her shell was very big and heavy and it did make it hard for her to move around sometimes.
a frog managed to talk a tortoise in to leave