MidReal Story

Located at the foot of Jade Dr

Scenario:Located at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the Daughter of the East, the ancient Naxi Kingdom, all the secrets seem to be hidden in the white sand murals and Gemu Peak. But who are the contemporary secret hunters? Lin Xuan, a young historical scholar of Chinese descent from the United States, focuses on the study of the history of human development and pursues "human worthiness." He traveled through time and space to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and visited the Naxi Kingdom, a fantasy and secret place where Eastern and Western cultures and maternal and paternal civilizations met. The civilized ecology here integrates nature and humanity, just like the majestic, majestic and majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and the charming, petite and beautiful Lugu Lake and Lanyue Valley, complementing each other and shining brightly; and like the Jade Dragon The snow-capped mountains are surrounded by clouds and mists, changing rapidly, with countless manners, and are extremely magical. The ancient culture of the Mosuo people that is still the same today is both unforgettable and indistinguishable. Lin Xuan came to the scene in person and felt it for the first time: Looking horizontally, it looks like a forest with peaks on the side, with different heights and distances. He doesn't know the true face of the Jade Dragon, just because he is in this mountain. I hope that his exploration will be successful, and that he will have a wonderful relationship with the ancient Naxi civilization and the daughter country with various styles... At this time, he has passed the Tea Horse Road and arrived at the daughter country, drinking The water of Lugu Lake, walking on the Walking Wedding Bridge...one wonderful story after another is about to unfold! Key elements: adventure, anecdotes, supernatural, thriller..., causal loop. Write a total of 30 stories, each story has 20,000 words.
Create my version of this story
Located at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the Daughter of the East, the ancient Naxi Kingdom, all the secrets seem to be hidden in the white sand murals and Gemu Peak. But who are the contemporary secret hunters? Lin Xuan, a young historical scholar of Chinese descent from the United States, focuses on the study of the history of human development and pursues "human worthiness." He traveled through time and space to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and visited the Naxi Kingdom, a fantasy and secret place where Eastern and Western cultures and maternal and paternal civilizations met. The civilized ecology here integrates nature and humanity, just like the majestic, majestic and majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and the charming, petite and beautiful Lugu Lake and Lanyue Valley, complementing each other and shining brightly; and like the Jade Dragon The snow-capped mountains are surrounded by clouds and mists, changing rapidly, with countless manners, and are extremely magical. The ancient culture of the Mosuo people that is still the same today is both unforgettable and indistinguishable. Lin Xuan came to the scene in person and felt it for the first time: Looking horizontally, it looks like a forest with peaks on the side, with different heights and distances. He doesn't know the true face of the Jade Dragon, just because he is in this mountain. I hope that his exploration will be successful, and that he will have a wonderful relationship with the ancient Naxi civilization and the daughter country with various styles... At this time, he has passed the Tea Horse Road and arrived at the daughter country, drinking The water of Lugu Lake, walking on the Walking Wedding Bridge...one wonderful story after another is about to unfold! Key elements: adventure, anecdotes, supernatural, thriller..., causal loop. Write a total of 30 stories, each story has 20,000 words.
I have always been on the fringes of academia, preferring to challenge conventional beliefs and delve into the unexplored territories of history and human development.
As a young historical scholar of Chinese descent from the United States, I have dedicated my academic career to the study of human history and development.
My passion lies not only in understanding the past but also in unraveling the mysteries of human nature and potential.
Fueled by a relentless curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, I have chosen a path that often diverges from the conventional narratives of history, seeking instead to explore the lesser-known aspects of ancient civilizations and their impact on the modern world.
As I navigate through this ancient land, I am driven by a deep-seated belief that within the ruins and relics of bygone eras, I will discover clues that illuminate the path towards a greater understanding of who we are and what we may yet become.
In the end, I am not interested in what happened thousands of years ago—what matters to me is what it means today.
I want to know how people lived in ancient times and how they have influenced our lives now.
I want to know all the stories that have been forgotten and all the secrets that have been buried.
I want to know the true worthiness of humanity.
I want to know what we are capable of achieving and what we can do.
That is why I am here in Lijiang, a city in southwestern China, near the end of the Qing Dynasty.
I am climbing the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in search of the Naxi Kingdom, an ancient civilization so mysterious that no one even knows where it was.
I am a historical scholar from Harvard University, and this is the kind of thing I usually do during my holidays.
