MidReal Story

Pearl and Marina discuss the next splatfest theme, in the Background, we see a Inkling Girl who seems to be a new gal. The Inkling Girl, names herself NyaHarmony☆ NyaHarmony is curious and checks out everywhere, and goes to the Deca Tower, for Her First Turf War, she had waited for this moment.

Scenario:Inkopolis Square, Splatoon
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Inkopolis Square, Splatoon
Pearl and Marina discuss the next splatfest theme, in the Background, we see a Inkling Girl who seems to be a new gal. The Inkling Girl, names herself NyaHarmony☆ NyaHarmony is curious and checks out everywhere, and goes to the Deca Tower, for Her First Turf War, she had waited for this moment.Chapter OneInkopolis Square was packed. Its neon green and hot pink streets were lined with food vendors and clothing stores all competing for attention. Squid Sisters merchandise was everywhere, from T-shirts to water bottles and even a dedicated hair salon that specialized in the latest Inkling trends. The central plaza was a sprawling, open-air space with a massive stage at its center, where the Squid Sisters themselves would perform. Next to the stage was a large, holographic screen that displayed the current standings of the latest Splatfest, a monthly event that pitted Inklings against Octolings in a heated competition to decide which side was the best.On the outskirts of the plaza was a small, unassuming building with a sign that read “Off the Hook.” Inside, Marina operated a holographic projection system that allowed her to chat with fans of the band and give them the latest news on upcoming Splatfests.“Yo, Marina!” Pearl called out from her perch on a black leather couch. She was stuffing her face with what appeared to be an entire tray of pizza rolls.Marina pretended not to notice as she adjusted her headset. “What’s up, Pearl?”“Any ideas for the next Splatfest?” Pearl asked, swallowing an entire pizza roll in one bite. “I’m running dry over here.”Marina’s fingers flew over her keyboard as she typed “Splatfest ideas” into a search engine. “Well,” she said, scanning the search results, “How about ‘Squid Sisters versus Off the Hook’?”“Nah, too easy,” Pearl replied.“Tentacles versus Tails?”Pearl grimaced and shook her head.“Rainbow versus Black and White?”“Boring.”Marina sighed and continued scrolling through the list of ideas. She had been working at Off the Hook for several months now, ever since her band had won the final Splatfest before she joined up with Pearl and Marina. At first, it had been a bit overwhelming. As an Octoling, she still felt like something of an outsider most of the time, and she wasn’t sure how to fit in with her new bandmates. However, as time went on, she began to feel more comfortable around them, and she even started to think of them as friends.“Hey,” Pearl said suddenly. “What about ‘Inkling Girls versus Octoling Girls’?”Marina blinked in surprise. “Oh. Um, sure. That sounds good.”“Awesome! I’ll tell Sheldon to get ready for a splatfest announcement.”As Pearl bounded off to make the call, Marina slouched back in her chair and let out a deep breath. She still couldn’t believe how much her life had changed in such a short amount of time. A year ago, she had been just another student at Octo Valley Elementary School. Now, she was living in Inkopolis Square and performing in front of thousands of adoring fans every week.Just then, a familiar face appeared on her computer screen. It was Agent 4, one of the top-ranked Inklings working for Inkopolis Defense Force.“Hey,” he said with a smile. “Sorry I’m late.”“No problem,” Marina replied.
Agent 4 had been investigating some strange occurrences in Inkopolis Square over the past week, and he had asked Marina to help him out. She had been curious about what he had discovered, so she had offered to meet him in private so they could discuss it without attracting any unwanted attention. She had specifically requested that he not contact her using any of the IDF’s usual channels, as she feared that Judd the Cat might be spying on them.“So,” Marina asked, “did you find anything interesting?”“Actually, yeah,” Agent 4 said. “I was doing some recon in Deca Tower when I saw something weird happening in the street below.”“Really? What did you see?”Agent 4 nodded. “It looked like a bunch of people were attacking each other with their bare hands. They were covered in some kind of black ink, and their eyes were completely white.”Marina’s eyes widened. “That’s awful! Did you get a chance to take any pictures?”“Yeah, but not for long. I had to get out of there before they saw me.”Marina nodded grimly. “Do you know what this means?”“What?”She turned her computer screen so that Agent 4 could see a news article about the incident in question.“I’m afraid it might be the work of those rogue Inklings I told you about.”Agent 4 scowled. “The ones that kidnapped the Squid Sisters?”“Yeah,” Marina replied. “I’ve been trying to track them down, but they keep covering their tracks.”“We have to stop them!” Agent 4 said, clenching his fists.Marina nodded. “I agree. We have to put a stop to this madness before anyone else gets hurt.”“Do you have any idea where they might be hiding?”Marina hesitated for a moment, then slowly nodded. She had recently received an anonymous tip that suggested the rogue Inklings might be hiding out in an abandoned factory near Inkopolis Square. However, she wasn’t sure if she could trust the source of the information. The tipster had refused to meet with her in person, and had only communicated with her through encrypted messages that were impossible to trace.
