MidReal Story

Cliff's Edge: A TikTok Protest

Scenario:Jake: If TikTok is Banned, I Will free fall off cliff
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Jake: If TikTok is Banned, I Will free fall off cliff
I’d always been a fan of extreme sports.
Growing up, you could find me outside on my skateboard, bike, or even just running around and climbing trees for hours on end.
But as I got older, I started to crave a different kind of thrill.
One that would push me mentally and physically tougher than anything I’d ever done before.
And that’s when I decided to start doing some of the most dangerous stunts in the world.
I am Jake Smith and I’m the creator of the popular TikTok account @ThrillSeekerJake, where I post videos of myself doing death-defying stunts.
So far I’ve hiked up a mountain and gone ziplining.
I’ve even gone skydiving in the middle of a lightning storm!
But none of those compare to the stunt I pulled last week.
The video has nearly 50 million views, and it’s safe to say that I had the attention of the entire world.
Most people thought what I did was absolutely insane, but my fans, who call themselves Thrill Seekers, were absolutely obsessed with it.
They said that my videos gave them the rush of adrenaline they needed to get through their day.
My stunt last week was the most dangerous thing I’ve ever tried before.
In fact, I probably should have died from it, but I guess that just goes to show how talented I am.
Honestly, I don’t know how I do it sometimes, but when you’re as talented as me, you can do almost anything you put your mind to.
I mean, I was terrified the entire time I was doing it, but I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge.
And it was totally worth it!
This particular stunt was so intense that it took me days to recover from it.
But now I’m back and ready for my next big challenge.
I have almost 10 million followers on TikTok, and they’re all waiting for me to post something new.
Being one of the top influencers is a lot of pressure, but I’m always up for the challenge!
Tonight, I’m going to be driving out to a cliff where I plan on doing a free fall off of it to protest TikTok being banned in some countries.
I know it’s going to be intense, but I think I’m ready for it!
When I got to the top of that building and started walking across that wire, I don’t think I’d ever been so scared in my life.
I wasn’t really sure how I would react in that situation, but I knew that if I freaked out and let myself fall, I would die for sure.
So I took a deep breath, and with every step that I took, I made sure to keep my eyes on my target.
It took me nearly an hour to get to the other side, but when I finally made it, I felt like I had accomplished something truly amazing.
I may have pooped my pants a little bit, but I did it!
And now all my fans are obsessed with that video!
They say that what I did was absolutely amazing, and they can’t wait to see what I come up with next.
But now that I’ve done something so insane, I’m not really sure how I’m going to top it.
It’s not like I can just go back to jumping off cliffs or something like that.
I finished recording myself falling off a cliff in slow motion, which would later be edited into a TikTok video.
When I landed on my feet, Tom, my manager, ran over to me looking terrified.
“Are you okay?”
he asked worriedly.
“I’m fine,” I said as I shook my head.
“But what do you think?”
Tom looked around at the dozens of people who were surrounding us.
People who were watching me record my most recent stunt.
My fans were absolutely obsessed with my videos, and they couldn’t get enough of them.
That’s why I always made sure to film everything and show them exactly what goes into making one of my death-defying stunts.
When Tom turned back to me, he said, “They loved it.”
“Of course they did!”
I said confidently.
“I mean, that was pretty intense even for me, but I have a reputation to uphold.”
As he nodded, his phone started to ring.
He pulled it out of his pocket real quick, looked at who was calling, and then answered it.
Tom listened to whoever was on the other end of the line for a few more seconds before he nodded and said, “I’ll let him know.”
Then he hung up and looked at me.
“Who was that?”
I asked as I raised an eyebrow.
“That was my boss,” Tom said, his voice sounding serious.
For some reason, it didn’t sound good.
I asked, “Is everything okay?”
Tom took a moment to respond, and then he said, “It looks like the U.
government is considering banning TikTok in their country.”
My jaw dropped as I asked, “Wait, what?!
As he nodded, his eyes never left mine.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so shocked in my entire life.
I mean, I knew that TikTok was having some issues, and they were trying to work things out, but I had no idea that it was that serious.
That they might actually shut down the entire app.
If that happened, I wasn’t really sure what I was going to do.
TikTok wasn’t just a platform to me.
It was home.
It was where I could show everyone who I really was, and they loved me for it.
TikTok is also where I could connect with other like-minded people who loved doing extreme things as much as I did.
And it was the stage where I could show everyone my most amazing challenges!
So if the U.
government decided to ban TikTok, then what would happen to all my fans?
What would happen to me?
Would I be forced to start all over again?
Or would I have to give up everything that I loved?
I mean, I could still keep doing my stunts, but there would be no one around to watch them, and that was the entire point of doing them in the first place.
Before Tom could say anything else, I started to walk away from him, and then I pulled out my phone and opened the TikTok app.
I started to scroll through it as fast as I could, trying to see if there was any news about the ban on it, and thankfully, there wasn’t.
At least not yet.
The more I thought about it, the more I started to panic, and I really didn’t want to because I had worked so hard to get to where I am now!
There was no way in hell that I would let this happen!
But then again, what could I do about it?
Tom said, “I’m sure everything will be okay,” but I wasn’t so sure about that.
I mean, this has happened before, where other countries tried to ban TikTok, and they were able to work everything out, and it continued on like nothing had happened.
But they also have been having some issues with their servers being hacked, and their data being stolen by the Chinese government.
So who knows if they’ll be able to find a solution this time around?
I took a deep breath and tried not to think about it too much before I went inside my apartment, and then I went straight for the kitchen and pulled a bottle of beer out of the refrigerator.
I popped the top of it open and drank the whole thing down in one big gulp, and then I put the empty bottle on the kitchen counter and grabbed another one.
As long as I had a few drinks inside of me, then maybe I wouldn’t think about it too much and everything would be fine.
But just when I lifted the bottle up to my lips and started to drink from it, someone said, “Really Jake?
You’re going to start drinking now?”
In an instant, my heart started racing as I turned around and saw Sarah standing there with her arms crossed over her chest and a frown on her face.
Sarah is my best friend and she’s been with me through everything since we were kids, and she knew me better than anyone else, which is why she could always tell when something was wrong, and she could always tell when I needed her.
And she also knew that drinking was never the answer for me, which is why she absolutely hated it when I did it.
But while she might have hated it, she also stayed with me, which was one of the many reasons why I loved her so much.
“I’m fine,” I said, trying not to slurr my words, but considering the fact that I had only had two sips of beer, it wasn’t looking good.
“I just needed something to drink.”
Sarah walked over to me and took the bottle of beer out of my hand before she put it on the kitchen counter.
Then she looked at me, and while the disappointment in her eyes was enough to break my heart, the love and concern in them was enough to make me feel better.
She reached out, took hold of my hand, and then said, “You know you don’t need this.
This is not going to help anything.”
“I know,” I said.
“But you know how much I hate it when things like this happen.
It’s like everything is falling apart around me and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
Sarah nodded as she said, “But you have a choice when it comes to your stunts.