MidReal Story


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Chapter One
The city is a dark place.
My father used to say that, and I find no comfort in the knowledge that he was right.
In a place plagued by corruption and crime, it’s hard to know whom to trust.
I learned that the hard way.
But I’ve given my oath to protect and serve, even when the people I’ve sworn to protect are the ones I need to fear the most.
My name is Sarah, and I’m a detective with the Boston PD. I walk the line between good and evil every day.
Some days, it’s harder than others to know which side I’m on.
I’m about to walk into the police station when a woman rushes past me, her eyes wide with terror. Her scream stills the air as she runs, legs pumping, into the night. Moments later, a man lurches from the alleyway, his eyes shadowed as he scans the deserted street. He sees me at the curb and waves me over.
“You seen a woman?” he asks, eyes darting around as if he expects her to jump out at any moment.
“Running? Yeah,” I tell him, “but I didn’t see which way she went.”
“Shit,” he mutters, running a hand through his hair. “What was she doing?”
I hesitate for just a second before I answer. “She was screaming.”
“Fuck!” he growls, kicking the trash cans stacked at the end of the alley.
“Do you need help?” I ask. I scan the street for a cruiser, but it’s late, and it’s just us here.
He looks at me then, really looks at me. His eyes are blue in the dim light, but they’re not calm. They’re desperate, like a drowning man reaching out for help. And when he looks at me, straight into my soul, it’s like all his fear and pain and desperation become my own.
“Yeah,” he says finally. “Yeah, I need your help.”
And before I know what’s happening, he’s reaching for me.
He’s so close all I can see are his blue eyes. And then his lips are on mine, hot and soft and desperate. And for one brief moment, everything else fades away.
I close my eyes and let myself get lost in the kiss. It’s been so long since I’ve been touched by another human being that it’s almost like an out-of-body experience. Like it’s happening to someone else entirely.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, his voice broken with pain. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” I say. My voice is barely more than a whisper too. “It’s okay.”
He steps back from me and disappears into the night.
I stand there for a second, my body humming with energy. The kiss was over too soon.
I pull open the door and step into the police station. The lobby is deserted this time of night. Or morning. It’s hard to keep track when you work the night shift.
I head down the hall toward my office.
“Detective McCree!” A young officer stands up from behind his desk and waves me over.
I hurry toward him, my heels clicking on the tile floor.
“What do we have?” I ask as soon as I reach him.
“We got another one.” He nods toward an open file on his desk. “Looks like our guy is back.”