we cut back to NyaHarmony, who is dressed up in fresh gear! a school uniform, some dress shoes, and a cuttlefish hairpinNyaHarmony: “I can’t believe this is happening! I’m finally going to meet my favorite idol in person!”NyaHarmony: “I’ve been a huge fan of Tavi for years now. I even got her autograph once, but it was on a piece of paper, so I don’t know if it really counts.”NyaHarmony: “Wait, what’s that?”sfx: clickNyaHarmony: “Oh, it’s just an email. Probably just some spam.”Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and NyaHarmony ran downstairs to answer it. Marina watched curiously as she opened the door and found a small package waiting for her.“Ooh, what is it?” NyaHarmony exclaimed as she hurried back upstairs. She eagerly tore open the package and found a small, black computer chip inside.“That’s strange,” she said, furrowing her brow. “I didn’t order anything…”Marina’s eyes widened as she realized what was happening. “No, wait! Stop!” she cried, as she frantically tried to cut off the transmission, but it was too late. The same creepy music from earlier started playing again, and she crumpled to the floor as the world around her dissolved into darkness.Chapter 3: Attack of the Ink Monsters!
When I came to, I heard Marina’s voice calling my name. As my eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, I saw her standing in front of me, holding her head and looking as confused as I felt.“That was…unexpected,” she said finally.I sat up slowly. “What happened?” I asked.Marina sighed. “It seems that we have an unwelcome visitor. Someone managed to hack into our transmissions and use it against us,” she replied. “Whoever it is has some serious skills.”As I got back on my feet, I noticed that the room had changed. The once brightly lit room we were in was now shrouded in darkness, lit only by flickering red lights that bathed everything in an eerie glow.“What’s going on? Where are we?” I asked.Marina looked around. “I don’t know. This isn’t what I remember. And what’s with all these monitors?” She walked over to one of them and started typing on the keyboard.I joined her. “What are you looking for?” I asked.“This is a different feed from what we normally have,” she said as she typed. “Our transmissions are encrypted with a private code unique to our devices. This means that no one can listen in on our conversations unless they have the key to decrypt our messages.” She turned to me. “The only people who have access to this key are our direct superiors at Grizzco Industries.” She turned back to the computer and kept typing.“You think it’s Mr. Grizz?” I asked.She shook her head. “Even Mr. Grizz doesn’t have access to our private key. He can decrypt our regular messages, but not this one.” She paused and looked at me. “This means that our hacker is someone else.” She went back to typing.
“Who could do this? Who would want to hurt us like this?”“Whoever they are, they must really hate us if they’re willing to go to these lengths to mess with us,” Marina said.“I don’t know,” she said. “But I’m going to find out, and when I do, they’re going to regret ever messing with us.”She went back to typing, her fingers flying across the keyboard faster than I’ve ever seen before. Two minutes later, she sat back in her chair and started laughing.“Figures,” she said.“What is it?” I asked.Marina turned the monitor toward me. It displayed a single message: “Hello there, little Octoling. Looking for someone? Why don’t you come and find me? Unless you’re too scared, that is.”“I don’t believe this,” Marina growled.“Who would do something like this? Who would be twisted enough to mess with our heads like this?”Before I could answer, we both heard a loud crash coming from the other room, followed by something heavy falling to the floor.Marina jumped out of her chair and ran toward the door. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s find out what that was.”I followed her into the next room and saw that it was a large laboratory filled with all sorts of scientific equipment.“Watch your step,” Marina said as we both walked in. “We don’t know what could be waiting for us.”We both looked around, searching for any signs of life.“Is anyone there?” Marina called out.The only thing that answered her was the sound of our footsteps as we both walked around the room.Suddenly, a loud hissing noise echoed throughout the room.“Did you hear that?” I asked.Marina nodded.“It sounded like it’s coming from over there,” she said as she pointed to a small closet in the corner of the room.“It might be our hacker,” I said.“Or it could be a trap,” Marina replied.
NyaHarmony was Looking at her Charger. decorated with all the Stay Fresh Decorations, Nyaharmony held her Ink tank, and her charger, and was prepared.I cautiously approached the closet as the hissing noises became louder.Marina stood behind me, ready for anything.When I reached for the door, a loud growling sound erupted from inside, causing both of us to jump back in surprise.Marina then suddenly charged at the closet door and opened it, revealing a rather unexpected sight inside.To our surprise, the source of the strange noises was none other than Mr.Grizz, the bear who ran Grizzco Industries!He was sitting in a small chair with his arms crossed and wearing a sinister-looking mask over his face.As he removed the mask, he let out an eerie laugh and spoke in a deep voice that sent chills down our spines.“Welcome, my friends,” he said.“Or should I say, former friends?”I immediately recognized his voice as that of Mr.Grizz, the bear who ran Grizzco Industries!“What is going on here?”I asked.“You were the one who hacked into our transmissions,” Marina accused.“Why would you do something like this?”I demanded.“To stop you, my dear,” Mr.Grizz said with a sinister smile.“Stop us from what?”Marina asked.At that, Mr.Grizz got up from his chair and walked over to us.He then reached out his paw and grabbed Marina by the arm.“What are you doing?”I asked as I tried to pull her away.“Let go of her!”“Marina!”I cried.“Let go of her, you fiend!”Mr.