MidReal Story

Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm

Scenario: Revised Novel Outline: "Exploring the Kingdom of Women" Setting:Historical and Geographical Context: Set at the enchanting locales of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Lugu Lake, amidst the legacy of the ancient Naxi Kingdom. Cultural Crossroads: The setting is a melting pot where Eastern and Western cultures converge, influenced by both matrilineal and patrilineal civilizations, providing a rich backdrop for the narrative. Main Characters: Lin Xuan - A historian of Chinese descent from the modern United States, driven by a quest to understand human societal developments and the secrets of matrilineal societies. Maya - Heiress to the Kingdom of Women, battling societal and political changes threatening her heritage. The Mosuo Elders - Keepers of ancient wisdom, with profound insights into the ecological and societal constructs of their time. Lin Xuan fascinated by an ancient scroll depicting the Naxi Kingdom, is mysteriously transported to the past through a time portal activated by the scroll. He arrives during a tumultuous period in the Kingdom of Women, right as he walks across the Tea Horse Road and drinks from the mystical waters of Lugu Lake Rising Action: Integrating into the kingdom, Lin Xuan learns about their intricate connection to nature and humanity, witnessing firsthand the spiritual and physical landscapes that define the region. Maya, facing challenges to her rule from factions within her court desiring a shift towards patriarchal rule, allies with Lin Xuan to preserve her heritage. Climax: Discovering a plot to usurp the throne involving ancient and forbidden magic tied to the white sand murals and Gemu Peak, Lin Xuan and Maya must navigate a series of dangerous, supernatural trials. These trials are designed to test their wisdom, courage, and understanding of both ancient and modern societal values. Bond of the Brave - Revised Summary and Detailed Writing Summary:With the Elders' Council's endorsement secured, Maya and Lin Xuan turn their attention to strengthening the kingdom's defenses and internal unity in anticipation of external threats. This chapter explores Lin Xuan's deeper integration into the kingdom's military and cultural frameworks, highlighting his training with the elite guard and his contributions to strategic planning. Simultaneously, it showcases Maya's leadership as she works to fortify political alliances and promote social cohesion, drawing on Lin Xuan's insights and the renewed support from the council. Military Training and Integration: Lin Xuan’s Training: Detail Lin Xuan’s rigorous training regimen with the kingdom’s elite guards, focusing on his initial struggles and eventual adaptation to their combat techniques and strategies. Cultural Integration: Show Lin Xuan learning more about the kingdom's history and military traditions during his training, which helps him gain respect and trust from the guards and other military leaders. Strategic Military Enhancements: Advisory Role: Describe Lin Xuan applying his unique perspectives to overhaul the kingdom’s defensive strategies, incorporating principles from both his world and the kingdom's traditional tactics. Implementation of Innovations: Include scenes of Lin Xuan working with military engineers to introduce new fortification designs and improved weaponry, inspired by a blend of ancient and modern technologies. Strengthening Political Alliances: Maya’s Diplomacy: Portray Maya engaging in diplomatic missions within and outside the kingdom, using her charisma and strengthened position to secure alliances. Public Engagements: Show Maya and Lin Xuan hosting a series of public events to promote unity and loyalty among the kingdom’s diverse factions, emphasizing their commitment to a prosperous and secure future. Personal Bonds and Leadership Growth: Developing Relationships: Highlight the growing personal bonds between Lin Xuan, Maya, and key figures within the kingdom, such as military commanders and influential nobles. Leadership Challenges: Illustrate challenges Maya faces as she balances tradition with the progressive changes introduced by Lin Xuan, dealing with resistance or criticism with grace and determination. Preparation for Upcoming Conflicts: Strategic Meetings: Detail strategy sessions where Maya and Lin Xuan, along with their advisors, discuss potential scenarios of conflict and prepare contingency plans. Community Involvement: Include a subplot where Lin Xuan helps organize community militia training programs, promoting a sense of empowerment among the citizens. Chapter Ending: Reflective Victory: Conclude with a successful demonstration of the new defense systems, which boosts morale and demonstrates the effectiveness of the changes Lin Xuan has helped implement. Foreshadowing Tension: End with reports arriving about increasing activities of neighboring realms, hinting that a conflict might be imminent, escalating the narrative tension and setting the stage for future chapters.