Just kidding—I am not a typical historical scholar.
Most historians focus on what happened in specific historical periods and places, but I prefer to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
I am not interested in memorizing every detail—I am only interested in figuring out what is going on.
So I read books, write essays, and travel around the world.
It helps me to understand human history and development better.
If I do not do that, I feel like I will be missing something.
It is hard to explain, but I just cannot help it.
Some people have criticized me for not being serious enough about academic work, but they are wrong.
I might not be doing exactly what they do, but I am doing exactly what I love to do.
As a Chinese-American, I grew up in the United States and have always been interested in Chinese history.
But now I am studying something different.
The more I read, the more I realize that all civilizations are connected.
That is why I have come to China for my research.
Many people think that what I study is nonsense, and my colleagues even more so.
They say that my way of thinking is too simplistic, and that it does not take into account all the complexities of human life.
It is true that my work has never been recognized by any mainstream academic journal, but I do not care about that.
I do not need anyone else to tell me whether I am right or wrong.
So when my colleagues say that my work is nonsense, it does not bother me at all.
But if they are too annoying, I might just sit them down and explain everything to them until they understand.
In fact, I just had such a debate before coming here.
And that was precisely why I enjoyed this meal so much.
It was a simple meal cooked by my assistant, Zhang Wei, who has been following me around for years now.
He is a good cook, and he is very good at making me feel better when things are going badly.
As a matter of fact, everything was going well right now.
I was about to start a new research project, which was something that made me very happy.
The subject of my research this time is the relationship between ancient dietary practices and human development, which is a huge topic that I have been looking forward to studying for a long time.
To be honest, it is not an easy subject to study because there is not much information available.
But I am very lucky because there is a place called the Naxi Kingdom, which is the perfect place to start my research on the subject.
The Naxi Kingdom is an ancient civilization that existed in the area near Jade Dragon Snow Mountain a long time ago, but no one really knows what it was like or what it did.
It is so mysterious that some people even think it never existed at all, but that is obviously not true.
There are many people who still live in this area, and they are called the Naxi people, so the kingdom must have existed at some point.
But there are not many records left, so it is difficult to know anything for sure.
There are many things that make the Naxi Kingdom very interesting, but the most interesting thing about it is its culture, which is so unique and mysterious that no one really knows where it came from or how it developed.
If anyone wants to know what human civilization was like a long time ago, they should come here and take a look around because everything here is exactly like it was thousands of years ago.
But that is not all.
The Naxi people still live like they did thousands of years ago too.
They still speak the same language and have the same customs and traditions as their ancestors, and they still live in the same houses and eat the same food.
This is all very interesting for me because I am a historical scholar who is very interested in ancient civilizations.
That is why I am here right now, doing some research on the Naxi Kingdom.
It is not easy work because there are not many records left and most people do not know much about it because it is so mysterious, but I think it is worth it.
I am finally getting to do what I love, and I am very happy about that.
I am also happy to be away from the modern world because I do not like it very much.
It is too noisy and crowded for me, and there are too many things to do and too many people to see.
I would rather be alone with my thoughts and my research than have to deal with all of that.
The only good thing about being there is that I get to eat good food all of the time, which is something I really like.
But even that is not enough for me.
I would rather be somewhere quiet and peaceful where I can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature, and that is why I am here instead.
As I walk through this place with my assistant Zhang Wei, who is carrying all of my things for me, I cannot help but feel happy because it is exactly what I wanted.
It is so beautiful and peaceful here that it seems like a dream come true for me.
It is also very mysterious and interesting, with lots of things to see and do, so I am very excited about my research and looking forward to learning more about this place and its people soon.
The Naxi people who live here seem like very nice people, and their culture is so unique and interesting that I cannot wait to learn more about it.
But first I need to finish my research on them before I can do anything else.
The only problem is that it is taking me longer than expected because there are so many things to study and learn about this place that I do not know where to start.
There are still many things that I need to do before I can be done with my research.
But I am not worried because I still have plenty of time to work on it.
No one is waiting for me back home anyway, so I can take as long as I want to finish it.
I just hope that it will be worth all of the effort that I am putting into it because I really want to do something important with my life.
It would be nice if I could help people understand a little more about human civilization while I am at it too.
That would make me very happy.
But even if I cannot do that, at least I will have tried.
The mountain is so big and beautiful that it looks like it goes on forever.
