MidReal Story

Secrets of the Billionaire's Betrayal

Scenario: The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband
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The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband
I was on my knees, searching for the missing earring in my husband’s walk-in closet.
Unlike my three-by-four closet, Alexander’s was the size of a small room.
It was packed with his clothes, shoes, and other things, all neatly organized by him, of course.
I smiled when I found that one of my shirts he had ‘borrowed’ was hanging among his suits, not knowing if it was out of laziness or carelessness.
The thought of him wearing my shirt, smelling like me, brought a warm feeling to my chest.
But then I realized… What was I doing here?
I didn’t lose something so easily, but now I was digging through the clothes on the floor, like a sloppy woman who couldn’t even find her earrings.
I should have been shaking my head at myself for being so carelessly in love, but instead, I found myself thinking about his closet.
The clothes were all hung on matching hangers, and then organized by color and type.
That was just like him—always methodical and perfect.
I leaned back on my feet and looked around in the closet: suits on one side, and casual clothes on the other.
The suits were organized by color at first and then by type: two-button suits went first, followed by three-button suits.
In contrast to my closet, which was filled with mismatched hangers and clothes hanging every which way, his was perfect.
My shirts were also arranged by color in my closet, but that was because he had insisted on arranging them for me.
He didn’t have to do that, but he did it because he wanted to help me out.
He was always there to help me out when I needed him.
I could bathe in his love forever.
I shook my head again at myself.
What was wrong with me?
I had never been this way before.
It was just that I had been feeling strange lately.
How strange?
I couldn’t even describe it myself.
It wasn’t a physical problem; it was more like an intuition.
I shook my head again, wondering if I’d been drinking too much lately or if I needed to see a therapist.
But when I thought about therapists… I shook my head again.
I could never tell a therapist about how strange he made me feel.
I took a deep breath and started searching for the earring again.
What if it really was gone?
Would it still match the necklace?
I had tried so hard to make them match.
Even though nobody would ever see them together, I cared that they matched.
My fingers were turning red as I rummaged through the clothes on the floor.
I finally found the earring under a pair of jeans.
Relieved, I picked it up and put it back in its place in the jewelry box where it belonged.
When I closed the box and looked up, I saw a piece of paper stuck between two boxes on the shelf above me.
I reached up and pulled down the piece of paper.
Secrets of the Billionaire's Betrayal
It was a white envelope.
I stared at the envelope.
It was a little dirty on the outside as if it had been stepped on.
I turned the envelope over in my hands.
There was nothing written on the outside.
I was about to throw the envelope into the trash can beside me when something inside suddenly caught my attention.
I tore open the side of the envelope.
My heart suddenly started beating faster.
There was a bank statement inside in Alexander’s name.
It was from Chase Bank.
I stared at the numbers on the paper in shock.
At first glance, there was fifty million dollars in his checking account.
But when I looked closer…
The balance was actually over fifty thousand million dollars!
I let out a gasp.
It was as if he hadn’t known who he really was before he opened that closet door.
How could he have so much money?
He was just a simple real estate agent.
He lived in a modest apartment.
He drove a normal car.
He wore normal clothes.
I shook my head violently, trying to drive out the thoughts that were starting to take root in my mind.
No, this couldn’t be true.
There was no way he was actually someone else.
But then, why did he have so much money?
I took a deep breath and opened another statement, this one showing an offshore account at a bank in Panama.
My heart skipped a beat as I read the numbers on the page.
This time, there was more than one billion dollars in his account!
There was another bank statement in the envelope, this time from a Swiss bank, and there was more money in that account than in the other two combined!
My hands started to tremble as I took out another statement from a bank in Hong Kong and saw that there was even more money there!
Not only did he have so much more money than I had ever imagined, but most of his money wasn’t even domestic!
What could all this possibly mean?
I reached for the last paper in the envelope.
This time it was an application for Chinese nationality.
I looked at my husband’s name at the top of the page and read through the information below it.
Everything seemed to be in order, but my mind couldn’t seem to process what I was looking at.
This information didn’t make any sense.
I shook my head again and tried to think of some other explanation for what I was seeing.
But no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t see how this could possibly be true.
