MidReal Story

Digital Redemption: TikTok's Last Stand

Scenario:Jake: If TikTok is Banned, I Will free fall off cliff
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Jake: If TikTok is Banned, I Will free fall off cliff
“Hey, Jake, what’re you doing tonight?”
Sarah’s voice appeared on the speaker phone.
I was in the middle of setting up my drone for a helicopter ride over the city.
“I was thinking of going out with Alex later.
I asked as I fiddled with the controls.
The drone lifted off the table and hovered in front of me.
I could see myself in its reflection.
I looked good.
“Just wondering,” she said.
“It’s been a while since we had a girls’ night out.Now that you’ve made it back to Shanghai in one piece, we should totally celebrate.”
“I’m down for that,” I said.
As I adjusted the camera, the drone glided across the room, past my massive living room windows, and out onto the balcony.
“Do you want me to help you find a place?
I know all the best spots.”
Of course she did.
That’s why I hired her.
We were friends first, but when I started making decent money from all this social media nonsense, I needed someone to keep track of my schedule and plan my trips.
Sarah was perfect for the job.
She was organized, professional, and always knew exactly what I needed.
“Nah, we’re just gonna hit up a few bars in the French Concession,” she said.
“That sounds like a plan.”
Her voice grew serious.“So, what do you think about all this TikTok stuff?”
That caught me off guard.
Why was she asking me about that?
Did something happen?
“What do you mean?”
“You haven’t heard?The Chinese government is thinking about banning TikTok.”
My first thought was yes, please, ban that app.
They’ve been trying to get rid of it for years now, but it never works.
TikTok has been a major part of my social media strategy since day one.
It’s how I built up my brand and made a name for myself in this industry.
If they shut it down, I’m screwed.
But then I remembered that Sarah had her own reasons for asking me about it.
She knew how much money I made from TikTok each month, and if it disappeared, that would be one less revenue stream coming in.
As long as Instagram was still around, I’d be fine, but this would definitely be a blow to my wallet.
“Yeah, I heard about that,” I said with a sigh.“I don’t know what they’re going to do about it.”
She hesitated for a moment.
“It’s not like it’s going to happen overnight.I’m sure they’ll give people time to download their videos and find new platforms to share them on.”
I could tell she was trying to make me feel better about it.
But even if I could save all my videos, I’d still take a massive hit.
It was going to be tough to recover from this one.
Maybe I should start looking for a backup plan.
I didn’t want to admit it, but at some point I was going to have to grow up and get a real job.
I mean, I liked traveling and exploring new places as much as the next guy, but how long could I keep doing this?
What would happen when I finally got sick of it?
I needed to make sure I had something to fall back on.
The first step would be accepting that the end of TikTok was near.
That’s how I became Jake Smith, after all.
I’d have to find a new platform to replace it.
Maybe one that was more secure and less likely to get banned.