MidReal Story



Apr 27
Create my version of this story
Once upon a time, in a town much like yours, there lived a young boy named Adam.
Adam was an only child and his father was always busy working, so he spent most of his time alone.
But Adam never felt alone because he had a very special friend… his dog Rover.
They were always together, no matter what Adam was doing.
They played together, ate together, and sometimes even slept together.
But there was one thing that Adam liked to do that Rover didn’t – and that was go on adventures.
Adam loved to draw and he had filled up dozens of sketch books with pictures of the world around him.
His room was covered in drawings of monsters, dinosaurs, and robots.
Adam loved to draw these things because he loved reading his favorite comic book, The Adventures of Max Power.
It was about a superhero who protected the world from all kinds of evil creatures.
Adam dreamed that one day he would be just like Max Power.
He would be brave, bold, and daring.
And he would go on adventures to save the world!
So one Saturday morning, Adam decided to go on an adventure through the forest near his house – just like Max Power!
He packed a backpack with food, water, and of course his sketch book and pencils.
“Are you coming with me?”
Adam asked his dog Rover.
Rover was a little bit nervous about going into the forest with Adam.
He’d never been inside before and he wasn’t sure if it was safe.
“Are you sure it’s a good idea?”
Rover asked warily.
“I don’t know what’s in there.”
“It’ll be fine,” said Adam reassuringly as he strapped on his backpack and shut the front door behind him.
“Besides, I have you with me – my trusty sidekick!”
Rover looked up at Adam with big eyes and shook his head.
So they set off down the path into the forest, with Rover following obediently behind Adam.
It wasn’t long before they came to a fork in the road and they had to decide which way to go.
“Which way do we go?”
Rover asked anxiously.
“I’m not sure,” said Adam as he took out his sketch book and started drawing a map of where they were so far.
“Let’s see…” he said as he flipped through the pages of his book to find a map that he had drawn of the forest from when he was up in his tree house last summer.
“I think it’s this way.”
So they set off down the path to the left and continued down into the forest with Rover tagging along behind Adam as usual.
They walked for a while until they came to a clearing in the trees and saw a group of squirrels running around and playing in the grass.
Suddenly, Adam stopped in his tracks and dropped his backpack to the ground with a thud.
“Rover,” Adam whispered as he slowly turned to face his trusty sidekick.
“That’s not just any group of squirrels running around over there… Those are Squirrel Scouts!”
Adam said as he stared at them in amazement.
“How do you know?”
Rover asked as he stared at them too.
But before Adam could answer, a couple of the squirrels spotted them and started running towards them making cute little squeaky noises!
“Quick!Get down!” Adam shouted as he dove to the ground and crawled over to his backpack.
The pair crouched down low to the ground and Rover hid behind Adam.
“What are they going to do?”
Rover whispered nervously.
“I’m not sure,” said Adam as he pulled out a pair of binoculars from his backpack and peered through them.
They watched the Squirrel Scouts run over to a tree stump, where another squirrel was waiting for them.
Then they took turns whispering something into the squirrel’s ear before they all ran off into the forest.
“What do you think they were saying to each other?”
Rover asked curiously.
“I don’t know,” said Adam as he lowered the binoculars and put them back into his backpack.
“But I think it was something secret!”
Then Adam turned back towards the path and picked up his backpack again.
“Are you ready to go on an adventure?”
Rover jumped up from where he was hiding in the grass and wagged his tail excitedly.
“Yeah!Where are we going now?”
“You’ll see,” said Adam with a sly smile on his face as he started running down the path even further into the forest.
Rover chased after him with his tongue hanging out and his ears flapping in the wind.
Even though Rover had no idea where they were going next, he was so excited to be going on an adventure with Adam!
Finally, after running for a while longer, Adam stopped and turned around to face Rover.
“Do you know where we are?”
he asked with a big grin.
Rover looked around and sniffed the air.
He could tell that they were somewhere new and exciting but he had never been here before.
“I don’t know,” Rover said shaking his head.
“We’re at the entrance to Shadow Mountain!”
Adam shouted dramatically, as he took out his sketchbook and drew a picture of it before placing it back inside his backpack.
Rover asked with his eyes wide.
“Yeah,” Adam nodded seriously.
“And you know what that means…”
Suddenly Rover’s ears perked up and he gasped.
“Is that where the Monster of Shadow Mountain lives?”
Adam nodded again and Rover started to shake in fear.
“Oh no,” Rover said fretfully.
“We have to run away before it gets us!”
But just then, Adam whipped around and grabbed Rover by the paws before he could get away.
“No way,” Adam said firmly with a serious look on his face.
“If we want to prove ourselves as true adventurers… We have to face our fears head on!”
“But what if he’s really scary?”
Rover whimpered.
Adam looked down at Rover reassuringly and smiled.
“Well… that’s why I have you with me,” he said as he reached for his backpack again and pulled out his sketchbook one more time.
“Because I have an idea…”
Adam spent only a few minutes drawing before handing over some paper to Rover.
He taped two pieces together and then handed them over to him.
“What’s this for?”
Rover asked curiously.
“It’s a very important mission,” Adam said solemnly.