MidReal Story

Chapter One Sarah Reynolds was a skilled pilot. Her last mission had ended in disaster and she’d been injured, but she was ready to take to the skies again. When the Air Force’s top secret government agent approached her, she accepted the opportunity of a lifetime. She was going to be on the front lines of an intergalactic war. Dr. Alex Carter had been raised on an alien planet. He was an astrophysicist and had been assigned to Earth 11 years ago when it became apparent their world was dying. Alex had been born with a genetic curse that gave him a dark secret, one he had to keep hidden from those around him at all costs. When he met Sarah, he knew she was his soulmate. He also knew that she harbored a deep dislike for him and his people. Sarah Reynolds was a skilled pilot. Her last mission had ended in disaster and she’d been injured, but she was ready to take to the skies again. When the Air Force’s top secret government agent approached her, she accepted the opportunity of a lifetime. She was going to be on the front lines of an intergalactic war. Dr. Alex Carter had been raised on an alien planet. He was an astrophysicist and had been assigned to Earth 11 years ago when it became apparent their world was dying. Alex had been born with a genetic curse that gave him a dark secret, one he had to keep hidden from those around him at all costs. When he met Sarah, he knew she was his soulmate. He also knew that she harbored a deep dislike for him and his people. Sarah Reynolds Sarah Reynolds woke up screaming. Terror lanced through her as she sat up straight in bed. She was bathed in cold sweat and her heart was pounding as hard as if she’d run a marathon. The images from her dream were still too real, too vivid. “God, not again,” she whispered. She pushed her long dark hair out of her face and rubbed her hands over her eyes, trying to dispel the leftover images from her nightmare. The sound of her cell phone ringing broke through the early morning silence and made her jump. She reached for it, recognizing the ringtone as belonging to her best friend, Angela. “Hello?” “Sarah? Did I wake you?” “Yes.” She glanced at the clock on her nightstand. It was 5:00 A.M. Angela gasped. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t mean to call so early.” “It’s okay.” She yawned, fighting off the fatigue. “What do you want?” “I have some amazing news.” Sarah frowned. Angela wasn’t usually this exuberant unless something really good had happened. “What is it?” “I just got promoted!” Sarah smiled as she felt happiness and pride well up inside her for her friend. “That’s wonderful! Congratulations.” “Thanks.” There was a pause before Angela spoke again. “I start the advanced training next week.” “That’s fantastic.” Sarah only wished she could say the same about her own life. In a few days it would be the one-year anniversary of that awful day when everything had gone wrong for her. She’d hoped the nightmares would have stopped by now, but they hadn’t. “So how are you doing?” Angela asked. “Okay,” Sarah lied. “Are you sure?” “Yeah.” She wasn’t about to admit that last night’s nightmare had been one of the worst yet, or that it had taken several hours before she’d finally fallen asleep at all. The doctors said it would get better with time, but it hadn’t.

Scenario:Galactic Battle between earth and an alien psychic race
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Galactic Battle between earth and an alien psychic race
Chapter OneSarah Reynolds was a skilled pilot. Her last mission had ended in disaster and she’d been injured, but she was ready to take to the skies again. When the Air Force’s top secret government agent approached her, she accepted the opportunity of a lifetime. She was going to be on the front lines of an intergalactic war.Dr. Alex Carter had been raised on an alien planet. He was an astrophysicist and had been assigned to Earth 11 years ago when it became apparent their world was dying. Alex had been born with a genetic curse that gave him a dark secret, one he had to keep hidden from those around him at all costs. When he met Sarah, he knew she was his soulmate. He also knew that she harbored a deep dislike for him and his people.Sarah Reynolds was a skilled pilot. Her last mission had ended in disaster and she’d been injured, but she was ready to take to the skies again. When the Air Force’s top secret government agent approached her, she accepted the opportunity of a lifetime. She was going to be on the front lines of an intergalactic war.Dr. Alex Carter had been raised on an alien planet. He was an astrophysicist and had been assigned to Earth 11 years ago when it became apparent their world was dying. Alex had been born with a genetic curse that gave him a dark secret, one he had to keep hidden from those around him at all costs. When he met Sarah, he knew she was his soulmate. He also knew that she harbored a deep dislike for him and his people.Sarah ReynoldsSarah Reynolds woke up screaming.Terror lanced through her as she sat up straight in bed. She was bathed in cold sweat and her heart was pounding as hard as if she’d run a marathon. The images from her dream were still too real, too vivid.“God, not again,” she whispered.She pushed her long dark hair out of her face and rubbed her hands over her eyes, trying to dispel the leftover images from her nightmare.The sound of her cell phone ringing broke through the early morning silence and made her jump. She reached for it, recognizing the ringtone as belonging to her best friend, Angela. “Hello?”“Sarah? Did I wake you?”“Yes.” She glanced at the clock on her nightstand. It was 5:00 A.M.Angela gasped. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t mean to call so early.”“It’s okay.” She yawned, fighting off the fatigue. “What do you want?”“I have some amazing news.”Sarah frowned. Angela wasn’t usually this exuberant unless something really good had happened. “What is it?”“I just got promoted!”Sarah smiled as she felt happiness and pride well up inside her for her friend. “That’s wonderful! Congratulations.”“Thanks.” There was a pause before Angela spoke again. “I start the advanced training next week.”“That’s fantastic.” Sarah only wished she could say the same about her own life. In a few days it would be the one-year anniversary of that awful day when everything had gone wrong for her. She’d hoped the nightmares would have stopped by now, but they hadn’t.“So how are you doing?” Angela asked.“Okay,” Sarah lied.“Are you sure?”“Yeah.” She wasn’t about to admit that last night’s nightmare had been one of the worst yet, or that it had taken several hours before she’d finally fallen asleep at all. The doctors said it would get better with time, but it hadn’t.
