MidReal Story

Chapter One Dr. Emily Parker was a dedicated veterinarian who worked twelve hours a day, six days a week in the small town of Bellingville. She was well-known for her compassion towards animals. So, when a wounded fox was brought to her clinic, she was eager to treat it. But little did she know that this simple act of kindness would change her life forever. As Dr. Parker sedated the fox, it transformed into a mesmerizing woman. Luna had come to town to heal before she could resume her search for the one thing that could save her people from annihilation. But she hadn’t expected to find her mate here, let alone a doctor who didn’t know about her kind and wasn’t supposed to be one. Luna had to keep Emily safe at all costs. The only problem was Emily didn’t even know she was in danger. Chapter Two The next day passed by uneventfully. A few dogs came in for their regular vaccinations, and an old lady brought in her cat, Mr. Tiddles, who’d gotten into a fight with a stray. But other than that, Dr. Parker didn’t have much to do. She ended up finishing early and decided to go for a walk in the forest. Dr. Parker loved the forest. It was dense and filled with tall old oak trees that were hundreds of years old. They stood tall and proud, their branches stretching up to the sky as if reaching for something only they knew. The forest floor was carpeted with years of dead leaves, twigs, and acorns. The air smelled of damp earth and decaying leaves. The only sound that broke through the silence was the songs of birds chirping high in the trees. But sometimes, if one listened carefully enough, one could hear the whispering of the wind as it blew through the trees. Dr. Parker loved walking through the forest. It felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold winter’s night. It made her feel safe and relaxed—something she didn’t get to feel often in her line of work. She walked deeper into the forest until she came to a small clearing by a river. She loved coming here to unwind after a long day at work. She loved sitting on the grass by the riverbank and just staring at the water as it flowed by, its surface shimmering in the sunlight. Today was no exception. She sat down, pulled out her lunch from her bag, and munched on it as she watched the water flowing by. After she was done, she closed her eyes and leaned back on her hands, enjoying the feel of the sun on her face and the sound of birds chirping high up in the trees. She’d almost fallen asleep when something caught her attention. She opened her eyes and looked around but saw nothing out of place. She shrugged and decided to pack up and head back to town when she heard a rustling noise behind her. Her heart rate picked up. She turned around just in time to see a large grey wolf emerge from the underbrush. It stood there for a moment before turning and running away. Dr. Parker stood up and walked over to the spot where the wolf had been standing. She looked around but didn’t see anything out of place except for a few broken branches. She frowned. What had scared the wolf? She shrugged and turned around just in time to see something moving out of the corner of her eye. She turned but didn’t see anything. That’s when she heard another noise behind her, this time closer than before. She spun around just in time to see something falling from the trees. Something big and heavy that would have hit her if not for her quick reflexes.

Scenario:A veterinarian in a small town receives a wounded fox in her clinic, but when she sedates it, it mysteriously transforms into a cloaked woman and she is inexplicably attracted to her.
Create my version of this story
A veterinarian in a small town receives a wounded fox in her clinic, but when she sedates it, it mysteriously transforms into a cloaked woman and she is inexplicably attracted to her.
Chapter One
Dr. Emily Parker was a dedicated veterinarian who worked twelve hours a day, six days a week in the small town of Bellingville. She was well-known for her compassion towards animals. So, when a wounded fox was brought to her clinic, she was eager to treat it.
But little did she know that this simple act of kindness would change her life forever.
As Dr. Parker sedated the fox, it transformed into a mesmerizing woman. Luna had come to town to heal before she could resume her search for the one thing that could save her people from annihilation. But she hadn’t expected to find her mate here, let alone a doctor who didn’t know about her kind and wasn’t supposed to be one.
Luna had to keep Emily safe at all costs. The only problem was Emily didn’t even know she was in danger.
Chapter Two
The next day passed by uneventfully. A few dogs came in for their regular vaccinations, and an old lady brought in her cat, Mr. Tiddles, who’d gotten into a fight with a stray. But other than that, Dr. Parker didn’t have much to do. She ended up finishing early and decided to go for a walk in the forest.
Dr. Parker loved the forest. It was dense and filled with tall old oak trees that were hundreds of years old. They stood tall and proud, their branches stretching up to the sky as if reaching for something only they knew. The forest floor was carpeted with years of dead leaves, twigs, and acorns. The air smelled of damp earth and decaying leaves.
The only sound that broke through the silence was the songs of birds chirping high in the trees. But sometimes, if one listened carefully enough, one could hear the whispering of the wind as it blew through the trees.
Dr. Parker loved walking through the forest. It felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold winter’s night. It made her feel safe and relaxed—something she didn’t get to feel often in her line of work.
She walked deeper into the forest until she came to a small clearing by a river. She loved coming here to unwind after a long day at work.
She loved sitting on the grass by the riverbank and just staring at the water as it flowed by, its surface shimmering in the sunlight.
Today was no exception. She sat down, pulled out her lunch from her bag, and munched on it as she watched the water flowing by.
After she was done, she closed her eyes and leaned back on her hands, enjoying the feel of the sun on her face and the sound of birds chirping high up in the trees.
