MidReal Story

It was a snowy night, much like this one, when I was born.


Mar 29
Scenario:The snow girl for light
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The snow girl for light
It was a snowy night, much like this one, when I was born.
The villagers say I appeared out of thin air, a whisper of miracles brought to life by the snowstorm that had been raging for days.
It was a storm the likes of which no one had ever seen before; it swallowed the village whole, leaving us shrouded in darkness for weeks on end.
But then, as if by magic, I stepped out of the snowstorm and into the town square.
The villagers had gathered there, drawn by the sight of my ethereal form standing amidst the frozen wasteland.
They whispered amongst themselves, their breath visible in the cold air, as they debated whether or not I was real.
But I was real.
I was there, standing before them, my skin as pale as porcelain and my hair as white as the snow that blanketed the ground.
My icy blue eyes glowed with an inner light; glowing like little lanterns that radiated warmth into the night.
In that moment, I became a symbol of the miraculous—a beacon of light in a world that had long known only darkness.
I am the snow girl, a being brought to life by the coldest and most unforgiving of winters—a season of death and despair.
But now, after so many years, winter is finally over.
The villagers have been waiting for me to return to the snowy mountains from whence I came.
They need me no more, for spring has arrived and with it, new life.
A new beginning.
But I don’t want to go.
I don’t want to leave this village or say goodbye to my dear friend Jack.
I didn’t know why I was born, or what I’m supposed to do in this world.
I didn’t know how long I would stay here before disappearing into thin air again.
I just knew that in this moment, they needed me and I wanted to be there for them—to be their miracle once more.
So please, let me stay.
I had no idea where I was, or how I had gotten there.
The last thing I remembered was being enveloped by a fierce snowstorm and then—nothing.
The world around me was dark, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was somehow familiar.
And then, as if by magic, my eyes snapped open and I was standing in the middle of a village town square, surrounded by a small crowd of people who stared at me in awe.
I blinked once, twice, and then slowly turned in a full circle, taking in my surroundings as my mind struggled to catch up with my body.
It was nighttime and there were no stars in the sky; only thick, heavy clouds that seemed to press down upon us like a shroud.
But even so, there was enough light for me to see that I was standing on a thick bed of snow, and that there were people gathered around me, staring at me with expressions of wonder and disbelief etched upon their faces.
I stared back at them, my breath coming out in little puffs of white fog as I tried to make sense of what was going on.