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Revised Novel Outline: "Exploring the Kingdom of Women" Setting:Historical and Geographical Context: Set at the enchanting locales of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Lugu Lake, amidst the legacy of the ancient Naxi Kingdom. Cultural Crossroads: The setting is a melting pot where Eastern and Western cultures converge, influenced by both matrilineal and patrilineal civilizations, providing a rich backdrop for the narrative. Main Characters: Lin Xuan - A historian of Chinese descent from the modern United States, driven by a quest to understand human societal developments and the secrets of matrilineal societies. Maya - Heiress to the Kingdom of Women, battling societal and political changes threatening her heritage. The Mosuo Elders - Keepers of ancient wisdom, with profound insights into the ecological and societal constructs of their time. Lin Xuan fascinated by an ancient scroll depicting the Naxi Kingdom, is mysteriously transported to the past through a time portal activated by the scroll. He arrives during a tumultuous period in the Kingdom of Women, right as he walks across the Tea Horse Road and drinks from the mystical waters of Lugu Lake Rising Action: Integrating into the kingdom, Lin Xuan learns about their intricate connection to nature and humanity, witnessing firsthand the spiritual and physical landscapes that define the region. Maya, facing challenges to her rule from factions within her court desiring a shift towards patriarchal rule, allies with Lin Xuan to preserve her heritage. Climax: Discovering a plot to usurp the throne involving ancient and forbidden magic tied to the white sand murals and Gemu Peak, Lin Xuan and Maya must navigate a series of dangerous, supernatural trials. These trials are designed to test their wisdom, courage, and understanding of both ancient and modern societal values. Bond of the Brave - Revised Summary and Detailed Writing Summary:With the Elders' Council's endorsement secured, Maya and Lin Xuan turn their attention to strengthening the kingdom's defenses and internal unity in anticipation of external threats. This chapter explores Lin Xuan's deeper integration into the kingdom's military and cultural frameworks, highlighting his training with the elite guard and his contributions to strategic planning. Simultaneously, it showcases Maya's leadership as she works to fortify political alliances and promote social cohesion, drawing on Lin Xuan's insights and the renewed support from the council. Military Training and Integration: Lin Xuan’s Training: Detail Lin Xuan’s rigorous training regimen with the kingdom’s elite guards, focusing on his initial struggles and eventual adaptation to their combat techniques and strategies. Cultural Integration: Show Lin Xuan learning more about the kingdom's history and military traditions during his training, which helps him gain respect and trust from the guards and other military leaders. Strategic Military Enhancements: Advisory Role: Describe Lin Xuan applying his unique perspectives to overhaul the kingdom’s defensive strategies, incorporating principles from both his world and the kingdom's traditional tactics. Implementation of Innovations: Include scenes of Lin Xuan working with military engineers to introduce new fortification designs and improved weaponry, inspired by a blend of ancient and modern technologies. Strengthening Political Alliances: Maya’s Diplomacy: Portray Maya engaging in diplomatic missions within and outside the kingdom, using her charisma and strengthened position to secure alliances. Public Engagements: Show Maya and Lin Xuan hosting a series of public events to promote unity and loyalty among the kingdom’s diverse factions, emphasizing their commitment to a prosperous and secure future. Personal Bonds and Leadership Growth: Developing Relationships: Highlight the growing personal bonds between Lin Xuan, Maya, and key figures within the kingdom, such as military commanders and influential nobles. Leadership Challenges: Illustrate challenges Maya faces as she balances tradition with the progressive changes introduced by Lin Xuan, dealing with resistance or criticism with grace and determination. Preparation for Upcoming Conflicts: Strategic Meetings: Detail strategy sessions where Maya and Lin Xuan, along with their advisors, discuss potential scenarios of conflict and prepare contingency plans. Community Involvement: Include a subplot where Lin Xuan helps organize community militia training programs, promoting a sense of empowerment among the citizens. Chapter Ending: Reflective Victory: Conclude with a successful demonstration of the new defense systems, which boosts morale and demonstrates the effectiveness of the changes Lin Xuan has helped implement. Foreshadowing Tension: End with reports arriving about increasing activities of neighboring realms, hinting that a conflict might be imminent, escalating the narrative tension and setting the stage for future chapters.
I came to the ancient kingdom of Naxi for an adventure.
An adventure that is both personal and academic.
As a historian from the US, I have always been fascinated by the ancient Chinese civilization.
Being a Chinese descent myself, I have always been proud of the rich history and cultural heritage that my ancestors have left us.
However, there are many things that are still veiled in mystery, and one of them is matrilineal society.
The matriarchal system was once quite popular throughout the world, but it has been replaced by the patriarchal system in most places.
However, there are still a few remote areas in China where matrilineal society still exists.
Among these, the Naxi Kingdom is the most well-known.
While the Naxi Kingdom is now part of China, it was once an independent kingdom, and its people have always been proud of their matrilineal heritage.