It is covered with snow and glaciers all year long, which makes it look even more majestic than it already does.
It is the tallest mountain in Yunnan Province and one of the highest mountains in China, which makes it very famous too.
That is why many people come here every year to see it for themselves because it is so beautiful and amazing that no one can ever forget the experience.
I have to admit that I feel the same way about it too because it is just so big and beautiful that it takes my breath away every time I see it.
It makes me feel very small and insignificant too when compared to the mountain because it is so much bigger and stronger than me.
But at the same time, it also makes me feel very happy because it is such a wonderful thing for me to look at and enjoy.
It reminds me how beautiful nature can be sometimes too, which is something that I really appreciate about it.
There is also something very mysterious about the mountain that I cannot explain too.
It is hard for me to say what it is exactly, but it feels like it is calling out to me for some reason or another, even though it is not saying anything at all.
That is one of the reasons why I am here right now, because I want to see what it has in store for me this time.
It is something that I have always wanted to do, so I am very excited about it too.
Of course, I know that it will not be easy for me to do this alone, so I asked one of my friends to come with me on this journey too.
Her name is Mei Ling, and she is a local girl who knows a lot about this place because she has lived here all of her life.
She is also a very good friend of mine who loves to go hiking in these mountains as much as I do, so she did not hesitate to say yes when I asked her for help.
With her help, I am sure that we will be able to find what we are looking for very soon.
I am also very lucky to have Zhang Wei here with me too because he is a very good assistant who helps me with everything, no matter how big or small it may be.
He is also a very good friend of mine who knows a lot about history, which makes him the perfect person for me to go on this journey with.
Actually, he has been helping me with my research ever since we were in graduate school together, so he knows more about it than most people do.
That is why he was the first person who came to mind when I needed help with it and called him up soon afterwards.
He said yes right away too, which made me very happy because I knew that he would be able to help me find what we were looking for much faster than anyone else could.
That is why we are all here right now, standing at the base of the mountain and getting ready to start our journey up the mountain soon too.
The snow-capped mountains slowly recede into the distance as we get closer and closer to the lake, revealing a clear blue sky and a small island floating in the lake too.
There are even a few small fishing boats floating in the lake too, which are slowly making their way back and forth across the lake as they go about their business.
It is not a very big lake, but it is very beautiful too because it is surrounded by lush green trees and mountains on all sides.
The water is so clear that you can even see the sandy bottom of the lake too.
As soon as I see it for the first time, I cannot help but stare at it in amazement for a little while, basking in its beauty and tranquility too.
It is such a nice day today too, with the sun shining brightly in the sky and a few white clouds drifting past too.
The air is very fresh and clean, and there is a faint scent of pine trees in the air too.
It is a perfect day for a hike like this one, so we are all very excited about it too.
As we get closer and closer, we can even see the white sand murals on the shores of the lake too.
They are so beautiful that they look like they were painted by hand, but they aren’t because they were made by the wind and waves instead.
Each one of them has its own unique design and shape, so they all look very different from each other too.
As soon as we see them, we know that we are getting closer to our destination now, so we hurry up and get there as soon as possible too.
The closer we get, the more beautiful it looks too because it is surrounded by snow-capped mountains and lush green forests on all sides too.
It looks like a mirror touching the sky because it is so clear and still too, with nothing but a few white clouds drifting past too.
There are even a few small islands floating in the lake too, which only add to its beauty and charm too.
There are even a few small fishing boats floating in the lake too, which are slowly making their way back and forth across the lake as they go about their business.
Lugu Lake was formed from the melting snow and glaciers of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and it is fed by fresh mountain springs all year long too.
The water is so clear that you can even see the sandy bottom of the lake too, which only serves to enhance its vibrant blues and greens even more too.
The lake is surrounded by green trees and snow-capped mountains on all sides, giving it a very serene and picturesque appearance too.
The whole scene is so beautiful and harmonious that it takes my breath away for a moment, leaving me completely speechless for a little while too.
As soon as we arrive at the lakeshore, we are greeted by the sight of wooden houses scattered around on the shores of the lake in clusters, with fields full of potatoes and barley growing in between them too.
There are even people working in the fields and taking care of the animals, giving it a very authentic and rural feel to it all too.
As we continue walking along the lakeshore, we see more and more people living in wooden houses with blue tiles on the roofs, just like the ones we saw before.
The village seems to be very lively and busy, with people coming and going all over the place.