“Have you been trying that new medication the psychiatrist gave you?”“No.” She’d tried it once and it had turned her into a zombie. She’d hated the feeling of not being in control of herself and had thrown the rest of the pills away after that. The nightmares would eventually go away on their own, she was sure of it.“You really should give it a try, sweetie,” Angela said.“I don’t need it.” Sarah hoped Angela would drop the subject, but she should have known better. Her friend was a dog with a bone when it came to things like this.“Sarah, I’m worried about you. It’s been almost a year and—”“A year and two months.” She didn’t want to talk about this.“It’s been almost a year and two months and you still haven’t—”“Angela, please.” Her voice shook. If she allowed herself to think about that day, she’d lose her grip on the tight rein she kept on her emotions. “I don’t want to talk about it.”“I’m sorry,” Angela said. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”“It’s okay.”There was a pause before Angela spoke again. “How are you doing with your therapy?”“Don’t you have to get ready for work?”“Yes, but I’m not going anywhere for another hour.”“I have to get up early this morning.” She didn’t really, but she wanted to end the conversation. Talking about the past was painful, and she really didn’t want to get into all that right now. “Thanks for calling me, though.”“Okay, but we’ll talk more about this later,” Angela said.
Sarah disconnected the call without replying. She knew Angela meant well, but she didn’t want to keep rehashing what had happened that day. It was over and done with, and nothing could change that now. She’d made peace with what had happened—or so she’d thought.She pushed back the covers and rose from the bed, knowing she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep now even if she wanted to. After taking a quick shower she dressed in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, then went downstairs to make herself some breakfast. As she sat at the kitchen table eating her cereal, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right.Sarah had always prided herself on her instincts. For as long as she could remember, they’d never let her down, especially when she was flying. They had saved her life more than once in dangerous situations by warning her of impending danger before it had gotten too close for comfort.She was an excellent fighter pilot, and no one could beat her in the flight simulations. Angela, who was also a fighter pilot, used to tease her about being so good, saying she was like a cat who always managed to land on her feet no matter what.The thought of her best friend made her smile. She and Angela had met at the academy when they were both nineteen years old, and they’d become fast friends. They’d also become roommates, and had kept in touch even after they’d been assigned to different bases after graduation.
Sarah was sure that if Angela hadn’t been so far away when the attack had occurred, she would have been there with her, and maybe things would have turned out differently. She could still remember the last time they’d talked on the phone. Sarah had been about to leave for her next mission, and Angela had called to wish her good luck as usual.“You be careful out there,” Angela had said. “I don’t want anything bad happening to you.”“I can take care of myself, thank you very much,” Sarah had replied.After they’d said their goodbyes, Sarah had hurried up the ramp and into the cockpit of her plane. As soon as she’d finished with the pre-flight checks, she’d taken off with the others.The mission was a standard one and it had been uneventful until Sarah had spotted an alien ship heading for the base.She’d tried to contact the tower to alert them of the incoming ship, but it had been too late.The alien ship had struck the tower head-on, causing it to explode in a huge ball of fire and take out several other buildings as well.Sarah and the others had been ordered to engage the enemy in battle, so she hadn’t been able to check and see if anyone had survived.The battle had been fierce and had lasted for hours before they had finally been able to drive off the alien ships.The base had been saved, but it had come at a terrible cost.Over half of their people had been killed in the attack, and most of their planes had been destroyed or severely damaged.
The remaining pilots had done what they could in order to save as many people as possible and put out as many fires as they could before landing.Sarah had been ordered by command not to land until everything was clear, so in order to fulfill her orders she’d flown back and forth between two mountains that were several miles away from the base in order to make it look as if she were actually doing something important.She’d wanted nothing more than to disobey her orders and help her friends, but she knew that if she did then more people would die and that was something that she couldn’t let happen.Once it had been confirmed that all of the enemy ships had left the area she had landed her plane and jumped out as fast as she could.She had run through the base in a panic, praying that Angela had somehow survived and that she hadn’t seen her plane go down in flames.Unfortunately by the time that Sarah had reached what was left of their building it was too late.Angela had been lying a few feet away from their front door with several pieces of debris on top of her.Her face and body had been covered in blood and Sarah hadn’t been able to tell if any of it had been hers or not.
She had immediately rushed over to her friend and started pulling the debris off of her, crying out for her to wake up.It was no use though. Sarah had known that she was already gone before she even touched her. There was too much blood. Angela had died instantly on impact and there was no way that anyone could have survived such a thing.As much as she wanted to stay with her friend’s body though, someone had grabbed her by the arm and started to pull her away from it.“Let me go!” She had screamed in agony. “You can’t do this! That’s my best friend! Leave me alone!”“Reynolds, you need to get a hold of yourself!” A very angry voice yelled at her. Sarah hadn’t recognized it as being one of her own men so she had tried to pull herself together as best as she could.“Who are you?” She asked between sobs. “What do you want from me?”“You need to get your team together and start a search of the base!” The man yelled at her. “We don’t have time for you to be sitting here like a fucking fool!”Sarah had tried to pull away from him again but he had still been holding onto her arm.“What’s your name?” She had asked him, trying to calm down a little bit more.“My name is Alex Carter,” he had told her. “I am the leader of this operation and you will do what I say!”Sarah had recognized his name immediately and realized that he had been the one who had made the call to send their planes out in the first place.She had known that he was a very important man but didn’t know what to expect if she actually looked at him.“I need you to get your team together now, Reynolds,” he had told her more calmly this time.