MidReal Story

Ella, who hates werewolves, is


Mar 31
Scenario:Ella, who hates werewolves, is confronted by one at work and finds out that her best friend and roommate, Lily, has been claimed by a werewolf.
Create my version of this story
Ella, who hates werewolves, is confronted by one at work and finds out that her best friend and roommate, Lily, has been claimed by a werewolf.
I’ve never hidden the fact that I hate werewolves.
In fact, I have a sign on my door that says, “No Werewolves Allowed.” It’s pretty hard to take me seriously, though, considering the red and white polka dots that decorate the paper the words are printed on.
I know it’s a bit childish.
Okay, so maybe a lot childish, but I can’t help it.
Werewolves have been the bane of my existence ever since that fateful night when I was six years old and my entire family was slaughtered by them.
So, when Lily, my best friend and roommate, came home yesterday talking about how cool werewolves are and how she’s going to date one, I pretty much lost it.
The guy has fangs and fur, for God’s sake.
He’s not dateable.
He’s eatable.
But of course, Lily being Lily, she refuses to listen to reason, and the two of us ended up in a screaming match that lasted over an hour before we finally agreed to disagree.
I’m sure we’ll pick the fight up again later on this evening after I get home from work.
As a writer for the local newspaper in our town of Leland, Massachusetts, my hours can be pretty unpredictable.
I often work late into the night in order to meet my deadlines.
Lily usually takes this opportunity to make dinner for me and check in on how I’m doing—or if I’ve heard from our new boss yet.
She’s been doing it all week long since we found out our old boss had been murdered by another pack of werewolves.
I do my best to avoid the subject altogether and have nothing to report when she asks me if I’ve seen him.
For all she knows, I could be holed up in an office all day long with no windows to the outside world.
Unfortunately, that’s not the case.
My office is one of the few in the entire building that actually has windows and gets plenty of sunlight throughout the day.
It also has a wonderful view of the ocean, which is one of the reasons I love my job so much.
Lily chose tonight to bring me a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs as my dinner for the evening.
She claimed she was trying to be nice and bring me food for once instead of leaving me to fend for myself with a bag of potato chips and a jar of salsa from the fridge.
But the truth is, she wanted an excuse to come check up on me and see if I’d heard anything about our new boss.
She’s hopeful I might have even met him by now and just neglected to tell her about it.
As far as she’s concerned, he’s a great guy who will go easy on us during his first week on the job since we’re still in mourning over our last boss’s death only a few days ago.
Yeah right—I’ll believe that when pigs fly.
The man is an alpha werewolf for God’s sake—a guy who’s used to being in control and doesn’t like being told what to do by a little human like me.