There are even a few old people sitting in front of their houses and weaving cloth on looms or making handicrafts, just like the ones we saw before.
The whole village seems to be like one big family, with everyone helping each other out and working together to make their own food and clothes.
There are even a few babies playing in their front yards too, with their mothers watching over them as they go about their own work as well.
The whole scene is so beautiful and enchanting that it feels like we have stepped into a completely different world altogether, far away from all of our worries and troubles of the world below.
The Three Sisters Peak is not very far from here either, so we decide to go there first before continuing on with our journey as well.
When we finally get there, we are greeted by the sight of three towering peaks standing tall and proud amidst the clouds and fog of the surrounding mountains, with Gemu Peak being the highest and most majestic of them all.
Legend has it that Gemu was once a beautiful goddess who lived on these very mountains, and she transformed herself into these three peaks to watch over her people after she died.
In return, she left behind her gift of matriarchal civilization to her people as well.
The Mosuo people of Lugu Lake are the descendants of the ancient Naxi Kingdom, and they have been living here since ancient times too.
They still follow many of their old customs and traditions too, such as the matriarchal system and visiting marriages, just like they did in the old days too.
Their unique blend of maternal and paternal civilizations has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is still alive and well today too.
There is still so much more to see and learn about this place, so we decide to go and explore it some more after we finish taking pictures of the Three Sisters Peak too.
It is not long before we arrive at the Mosuo village too, which is located on the banks of Lugu Lake, surrounded by beautiful mountains and green forests on all sides too.
It is a very traditional and authentic village, with wooden houses and stone-paved streets everywhere too.
There are even people dressed in traditional Mosuo clothes walking around the village too, giving it a very lively and vibrant feel to it all too.
The village is full of life and activity, with people coming and going all over the place too.
There are even a few open-air markets selling local produce and handicrafts as well, which only adds to its charm and appeal too.
We are greeted by the sight of wooden houses with blue tiles on the roofs, just like the ones we saw before, but there are also a few small shops and restaurants scattered around the village too.
The village chief is one of the tallest men with glasses, standing out from the crowd because he looks so different from everyone else here too.
He has a dignified and authoritative presence about him too, which only serves to make him look even more impressive and powerful than he already is too.
He is wearing an embroidered black robe, which has red patterns on it, and a red belt with tassels wrapped around his waist too.
He is also wearing a white hat with red tassels on it, which makes him look even more striking and distinctive than he already is too.
“Hello, my name is Zhang Wei, and I am a fellow scholar and colleague of Lin Xuan here too,” he says to us in perfect Mandarin Chinese, which only serves to make him look even more impressive and powerful than he already is too.
“It is an honor to meet you, and I hope that we can become good friends,” he says to us, shaking our hands firmly and smiling at us warmly too.
“You speak Mandarin very well for someone who is not Chinese,” I say to him, impressed by how well he speaks our language too.
“Thank you, I have been studying Chinese culture for many years now, so I have had plenty of time to practice my Mandarin,” he says to us modestly too.
“It is good to know that there are other scholars and students of Chinese culture who can appreciate and understand what we are trying to do here too,” he says to us warmly, shaking our hands firmly and smiling at us too.
“Yes, it is not every day that we get the chance to meet someone who knows so much about our culture and history too,” I say to him, impressed by how well he knows our culture and history too.
“It is good to know that there are scholars and students of Chinese culture who can appreciate and understand what we are trying to do too,” he says to me, smiling at me warmly too.
He seems like a nice guy too, so I look forward to getting to know him better after we finish exploring this place together too.
It is not long before we arrive at Gemu Peak, which is located on the top of the mountain overlooking Lugu Lake too.
The view from up here is absolutely breathtaking, with rolling hills and green valleys stretching out for miles on all sides too.
In the distance, we can see snow-capped mountains and ancient glaciers too, which only adds to its beauty and appeal too.
There are even a few golden meadows and sparkling rivers glistening in the distance too, creating a picture-perfect scene that looks like something out of a painting too.
It is hard to believe that places like this still exist in this day and age too, but it is even harder to believe that people who live in such places still exist too.
It is hard to imagine what it must have been like to live in such places long ago too, when the world was still young and full of wild and untamed beauty too.
It is also hard to imagine what it must have been like to be one of those people who lived in such places too, when they were still young and full of life and energy too.