I have always been curious about matrilineal societies, and I believe that understanding them will help me better understand human history itself.
I decided to come to Lijiang for an adventure, hoping to find some answers to my questions.
The University of Lijiang is one of the best places to study the Naxi Kingdom, so this was my first stop.
I met with Professor Li Wei from the History Department as soon as I arrived at the university.
Professor Li is one of the most renowned scholars in the field, so I was thrilled to be his student for a few weeks.
Li Wei was very excited when he learned about my research interests, and he promised to help me in any way he could.
He also warned me that many things about matrilineal society are still unknown, and that most people’s understanding of it is based on patriarchal perspectives.
He advised me to think more critically and creatively if I want to find some real answers to my questions.
The first thing I decided to do after meeting with Professor Li was to read all the materials related to the Naxi Kingdom that I could find in the library.
Unlike other scholars who have studied the Naxi Kingdom before me, I gave up on studying its history first when I saw that many things were written from a patriarchal perspective.
Instead, I decided to study other aspects of the kingdom in order to get a more comprehensive understanding of it, such as its religion, literature, and art.
One of my favorite aspects is music.
Naxi music is famous all over China for its unique style and rich connotations.
While studying at the University of Lijiang, I learned how to play the guqin and even composed a piece of music myself!
I also had a chance to visit some ancient towns around Lijiang, such as Shuhe Ancient Town and Baisha Ancient Town.
Shuhe is located 4 kilometers northwest of Lijiang Ancient Town and has a history of more than 1,300 years.
It has always been an important stop on the ancient Tea-Horse Road, so there are many cultural relics that can be seen here.
Baisha Ancient Town is only 10 kilometers away from Lijiang Ancient Town and was once the center of the Naxi Kingdom.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
After visiting these places, I realized that the Naxi Kingdom was indeed unique.
The Naxi Kingdom is known for its matrilineal society, a rare phenomenon in human history.
In most matrilineal societies, the inheritance and descent of the family are traced through the female line.
However, the Naxi Kingdom is different.
It was established by women, and women had always held the power in this kingdom.
Eventually, the kingdom was inherited by Queen Sima, and her descendants would continue to rule Naxi for more than 500 years.
However, as time passed, women’s power gradually declined, and the kingdom eventually merged with the Ming Dynasty.
Since then, the Naxi society has become patriarchal, but people still retain some of their ancient customs.
As a historian from the US, I have always been curious about the ancient Chinese civilization, and it is my dream to study it thoroughly.
When I learned that Naxi was once a matriarchal society, it became even more interesting to me as it would definitely provide me with unique perspectives and valuable insights.
In recent years, some historians and anthropologists have begun to pay attention to the Naxi Kingdom, but unfortunately, there are still many things that we do not know.
It is said that the Mosuo Elders, who were the keepers of ancient wisdom in Naxi, had hidden many secrets that people still do not know.
I came to Lijiang to search for answers.
After reading a lot of books and materials in the library, I found that many people have misunderstood matrilineal society.
Most of them believe that matrilineal society is actually a disguised patriarchal society and that women are just a tool for men to control power and wealth.
I think this is an unfair view of women in matrilineal societies and a biased interpretation of history.
As a historian, my task is to find the truth and tell untold stories.
The Naxi Kingdom has left behind many valuable historical materials and cultural relics.
In recent years, scholars have discovered that some of the vases used by Naxi people had unique patterns on them, which were related to their matrilineal system.
I think these materials might provide me with some answers, so after reading some materials, I decided to visit some museums and cultural relics to see if I could find anything useful.
The University of Lijiang is one of the best universities in China, and it has a wealth of resources for students to use.
Therefore, I made full use of my time here and read a lot of books and materials within a few days.
While reading a book about the history of matrilineal society, I suddenly remembered a conversation I had with my grandmother when I was young.
“Lin Xuan, remember this: Women are born strong and wise.If you want to be respected by others, you must first learn to respect women.”
As a child, I did not understand what my grandmother meant by these words.
However, as an adult now, I think I finally understand what she meant.
My grandmother was an old revolutionary who had experienced numerous hardships in her life and had made great contributions to the country.
She spent most of her life on the battlefield fighting for peace and justice.
There is no doubt that she has made a great impact on my life.
My grandmother passed away last year, but her words still resonate with me.
I grew up in the US by my parents who immigrated from China for a better life so I have always had trouble reconciling my Chinese heritage with my American upbringing.
