MidReal Story

Chapter One As I sat in Dr. Black’s office, I couldn’t help but be skeptical about the new treatment she was suggesting. It seemed like drastic measures to take for a couple of crow’s feet and some laugh lines. “Just try it,” she said. “You don’t have to tell anyone. Just come back in a week and let me know what you think.” I had been coming to see Dr. Evelyn Black for years. She had helped me with everything from hormonal mood swings to that nagging pain in my back that just wouldn’t go away. She was a miracle worker, so I had no reason to doubt her now. “Alright,” I said, reluctantly. She grinned and went over to the shelf at the other side of the room. She rummaged around for a moment before pulling out a small, amber glass bottle. “This is it,” she said. “Just apply a little bit of it to the affected areas before bed.” She handed the bottle over to me and I took it, turning it in my hands. It felt heavy for its size and cold to the touch. “Is it safe?” I asked. “What if I have a bad reaction to it?” “You won’t,” she said, her smile not diminishing one bit. “I promise.” I wasn’t one to blindly trust people, but Dr. Black was different. I trusted her implicitly, so if she said this stuff was safe, I believed her. “I’ll see you in a week then,” I said, rising from the chair. “Yes,” she said, just as much a question as an agreement. “Thank you, doctor.” “You’re welcome, Claire.” As I drove home, I wondered what exactly was in that little glass bottle. The label hadn’t been helpful at all. It had simply read ‘Glycolic Acid.’ Once home, I decided to take Dr. Black at her word and give it a try tonight. If it was going to work exactly as she said it would, then the crows feet and laugh lines would be gone by morning. I knew it sounded crazy, but I had seen Dr. Black do crazier things with less than this. I washed my face and applied the product as per Dr. Black’s instructions. The product had no scent at all and was a clear liquid that dried quickly after application. I thought I saw something change in my skin right before my eyes, but when I blinked, it was gone.

Scenario:A woman of fifty or older notices that her skin is aging, and a friend suggests that she use glycolid acid.
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A woman of fifty or older notices that her skin is aging, and a friend suggests that she use glycolid acid.
Chapter OneAs I sat in Dr. Black’s office, I couldn’t help but be skeptical about the new treatment she was suggesting. It seemed like drastic measures to take for a couple of crow’s feet and some laugh lines.“Just try it,” she said. “You don’t have to tell anyone. Just come back in a week and let me know what you think.”I had been coming to see Dr. Evelyn Black for years. She had helped me with everything from hormonal mood swings to that nagging pain in my back that just wouldn’t go away. She was a miracle worker, so I had no reason to doubt her now.“Alright,” I said, reluctantly.She grinned and went over to the shelf at the other side of the room. She rummaged around for a moment before pulling out a small, amber glass bottle.“This is it,” she said. “Just apply a little bit of it to the affected areas before bed.”She handed the bottle over to me and I took it, turning it in my hands. It felt heavy for its size and cold to the touch.“Is it safe?” I asked. “What if I have a bad reaction to it?”“You won’t,” she said, her smile not diminishing one bit. “I promise.”I wasn’t one to blindly trust people, but Dr. Black was different. I trusted her implicitly, so if she said this stuff was safe, I believed her.“I’ll see you in a week then,” I said, rising from the chair.“Yes,” she said, just as much a question as an agreement.“Thank you, doctor.”“You’re welcome, Claire.”As I drove home, I wondered what exactly was in that little glass bottle. The label hadn’t been helpful at all. It had simply read ‘Glycolic Acid.’Once home, I decided to take Dr. Black at her word and give it a try tonight. If it was going to work exactly as she said it would, then the crows feet and laugh lines would be gone by morning.I knew it sounded crazy, but I had seen Dr. Black do crazier things with less than this.I washed my face and applied the product as per Dr. Black’s instructions. The product had no scent at all and was a clear liquid that dried quickly after application.I thought I saw something change in my skin right before my eyes, but when I blinked, it was gone.
I thought I saw something change in my skin right before my eyes, but when I blinked, it was gone. I shrugged it off as a trick of the light and went to bed.The next morning, I was surprised to find that the laugh lines around my mouth were almost completely gone. I also noticed that the crows feet at the corners of my eyes were much less pronounced.“Wow,” I breathed, reaching for my glasses and slipping them on. The skin under my eyes looked much better already.I knew that if I kept using the Glycolic Acid, it would only get better from there.As I continued to look in the mirror, I realized that my skin itself seemed to glow. I had never had the greatest complexion, but now it was almost as if I had never had pimples in my life. Dr. Black really did know what she was doing.
I couldn’t help but grin at myself in the mirror. For a few seconds, I was twenty again. But as quickly as it had come, the feeling was gone. I looked back at my reflection and saw the same middle-aged woman staring back at me that I had seen every day for the last thirty years of my life.I shook my head. This stuff was too good to be true. No wonder Dr. Black had been so secretive about it.I got dressed and off to work I went. As soon as I entered the building, I could feel the difference that the few lines removed from my face made. People were looking at me differently; more people said ‘hello’ to me than they ever had before. It was like being a little younger made everyone else think I was more approachable or something.The men in the office had been looking at me differently all day; with a glimmer in their eyes that I hadn’t seen since I was in my late twenties. It was almost like they didn’t see me as a person anymore, but rather a piece of meat.It wasn’t until my boss, Mr. Thompson (no relation), called me into his office that I realized what might be going on.He stood up as soon as he saw me, walking over to his door and holding it open for me.“Good morning, Mr. Thompson,” I said, walking into his office and sitting down in front of his desk.“I just wanted to ask you some questions about your report from last week,” he said, closing the door behind him and standing right next to me instead of going back to his own desk.I couldn’t help but wonder why he was standing so close to me.Thompson cleared his throat awkwardly and sat down at his desk, pulling up a report on his computer.“Never mind,” he said, still not meeting my gaze.“It’s fine.”