It is hard to imagine what it must have been like to be one of those people who lived in such places when they were still young and full of dreams and hopes too.
As we stand there taking it all in, I can feel tears welling up in my eyes too.
I am not sure if it is because I am happy or sad or just overwhelmed by it all too.
All I know is that I am feeling something deep and powerful stirring inside of me too, something that I have never felt before either.
It is hard to describe exactly what it is, but it feels like some kind of connection between myself and this place too, between myself and these people who lived here long ago too.
As we stand there taking it all in, we can see the sun's rays shining down upon the valley below us too.
The light is so bright and golden that it looks like liquid gold flowing down the mountainside too.
The valley seems to be filled with lush forests and winding rivers too, all bathed in its warm glow too.
It is an absolutely stunning sight to behold, one that will stay with me for the rest of my life too.
As we stand there admiring it all, I can feel tears streaming down my cheeks now too.
I do not know why I am crying, but I cannot seem to help myself either.
“Are you okay, Lin Xuan?”
Mei Ling asks me gently, noticing that I am crying now too.
“Yes, I am fine,” I say to her, wiping my eyes dry too.
“It is just so beautiful.”
“I know, I feel the same way too,” she says to me, smiling at me warmly too.
“It makes me feel like a tiny ant crawling around on the face of a giant too, but at the same time, it makes me feel like I am also a part of something much bigger and more important than myself too.”
“I know what you mean,” she says to me, nodding her head in agreement too.
“It is good to know that there are other people who can appreciate and understand what we are trying to do too.”
“Yes, I think so too,” I say to her, smiling at her warmly too.
As we continue making our way down the mountain, Mei Ling points out various landmarks along the way too.
There is even a small village located on one of the lower slopes of the mountain too.
It is home to a few hundred people who live there year-round too.
The village is made up of several dozen small log cabins that are scattered about close to one another now.
They are all built in the traditional Mosuo style, with wooden walls and thatched roofs and stone foundations too.
It is an absolutely charming sight to behold indeed.
Mei Ling explains that most of these villagers make their living by farming or fishing or hunting in the surrounding area too.
They also make a little money by selling souvenirs to tourists who come here to visit Gemu Peak too.
After we finish exploring this village, we continue making our way down the mountain now.
Mei Ling is leading us now, so we do not have to worry about getting lost either.
She knows this place like the back of her hand, so she is able to point out various landmarks along the way as well.
For example, she points out Gemu Peak itself as we pass by it now.
It is the highest point on the mountain, and also the highest point on our entire journey too.
It is a massive and majestic looking peak that rises some five thousand meters above sea level too.
It is also considered to be the most sacred and spiritual place on the entire mountain as well.
According to local legend, Gemu herself transformed into this peak after she passed away too.
She did this because she wanted to protect her people from harm, and also because she wanted them to be able to come here and honor her memory too.
As a result, the Mosuo people have always considered Gemu Peak to be a holy place that is inhabited by the spirit of their eternal goddess too.
Even today, many people still come here on special occasions in order to offer sacrifices and prayers up to the spirits as well.
After we finish admiring Gemu Peak, we continue making our way down the mountain now.
The landscape begins changing once again as we go too.
The trees are starting to thin out a little bit now.
The temperature is starting to rise a little bit too.
The air is starting to become a little bit thicker too.
And the terrain is starting to become a little steeper too.
We are still surrounded by dense forests on either side, but there are also some open meadows too.
And we can also see and hear plenty of wildlife too, such as birds and squirrels and deer, that are frolicking around in the underbrush.
As we continue making our way down the mountain, I ask Mei Ling how much further we have to go now.
“Based on my calculations, we should be able to reach the bottom in another two or three more hours,” she says to me, checking her watch as well.
“Don’t worry, we are making good time.”
As we continue making our way down the mountain, the scenery continues changing as well.
The forests are starting to thin out some more now.
The trees are becoming smaller and more sparse now.
The soil is starting to turn into sand too.
We are now in the heart of the Lanyue Valley too, which is home to an extremely diverse array of flora and fauna as well.
This valley is considered to be the heart and soul of the entire Naxi Kingdom, because it is the place where all of the major rivers and streams begin too.
And it is also home to many different species of plants and animals too.
As a result, the Naxi and Mosuo people have always considered themselves to be a part of nature too.
And they have always understood and respected the importance of living in harmony with it too.