It was as if the man I had fallen in love with didn’t even exist at all.
It was as if everything we had been through together was nothing but a lie—his life, his job, his happiness, and even his love for me had all been nothing more than lies.
But how could that be?
How could he lie to me like this?
How could he pretend to be someone he wasn’t?
How could he keep so many secrets from me?
Secrets of the Billionaire's Betrayal
And why would he do something like that?
There were so many questions running through my mind, but I didn’t have any answers for them, and that just made everything even more confusing for me.
I took another deep breath and tried to calm myself down, but there was just something about all this that felt wrong, as if I were somehow missing something important, something big.
And then it hit me like a ton of bricks as my mind finally landed on the one thing I had somehow managed to overlook this entire time:
We were rich!
My husband was rich!
He was actually a billionaire!
It seemed so obvious now, but the idea seemed so unlikely that I had never even considered it before.
But now there was no denying it, and as soon as I realized it, everything changed for me in an instant.
The man I thought I knew was not who he said he was.
He had kept so many secrets from me, and now I couldn’t help but wonder what other secrets he might have kept from me as well.
How long had he been hiding this from me?
How long had he been pretending to be someone else?
And why would he ever do that in the first place?
But instead of trying to figure out all the answers on my own, there was only one thing I knew for sure: I needed to confront him about this right away!
I took his phone out of my pocket and sat down on the floor of his closet, propping up my back against the wall so that none of our employees could see me through the crack in the door, and then put everything back in place before unlocking his phone with his date of birth again and opening his email app this time.
I searched for the word “bank” and saw that there were only a few results.
One of them was just a notification from his bank about a new feature, while another one was just an advertisement for a new credit card.
But then I saw that there were also a few emails from his personal email address in the list, and when I opened one of them, I couldn’t believe what I was looking at.
It was a draft of an email that he had been writing to someone, and when I read it, I realized that it was something that he had sent to all of his clients to let them know that he would be unavailable for the next four weeks because he needed to take care of some family issues.
There were several phone numbers at the end of the email, along with his new email address, and when I read through the text of the email again, I saw that there was no mention of our marriage or our life together.
Secrets of the Billionaire's Betrayal
He didn’t even mention me at all, not even once.
I quickly went back to the list of emails and opened another one that had an attachment, and when I did, the document showed me that it was a bank statement, just like the one that I found in his closet.
There were several different accounts listed on the first page, all of which had more money in them than I could ever even have imagined, while the second page showed several properties that he owned all over the world, from Greece to Australia to South Africa and even India.
The next page showed me a copy of his passport, while the last one showed me several different investment funds that he owned shares in.
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I finally saw the total amount of money that he had hidden away in all these different places:
It said that he had over fifty million dollars in offshore accounts alone!
I felt a pit in my stomach as soon as I saw it.
There seemed to be no end to all these things that he had kept from me, and now I couldn’t help but wonder if I ever really knew him at all.
But there was also a small part of me that couldn’t help but feel a little excited about everything that I had just found out.
Alexander had always made me so happy, and he had always been so good to me, but there had also been so many times when he had let me down.
He had always promised me that he would take care of everything, but he had also disappointed me so many times over the years.
And now, after everything that had just happened, it was finally starting to make sense to me.
He hadn’t been able to keep his promises to me because he had been focusing on building a new life for us, one that would make sure that we would never have to worry about anything ever again.
And it seemed like he had done a pretty good job of it too.
The man that I thought I knew was not who he said he was.
We were not living the life that he had told me we were living.
Instead, we were living a lie.
And as soon as I realized it, my mind was immediately filled with so many questions.
How did he do this?
How did he keep this from me?
How did he even manage to make so much money in the first place?
What did he do for a living?
Did he actually go to work every day, or was that just a lie too?
How long had he been lying to me?
Did he really think that I would never find out?
Or did he just not care if I knew or not?
Did he think that I would stay with him no matter what?
Was he just using me for my money?
Or did he actually care about me?
Was any of it ever even real?
I couldn’t make sense of any of it, and now my mind was filled with so many doubts about our marriage.
But instead of letting them take over my thoughts, there was only one thing that I knew for sure: I needed to confront him right away!
Secrets of the Billionaire's Betrayal