When I became interested in Chinese history during college, my grandmother was very happy for me.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
After she learned that I was coming to Lijiang to study matrilineal society in the Naxi Kingdom with Professor Li Wei, she told me that this would be a good opportunity for me to learn more about my culture and history so that it would not be forgotten or distorted by future generations.
With my grandmother's words still fresh in my mind, I was more determined than ever to find out more about women in matrilineal society and tell their untold stories in the history books.
After reading for about four hours at one go, I felt tired and decided to take a break.
To relax my brain, I decided to take a stroll around the campus.
With its beautiful environment and pleasant scenery, it was no wonder that many students chose to study here for their undergraduate degrees.
The University of Lijiang is located at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain and beside Lashi Lake, with well-equipped teaching facilities and a pleasant climate all year round.
I had been busy reading books in the library for several days and had not had time to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Lijiang yet.
Now that it was finally sunny today, it was a good time to go out for a walk to enjoy the beauty of nature.
After walking for about half an hour along the path beside Lashi Lake, I came across an ancient building with vivid murals painted on it.
I later learned that this was the Baisha Mural located in the ancient town of Shuhe near Lijiang.
The mural was painted during the Ming Dynasty with a history of more than 500 years.
It is one of the most famous murals in the world with its intricate depiction of ancient life including religious ceremonies, hunting scenes, and laboring life of the Naxi people at that time.
As an art lover myself, I could not help but be deeply attracted by the beauty of the mural.
As far as my research told me so far, it was clear that women played a central role in the Naxi Kingdom society back then as well as part of their religious beliefs.
This was not surprising to me at all as women have always been known for their wisdom and strength regardless of time or place in history.
And the Baisha Mural was a testament to this fact.
After admiring the mural for a while, it was time to go back to the campus to continue with my research work.
When I returned to campus, it was already noon and the sun was shining brightly in the sky casting a golden light over everything it touched including Lashi Lake which looked even more beautiful than before.
As I walked along the path beside Lashi Lake enjoying the picturesque scenery around me, I suddenly saw Maya waving at me from a distance not too far away from me with a big smile on her face.
“Hey Lin Xuan!What are you doing?Would you like to join us?”
Maya is a lively and active tour guide who loves to make friends wherever she goes.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
She is also a graduate student at the University of Lijiang majoring in tourism management.
“Sure, why not?”
I replied with a smile as I walked over to join her.
Together, we met up with her friends who had been waiting for us at a nice restaurant by Lashi Lake.
As soon as we sat down, they ordered some delicious local dishes for us to try while chatting about this and that.
After lunch, Maya suggested that we go help her aunt restore some ancient murals in an old town nearby.
I was very curious about the murals she mentioned.
And since I had nothing else planned for today, I decided to tag along with them to see what it was all about.
When we arrived at the mural restoration site, I saw an ancient building with a large mural painted on its wall with scaffolding around it.
A group of people were busy restoring it while others were mixing pigments for them.
To my surprise, this mural was made of white sand instead of traditional paint on paper or silk like most of the ancient Chinese paintings I had seen before.
The white sand was spread on the wall like a piece of canvas on which colorful pigments were used to create beautiful images.
As a historian, I knew that murals were very important in ancient China as they often depicted historical events, religious beliefs and daily life of the common people at that time.
But unlike paper and silk, murals were not easy to preserve due to their exposure to the elements over time.
It was therefore very common to see murals being restored by experts in order to save cultural relics.
I later learned that this particular mural was one of the oldest and most valuable works of art in Lijiang and was being restored by a group of professional restorers led by the chief restorer who was also a distant relative of Maya.
I was very curious about this unique cultural relic and was eager to learn more about it.
So I asked Maya if it was possible for me to meet her aunt so that I could ask her some questions about how they preserved and restored this ancient mural.
Maya said it was no problem at all and that we could go meet her aunt after she finished work later in the afternoon.
As we waited for Maya's aunt to finish work, I stood in front of the mural and stared at it in awe as if it was trying to tell me something.
The mural was a large painting covering an area of 36 square meters with some parts already restored while others were still being worked on by professional restorers who were busy removing dirt from it using special tools made from bamboo and animal hair.
The mural depicted an ancient city surrounded by mountains and rivers with a group of people dancing at its center performing a grand ceremony in front of a magnificent palace with colorful flags flying in the sky and dragons dancing in the clouds above.
This kind of grand building and landscape was indeed rare in Chinese culture as far as I knew based on my research work so far especially since it was created using white sand instead of paint which made it look even more unique and mysterious in its own way.
Just when I was lost in thought, I suddenly heard someone approaching me from behind.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
"Excuse me, may I ask you a question?"