She’d almost fallen asleep when something caught her attention. She opened her eyes and looked around but saw nothing out of place.
She shrugged and decided to pack up and head back to town when she heard a rustling noise behind her.
Her heart rate picked up. She turned around just in time to see a large grey wolf emerge from the underbrush.
It stood there for a moment before turning and running away.
Dr. Parker stood up and walked over to the spot where the wolf had been standing. She looked around but didn’t see anything out of place except for a few broken branches.
She frowned. What had scared the wolf?
She shrugged and turned around just in time to see something moving out of the corner of her eye.
She turned but didn’t see anything.
That’s when she heard another noise behind her, this time closer than before.
She spun around just in time to see something falling from the trees.
Something big and heavy that would have hit her if not for her quick reflexes.
She managed to sidestep, and the thing landed in front of her with a thud. She stepped back, heart racing, as she stared at the creature in front of her.
She’d been wrong before. There was something in the forest with her, and it was responsible for scaring off the wolf.
The fox stared back at Dr. Parker with wide, terrified eyes. She’d been foolish to think she’d be safe so close to a predator like that.
The wolf had run away, but there was no way to know if it would come back for her later.
The fox had barely managed to get away from the wolf earlier.
If the doctor hadn’t shown up when she did, the wolf would have caught her, and then it would have been all over.
The fox shivered at the thought of what could have been.
Dr. Parker stared at the fox in shock. The poor creature was injured. One of its paws was bleeding badly, and it was limping as it struggled to get up and run away.
Dr. Parker felt sorry for the little thing. It had probably been chased by a predator like a wolf or a coyote and had nowhere to run. The clearing was too small, and there were too many trees around for it to get away from any predators easily.
But why had a wolf chased the fox? And why had it tried to drop a tree branch on her?
Dr. Parker shook her head. She was imagining things. Wolves didn’t deliberately try to hurt people, and they certainly didn’t try to drop trees on them. As for the noise behind her earlier, it had probably been the fox trying to warn her about the wolf.
The fox tilted its head to one side as if studying Dr. Parker’s face. Then it took a couple of hesitant steps forward before collapsing on the ground in front of her, whimpering softly.
The fox looked up at Dr. Parker with big sad eyes before letting out a soft whine. It seemed to be asking for help.
Dr. Parker’s heart went out to the little creature as she stared down at it. She couldn’t just leave it here like this. It was hurt and needed help.
“Come here, little guy,” Dr. Parker said softly as she crouched down in front of the fox and held out her hand.
The fox whimpered again but didn’t move as it stared up at Dr. Parker with wide, terrified eyes.
Dr. Parker frowned and retracted her hand before slowly reaching out again.
“Come here…you’re okay,” she said softly as she reached out and gently petted the top of its head.
The fox let out a soft whine and took a couple of hesitant steps forward before collapsing on the ground, whimpering softly.
Dr. Parker’s heart went out to the little creature as she stared down at it.
She couldn’t just leave it here like this.
It was hurt and needed help.
“Come here, little guy,” Dr.
Parker said softly as she crouched down in front of the fox and held out her hand.
The fox whimpered again but didn’t move as it stared up at Dr.
Parker with wide, terrified eyes.
Parker frowned and retracted her hand before slowly reaching out again.
“Come here…you’re okay,” she said softly as she reached out and gently petted the top of its head.
The fox let out a soft whine and took a couple of hesitant steps forward before collapsing on the ground, whimpering softly.
Parker’s heart went out to the little creature as she stared down at it.
She couldn’t just leave it here like this.
It was hurt and needed help.
“Poor thing,” Dr.
Parker said softly as she slowly reached out and gently cupped its face in her hands.
The fox blinked up at Dr.
Parker with big, sad eyes before letting out a low whine.
It seemed to be asking for help.
“It’s okay…you’re going to be okay,” Dr.
Parker said softly as she stroked the side of its face with her thumb.
Then she slowly pulled her hands away, making sure not to make any sudden movements that would scare it off.
Parker stood up and dusted herself off before turning around and walking back to her bike.
She climbed onto her bike and drove off after giving one last look back at the injured fox lying on the ground by the riverbank.
Chapter 2
Luna let out a low growl as she lay curled up into a ball on the cold forest floor.
Her whole body hurt from being thrown around so roughly by that wolf earlier on.
And now she had this annoying human trying to poke at her with those sharp needles of hers.
Luna growled again before letting out a soft whine when Dr.
Parker lifted her paw and started poking at it with those sharp sticks.
Luna yelped in pain when Dr.
Parker poked her already sore paw with one of those sharp sticks again.
“Sorry, girl…” Dr.
Parker said softly as she reached out and gently petted the top of her head.
“You’re just going to have to be a good girl and let me finish treating you…okay?”
Luna grumbled softly as she lay still and allowed Dr.
Parker to treat her injuries without too much fuss.
Then she let out a long sigh of relief when Dr.
Parker finally pulled away.
“I’m all done…I’ll come back tomorrow evening to check on you again,” Dr.
Parker said softly as she gathered up all her things and put them back into her bag.
Luna stared silently at Dr.
Parker as she watched her put all her things away before standing up and walking over to her bike.
Luna could hear Dr.