After we reach the bottom of the mountain, we still have to make our way across several miles of open meadows and fields before we can finally reach the highway too.
But at this point, I don’t really care too much either.
I am just glad to be back on solid ground once again.
I am also glad to have this entire experience behind me as well.
It has been an extremely long and difficult journey that has taken us over a week to complete too.
But it has been well worth it all along the way too.
After we finish having some lunch and taking a short break, I take my backpack with me and start making my way back home again.
It has been several weeks since my last adventure in the Naxi Kingdom.
But I am now back once again for another exciting journey into the heart of Gemu Peak this time.
This time, however, I am not alone either.
I am also accompanied by my good friend and fellow scholar Zhang Wei as well as our very knowledgeable local guide Mei Ling too.
Mei Ling is a young woman in her mid-thirties with long black hair that falls down to her waist.
She also has two sharp and piercing eyes that are like those of an eagle.
She knows just about everything there is to know about the Naxi Kingdom, including all of its history and folklore and legends too.
And she is also quite resourceful as well too.
She also speaks excellent English too.
So if there are any questions that we have along the way, then she can also help us understand and interpret them too.
Mei Ling explains to us how the Mosuo people believe that Gemu Peak was formed by the goddess Gemu to protect her people from all harm and evil.
They believe that this mountain is the home of their ancestors too.
So they also believe that this mountain is the most sacred and holy place in the entire world too.
After we reach the halfway point, we are now beginning to make our way up into the very heart of Gemu Peak itself too.
The pathway leading up into it is getting narrower and darker too.
And the walls are starting to become more steep and slippery as well too.
We are also starting to make our way deeper and deeper down into the mountain too.
So there is hardly any light shining down here any longer too.
This is starting to become quite an adventurous journey for us all too.
As we make our way deeper and deeper down into the mountain too, I start to notice some strange looking artifacts and murals on the walls around me too.
These artifacts are very old and weathered now too.
But they still look quite interesting and unique as well too.
They are very intricate in design and also very colorful too.
There are many different kinds of shapes and patterns on them as well, such as stars and moons and suns and mountains and rivers and flowers and animals and people as well too.
Some of these murals look like they are still in fairly good condition as well too, considering how old they are now as well.
The sight of these murals starts to stir up my curiosity now too.
I have always been extremely fascinated by ancient artifacts and relics as well too.
And I am also quite knowledgeable about them as well too.
So as soon as I see these artifacts on the walls around me now, my first instinct is to stop and take a closer look at them as well too.
These artifacts were left behind by the very first settlers and inhabitants that lived here many thousands of years ago now,” Mei Ling explains to me further as well.
“These people were the original founders and builders of the Naxi Kingdom itself too.”
“I see,” I nod my head in agreement.
“They believe that these artifacts are reminders of the very special relationship they have with Gemu Peak itself too.
These artifacts were also buried beneath the surface for many years too.
This is the very first time that we have ever seen them too.
They are meant to symbolize all of the precious knowledge and wisdom that they had once shared with one another as well too.
The Naxi people regard them as very sacred relics as well too.
So they believe that these relics and artifacts were sent down from the heavens above by the gods to guide them along their way too.
They also believe that their spirits will live on forever within them too.
That is why they were hidden down here for so many thousands of years too.
Up until just very recently too.
When you look at them like this now too, you may be able to see that these artifacts are very old and weathered now too.
So some of them have become very faded and worn down over time too.
But if you look very closely at some of them now as well too, you will notice that they still look quite intricate in design now too.
They still have all kinds of unique shapes and patterns on them as well too.
These artifacts were meant to represent many different things as well too.
Some of them were meant to describe the natural environment around them too.
Some of them were meant to describe the various human activities that took place here too.
Some of them were also meant to describe the various cultural rituals and customs of the Naxi people as well too.
These artifacts were also designed in accordance with the Naxi people’s own beliefs about the cosmos too,” Mei Ling continues on explaining further as well too.
“The Naxi people believe that the universe is divided into three different realms or levels as well too.
There is the sky above, the earth below, and then the oceans in between too.
The sky above is also ruled over by the sun, moon, and stars too.
These heavenly bodies are very special because they shine down upon us from up above too.
So they are also meant to represent the light of wisdom from up above too.
And then there are also human beings who live down below on this earth as well too.
They are meant to symbolize the warmth of love from down below as well.
So in this way, they also believe that humans are a bridge between heaven and earth as well too.