I turned around and saw a woman standing behind me, looking at me with a pair of bright eyes that seemed to contain a hint of recognition in them.
She was dressed in the traditional attire of the Naxi people with her long black hair tied up in two braids on both sides of her head with red ribbons serving as decorations.
She looked very gentle and beautiful with delicate facial features like the ancient Chinese women in the paintings I had seen before while her skin was fair and smooth just like the white sand used to create the mural which made her look very elegant and charming.
I couldn't help but be stunned by her sudden appearance as she looked very familiar to me for some reason even though I had never met her before.
As if she realized the effect she had on me, she blushed slightly before apologizing to me in a soft voice with a sweet smile on her beautiful face.
"I'm sorry for interrupting you, sir.
I just wanted to ask you if you are a student from the university as well?"
I quickly came back to my senses and smiled back at her before answering her question.
"No, I'm not a student here but a historian from the United States.
I heard that this ancient mural is being restored here so I decided to come here and take a look.
By the way, I'm Lin Xuan.
Maya," she replied in a gentle voice while extending her hand towards me.
I reached out my hand and shook hers.
It felt very warm and soft which made me feel very comfortable for some reason as if I had known her for a long time even though I had just met her.
"Nice to meet you, Miss Maya."
"Nice to meet you too, Mr.Lin."
I noticed that she had a pair of gentle eyes that seemed to be full of wisdom as if she had lived for a long time even though she looked like she was only in her early twenties which made me feel even more fascinated by her for some reason.
Maya looked at me and asked me curiously after we introduced ourselves to each other.
"Mr.Lin, may I ask you why are you so interested in this ancient mural?"
I looked at the ancient mural in front of me and replied.
"Because this ancient mural is different from any other murals I have ever seen before.
It is not only unique in terms of its shape and size, its content is also very interesting as it depicts an ancient city that does not seem to exist in reality based on my current understanding of ancient Chinese culture."
Maya listened to my answer and nodded her head slightly before asking me another question with a smile on her beautiful face.
"So you are interested in ancient Chinese culture as well?"
She noticed that I was wearing a T-shirt with an image of a Chinese dragon printed on it along with a pair of black jeans which made her guess that I must be interested in ancient Chinese culture since I came all the way from the United States to Lijiang just to see this ancient mural instead of going to other popular tourist sites around the world like most tourists would do.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
I looked at Maya and replied with a smile.
"Yes, I am very interested in ancient Chinese culture.
In fact, that is the main reason why I decided to come to Lijiang in the first place.
I want to learn more about the Naxi Kingdom and their unique matrilineal culture since I find it very fascinating."
Maya listened to my answer and smiled back at me before saying.
"I see, I'm also very interested in ancient Chinese culture especially the culture of the Naxi Kingdom.
That's why I decided to become a tour guide for the university students during my free time when I'm not working on my research about the Naxi Kingdom and their matrilineal culture."
I looked at Maya and asked her curiously.
"Are you a student from the university as well?"
Maya looked at me and shook her head slightly before replying.
"I'm not a student.
I'm a researcher who has been studying the history and culture of the Naxi people for many years now.
My family is also related to the Naxi people which is why I am very interested in this subject."
I listened to Maya's explanation and asked her another question curiously.
"May I ask if you have any special connection with the Naxi people since you said that your family is related to them?"
Maya looked at me for a moment before replying with a hesitant expression on her beautiful face.
"You could say that…but it's a long story…"
"I see, it must be quite complicated," I replied with a smile while feeling curious about what kind of special connection she had with the Naxi people.
Maya looked at me and nodded her head slightly before smiling back at me.
"Yes, it is quite complicated but it's not important right now.
In fact, I'm more interested in knowing more about you right now.
May I ask you what aspect of the Naxi culture are you most interested in?"
I looked into Maya's beautiful eyes and answered her question honestly without hiding anything from her.
"I'm most interested in knowing more about the Kingdom of Women and its unique matrilineal culture since it is very rare in ancient Chinese history which is why it has always been a topic of interest for many historians including myself."
Maya listened to my answer and nodded her head slightly before smiling back at me once again.
"I see, that's very interesting.
If you are interested in knowing more about the Kingdom of Women then I can help you with that since I am one of the potential heirs of the Kingdom of Women."
Maya looked at me curiously while waiting for my reaction after hearing her words but I was totally surprised by what she had just said so I asked her with a confused expression on my face.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
"Wait, what did you just say?
"I said that I am one of the potential heirs of the Kingdom of Women," Maya replied calmly before looking at me with an understanding expression on her beautiful face.
