MidReal Story

Bruce is struggling to handle

Scenario:Bruce is struggling to handle his younger siblings (Damian, Dick, Tim, and Jason) who have been magically turned into toddlers, but Superman (Clark) shows up to help out and entertain them.
Create my version of this story
Bruce is struggling to handle his younger siblings (Damian, Dick, Tim, and Jason) who have been magically turned into toddlers, but Superman (Clark) shows up to help out and entertain them.
I’ve lost control.
Damian, Dick, Tim, and Jason are toddlers.
Magic has transformed them into toddlers.
Now I am responsible for them as Batman.
I have to keep them entertained while I finish this project for the Justice League.
It’s not working out so well.
I expected this project to take me only a few hours.
It’s been all night and I’m still not finished.
This is a delicate piece of equipment with hundreds of tiny parts that could be rendered useless if a single one of them were to go missing.
Every ten minutes or so, some disaster would occur in the Batcave and I’d have to stop working for a little while to put out fires on that end.
I didn’t realize just how much work it was going to be to keep four toddlers entertained.
Dick is at an age where he can entertain himself for short spurts of time, but Tim and Jason keep wandering off and getting into trouble.
And then there’s Damian.
He is at an age where he really needs someone to play with him constantly or he gets upset.
Every time I put him in the playpen he screams until he loses his voice.
He’s not crying so much today as he is whimpering pitifully while sitting in the corner of the Batcave watching me work.
I feel bad, but what else am I supposed to do?
I’m glad he’s not screaming, but he’s still upset that I won’t let him come out of the playpen and sit on my lap while I work.
He keeps crawling over to me and pawing at my legs.
“Bruce,” Superman says, “have you made any progress on that project?”
“I think I’m getting close,” I say without looking up from my work.
“Good,” he says.
“Is everything okay?It doesn’t sound like you have your hands full.”
“Just a little bit,” I say.
“What’s going on?”
“It’s not important,” he says.
“Do you need help?”
I stop working and finally look up at him.
I can see him running over here at super speed, ready to help me with whatever terrible thing I’m dealing with down here.
I don’t actually need the help, but perhaps it wouldn’t be a terrible idea to enlist his aid for a moment.
I bet he’d be more than happy to babysit for a few minutes while I finish this up.