These artifacts were also designed to pay homage to the gods up above as well.”
“Ah, I see,” I nod my head in agreement once again.
“There is also this beautiful looking mural on the wall over here as well,” Mei Ling points towards it as she speaks.
“This mural is a map of the stars up above.
It is one of the most sacred relics around here as well too.
This mural was also drawn in accordance with the Naxi people’s own beliefs about the stars up above as well.
They believe that all of these stars are connected to one another up above as well.
So they are also meant to symbolize all of the various relationships between human beings as well too.”
My heart starts to beat faster now.
I am a historical scholar by profession, but I am also an amateur astronomer as well.
I have always been extremely fascinated by astronomy ever since I was a little boy as well.
So I am very eager to learn more about this celestial map as well.
Mei Ling smiles at me as she sees my reaction, then she continues explaining further.
“The Naxi people also believe that all of these stars are connected to one another up above as well.
So they just keep on shining down upon us from up above as well.
So if we learn more about them, then we will be able to better understand how they work together with each other up above as well.”
“I see,” I nod my head in agreement once again.
“I am also very curious about this mural over here as well.”
“Ah, you want to learn more about this mural over here now as well?”
Mei Ling replies back to me with a sly looking smile on her face.
“Then you will need my help then!”
“I don’t mind if you want to help me out with this or not,” I reply back to her with a smile on my face.
Mei Ling closes her eyes for a moment now, then she takes a deep breath, then she opens her eyes again.
“Well, let’s see here…”
She then looks up at the mural.
“These stars over here are meant to symbolize all of the various constellations as well.
The Naxi people believe that there are a total of seven stars up above as well.
These seven stars are also meant to represent all of the seven different continents as well.
So that means that all of the stars up above are also connected to one another through these constellations as well.”
“So what you are saying is that everything is all connected together with one another in some way or another?”
I ask her curiously once again.
“Yes, that is correct.
The Naxi people believe that everything is all connected together with one another in some way or another as well,” Mei Ling nods her head in agreement.
“The Naxi people also believe that there are a total of three different realms or levels within this universe as well.
These three realms are also connected to one another through all of the stars up above as well.
So everything is all interconnected together with one another like this as well.”
I can hardly believe what I am hearing right now too.
These words seem to echo directly into the very core of my being as well.
I have never heard anything like this before in my entire life either.
“Is there anything else you would like to know about this mural as well?”
Mei Ling asks me.
“No, that will be all for now,” I shake my head in agreement.
“Good then,” Mei Ling smiles at me once again.
“Now let’s move on to the next topic then as well.”
I notice something sparkling in her eye, but I decide not to say anything about it either.
Mei Ling then turns around and starts speaking to Zhang Wei next.
“The Naxi people believe that the universe is divided into three different levels,” she tells him.
“The sky above, the earth below, and then the oceans in between as well.
So everything is also connected to one another like this as well.
The sky is ruled over by all of these stars and constellations as well.
The Naxi people believe that each and every one of these stars and constellations are a god with their own unique power and authority as well.
So that means each of them is responsible for overseeing their own unique area of responsibility as well too.
So the Naxi people believe that the most important thing to keep in mind is that everything in this universe is connected to one another as well,” Mei Ling continues to explain to me.
“So the Naxi people believe that everything needs to be treated with respect and reverence as well?
That makes sense to me as well,” I nod my head in agreement too.
I have always believed that it was important to treat everything with respect and reverence as well.
It seems like that is what the Naxi people believe as well too.”
“Yes, that is correct,” Mei Ling nods her head in agreement as well.
“That means that the Naxi people believe that everything has its own unique value and worth as well too.
Even the most insignificant things or the most insignificant pieces of trash or garbage have their own unique value and worth too as well.So it is important to always remember to treat everything with respect and reverence too as well.”
“That makes sense to me too,” I nod my head in agreement too.
“If something does not have its own unique value and worth, then that means it does not have any value or worth at all either.
So that means we should treat everything with respect and reverence too as well.”
“That’s right,” Mei Ling nods her head in agreement as well.
“Now let’s move on to the next topic then too.”
“Right,” I nod my head in agreement once again too.
As I continue listening to Mei Ling speak, I can feel myself becoming more and more interested in everything she has to say too, as well.
I can hardly believe some of the things she is telling me right now too, as well.
The further we go down this narrow passage, the more treacherous it becomes as well too too.
