MidReal Story

Chapter One Captain Amelia Black had never felt so terrified in her life. Her heart thudded in her chest, pounding in a rhythm that was almost painful. She could feel the sweat that dripped from her brow and snaked down her neck, sticking to her skin and chilling it as it went. Her fingers were clenched so tightly on the stick in her hands that her knuckles were white, and she had to physically stop herself from shaking out of control. The aircraft she was flying was unlike anything she had ever seen before. It was massive, easily the length of a football field, with two huge wings jutting out from its sides. But while its size was impressive, it wasn’t what had caught Amelia’s attention. It was more the fact that the aircraft was so old. Even with its advanced technology, there was no mistaking the fact that it was far from a modern piece of machinery. It was also unlike anything Amelia had ever flown before. She had been a pilot for most of her adult life, and she considered herself pretty good behind the controls of just about any aircraft. But this thing… It was so old, so different from anything she had flown before that it was taking all of Amelia’s skill to keep her from crashing into the side of a mountain. The aircraft’s controls were old too. They were clunky and outdated, and the whole thing felt like it might fall apart at any moment. Amelia had a feeling that if she looked behind her, she would see all sorts of exposed wires and missing parts. And for someone like Amelia, who was used to only flying the most advanced prototypes, this aircraft was a complete nightmare. But as terrifying as this aircraft was to fly, it wasn’t nearly as scary as the storm that raged around them. Amelia had never seen anything like it before. The skies on this planet were normally clear and blue, but now they were filled with dark clouds that rolled ominously above the aircraft. They were almost black in color, blacker than any storm clouds Amelia had ever seen before, and they gave off an eerie glow that lit up the night sky. But while the clouds were strange enough on their own, it was the lightning that they produced that scared Amelia the most. This lightning wasn’t like any Amelia had ever seen before. It wasn’t bright and white or even the vibrant blue that Amelia had come to associate with lightning. This lightning was a deep, dark purple color, a color that Amelia had never seen in nature before, and it glowed in the stormy sky above them. But what really terrified Amelia about this lightning was its power. It was so strong that it shook the entire aircraft, almost knocking Amelia right out of her seat. It struck out from the storm cloud above them and hit the ground with a deafening crash that made Amelia wince in pain. It sounded like a bomb going off, and it was so loud that it made her ears ring. But as loud as this sound was, it wasn’t what scared Amelia the most. It was what happened after this sound that really terrified her. It was when things came flying out of the storm cloud above them, pelting down on the aircraft with a force that Amelia could feel in every bone in her body. It was when chunks of ice and rocks started slamming into the aircraft’s windshield, cracking it until it almost broke in half. And it was when bolts of purple lightning started shooting out from the storm cloud and striking out at them, making it almost impossible for Amelia to get control of the aircraft. But as scary as this storm was, it wasn’t what terrified Amelia the most. What terrified her was what she knew would happen next.

Scenario:a huge aircraft Beyond the ocean, it looks like a egg with bumps
Create my version of this story
a huge aircraft Beyond the ocean, it looks like a egg with bumps
Chapter OneCaptain Amelia Black had never felt so terrified in her life.Her heart thudded in her chest, pounding in a rhythm that was almost painful. She could feel the sweat that dripped from her brow and snaked down her neck, sticking to her skin and chilling it as it went. Her fingers were clenched so tightly on the stick in her hands that her knuckles were white, and she had to physically stop herself from shaking out of control.The aircraft she was flying was unlike anything she had ever seen before. It was massive, easily the length of a football field, with two huge wings jutting out from its sides. But while its size was impressive, it wasn’t what had caught Amelia’s attention. It was more the fact that the aircraft was so old. Even with its advanced technology, there was no mistaking the fact that it was far from a modern piece of machinery.It was also unlike anything Amelia had ever flown before. She had been a pilot for most of her adult life, and she considered herself pretty good behind the controls of just about any aircraft. But this thing… It was so old, so different from anything she had flown before that it was taking all of Amelia’s skill to keep her from crashing into the side of a mountain.The aircraft’s controls were old too. They were clunky and outdated, and the whole thing felt like it might fall apart at any moment. Amelia had a feeling that if she looked behind her, she would see all sorts of exposed wires and missing parts. And for someone like Amelia, who was used to only flying the most advanced prototypes, this aircraft was a complete nightmare.But as terrifying as this aircraft was to fly, it wasn’t nearly as scary as the storm that raged around them.Amelia had never seen anything like it before. The skies on this planet were normally clear and blue, but now they were filled with dark clouds that rolled ominously above the aircraft. They were almost black in color, blacker than any storm clouds Amelia had ever seen before, and they gave off an eerie glow that lit up the night sky.But while the clouds were strange enough on their own, it was the lightning that they produced that scared Amelia the most.This lightning wasn’t like any Amelia had ever seen before. It wasn’t bright and white or even the vibrant blue that Amelia had come to associate with lightning. This lightning was a deep, dark purple color, a color that Amelia had never seen in nature before, and it glowed in the stormy sky above them.But what really terrified Amelia about this lightning was its power.It was so strong that it shook the entire aircraft, almost knocking Amelia right out of her seat. It struck out from the storm cloud above them and hit the ground with a deafening crash that made Amelia wince in pain. It sounded like a bomb going off, and it was so loud that it made her ears ring.But as loud as this sound was, it wasn’t what scared Amelia the most. It was what happened after this sound that really terrified her.It was when things came flying out of the storm cloud above them, pelting down on the aircraft with a force that Amelia could feel in every bone in her body. It was when chunks of ice and rocks started slamming into the aircraft’s windshield, cracking it until it almost broke in half. And it was when bolts of purple lightning started shooting out from the storm cloud and striking out at them, making it almost impossible for Amelia to get control of the aircraft.But as scary as this storm was, it wasn’t what terrified Amelia the most. What terrified her was what she knew would happen next.
Every time the lightning struck out from the storm above them, it would hit the aircraft with a force that made it shake, almost tearing it apart in mid-air. And every time this happened, it would come closer and closer to hitting one of the engines. Amelia didn’t know what would happen if this storm hit one of the engines, but she had a feeling that they wouldn’t be able to keep flying for much longer.Amelia had known that it was only a matter of time before this storm caught up to them, and she had done everything she could to keep it from hitting them. They had been flying at top speed, but it had been no use. The storm had been gaining on them the entire time, and now it was finally catching up.She didn’t know what to do. She had never flown an aircraft through a storm before, and she had no idea how to get out of this one. She was already flying as fast as she could, and the storm was still gaining on them. She didn’t think there was any way they could get out of this alive.“Hold on!” she shouted over the intercom. “This is going to get bumpy!”Amelia pulled back on the control stick as hard as she could, trying to get the aircraft to climb faster. She pushed the throttle forward, giving them as much power as she dared, and prayed that they could get out of this.The aircraft shook as it climbed higher into the sky. The engines roared with power, and the air around them was filled with the sound of breaking glass and shouting voices as the crew tried to hold on.And then, all at once, the shaking stopped.Amelia blinked in surprise as the aircraft emerged from the storm cloud above them, and for a moment, she didn’t know what to do.