MidReal Story

Island Adventures: Courage, Friendship, and Perseverance

Scenario:The characters in this childrens story for 5 to 9yr olds. A sabretooth tiger called Passion. He is very quick and cheeky. A cat whos name is Violet and her special skills is gymnastics, she is always saving people. A dragon called Flash, he is always up for a fight, but the others have to hold him back. They start on an island of native australians, passion gets into trouble, flash wanted to fight them but violet saves the day. Always has a moral story about developing character, doing hard things and celebrates persaverance.
Create my version of this story
The characters in this childrens story for 5 to 9yr olds. A sabretooth tiger called Passion. He is very quick and cheeky. A cat whos name is Violet and her special skills is gymnastics, she is always saving people. A dragon called Flash, he is always up for a fight, but the others have to hold him back. They start on an island of native australians, passion gets into trouble, flash wanted to fight them but violet saves the day. Always has a moral story about developing character, doing hard things and celebrates persaverance.
Passion was throwing pebbles at the natives in the distance.
He had chosen to throw pebbles, among all the other things that could be thrown, because he thought it would be the least harmful.
Passion ran faster than anyone else in the forest, including Flash and Violet.
He was so confident that no one would be able to catch him.
But he had underestimated these natives.
They could not only chase him, but they also threw things back at him!
And they were good at it!
Passion dodged the first boomerang easily.
He looked back and saw that the natives were chasing him with another boomerang in their hands.
It was a small thing that looked harmless, but Passion knew that it could kill a person if it hit the right spot.
He dodged the next boomerang with ease as well, but there were still two more coming right at him.
He looked around for something to hide behind, but there was nothing there except for big trees and bushes.
The boomerangs were catching up to him.
Passion thought about changing direction to confuse the boomerangs.
He tried it, and one of the boomerangs missed him by less than an inch.
But when he turned around again, he saw the second boomerang coming right at his face!
He caught it with his hand.
The sharp end of the boomerang cut into his skin, causing blood to flow out of his hand.
It was painful!
Passion growled.
The natives growled back like a pack of angry dogs.
They kept chasing him.
Passion ran faster and dodged left and right.
But he couldn’t run any faster than he already was, and he couldn’t dodge forever.
His leg hurt where he had been hit by another boomerang earlier, and he was starting to feel tired as well.
The boomerangs kept coming closer and closer!
In the end, Passion could only run into the forest for cover.
But the natives followed him into the forest!
One of them even threw a torch into the bushes along the way, trying to set everything on fire!
Passion ran and ran until he realized that he had been running around in circles.
The forest was full of smoke from the torches, and everything looked hazy.
His eyes hurt from all the smoke, and he felt like throwing up from all the running.
He leaned against a tree to catch his breath and tried to figure out where he was.
But there were still boomerangs coming at him from all directions!
Passion didn’t have time to think about anything else.
He had to run!
He started running again, but this time he wasn’t as fast as before.
His leg hurt so much that he couldn’t run properly anymore!
When he finally managed to run out of the forest, Passion found himself on a beach.
He collapsed onto the sand.
His leg was bleeding and covered in bruises from all the falls earlier.
He looked back and saw that there were still boomerangs flying out of the forest towards him!
And there were more and more of them!
Violet and Flash come in to save the day. Flash wants a fight but violet stops him. Violet says to passion that he shouldnt throw pebbles. Flash fights off the natives
Passion got up again and started running towards the sea to get away from the boomerangs.
But he couldn’t run very fast because his leg hurt too much!
And the boomerangs kept on coming!
They flew faster than the first time because the wind was stronger on the beach!
One of them hit him in the back of his head and he fell onto the sand again!
The impact of another boomerang hitting him in the stomach made him puke blood!
The boomerangs were everywhere!
Passion didn’t know what to do anymore!
He had never thought that throwing pebbles would get him into this much trouble!
If he had known this would happen, he would have never thrown those pebbles!
Passion wanted to cry but he didn’t have time for it!
The only thing he could do was to keep on running towards the trees on the other side of the beach!
The boomerangs stopped chasing him once he entered the forest!
But he was already covered in bruises by then!
He was bleeding from a dozen or so wounds all over his body!
His leg was almost broken from all the falls!
There was a big hole in his stomach where one of the boomerangs had hit him!
Passion wanted to go back and look for Violet and Flash.
But he was too scared to go back there after what had happened earlier.
Even if he went back there, he wouldn’t be able to find them in the smoke anyway.
