MidReal Story

Chapter One Mr. Krabs clutched the deed to his old friend’s NBA team in one hand and a dollar bill in the other. The dollar bill was for Squidward, the Bikini Bottom basketball team’s newest acquisition. The deed, on the other hand, was for his own treasure. He was now the proud owner of the Bikini Bottom Blues. “Ah, money and power,” he said, to no one in particular. “Can life get any better?” Just then, a loud cheer erupted from the group of people standing in front of him. “Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!” they cried. SpongeBob SquarePants was leading the cheer. He couldn’t be happier for his boss. He knew this was Mr. Krabs’ dream come true. The Bikini Bottom Blues were SpongeBob’s favorite basketball team. He had been a fan of the team for as long as he could remember. In fact, he had been their biggest fan. He knew all the players’ names by heart, and he had attended every game since he was a little sponge. SpongeBob had always wanted to be on the team, but he’d never been able to. He simply wasn’t tall enough to play professional basketball. But that didn’t stop him from being a part of the team. He had always been their mascot. He would run around the court, waving his arms and cheering on the crowd, with a giant smile on his face. Of course, there were some people who didn’t think SpongeBob was cut out to be a mascot, but SpongeBob didn’t care what people thought. He loved his job and wouldn’t have traded it for anything in the world. As SpongeBob continued leading the cheer, Mr. Krabs shoved the deed into his pocket and started to walk away. “Well, I’m off to the bank to open a new account,” he said. SpongeBob stopped cheering and looked at Mr. Krabs with a confused look on his face. “What do you need a new bank account for?” he asked. “I need a place to keep all my money,” Mr. Krabs replied. SpongeBob looked at him again. “But don’t you already have your treasure chest?” he asked. Mr. Krabs laughed and patted SpongeBob on the head. “No, no, no, boy,” he said. “That’s just where I keep my gold coins. My real money is too valuable to leave lying around like that.” With that, Mr. Krabs walked out of the room. SpongeBob stood there for a moment, trying to make sense of what had just happened. But before he could, Squidward walked up to him. Squidward was SpongeBob’s neighbor and coworker at the Krusty Krab. He was also one of SpongeBob’s best friends. Unlike SpongeBob, Squidward wasn’t very enthusiastic or outgoing. In fact, he was usually pretty grumpy and didn’t like to be bothered by anyone or anything. But there was one thing that made Squidward happy: playing the clarinet. He loved to play music and had even been in a band once. Unfortunately, Squidward’s band hadn’t been very successful, and it had broken up shortly after they formed. Since then, Squidward had given up on his dreams of becoming a famous musician and had taken a job at the Krusty Krab.

Scenario:Mr. Krabs jumps at the opportunity for an NBA expansion team located in Bikini Bottom, so he takes ownership of the Bikini Bottom Blues basketball team, then signs them up to join the NBA. This story is structured like a regular SpongeBob episode.
Create my version of this story
Mr. Krabs jumps at the opportunity for an NBA expansion team located in Bikini Bottom, so he takes ownership of the Bikini Bottom Blues basketball team, then signs them up to join the NBA. This story is structured like a regular SpongeBob episode.
Chapter One
Mr. Krabs clutched the deed to his old friend’s NBA team in one hand and a dollar bill in the other. The dollar bill was for Squidward, the Bikini Bottom basketball team’s newest acquisition. The deed, on the other hand, was for his own treasure.
He was now the proud owner of the Bikini Bottom Blues.
“Ah, money and power,” he said, to no one in particular. “Can life get any better?”
Just then, a loud cheer erupted from the group of people standing in front of him. “Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!” they cried.
SpongeBob SquarePants was leading the cheer. He couldn’t be happier for his boss. He knew this was Mr. Krabs’ dream come true.
The Bikini Bottom Blues were SpongeBob’s favorite basketball team. He had been a fan of the team for as long as he could remember. In fact, he had been their biggest fan. He knew all the players’ names by heart, and he had attended every game since he was a little sponge.