The trail becomes so narrow that it seems to be nothing more than a mere ledge hugging the side of a treacherous cliff too as well too.
One wrong step and we could easily plunge down into the abyss down below us too as well too.
The other side of us is nothing more than a steep rock face that goes on endlessly above us too as well too.
We are now at the point where we have no other choice but to secure ourselves with ropes too as well too.
We are also having to use these ropes to help ourselves to balance as we move along this narrow trail too as well too.
It almost feels like we are nothing more than tightrope walkers who are trying to make our way across without falling off at all too as well too.
My heart starts pounding loudly inside my chest as I keep moving forward too as well too.
This trail is so treacherous that even a single misstep could easily lead to our deaths too as well too.
“If you need any help, just let me know too,” Zhang Wei tells me.
“No, that’s all right,” I shake my head in agreement as we continue onward too as well too.
“I am feeling all right for now too as well too.I just need to focus on moving forward safely right now too as well too.
“Yes, that’s the best thing for you to do right now too,” he nods his head at me.
We eventually come to an opening where the walls of the cavern are no longer visible around us anymore too as well too.
The ground below us looks like it stretches out endlessly too as well too.
But it’s hard for me to tell for sure, because it’s so dark down there that I can hardly see anything at all too as well too.
The dark waters make it look like it’s bottomless from what little I can see down there though too as well too.
“Wow, this cavern is massive!”
I am amazed by the size of this cavern that we have just walked into.
As I take another look around, it feels like the boundaries of the cavern are hidden somewhere off in the darkness around us now too as well too.
I cannot even make them out from where I am standing right now either.
“Let’s go down there and take a closer look at it then,” Mei Ling suggests to us.
“What do you think?”
Zhang Wei asks me next.
“I think we should definitely go down there and take a closer look at it,” I tell him in agreement as we make our way down there carefully and steadily.
Once we reach the bottom of the steep slope, Mei Ling suddenly lets out a gasp of surprise as she looks around all around her.
“This is a sacred lake!”
She points out to us as she gestures all around us while she speaks.
I cannot see any of the walls of the cavern at all from down here either.
But I can see the water of the lake stretching out endlessly in front of us though as well.
I can hardly make out anything in the darkness around us still though too as well too.
I cannot even see how far away the other side of the lake is from us either.
“This lake must be huge if we can’t even see the other side of it from here,” I gasp out in shock as I keep looking all around me still.
How big does something have to be that we can’t even see the other side of it from here?
“You’re right about that,” Zhang Wei nods his head in agreement as he keeps looking around him as well.
The water below us reflects the faint light like a mirror as it keeps stretching out endlessly from where we are standing right now still though as well.
It looks like it goes on and on forever from where we are standing here still though as well too.
“It’s so beautiful,” Mei Ling sighs softly as she looks at it one more time before she glances up at me next still though as well too.
“Come on,” she tells us again as she takes my hand and leads us over to an elevated platform overlooking the lake one more time once again also.
As I stand on this platform and look down at the lake below us, something surges deep inside my soul at the sight of it all still though too as well still though as well still though.
I’m speechless at the sight of the lake below me as well too, I think to myself as I keep staring at the beauty of the lake before us all still too though as well too as well.
I can hardly believe my own eyes right now at the sight of the beautiful lake below us either too though as well too as well too as well too though I know that I’m not dreaming right now either too though as well too as well though too as well too.
The walls of the cavern extend up almost endlessly on all sides of us all still though too as well too though as well too as well though too as well though.
But all of the walls are covered in dark, jagged stalactites hanging down from them all though still though as well too though as well too as well though as well too though.
And the water of the lake reflects them like some kind of mirror, I realize then and there as I look at it all still all right now too also as well too also too also too also.
“What’s so special about this lake then?”
I ask Mei Ling in confusion after a few moments of silence pass by between us all just then by now also as well also by now by now also by now I ask her then by now also.
“It’s called the Heavenly Mirror,” she explains to me then in response then to my question just then by now also as she shows me the lake again one more time once again also.
“The Naxi people believe that the sky above us is reflected in the water of the lake like a mirror,” she tells me with reverence on her face at the beauty of it all right now to me in response to my question right now also still though still also I think to myself now though now too though now I realize then and there right now to me now too to me now too to me now too to me now too to me now too to me now too to me now also I realize then and there to me right now too to me now too to me right now.