"It is true that most people in this world do not know much about us due to our secluded location but it seems like you are quite knowledgeable about us, Lin Xuan…or should I say that it's because you are also one of us?"
I was totally shocked by Maya's words since her guess was surprisingly accurate but I did not expect that she would find out about it so quickly after just one conversation with me.
I looked into Maya's beautiful eyes with surprise and curiosity before asking her with a hesitant expression on my face."How did you know that I am one of you?"
Maya looked at me with a mysterious smile on her beautiful face before answering me with an understanding expression on her face.
"Because you have already met some members of our royal family such as Maya, Pu Zhi, and Pu Yun…"
"I see, but how did you know all of this?"
I asked Maya with a curious expression on my face while trying to find out what was she trying to imply by telling me all of this.
Maya looked at me and replied with a serious expression on her beautiful face while maintaining her calm composure.
"Because I am Maya and I am also one of the potential heirs of the Kingdom of Women along with my twin sister, Pu Zhi."
I was totally shocked by what Maya had just said since she had already told me that her name was Pu Zhi when we first met which meant that she was also known as Pu Zhi by other people besides her parents and family members in the royal family of the Naxi Kingdom which made sense since she was one of their potential heirs along with her twin sister, Pu Yun.
I looked into Maya's beautiful eyes and asked her with a curious expression on my face while trying to find out more information about her."I see…but why did he marry you?
Maya looked at me for a moment before looking at Maya for help as if she was trying to find out how she should answer my question but she could not find any answers from her so she decided to answer me honestly without hiding anything from me.
"According to our sacred dice ceremony, he is destined for me…"
"I see…so you are saying that your marriage with him is destined by fate?"
I asked Maya curiously while trying to find out if it was true or not since it sounded quite unbelievable to me but she nodded her head seriously before looking at me with a serious expression on her beautiful face once again.
"Yes, it is true…according to our sacred dice ceremony, he is destined for me which is why we have no other choice but to get married even though he does not love me."
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
"I see…but if he does not love you then he would probably not hesitate to kill you when you become his wife, right?"
Maya looked at me with a serious expression on her face before looking at Maya for help as if she was trying to find out what I had just said but she did not know the answer so she decided to ask Maya for help.
"I see…but why would he kill me when I become his wife?"
Maya asked me curiously while looking at me with a confused expression on her face.
I looked at Maya with a serious expression on my face and replied with a serious expression on my face as well while looking at Maya as well.
"What I am saying is true…if he does not love you then he would probably not hesitate to kill you when you become his wife, right?"
Maya looked at me with a serious expression on her beautiful face while maintaining her calm composure before asking me with a curious expression on her face.
"I see…but why are you telling us all of this?"
I looked into Maya's beautiful eyes and replied with a serious expression on my face while looking at Maya as well.
"I am telling you all of this because I have read some ancient books about the Naxi Kingdom which say that whenever they are going to change their heirs, they will need someone who is destined for the future heirs of the Naxi Kingdom…"
Suddenly, I was interrupted by something before I could finish my sentence which was Maya's grandmother who had just arrived in the living room and looked at me with an angry expression on her old face while maintaining her calm composure.
"What are you talking about?"
I looked at Maya's grandmother who was staring at me with an angry expression on her old face and replied with a serious expression on my face while looking at her as well.
"I am talking about the heir of the Naxi Kingdom…"
Maya's grandmother looked at me for a moment before looking at me with an angry expression on her old face while maintaining her calm composure.
"Do you know what you are talking about?"
Maya's grandmother asked me seriously while looking at me with an angry expression on her old face.
I looked at Maya's grandmother and nodded my head seriously before replying to her with a serious expression on my face as well while looking at her as well.
"Yes, I know what I am talking about…one of the potential heirs of the Naxi Kingdom is destined by fate which means that he is destined for her."
Suddenly, I was interrupted by something before I could finish my sentence which was Maya who had just slapped me in the face and looked at me with an angry expression on her beautiful face while maintaining her calm composure.
"Stop talking nonsense…my grandmother would never do such a thing…"
Maya looked at me with an angry expression on her beautiful face before leaving the room and going upstairs which was probably because she did not want to talk to anyone at the moment which was understandable since she had just been betrayed by her own grandmother.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
"Why did she slap me in the face?"
I was confused as to why Maya had just slapped me in the face after I had mentioned the heirs of the Naxi Kingdom and looked at Maya's grandmother who had just remained silent throughout the whole incident before looking at me with an angry expression on her old face.
"The spirits are waiting…"
Maya's grandmother said that much before leaving the living room as well which made me curious about what she meant by saying that the spirits were waiting before following her out of the living room as well.