SpongeBob had always wanted to be on the team, but he’d never been able to. He simply wasn’t tall enough to play professional basketball.
But that didn’t stop him from being a part of the team. He had always been their mascot. He would run around the court, waving his arms and cheering on the crowd, with a giant smile on his face.
Of course, there were some people who didn’t think SpongeBob was cut out to be a mascot, but SpongeBob didn’t care what people thought. He loved his job and wouldn’t have traded it for anything in the world.
As SpongeBob continued leading the cheer, Mr. Krabs shoved the deed into his pocket and started to walk away. “Well, I’m off to the bank to open a new account,” he said.
SpongeBob stopped cheering and looked at Mr. Krabs with a confused look on his face. “What do you need a new bank account for?” he asked.
“I need a place to keep all my money,” Mr. Krabs replied.
SpongeBob looked at him again. “But don’t you already have your treasure chest?” he asked.
Mr. Krabs laughed and patted SpongeBob on the head. “No, no, no, boy,” he said. “That’s just where I keep my gold coins. My real money is too valuable to leave lying around like that.”
With that, Mr. Krabs walked out of the room. SpongeBob stood there for a moment, trying to make sense of what had just happened. But before he could, Squidward walked up to him.
Squidward was SpongeBob’s neighbor and coworker at the Krusty Krab. He was also one of SpongeBob’s best friends.
Unlike SpongeBob, Squidward wasn’t very enthusiastic or outgoing. In fact, he was usually pretty grumpy and didn’t like to be bothered by anyone or anything.
But there was one thing that made Squidward happy: playing the clarinet. He loved to play music and had even been in a band once.
Unfortunately, Squidward’s band hadn’t been very successful, and it had broken up shortly after they formed. Since then, Squidward had given up on his dreams of becoming a famous musician and had taken a job at the Krusty Krab.
Squidward frowned. He was happy for Mr. Krabs, but he couldn’t help but feel a little envious. It wasn’t fair that Mr. Krabs got to live out his dream while Squidward had to give up on his. Then he remembered the dollar bill in his hand and looked at SpongeBob.
It was a little battered and worn, but it still looked like a lot of money to Squidward. He didn’t know why Mr. Krabs had given it to him, but he wasn’t about to question it. He quickly stuffed it into his pocket and walked out of the room.
SpongeBob’s jaw dropped in shock. “Did you see that?” he asked. “Mr. Krabs just gave you a dollar!”
Squidward rolled his eyes. “Yes, SpongeBob, I saw that,” he said. “I’m not blind, you know.”
SpongeBob grinned. “Congratulations!”
Squidward stopped and turned to look at SpongeBob. “For what?”
“For the dollar!” SpongeBob exclaimed. “It’s the most money you’ve ever been given!”
Squidward shook his head in disbelief and walked away.
SpongeBob followed him, still grinning from ear to ear. “I’m so happy for you, Squidward,” he said. “I can’t wait to tell everyone!”
“Tell them what?”
“That you have a dollar!”
Squidward stopped in his tracks and turned to face SpongeBob. “I don’t have a dollar,” he said. “This is my dollar.”
SpongeBob frowned. “But Mr. Krabs gave it to you.”
“So what? It’s still my dollar.” Then Squidward started to walk away again.
SpongeBob stopped him once more. “But if it’s your dollar, then why did Mr. Krabs give it to you?”
“Because I was smart enough to ask for it.”
“You mean, all I had to do was ask for it?”
“Sure.” Squidward thought for a moment, and then added, “If you think Mr. Krabs will give you a dollar just because you ask for one, then you’re even dumber than I thought.” He laughed and walked away.
SpongeBob stood there for a moment, trying to figure out what Squidward meant by that. But before he could, they heard someone calling from the other room.
“SpongeBob! Squidward! Where are you? Get in here this instant!” It was their boss, Eugene H. Krabs.
