MidReal Story

Ella is concerned about her be


Mar 31
Scenario:Ella is concerned about her best friend Sebastian's recent change in behavior, but when they see each other at a party, there is still a connection between them and Ella hopes to get closer to him despite their changing relationship.
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Ella is concerned about her best friend Sebastian's recent change in behavior, but when they see each other at a party, there is still a connection between them and Ella hopes to get closer to him despite their changing relationship.
The air is warm and vibrant with the sound of laughter, and I can’t help but feel excited as I step into the living room of Lily Evans’s house.
The walls are covered in twinkling fairy lights, and there are colorful decorations hanging from the ceiling.
People are huddled in groups, chatting and laughing over plastic cups full of beer.
It seems like every single person in our year is here, and the atmosphere is buzzing.
Parties at Lily’s house are always the best.
But as I walk further into the room, my stomach clenches with a heavy feeling of dread.
I can’t believe he’s not here.
I’ve been worrying about him for weeks, but I’d hoped that maybe tonight I’d get to see him again.
I haven’t spoken to Sebastian properly since before Easter.
If you could even call our last conversation a conversation.
He’d been acting so weird, so cold and distant.
It felt like he was shutting me out on purpose, and it hurt so much that I was almost physically sick.
But it’s not just that.
He’d been different before that too, for months.
Ever since we came back to school after the summer break he seemed more distant than usual.
It’s like he didn’t want to be around me at all.
But he was my best friend before anything else, and I just can’t let go of him like that.
Not without a fight, at least.
My eyes dart around the room, searching for a mop of blond hair or a tall frame that might indicate his presence, but there’s no sign of him anywhere.
Maybe he’s not coming to the party after all?
Maybe he’s not even in town tonight?
But then again, why wouldn’t he be here?
Lily throws great parties, and there’s no way he would have missed it if he’d been around.
A flash of movement catches my eye, and my heart leaps into my throat when I spot him on the other side of the room, talking to some of his teammates from the school football team.
For a moment, I can’t breathe.
The sight of him is such a shock, and I feel so relieved that I have to resist the urge to run across the room and throw myself into his arms.
I need to see him.
I need to talk to him.
I need to know he’s okay.
Oblivious to what I’m about to do, I start making my way through the crowd, pushing my way past people and trying not to spill my drink, which is sloshing around in its plastic cup.
Every time someone bumps into me or steps on my toes, I have to swallow down an angry response.
I don’t have time for this.
I have to get to him.
The closer I get, the more I realize how angry I am with him.
How upset I am.
I can hardly believe he’s doing this to me.
To us.
To our friendship.
And then I’m standing in front of him, and everything else fades away.