MidReal Story

Don't answer! Don't answer! Don't answer!", Yuji trembled as he wrote down the deciphered cosmic waves...

Scenario:-Aeronautical Center R&D officer Yuji is deciphering a string of cosmic radio waves
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-Aeronautical Center R&D officer Yuji is deciphering a string of cosmic radio waves
I’m so happy.Today is the happiest day of my life.I’ve finally decoded a part of the cosmic radio wave that has been baffling the scientific community.The signal was first detected six months ago.Since then, we’ve been trying to decipher it to no avail.Some of the leading experts in the world have concluded that it was generated by an artificial source.But what kind of civilization could possibly send out signals from more than 400 light-years away?We know that there is a celestial body at the source of the signal.It’s a planet with a mass similar to Earth, revolving around a star similar to the Sun, located 480.3 light-years away from us.The signal that we’ve been receiving is being emitted by this planet.But how can it be possible?We’re talking about 480.3 light-years away!The signal must be incredibly weak by the time it reaches us, right?When I was first assigned to this project, my boss told me that since it was such a weak signal, we’d likely come up with nothing even if we analyzed all the data.But his words only made me more excited as I looked forward to unraveling the secrets hidden in this signal.We finally set up our equipment and received the signal six months ago.I was so excited back then.But when I analyzed the signal, I soon came to realize that my boss’s words were true.The amplitude of the signal was so small that it was almost buried in noise.At first, I thought it’d be impossible to distinguish it from noise, but I was quickly proven wrong.At first glance, the signal did look similar to noise with no pattern at all.But when magnified thousands of times, I discovered that there were tiny peaks and troughs in the signal and they repeated periodically with a fixed interval!It was then that I realized that this couldn’t possibly be from natural sources like stars or planets.It had to be generated artificially!I immediately reported my findings to my boss.Our center has always been dedicated to astrophysical researches, and so our colleagues were very excited about this discovery as well.We soon gathered a group of experts to analyze the data together.Everyone was stunned when they saw my findings.Dr. Nakamura, who is an astrophysicist from our research department, said that it was like finding Earth’s radio wave emission in space!Nevertheless, there were still many skeptics among us who doubted that this signal was actually generated by an extraterrestrial civilization.There are many unknown cosmic phenomena, but none of them produce signals as structured as this one.If this wasn’t generated by an extraterrestrial civilization, then it must be something that is beyond our understanding of science at present.Either way, there is no doubt that this discovery will have a great impact on our current understanding of science and technology.It may even be the first contact with an advanced extraterrestrial civilization!I can’t help but feel a sense of awe as I think about it.It’s hard for me to imagine that there could be another civilization in space, let alone one that is intelligent and technologically advanced.But if they were able to send out signals from 480.3 light-years away, it would mean that they must have already mastered some kind of technology that we can only dream of!Unraveling the secrets behind these signals has become my greatest mission in life.
But it’s already been six months and I’ve only managed to decode a small part of the signal.In addition, the signal has become stronger and more complicated over time, and it now stretches for more than 300 terabytes of data!My computer has simply run out of memory to process all this data, and I have no choice but to select the most important data from it and throw the rest away.I know that this is not a scientific approach, but I have no other choice at the moment.As I carefully selected the data, I suddenly discovered a pattern in the signal!I was so excited that I immediately ran to Dr. Nakamura to report my findings to her!Dr. Nakamura has long brown hair and always looks very serious and focused when she is working on her researches in the laboratory.She is an engineer and a very creative person who often comes up with ingenious ideas that no one can think of by using very simple methods.I have great respect for her and always seek her advice whenever I am facing any difficulties in my researches.Dr. Nakamura was also very excited when she saw my findings and said that she was honored to be the first person to witness this extraordinary discovery together with me!We then took a look at the new findings together and found that it was actually a continuation of the message that I had decoded earlier!It turns out that those weren’t just random signals but an actual hidden message from another civilization!I am so happy that I could hardly sleep last night!I went to work early today and immediately began analyzing the new data as soon as I arrived at the laboratory.I am now sitting in front of my computer and staring at the screen with tears streaming down my face as I try to decipher this message that was sent from another civilization in space!It’s such an exciting time in our center!Everyone is so happy and excited about this discovery and can’t wait to find out what the message is about!Hiro, who is a technician from our research department, said that we would definitely win the Nobel Prize if we could decode this message!His words made me even more excited and motivated to try harder to decipher it!We are now sitting together in the laboratory and discussing how to proceed with our researches after I have finished decoding the message:“But there are still so many unknowns.” Dr. Nakamura said thoughtfully, “We can only see a small part of their civilization through this message.”“Maybe we can send a probe to that planet to find out more about them?” Hiro suggested hopefully.But Dr. Nakamura shook her head and said it wasn’t possible because it was so far away.