SpongeBob and Squidward quickly made their way to the office to see what Mr. Krabs wanted. When they got there, they found him sitting behind his desk, counting stacks of hundred-dollar bills.
“What do you need us for, Mr. Krabs?” SpongeBob asked.
Mr. Krabs put down the money and looked at them with a big smile on his face. “I’ve got some great news,” he said.
“Yeah? What is it?” Squidward asked.
“I’ve always wanted to own an NBA team,” he said.
“I know,” Squidward said. “You’ve told us that a million times already.”
“Well, now I do!”
“That’s great! Congratulations!” SpongeBob exclaimed.
“Thank you,” Mr. Krabs replied.
“Who knew all my hard work would finally pay off?”
“Yes, who knew?”
Squidward muttered under his breath.
“What was that, Squidward?”
Mr. Krabs asked.
“Oh, nothing,” Squidward said.
“Anyway, I’ve got something else to tell you two,” Mr. Krabs said. “Since I bought the team, I’m making some changes around here. I want to see more fan support at the games, so I’m promoting you to head cheerleader, SpongeBob!”
SpongeBob’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Really? You mean it, Mr. Krabs?”
“Yes, I do,” Mr. Krabs said. “Starting next season, you’ll be in charge of the cheerleading squad, and you’ll make sure there are plenty of fans in the stands cheering for the Blues!”
“I won’t let you down, sir!” SpongeBob exclaimed.
“Good,” Mr. Krabs said. “And you can take Squidward with you.” With that, he handed SpongeBob another dollar and said, “Here’s your first paycheck as head cheerleader. Now get going and start working on those cheers!”
At that moment, Squidward knew he’d been right all along: being a jerk did pay off! But he still had one question for Mr. Krabs. “What about me?” he asked. “What am I going to be doing next season?”
Mr. Krabs looked at him and said, “You’re going to be playing for the team. You’re our new power forward!”
Squidward couldn’t believe his ears. He was going to be playing for the Blues? This was a dream come true! After all those years he’d spent practicing and playing in the school band, he was finally going to get his big break. He was going to be an NBA superstar!
“How did this happen?” he asked.
“This is amazing!
I don’t know what to say.”
“I do,” Mr.
Krabs said, with a big smile on his face.
“You’re welcome.”
Chapter Two
The next day, Squidward went to the gym to practice for his big debut.
It was the first time he’d been in the gym since he’d graduated, and it brought back a lot of memories.
He remembered spending countless hours in there, shooting hoops and practicing his free throws.
He also remembered the day he’d met his childhood hero, Kevin Garnett, when Mr.
Garnett came to visit his old high school team.
He’d even gotten an autograph from him.
But now all that seemed like ancient history.
Squidward was the one getting paid to play basketball, and he couldn’t wait to tell everyone about it.
As he entered the gym, he saw a bunch of kids from the neighborhood playing a game of basketball on the court.
“Hey, you kids!”
Squidward yelled at them.
“Get out of my gym!
I have to practice for my game tonight.”
The kids looked at him with blank faces.
“Sorry, dude,” said one of the kids, “but we’ve got next.”
“Yeah,” said another kid.
“We’ve been waitin’ here for hours to get on the court.”
Squidward yelled at them.
“I don’t care if you’ve been waiting here for days.
I’m a professional basketball player now and I need to practice for my game tonight.”
“But we’re pros, too,” said another kid.
“Yeah,” said another.
“That’s right,” said a voice from behind Squidward.
He turned around to see SpongeBob and his friends walking into the gym.
“We’re all pros,” SpongeBob said, grinning from ear to ear.
“This is the Bikini Bottom Training Academy for Future Pros,” a big fish with a whistle around his neck said as he followed SpongeBob into the gym.
“Hey, Coach!”
said one of the kids playing basketball on the court.
“You guys go ahead and take your time to practice,” Coach said to Squidward and his friends.
