MidReal Story

Chapter One Marcus I’m not a gambler. I never have been. I don’t play the lottery or visit casinos. The thought of losing for the mere possibility of gaining just isn’t in my nature. But tonight I’m feeling lucky. I make my way through the dark alley, stepping over the occasional pool of oily rainwater and ignoring the rats that scurry beneath the dumpsters. I’m armed with nothing but my wits and my skill. And my charm. I can’t forget the charm. It’s as much a weapon as any other. The air is heavy with the scent of stale alcohol and rotting garbage, and I hold my breath as I walk past a pile of boxes that’s been there so long it’s practically part of the infrastructure. The brick wall on my left is painted with a mural of some long-forgotten activist, and I take a moment to admire the piece before continuing on my way. Up ahead, I see him. He’s just as I pictured him—scruffy beard, dark hair, and clothes that are too nice for this neighborhood. He glances at his watch and looks around the alley. I can see the tension in his shoulders as he waits for me to arrive. He’s anxious to get this over with and move on, but I’m going to make him wait just a little longer. I stop in front of him and allow myself a moment to size up the competition. He’s tall—almost as tall as me—and his eyes shine with a dangerous combination of intelligence and desperation. He studies me with an intensity that’s almost unsettling, but I refuse to be intimidated. “So you’re the guy,” he says. I nod and lean against the brick wall behind me. “And you’re Simon.” His face goes pale, but he quickly recovers. “You know who I am?” “I know everything about you.” I flash him what I hope is a charming smile, though it’s hard to tell in this light. “Simon Jameson, age thirty-eight. Born in New Jersey, moved to Boston three years ago. You work as a computer programmer at an insurance company during the day and spend your nights playing poker in back rooms and dark alleys like this one.” Simon raises his eyebrows in surprise. “You’ve been doing your homework.” I shrug, trying to look nonchalant. “I like to know who I’m dealing with.” “Right.” Simon looks me up and down, taking in my dark suit and expensive shoes. “So what do you want?” I push away from the wall and step closer to him, crowding his personal space. “I’m here to make you an offer.” Simon’s eyes narrow slightly, and he takes a step back to regain some breathing room. “What kind of offer?” “The kind that could change your life.” I pause for dramatic effect before continuing. “Or it could destroy it.” Simon’s eyes flash with anger, but he doesn’t say anything. He just waits for me to continue. “I’m going to propose a game,” I tell him, “a game unlike anything you’ve ever played before.” Simon crosses his arms over his chest and nods slowly, like he’s heard this all before. Maybe he has. “This game will push you to your limits,” I tell him, “test your skill, your nerve, your resolve.” Simon raises an eyebrow. “And what’s in it for you?” “Satisfaction,” I say with a smile. “That’s all I want.”


Mar 19
Scenario:attractive, muscular black man, and the very good looking bald white male meet in a dark alley decide to play naked, backgammon. Hot, sexy, hilarity ensues.
Create my version of this story
attractive, muscular black man, and the very good looking bald white male meet in a dark alley decide to play naked, backgammon. Hot, sexy, hilarity ensues.
Chapter OneMarcusI’m not a gambler. I never have been. I don’t play the lottery or visit casinos. The thought of losing for the mere possibility of gaining just isn’t in my nature.But tonight I’m feeling lucky.I make my way through the dark alley, stepping over the occasional pool of oily rainwater and ignoring the rats that scurry beneath the dumpsters. I’m armed with nothing but my wits and my skill. And my charm. I can’t forget the charm. It’s as much a weapon as any other.The air is heavy with the scent of stale alcohol and rotting garbage, and I hold my breath as I walk past a pile of boxes that’s been there so long it’s practically part of the infrastructure. The brick wall on my left is painted with a mural of some long-forgotten activist, and I take a moment to admire the piece before continuing on my way.Up ahead, I see him.He’s just as I pictured him—scruffy beard, dark hair, and clothes that are too nice for this neighborhood. He glances at his watch and looks around the alley. I can see the tension in his shoulders as he waits for me to arrive. He’s anxious to get this over with and move on, but I’m going to make him wait just a little longer.I stop in front of him and allow myself a moment to size up the competition. He’s tall—almost as tall as me—and his eyes shine with a dangerous combination of intelligence and desperation. He studies me with an intensity that’s almost unsettling, but I refuse to be intimidated.“So you’re the guy,” he says.I nod and lean against the brick wall behind me. “And you’re Simon.”His face goes pale, but he quickly recovers. “You know who I am?”“I know everything about you.” I flash him what I hope is a charming smile, though it’s hard to tell in this light. “Simon Jameson, age thirty-eight. Born in New Jersey, moved to Boston three years ago. You work as a computer programmer at an insurance company during the day and spend your nights playing poker in back rooms and dark alleys like this one.”Simon raises his eyebrows in surprise. “You’ve been doing your homework.”I shrug, trying to look nonchalant. “I like to know who I’m dealing with.”“Right.” Simon looks me up and down, taking in my dark suit and expensive shoes. “So what do you want?”I push away from the wall and step closer to him, crowding his personal space. “I’m here to make you an offer.”Simon’s eyes narrow slightly, and he takes a step back to regain some breathing room. “What kind of offer?”“The kind that could change your life.” I pause for dramatic effect before continuing. “Or it could destroy it.”Simon’s eyes flash with anger, but he doesn’t say anything. He just waits for me to continue.“I’m going to propose a game,” I tell him, “a game unlike anything you’ve ever played before.”Simon crosses his arms over his chest and nods slowly, like he’s heard this all before. Maybe he has.“This game will push you to your limits,” I tell him, “test your skill, your nerve, your resolve.”Simon raises an eyebrow. “And what’s in it for you?”“Satisfaction,” I say with a smile. “That’s all I want.”