Passion sat down on the ground and stared out at the sea.
He felt dizzy and couldn’t see properly.
His body hurt so much that he couldn’t feel it anymore.
Passion thought about all the things that had happened earlier.
If only he had never thrown those pebbles…
If only Violet and Flash were here right now…
If only they could take him home now…
If only they could give him something to eat…
If only they could let him sleep for a little while…
If only…
Passion thought about all these things as he watched the sun setting on the horizon.
Everything became blurry in his eyes before long.
The last thing Passion saw before he passed out was a few dark shadows in the distance.
When Passion opened his eyes again, it was already dark.
He sat up and looked around.
Everything was dark and quiet.
There were no sounds of birds or insects anywhere.
Most of the stars in the sky had disappeared as well.
The torches that the natives had thrown earlier were still burning in the forest, but there was no one around them.
And there was no sound of waves crashing on the beach either.
Passion looked down and saw that there were big red stains all over his body.
But most of them had already dried up, so they weren’t bleeding anymore.
There were still a few fresh wounds on his stomach that were bleeding slightly though.
His leg also hurt a lot when he moved it.
It had swollen up quite badly by then!
Passion bit his lip to keep himself from crying out loud as he dragged his injured leg across the sand towards the bushes where he had seen all those fruits earlier.
Bring in some other characters called flash and violet the cat
There were some medicinal plants growing in the bushes.
Passion plucked some leaves and chewed them before spitting them out.
Although it didn’t help with the pain, it did help with the bleeding.
The swelling in his leg went down slightly as well.
Passion plucked some more leaves and stuffed them into his mouth before continuing to walk into the forest.
He wasn’t walking very fast though.
He had to stop every now and then because the pain in his leg was unbearable.
But he kept on walking anyway.
He wanted to go back to the cave where Flash and Violet were waiting for him.
If he stayed here any longer, the blood would clot and he would die for sure.
It would be better to go back and let Flash and Violet take care of him.
He would feel much better if they did that.
So Passion dragged his injured leg across the sand and walked through the forest slowly.
It wasn’t long before he saw a group of dark shadows emerging from the bushes ahead of him.
They were holding torches and walking towards him slowly while talking.
When Passion saw them coming towards him, he panicked and hurriedly hid behind a tree.
He wanted to run away, but the pain in his leg stopped him from doing so.
So he waited behind the tree instead.
It wasn’t long before the dark shadows came near him.
Passion saw that they were all wearing loincloths and carrying bows and arrows on their shoulders.
They had long hair tied up in ponytails as well.
They looked exactly like the dark shadows that had attacked him earlier.
If Passion had been feeling fine at that time, he would have gone forward and talked to them nicely instead of throwing pebbles at them.
But now, it seemed like they had come back again after finding out that he hadn’t died yet.
When Passion thought of this, he panicked even more and hurriedly peeped out from behind the tree to see how many of them there were.
There were five of them altogether!
Passion was about to run away when one of them suddenly stopped and turned around.
“Did you hear something?”
he asked as he looked around suspiciously.
Passion panicked and quickly hid behind the tree again.
He wanted to run away even more now.
But when he moved his injured leg again, it hurt so much that he almost cried out loud again.
He bit his lip tightly and stared at the five dark shadows in front of him.
When they didn’t see anything behind the tree, they continued walking towards him.
Passion was so scared that his body trembled even more than it did before.
But there was nothing he could do about it.
Bertie’s warning suddenly popped up in his mind.
He remembered how Bertie had told him not to go near these people no matter what happened.
If he couldn’t win against them, then it would be better for him to avoid them completely.
When Passion thought of this, he turned around and ran into the forest without thinking too much about it.
Violet was practicing her flips and twists on the beach when she suddenly heard a familiar roar coming from the cliffs above her.
She immediately stopped in her tracks and perked up her ears.
When she heard the roar again, she knew that it was Passion who was calling her.
Violet’s eyes widened and her heart raced.
She hurriedly leaped up the cliffs and made her way towards the direction of the roar as quickly as she could.
When she reached the top, she saw a group of dark shadows standing not far away.
Their backs were facing her, so she couldn’t see their faces clearly.
But she could see clearly that one of the dark shadows was lying on the ground and not moving at all.
There was a pool of blood forming around it as well.
Violet’s heart raced even more when she saw this.
She immediately recognized that the dark shadow lying on the ground was Passion!