“Coach is a little busy right now giving my friends The Pro’s Club some extra training,” SpongeBob said to Squidward as he and his friends started taking shots on the court.
“We’ll be out of your hair in no time.”
Squidward couldn’t believe what was happening.
He’d waited his whole life for this chance, and now it was being taken away from him by a bunch of amateurs who didn’t even know how to dribble a basketball!
He had to do something about it, but what?
Then it hit him: he knew exactly how to get rid of SpongeBob and his friends once and for all.
He’d challenge them to a game of 21, and beat them once and for all!
As Squidward walked onto the court, SpongeBob and his friends stopped practicing and gathered around him.
“Hey, Squidward,” SpongeBob said.
“What’s up?”
“I’ll tell you what’s up,” Squidward said.
“I’m challenging you and your friends to a game of 21.
The winner gets the court for the rest of the day.”
“But we need the court for our game tonight,” SpongeBob said.
“That’s too bad,” Squidward said.
“If you guys can beat us, then you can have it.
But I doubt that’s going to happen.”
“Oh yeah?”
SpongeBob said.
“We’ll see about that!”
With that, he gathered his friends around him and they started the game.
SpongeBob won the first game with five points, but Squidward wasn’t worried.
He knew he still had plenty of time to beat him.
It was the first game he’d played in years, and he was just getting warmed up.
He’d let SpongeBob win this game so he wouldn’t feel too bad when he crushed him in the next two games.
Sure enough, Squidward won the second game and forced a third and deciding game.
“That’s game,” Squidward said after hitting two more free throws.
“I win.”
“No fair!”
SpongeBob said.
“You didn’t give me any free throws!
I want a rematch!”
“You’ll get your rematch tomorrow,” Squidward said.
“And I’ll beat you again just like I did today.”
“I guess we have no choice,” SpongeBob said as he and his friends left the court in defeat.
“We’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
After they left, Coach walked over to Squidward and shook his hand.
“That was some impressive shooting out there,” he said.
“It must have taken a lot of hard work to get that good.”
“It certainly did,” Squidward said proudly.
“But it paid off in the end.”
“Well, keep up the good work,” Coach said as he left the gym.
Squidward couldn’t believe it.
He’d finally done it.
After all these years of hard work and dedication, he’d finally made it.
Tomorrow night would be his first chance to prove himself in front of a live audience at Bikini Bottom Coliseum.
If he could keep playing like he had earlier that day and help lead his team to victory, then who knows?
Maybe he really could be a star player in the NBA after all.
Chapter 3
The next night was opening night at Bikini Bottom Coliseum.
As fans filed into their seats and waited for the game to start, a few familiar faces were seen taking their seats in the front row.
There was Mr.
Krabs sitting behind the scorer’s table in his usual red suit.
Next to him was Plankton sitting in his regular seat with his usual scowl.
In the last row of the upper deck was Sandy sitting next to Patrick and Gary.
All of the Bikini Bottom regulars were there to cheer on the home team.
Even the entire Bikini Bottom High School Marching Band was there to play at halftime.
With only five minutes left on the game clock, the Blues were up by 5 points.
It was the first game of Squidward’s NBA career.
He couldn’t believe the way he was playing.
In middle school and high school, he’d always been a shooting guard and one of his team’s leading scorers.
But tonight he was the team’s center and leading rebounder.
Just before the game started, Mr.
Krabs had walked into the locker room with his usual assortment of good luck charms and two new ones for his two star players.
For Squidward, he brought him a shiny new gold clarinet that he’d found at the pawnshop.
For SpongeBob, he brought him a new pair of size 13 shoes that had cost him his entire paycheck just to buy them.
He’d even spent double the price of both of them just to buy them back from the pawnshop owner before the game just to make sure everything would go according to plan.
Now as he sat there watching the game with his fingers crossed behind his back while he held on to his lucky dollar bill for dear life.