I was also a little bit disappointed after I heard that because I was also looking forward to finding out more about them…I have been analyzing the content of the radio waves and trying to decode them since yesterday afternoon, but I am still not able to make any sense of it even after spending almost a whole day on it…It’s been three days since I decoded the first part of the radio waves and found out that it was a hidden message sent by an extraterrestrial civilization!After that, I have started analyzing another set of data that contains more than 300 terabytes of information, but I am still not able to make any sense of it yet…The radio waves are very complex and seem to be structured in some kind of pattern, but it’s unlike anything I have seen before, so I am not sure how to decode it…I am starting to get worried now because I am afraid that I might not be able to decode the message after all…I have been decoding radio waves for years and have always been able to make some sense of them even if they were from distant celestial bodies like stars or galaxies because they all follow certain patterns that are predictable.But these radio waves that I am now trying to decode are different… They seem to be more complex and may not follow any patterns that I am familiar with…I am afraid that I might not be able to make any sense of them because they could be structured in ways that I can’t even imagine, and I have no idea how to decode them…If that is really the case, then I might need to come up with some new methods to analyze them…As I think about this, I can feel my head starting to hurt, and I am starting to have some doubts about whether I can succeed in decoding this message or not…Just then, Dr. Nakamura came over to me and asked me how I was doing:“Yuji, how’s it going with decoding those radio waves?”she asked concernedly as she saw me frowning in front of my computer.“I am still not able to make any sense of them…”I replied dejectedly as I shook my head and sighed.“It seems like these radio waves are coming from a civilization that is far more advanced than ours…”I tried to explain as best as I could, “So they might be using technologies that we are not familiar with.”Dr. Nakamura looked at me thoughtfully for a moment before she nodded her head and said:“But you will still try your best to decode those radio waves, right?”she asked gently as she put her hand on my shoulder.“Of course!”I replied resolutely as I looked up at her and nodded my head firmly, “We need to find out what they are trying to tell us!”“I understand…”Dr. Nakamura said as she smiled at me and patted me on the back, “Just do your best!We will support you all the way!”“I promise!”I replied confidently as I watched her walk away before I turned back to look at my computer screen again…
The radio waves are very complex and seem to be structured in some kind of pattern, but I am not sure what that pattern is yet…I have been analyzing these data for three days now, and I have finally made a breakthrough in decoding them!The radio waves were detected at a frequency of 1420 megahertz, which is one of the most common frequencies used by astronomers to study the universe.They were also detected at different frequencies across the spectrum, which is unusual because radio waves are usually absorbed by interstellar dust and gas…So they must be coming from a source that is very powerful and very far away…And they must be very loud and very clear to be able to reach us in such a distant galaxy…Moreover, these signals are not random noise as many astronomers have suggested.They are actually structured in some kind of pattern.After studying them for three days, I have finally figured out what that pattern is…The radio waves are actually a series of pulses that have different intervals between them.Some pulses are separated by 1 second, some by 2 seconds, and some by 5 seconds.As I look at my computer screen, I can feel my heart starting to race with excitement because I finally realized what these radio waves are!I can’t believe that I didn’t figure it out sooner…The radio waves are actually Morse code!They were sent by an extraterrestrial civilization using Morse code!I can’t believe that I didn’t see it before…I must be blind or something…I am so excited that I can’t even sit still anymore, so I stand up from my chair and start pacing around the room as I think about what this means…These signals are coming from a very powerful and very advanced civilization.They must be far more advanced than us if they can send radio waves across such a vast distance of space…And they must be very intelligent too if they can encode their messages using Morse code…This is really amazing!We may be on the verge of making contact with an extraterrestrial civilization!As I think about this, I am filled with a sense of awe and wonder because I realize how big this discovery could be…I think back to the early days of mankind when we first started using radios to communicate with each other.We sent out our first radio signals in the early 20th century, and they have been traveling across space ever since…If there are any extraterrestrial civilizations out there that are listening for us, then they would have already received our signals by now…But so far, we haven’t heard anything from them yet…This may be because they are too far away to receive our signals or because they are not advanced enough to understand them…Or it could be because they don’t even exist at all…Nobody knows for sure if there are any other civilizations out there beyond our solar system.But according to the Drake equation, there could be billions of them across the galaxy.We just need to find them and make contact with them…And now it seems like we may be on the verge of doing exactly that!If this turns out to be true, then it could change everything we know about the universe…
I quickly open up my email and send a message to Mei Nakamura telling her what I found and asking her to come over to my office right away so that I can show her…I can’t wait to see her reaction when she sees this!After I sent my message to Mei, I sat down at my computer and started going over my notes one more time to make sure that I didn’t miss anything…I can’t believe that these signals were actually Morse code!It was so obvious once I realized it!I don’t know how I didn’t see it before…I must be really dumb or something…I open up my email and wait for Mei to reply while I go over my notes one more time, and it doesn’t take long before she finally writes back…“On my way!”Her message says, and I quickly close my email and get up from my chair in excitement…I can’t wait to show her what I found!Mei came over to my office right away after I sent her a message, and we went back to the control center together to look at my data…I quickly pulled up my notes on the computer screen and explained to her what I found while she listened intently…“So these signals that we detected were actually Morse code…”“Not only at 1420 megahertz but also across multiple frequencies…”“And they were all sent in intervals of 1, 2, or 5 seconds…”Mei quickly went through my notes and saw exactly what I was talking about, and I could see her eyes widening in amazement just like mine did when I first realized it…“So you’re saying that these signals were actually Morse code?”Mei asked me with a look of astonishment on her face.“That’s what it looks like…”I answered with a smile.“Do you think that these signals were coming from an extraterrestrial civilization?”Mei asked me excitedly.“It’s certainly possible…”I replied with a nod.“Because of all these structured patterns and unique intervals, it seems highly unlikely that they were formed by chance…”“And since we haven’t found any other explanations for them yet…“I think we have good reason to believe that they may be of intelligent origin…”Mei quickly went through all of my notes again and tried to make sense of them in her head, and she asked me a lot of insightful questions that I hadn’t even thought of before…As we talked, I soon realized that these signals were far more complex and far more significant than I originally thought, and that their implications could be much bigger than anything we have ever seen before…I was filled with a sense of awe and wonder as we went through everything, and it felt like I was having an out-of-body experience where everything was happening in slow motion around me…I couldn’t believe that this was really happening and that I was really here right now, standing on the verge of making such an amazing discovery!And then, suddenly, everything became crystal clear in my mind, and everything made sense to me now…