She hurriedly called out for him, “Passion, are you okay?What’s wrong with you?”
When the dark shadows heard Violet’s voice, they immediately turned around and looked at her.
Violet’s heart skipped a beat when she saw their faces.
They all had face paint on their faces and looked extremely fierce.
They looked exactly like the people who had carried her away before.
Violet knew that they were not good people.
So when she saw that they were looking at her with a wicked smile on their faces, she hurriedly turned around and ran away.
“Don’t let her get away!
Catch her!”
she heard one of them shouting behind her.
Violet was so scared that her body trembled.
But there was nothing she could do about it.
When she thought of Passion lying on the ground and not moving, she hurriedly picked up speed and ran even faster.
“Stop right there!
We’re not going to hurt you!”
one of them shouted as he chased after Violet.
But Violet didn’t believe him.
She hurriedly leaped up and down through the bushes and trees in order to dodge the arrows that were being shot at her.
It wasn’t long before she reached the beach where Passion was lying.
But when she reached there, she saw that he wasn’t alone anymore.
The five dark shadows had already caught up to her and were surrounding Passion while laughing wickedly.
They were even poking Passion with their bows and arrows as if they were poking at a dead body.
When Passion saw Violet, he hurriedly turned around and shouted, “Run, Violet!
Before he could finish speaking, he saw one of them taking out a boomerang and throwing it at Violet.
When Violet saw this, she quickly dodged and leaped up into the air to avoid being hit by it.
She wasn’t afraid of these people at all.
She rushed forward while leaping up and down acrobatically to dodge all the boomerangs that were being thrown at her.
It wasn’t long before she finally landed next to Passion.
She immediately bent down and checked his condition.
Passion’s leg was injured severely.
He couldn’t move it at all.
There was blood everywhere as well.
He was extremely pale too.
There was no doubt about it that he was dying for sure if she didn’t help him now.
“Passion, what should we do?
We need to go back now!
We must go back now!”
she asked as she panicked while looking at Passion.
“Sorry, Violet!
It’s all my fault for not listening to Bertie’s warning!
I shouldn’t have gone near these people!
I’m so sorry that I’ve involved you in this danger!
But I don’t think we can go back anymore!
I can’t move my leg anymore!
I can’t even stand up anymore!”
Passion said with a grim expression on his face, “As much as I love to be with you, I think you should go back first and seek help from Flash!
I’m not sure if I can make it this time!
But I believe that Flash will definitely be able to save me!”
When Violet heard what Passion said, she immediately shook her head and said, “No, I’m not going back without you!
I won’t leave you alone here!
I’ll do whatever it takes to help you go back with me!”
But Passion kept shaking his head and said, “But I don’t think it’s possible for me to go back with you anymore now that I can’t move my leg anymore!
Please, Violet, go back now and seek help from Flash!
He will definitely be able to save me!
I’ll be waiting for you here!”
he said with a smile on his face and looked at Violet gently.
Violet had no choice but to nod and say, “Alright then, just wait for me here, Passion!
After she finished speaking, she quickly bent down and bit on Passion’s injured leg with her mouth.
She then dragged him to a place with good lighting where she could check on his wound properly and decide on what she should do next.
After she moved him there, she carefully examined his wound and found that his leg was bleeding profusely but there was a clean cut on his wound.
She couldn’t see any signs of infection on his wound either.
Finding out that his wound was clean and didn’t have any signs of infection was a relief for Violet because it meant that he wouldn’t die from an infection.
But because he was losing too much blood, she needed to stop his bleeding first before deciding on what she should do next.
After she checked his wound properly, she quickly hurriedly bent down and licked his wound gently.
It wasn’t long before his wound stopped bleeding and was finally healed as well.
When she saw this, she grinned at Passion with happiness and said, “Passion, your wound has stopped bleeding and is already healed!
You’ll be fine now!
Now let’s go back first before those people come here to get you!”
she said with joy on her face and quickly bent down to ask Passion to get up and go back with her.
But Passion kept shaking his head and said, “I’ve already told you that I can’t move my leg anymore!
Please leave me behind and go back by yourself first!
Don’t worry about me!
I’ll be fine here!
I’m sure I can survive this!”
he said with a worried expression on his face as he looked at Violet with pity in his eyes.
Violet sighed and shook her head, “No, I won’t leave you behind!
I’ll take you back by myself no matter what!”
Flash comes and svaes the day. He is a dragon.
