MidReal Story

Whispers in the Shadows

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The sun was barely peeking over the horizon, and the first light of dawn was seeping through my window.
I stretched and yawned, feeling the cool morning air brush against my skin.
It would be a busy day today.
Slipping out of bed, I quickly dressed in a simple blue dress that I had worn for many years.
I tied my hair back with a ribbon before raking my fingers through it in an attempt to tame it somewhat.
I was never particularly good at keeping it neat, no matter how hard I tried.
As I descended the creaky wooden stairs, the delicious aroma of breakfast greeted me in the small kitchen of our cottage.
We lived modestly, but we were happy.
My father, Edric, and little brother Aiden were already devouring their share of food.
My mother, Eileen, was at the stove, preparing our meals and packing our lunches for the long day ahead.
“Good morning,” I greeted her with a smile as I joined her at the stove.
“Good morning to you too, Elara,” she replied, returning my smile.
Eileen was a middle-aged woman with kind eyes and a warm smile.
She always looked after us with love and care.
The two of us had a routine by now.
We would prepare breakfast while Aiden set up the bakery for the morning rush.
Once breakfast was ready, we would all sit down to eat before starting our day.
“Good morning.” My father looked up from his plate to greet me as I came to the table.
“How does my little girl feel today?”
he asked as I sat down beside him.
“I’m fine,” I replied with a smile.
“How are you doing?”
As the village blacksmith, my father worked long hours every day.
He was also very strong and handsome, with broad shoulders that made me feel safe and secure in his presence.
“Good,” he replied with a nod of his head.
“Are you sure you’re not too tired working for the apothecary all day?”
he asked with concern.
He was always worried that I would overwork myself and fall ill as a result.
“I’m fine, Father,” I assured him with another smile.
“How about you?”
My mother placed a plate of food in front of me as she joined us at the table.
“Here you go, Elara,” she said with a smile as she sat down across from me.
I thanked her before digging into my meal.
My mother was a wonderful cook and baker who made all kinds of delicious food on a daily basis for the villagers to enjoy at our bakery.
After we finished eating, we cleaned up the table together and packed away any leftover food before moving on to the next task of the day: preparing for the morning rush at the bakery.
I grabbed some bread and pastries while my mother packed them into bags for sale to the villagers who would be stopping by soon on their way to work and school.
Regardless of how early it was or how busy we were, we always made time to sit down and have breakfast together as a family before starting our day.