Suddenly, I started hearing some noises coming from outside which made me curious about what they were as well before going outside in order to check where they were coming from.
When I went outside, I found out that they were coming from Gemu Peak which was where the ancient spirits were buried and were guarding it ever since they had been buried there as well.
Gemu Peak had been closed off for centuries now in order to prevent anyone from digging up the ancient spirits which were buried there as well.
The ancient spirits were supposed to be guarding their tombs which were located there as well.
Gemu Peak was where the ancient spirits were buried and were guarding their tombs which were located there as well.
Gemu Peak was supposed to be closed off ever since then also in order to prevent anyone from disturbing them which would make them angry as well.
Gemu Peak was where the ancient spirits of women were buried after they had died during childbirth in order to prevent them from turning into ghosts as well.
Gemu Peak had been closed off for centuries now in order to prevent anyone from disturbing their tombs which would make them angry as well.
The ancient spirits of women were supposed to be guarding their tombs so that no one would disturb them as well.
Gemu Peak was still being guarded by the spirits of women after all these years in order to prevent anyone from disturbing their tombs as well.
Gemu Peak was still being guarded by the spirits of women after thousands of years had passed which was quite incredible as well.
Gemu Peak was still being guarded by the spirits of women after all this time had passed which was quite amazing as well.
When I went back inside, I found out that Maya's grandmother had just come back from outside as well and was waiting for me in the living room before going back inside again in order to talk to her also.
I followed Maya's grandmother inside who was waiting for me in the living room before asking her what she wanted to talk about at this time.
"The ancient spirits are waiting…"
Maya's grandmother said that much before explaining to me about what was going on outside as well.
The Mosuo Elders have also told me that we need to go inside Gemu Peak so that we can talk to the ancient spirits who are waiting for us there also at this time…"
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
"Is it safe to do that?"
"Are you sure that you cannot send someone else to do it instead?"
"Only you have the ability to do that now since you are the only one who has passed all three trials at this time…
If you want, we can go together now…
If not, then you can go and prepare yourself first…
After all, you still have many things to do at this time also…
Since you have already gotten permission from the Mosuo Elders to be with my granddaughter at this time, it is time for you to focus on your mission at this time…
If you need anything, just let me know and I will create it for you within a short period of time…"
Maya's grandmother said this much before taking her leave in order to allow me some peace at this time.
She knew that it was too overwhelming for me at this time and wanted me some time alone first so that I could relax a little bit at this time before going inside Gemu Peak…
It was terrifying to know that she knew about all of these things at this time even though she had never told me about them…
It made sense since she knew everything about me already…
She must have known about my abilities also…
However, it was terrifying to know that someone else knew about my abilities as well at this time…
I needed some time alone now in order to think about what I should do next…
If we were going inside Gemu Peak…
Does that mean that we will be able to find out more things about the ancient spirits?
Will we be able to find out more things about them?
I needed to find out more information about this mission first before going inside Gemu Peak…
I went downstairs first in order to grab something to eat at this time also since I needed a lot of energy at this time…
After that, I went inside my room first in order to rest a little bit at this time also…
I needed some rest at this time since it had been a long day already…
It took 3 hours for me to sleep at that time since I was thinking too much about what will happen next…
However, I still need some rest at that time since it had been a long day already…
After that, I went back downstairs since I knew that it was almost morning now…
However, I found out that it was already morning now when I went downstairs since everyone else had already gone upstairs now…
It took me 10 minutes to eat breakfast at this time before going upstairs once again…
This time, Battalion Commander Ma was waiting for me outside my room while holding two swords in his hands…
"We have some training to do today," he said at that time when he saw me…
"We will be doing some training today since we need more people right now…
We will be doing some training today until you get better at using your swordsmanship skills at this time."
It took me 10 minutes to get ready at that time before going downstairs once again…
This time, Battalion Commander Ma and some other people were waiting for me by the door…
We went inside the training ground first before starting the training at that time…
I found out that it took me 5 minutes before getting used to using the sword at that time…
However, it took me 2 hours and 30 minutes before getting used to using two swords at that time…
I needed some practice at that time since it had been a while since the last time that I had used a sword…
The last time that I used a sword was when I went hiking in the forest with my dad…
It took me 10 minutes before getting used to using two swords at the same time at that time also…
It took me 20 minutes before Battalion Commander Ma asked me to stop at that time…
It took me 20 minutes before going back inside my room and taking a shower at that time…
It took me 10 minutes before going back outside once again…
This time, Battalion Commander Ma and some other people were waiting for me in order for me to start my training at that time also…
I found out that it took me 5 minutes in order for me to start my training with them at this time…
It took me 1 hour before stopping at that time since it had been a long day already at this time…
It took me 20 minutes before going back inside my room and sleeping at that time once again…
However, it took me 3 hours before falling asleep at that time since my body was too tired.