As soon as she finished speaking, Violet quickly bent down and said, “Quickly get on my back now!”
she said to Passion immediately as she bent down in front of him and gestured for him to get on her back.
When Passion heard this, he quickly climbed onto Violet’s back and lay on it with his injured leg hanging down looking very painful while he did so.
After he sat on Violet’s back properly, Violet made sure that he was sitting securely on her back first before she stood up and began running towards the cliffs where her home was located at her fastest speed with Passion on her back.
Although Passion wasn’t heavy, running with someone sitting on her back still made it hard for her to run fast especially when she was in such a hurry at the moment as well which made it even harder for her to run fast too since she had to carry someone on her back while running too which also made it harder for her to run fast as well.
But even so, she still gritted her teeth and ran as fast as she could because she had to make sure that they could go home to avoid those people from catching them because she knew that if she didn’t run fast enough, they would be caught by those people easily since they ran so fast earlier which was why she couldn’t afford to run too slow now because if she did, they would be caught easily which was why she ran as fast as she could in order to make sure that they wouldn’t be caught by those people easily while she was carrying Passion on her back at the same time too.
As they were running back to the cliffs, the people who were chasing after them were throwing boomerangs at them again to try and catch them but it was just that they weren’t able to catch them because Violet was running too fast for them to catch which caused their boomerangs to miss their target each time they threw them at them.
End the story
Violet’s P.O.V (The Cat)
After running for quite some time, she finally saw the cliffs in front of her which caused her to run even faster than before because she knew that if they could reach the cliffs, they would be safe from those people who were chasing after them but it was just that she didn’t know how long she could keep up with this fast speed of hers since it was starting to wear her out slowly but she knew that she had to make it to the cliffs before she passed out from running or else they wouldn’t be able to get away from those people who were chasing after them which was why she kept on running as fast as she could in order to make sure that they could get away from those people who were chasing after them while they were running for their lives at the same time too.
She looked at Passion who was on her back as she spoke to him, “Please hold on, Passion, we’re almost there and then I’ll be able to find some ways to help you, okay?”
He smiled at her as he nodded his head, “I know you can make it, Violet.”
As soon as they were about a few meters away from the cliffs, Violet looked around to see if Flash was anywhere nearby because if he was, they could get away from those people who were chasing after them easily since he could breathe fire at them to scare them away but unfortunately, she wasn’t able to see Flash anywhere around them which meant that they would have to rely on themselves in order to get away from those people who were chasing after them which was why she ran as fast as she could in order to make it back to the cliffs with Passion on her back.
Flash, the Dragon, was flying around the island while breathing fire onto a few trees for fun until he realized that it wasn’t as fun as he thought it would be which was why he decided to stop himself before it went out of control.
As he flew around the island for fun, he could hear the birds chirping around him as the wind blew against his face which made him smile happily.
He loved the feeling of the wind blowing against his face because it made him feel like he was free from everything else around him and knew that nothing else mattered to him besides that which was why he loved flying around the island whenever he had free time and wanted to relax.
As he flew around the island, he suddenly smelt something which caused him to turn his head around in order to see where the smell was coming from and what it was that he smelt exactly.
He took a deep breath before he smelt the air again and this time, he could smell something else which was blood.
He knew that something was wrong when he smelt blood because he knew that someone was hurt and needed help which was why he decided to investigate and see what was going on down there.
As he flew around, he could smell more blood which caused him to be worried about what was going on down there and wanted to see what it was that was happening down there which was why he decided to dive down towards the scent so that he could see what was going on down there.
As he descended, the wind blew harder against his body which caused him to have a hard time breathing for a few seconds before he continued to breathe heavily as he got closer towards where the scent was coming from.
Suddenly, as he was getting closer towards the scent, he heard people shouting and screaming as they were running away from something or someone while screaming at the same time too.
He got excited when he heard them because it meant that they were scared of him and knew that they were afraid of him at that same time too which meant that they wouldn’t dare to come close to him or else they would regret it but unfortunately, what he saw when he landed made his eyes widen in shock.
A group of people were throwing boomerangs at his friends while they were trying to run away from them as fast as they could so that they wouldn’t get hurt by them but unfortunately, some of them managed to hit them a few times all over their bodies too which caused them to bleed even more than before.
Those people had angry expressions on their faces as they threw boomerangs at his friends while screaming at them angrily at the same time too.
The moment Flash saw this, his eyes turned red as he shouted in anger, “How dare you hurt my friends!”