MidReal Story

Unbreakable Paws

Scenario:a dog
Create my version of this story
a dog
“Bella!” I called out into the forest.
“Come here, girl!”
Bella was my golden retriever, the best and most loyal dog in the whole world.
She’d always come running when I called her name.
But not this time.
I was at a camping site in the middle of the woods with my friends for the weekend.
I’d let her off her leash so she could run around and play, but now I couldn’t find her anywhere.
I’d been calling for her for half an hour, but I hadn’t seen or heard her, not even her barking.
I started to get a little panicked.
What if she’d gone too far and got lost in the woods?
We were miles away from anything else, in the middle of nowhere.
There were so many trees and bushes, so many different pathways she could have taken.
It would be impossible to know which way she’d gone, and there was no way I could find her on my own.
I had to go back to camp and get my friends.
But what if something happened to her while I was gone?
It would take a while for me to find someone and come back here.
I couldn’t just leave her out here on her own.
Not knowing where she was or whether or not she was safe had me scared.
I had no idea what to do next.
I was at a loss for words when it came to explaining what happened to Bella.
As I stood there, trying to figure out what to do, Bella was already on her way back to me.
She knew how much trouble she’d be in if she didn’t come back soon.
She had probably been gone long enough that I’d start looking for her.
The only problem was that there were so many trees and bushes that looked exactly the same.
She didn’t know which way she needed to go to get back to me.
She hadn’t been paying any attention to where she was going when she ran off, so there was no way for her to retrace her steps back to me.
Bella hopped over a rock and walked around some tall grass, trying to think of another way to find her way back home.
Then she smelled something strange and turned around to see a snake hissing at her.
The next thing Bella knew, she was running as fast as she could away from the snake.
She didn’t stop until she was completely out of breath, and by then, she had no idea where she was.
Meanwhile, I was still standing in the same spot as before, calling out Bella’s name.
The sun was starting to set, and it was almost night time.
I didn’t want to have to search for Bella in the dark, but I didn’t have much of a choice now.
I was starting to run out of ideas of where else Bella could have gone.
If she wasn’t coming back now, maybe she wouldn’t come back at all.
Then I’d never be able to see my best friend ever again.