MidReal Story

Unbreakable Paws

Scenario:a dog
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a dog
The day I adopted Luna was the best day of my life.
When my best friend Sarah invited me to go check out some animals at the local shelter, I was a little apprehensive.
I didn't want to be reminded that my parents were gone and that I was all alone, and I certainly didn't want the added responsibility of a pet.
But when I saw Luna, all of my concerns flew out the window.
I was in love with her in an instant, and she seemed to love me right back.
I could tell she was meant to be mine, and I didn't hesitate to sign the adoption papers.
I'd never been happier to have been so wrong.
I'd known since I was a kid that I wanted to live in the mountains.
Growing up, my family took me on camping trips every summer, and I'd always loved it.
I loved the fresh air and the peacefulness of it all, and the way you could really see the stars at night.
After my parents died, I knew I wanted to be surrounded by that beauty all the time, so I packed up everything and moved out to a small house in the woods.
I missed my parents every single day, but at least living like this reminded me of them, so it wasn't all bad.
The only problem was, it was pretty inconvenient for me to have a dog.
I worked as a freelance programmer from home, so I rarely left my house, which meant that if I got a dog, I'd have to take it with me on walks at least once or twice a day.
I also traveled quite often, going on camping trips pretty much every weekend, so bringing a dog along would make things more difficult.
In general, having a dog wasn't really something I wanted.
In fact, before my parents died, they'd been trying to convince me to get one forever, but I never relented.
But when Sarah asked me to go with her, I couldn't say no.
She wanted a pet, but she didn't know what she wanted just yet, so she was looking around for ideas.
The second we walked into the shelter, Luna came running up to us and started jumping all over me and licking my face.
I laughed and pushed her away at first, but then I stopped and looked down at her.
She had big brown eyes and a fluffy golden coat that made her look like she was smiling all the time.
She was wagging her tail furiously back and forth behind her as if she couldn't contain her excitement.
She was adorable, and I couldn't resist giving her some pets and playing with her for a few minutes.
“Would you like to adopt her?”
the woman asked me after watching us for a few minutes.
She's our last one.”
Luna must've known we were talking about her because she let out a loud bark and started jumping up and down even more excitedly than before.
That's all it took for me to decide that she was coming home with me.