Simon doesn’t look convinced. “What kind of game is this?” he asks, his voice a little shaky.“It’s a simple game, really,” I tell him. “A game of chance and strategy. A game that will reveal your true nature and show us both what you’re really made of.”Simon swallows, and I can see the fear in his eyes, but he’s trying to hide it. “And if I refuse to play?”I smile. “You won’t refuse.”I turn and start walking away, knowing that Simon will follow. He doesn’t disappoint. After a moment, he hurries to catch up with me.“Wait, where are you going?” he asks.“If you want to know more, you’ll have to follow me,” I say over my shoulder. “But be warned, this is your last chance to walk away.”I stop and turn to face him. “No one’s forcing you to be here. If you don’t think you can handle what’s coming, just say the word and we’ll call the whole thing off.”Simon hesitates for a moment, then takes a deep breath and squares his shoulders. “I can handle it,” he says.
I nod approvingly. “Good. I like a man who’s not afraid to take risks.”Simon’s eyes flash with anger again, but it’s quickly replaced by determination. He walks up to me and looks me straight in the eye.“Now tell me about this game,” he says. “And tell me why I should trust you.”I smile and hold out my hand. “My name is Marcus,” I say.Simon shakes my hand firmly. “Simon.”We stand there for a moment, our hands clasped together, locked in a silent battle of wills. Finally, I speak.“I’ll tell you about the game once we reach our destination.” I look around the alleyway, but there’s nothing to see except trash cans and graffiti-covered walls. “Which should be any minute now.”“What do you mean?” Simon asks.“Just wait,” I tell him.A few seconds later, a black limo pulls up at the end of the alleyway and honks its horn.“After you,” I say.Simon looks at me suspiciously, then starts walking towards the limo. When he reaches the door, the chauffeur opens it for him, and he climbs inside.Once Simon is safely out of sight, I pull out my phone and call my driver.“You can come pick him up now,” I say.“Are you sure?”the voice on the other end asks.“Is he going to play along?”“He has no choice.” I smile as I watch my hand shake uncontrollably on my screen.“Just make sure he gets to the penthouse in one piece.”“Of course, Mr. Black.” The call ends, and I feel a wave of relief wash over me as I take a deep breath.Everything is going according to plan.Chapter Two
I remember the night I met Marcus vividly.He was the most charming man I’d ever laid eyes on, and from the moment he walked into the club, I knew I had to have him.We spent hours talking and laughing over drinks, and by the end of the night, I was completely infatuated with him.It wasn’t until much later that I realized who he really was and what he was capable of.The memory of that night still sends shivers down my spine, but it also reminds me of how far I’ve come since then.I may have made some mistakes in my past, but I’ve worked hard to put them behind me and build a better future for myself.I remember his touch like it was yesterday.Marcus was standing close to me, his tall frame towering over mine.He had a commanding presence that I found both intimidating and irresistible.When he reached out and gently traced his finger along my jawline, I felt a shiver run down my spine.His touch was electric, sending a jolt of excitement through me.I had always been drawn to strong, confident men, and Marcus exuded power and self-assurance.As he looked deep into my eyes and asked if I was ready to play, I knew that I was about to embark on a thrilling journey with this enigmatic stranger.
I remember the way his eyes bored into mine, the mix of emotions swirling within me.I remember the intense moment when I proposed a challenging game to Simon.His eyes filled with anger, but he remained silent, waiting for me to continue.I described the game as one that would push him to his limits, testing his skill, nerve, and resolve.Simon seemed skeptical, questioning my motives.However, I assured him that all I wanted was satisfaction.As I explained the nature of the game - a test of chance and strategy that would reveal his true nature - I could see fear in his eyes.Despite his hesitation, he ultimately decided to follow me, determined to prove himself.I offered him a final chance to walk away, but he chose to stay, declaring that he could handle whatever was to come.I didn’t say anything. He was almost there. He had the most charming smile I’d ever seen in a man. That made him dangerous. But what attracted me to men also made me afraid of them. And this one? He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. That made him more dangerous still. But for now? For now, it was just a game. Nothing more than that. Just a game.When Marcus spoke again, his voice was low and dangerous. “What kind of game?”“You want to know what you’ll get if you win?”He shook his head.“If you win? You get to walk away.” My turn to smile. “Just walk away.”“And if I lose?”“You don’t want to know.”A frown flickered across Marcus’s face. “How do you know I won’t just beat you up and take my money back?”
the end“I don’t.” I ignored the implied threat in his voice, knowing it wasn’t real any more than mine had been. “I guess you’ll have to trust me.”He nodded.“Are you ready?”I could see him thinking about walking away. About what the smart thing to do would be. About all those things he didn’t know about me, but one look at his face told me the answer. He wasn’t going anywhere.“Is that a yes?”His lips parted and my gaze dropped to his mouth, focusing on the way his tongue moved against his teeth as he wet his lips.It was all I could do not to press my own tongue against his mouth, not to taste him.“Yes,” he said at last.“You sure?”Another nod.“Very sure.”I smiled at that. It was exactly what I had wanted to hear.I stepped back from the wall, turned, and started walking. No, not just walking. Strutting. My hips swayed side-to-side with each step, my ass wiggling in time with them.It wasn’t too late for him to change his mind.But he didn’t.He followed me.Chapter TwoMarcus“Where are we going?”I stopped in the middle of the alley and turned around to face him. “This isn’t a game for children.”