MidReal Story

The protagonist, Liam, is deal


Mar 31
Scenario:The protagonist, Liam, is dealing with a troubled past and a struggling sister, but finds some distraction and attraction in a girl named Maya at a party.
Create my version of this story
The protagonist, Liam, is dealing with a troubled past and a struggling sister, but finds some distraction and attraction in a girl named Maya at a party.
The music was loud—too loud—and the lights were flashing on and off, illuminating the room as if someone was flipping a light switch.
The whole apartment was packed with people, and I found myself standing in the middle of the throng with a red cup of beer in my hand.
I didn’t usually come to parties like this.
If I was being honest, I didn’t really come to parties at all.
But tonight, I really needed to get out of my head, out of the house…out of my life.
The weight of everything that had happened this week felt like it was crushing me, and I needed to get away from it all for a little while.
My parents were at a work party tonight and I’d promised them that I’d watch Emily for a few hours while they were gone, but she’d called me from her friend’s house to say she was staying over and that I should go out and have some fun.
After everything that’s gone down this week, you need it.
And so here I was.
I had no idea whose party this was, but he was an acquaintance of mine from school.
I couldn’t remember his name for the life of me.
I’d never been friends with him, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to stop by for a little while.
It was a Friday night, and I didn’t have anything else to do.
School had just started back up again, and I hadn’t reconnected with any of my friends yet.
Not that I had many friends in the first place.
I was too quiet, too introverted.
I was better with numbers than I was with people.
But beyond that, there was no escaping the fact that I just didn’t have time for friends.
I had Emily to worry about, and she took up all my time these days.
So when she’d called me and told me she was staying out for the night, I’d thought this party might be just what I needed.
I could use a little escape from reality right now.
It wasn’t like me to seek solace at a party of all places, but then again, these weren’t normal circumstances.
And if there was one thing this party definitely wasn’t lacking, it was an escape from reality—as long as you were willing to get lost in the crowd for a few hours.
The scent of sweat and alcohol hit my nose as I took a sip from my cup and looked around the room.
It was dark and smoky in here.
The air smelled stale and warm; there were too many bodies crammed into too small of a space.
This place reminded me of everything I hated about parties.
It felt dirty and sticky…and cramped.
As soon as that thought crossed my mind, there was a sudden surge of bodies as a group of partiers stumbled past me, almost pushing me over entirely.
The room was so tightly packed that there wasn’t anywhere for me to go as they pushed me up against some giant speaker at the edge of the room.