MidReal Story



Jun 2
Create my version of this story
"Hey, guys, check this out!"
I called to my friends as I stepped into the small cave.
It was barely big enough for me to stand up in, and I had to duck my head to keep from hitting it on the ceiling.
The cave was dark, but I could see a faint light coming from the other side.
I took a step forward and felt something hard under my foot.
I bent down and picked it up.
It was a small stone tablet with strange symbols carved into it.
"What is it?" Mark asked as he came up behind me.
"I don’t know," I said, "but it looks really old."
The three of us had been hiking through the woods all day, and I had led my friends on a path that was overgrown with trees and underbrush.
We had been following the same path for an hour when I saw something out of the corner of my eye that made me stop in my tracks.
It was a small, overgrown path that led off from the main trail and disappeared into the dense forest.
I knew these woods like the back of my hand, and I had never seen this path before.
I looked at Mark and Lisa and pointed to the path.
"Hey, guys, let’s check that out," I said.
Mark frowned and shook his head.
"Are you sure, Em?"
he asked.
"Mark, you know I never get lost in the woods," I said with a smile.
"We’re only a few miles from our camping spot, and I can feel that this is the right way."
Lisa nodded in agreement.
"Come on, Mark," she said with an excited grin, "let’s go see what’s down there."
Mark groaned in exasperation but followed us as we made our way through the underbrush.
The path was barely visible, and we had to push through the tangled branches and thorny bushes that lined the trail.
We walked for about ten minutes before I finally saw something that made me stop in my tracks.
About fifty feet ahead of us was a small cave nestled among the roots of an ancient oak tree.
"Hey, guys," I called out to my friends, "there’s something up here!"
Mark and Lisa came up behind me and peered into the cave.
Their eyes widened when they saw what was inside.
The three of us had been hiking through the woods all day, and I had led my friends on a path that was overgrown with trees and underbrush.
We had been following the same path for an hour when I saw something out of the corner of my eye that made me stop in my tracks.
It was a small, overgrown path that led off from the main trail and disappeared into the dense forest.
I knew these woods like the back of my hand, and I had never seen this path before.
I looked at Mark and Lisa and pointed to the path.
"Hey, guys, let’s check that out," I said.
Mark frowned and shook his head.
"Are you sure, Em?"
he asked."Mark, you know I never get lost in the woods," I said with a smile.
"We’re only a few miles from our camping spot, and I can feel that this is the right way."
Lisa nodded in agreement.
"Come on, Mark," she said with an excited grin, "let’s go see what’s down there."
Mark groaned in exasperation but followed us as we made our way through the underbrush.
The path was barely visible, and we had to push through the tangled branches and thorny bushes that lined the trail.
We walked for about ten minutes before I finally saw something that made me stop in my tracks.
About fifty feet ahead of us was a small cave nestled among the roots of an ancient oak tree.
"Hey, guys," I called out to my friends, "there’s something up here!"
Mark and Lisa came up behind me and peered into the cave.
Their eyes widened when they saw what was inside.
"Hey, guys, check this out!"
I called to my friends as I stepped into the small cave.
It was barely big enough for me to stand up in, and I had to duck my head to keep from hitting it on the ceiling.
The cave was dark, but I could see a faint light coming from the other side.
I took a step forward and felt something hard under my foot.
I bent down and picked it up.
I took a deep breath and moved forward, my friends close behind.
The cave smelled damp and musty, like old earth and decaying leaves.
As we made our way into its depths, I realized that it was much bigger on the inside than it appeared from the outside.
The walls were smooth and cool to the touch, and the air felt heavy and oppressive, as if we were being watched by some unseen presence.
I noticed a faint light coming from deeper inside the cave, and I felt myself being drawn toward it like a moth to a flame.
I took another step forward and stumbled over something hard and unyielding.
I looked down and saw a large stone tablet buried halfway in the soil, covered in strange symbols that looked like nothing I had ever seen before.
I crouched down for a closer look, trying to make sense of what I was seeing.
"Hey, Mark, come look at this," I called to my friend, "I think it’s some kind of ancient writing."
Mark quickly made his way over to where I was crouched down and pulled out his phone, which he always carried with him, along with his tech gear.
He took a picture of the tablet and pulled up a translation app on his phone.
He scanned the symbols on the tablet, and his eyes widened in surprise.
"I think I can translate this," he said excitedly, "but it’s going to take me a few minutes to figure out exactly what it says.
This is incredible!
If I’m right, then we might have just stumbled upon something that could change everything we know about history and civilization as we know it." he said excitedly, "but it’s going to take me a few minutes to figure out exactly what it says.
This is incredible!
If I’m right, then we might have just stumbled upon something that could change everything we know about history and civilization as we know it.
Lisa stood by nervously, her eyes scanning the walls of the cave as if she were expecting something mystical or magical to happen at any moment.
"Mark," she said, her voice tight with anxiety, "I don’t think we should be in here.
I just have a really bad feeling about this place."
Mark rolled his eyes and turned back to the tablet, shaking his head in exasperation.
"Don’t be such a wimp, Lisa," he said.
"We’re perfectly safe in here.
Now give me a minute to finish translating this, and then we can get out of here."
He turned back to the tablet and continued scanning the symbols.
A moment later, the tablet began to glow with a bright blue light that seemed to emanate from the stone itself.
The light quickly grew in intensity, and soon everything around us faded into nothingness.
I felt disoriented and dizzy, and I realized that I was no longer standing in the cave.