"We will be doing more training tomorrow," Battalion Commander Ma said in the morning when he saw me after waking up in the morning.
"It is still too early for us since you still have a lot of things to learn at this time…
If you want, we can start now as well," he said at that time when he saw me at the door.
I turned around first in order for me to take a shower first before coming back at that time…
I knew that he would not let me come back inside if I did not do that first at that time…
I went inside the shower first in order for me to take a shower first before coming back at that time…
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
It took me 10 minutes in order to take a shower first before going downstairs once again…
Battalion Commander Ma and some other people were waiting for me by the door in order for us to go inside the training ground first again…
I found out that it took me 10 minutes in order for me to start my training with them in the morning…
We would be doing more training in order for me to start my training with them in the morning…
We would be doing more training again today since I still have a lot of things to learn…
I found out that it took me 5 minutes in order to learn how to use the spear in the morning…
It took me 1 hour and 30 minutes in order to learn how to use two spears at the same time in the morning…
I found out that it was not going to be easy for me to learn how to use two spears at the same time in 10 minutes…
It took me 3 hours and 30 minutes in order to learn how to use two spears at the same time in 10 minutes…
It was not going to be easy for me to learn how to do something so fast in only 10 minutes…
However, they were not going to make it easy for me either…
I needed more practice in order for me to learn how to do something so fast in only 10 minutes…
It was clear that they were not going to make it easy for me either…
It was not going to take long for me to start learning how to use two spears at the same time…
I did not think that I would be able to learn how to use two spears at the same time within 5 minutes…
I was not sure if I would be able to learn how to use two spears at the same time within 5 minutes or not…
We were still going to do more training after I learned how to use two spears as well…
I needed another 30 minutes of practice in order for him to ask me to stop using a spear first…
It took me 20 minutes before taking a break first at that time…
I found out that it was going to be hard for me to walk after taking a break first also…
It was not going to take long before they asked me if I was tired yet also…
I told them that I was not tired yet, and I was going to keep on learning how to use two spears at the same time…
They asked me if I wanted to take another break after listening to what I said, but I told them no once again.
I knew that there was nothing else for them since they had already tried their best in order for him to stop using a spear first.
However, it took me another 15 minutes before he stopped since he had already been training with him for a long enough…
He told me that he was already happy with what he saw from me after I stopped training with him.
He told me that I could go back inside my room and rest first after I heard what he said.
There are many reasons why members of the Naxi kingdom’s elite guard are called White Wolf soldiers, but one reason certainly is their attire.
The guards wear white from head-to-toe, and not just because white is historically associated with mourning and death in Naxi culture.
The color choice also has a long tradition among Naxi soldiers.
In fact, white has been associated with armies and martial prowess in China ever since ancient times.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
In modern Chinese, to say someone has “white arms” means that person is a soldier or a warrior.
The guards of the Kingdom of Women, however, take the symbolism one step further: They wear white as a symbol of their desire to live peacefully and free from war, even though they may be called upon to fight.
The message is clear: White Wolf soldiers are always ready to protect their homeland but are equally eager to put down their arms and return to their homes as soon as possible.
But it wasn’t just the uniforms that made them stand out: their military training was also a sight to behold.
The Mosuo were often seen as an exotic matriarchy by outsiders, but what many didn’t realize was that this matriarchy also stretched into military leadership.
While Lin Xuan himself found it surprising that women were allowed to hold ranks within Naxi’s military, he also saw that such an arrangement seemed to work for them.
Women were just as capable of leading Naxi troops as men, and there were plenty of talented female officers to choose from, all of whom could marshal their troops with resolute authority or fight alongside them with unmatched skill.
As Lin Xuan watched General Yang order his troops around, he couldn’t help but be impressed by how seriously they took their drill.
He watched as Battalion Commander Ma demonstrated various moves with his troops, then ordered one of his female officers to spar with a male soldier.
The female officer was just as strong as any of her male counterparts and was able to hold her own against one of them despite being smaller than him.
Lin Xuan could see that most women from this kingdom were like that.
They were usually smaller and lighter than men but were also just as fierce when it came to protecting their homeland.
That was why Lin Xuan had always believed that a kingdom’s greatest assets were its people.
And when it came to the Kingdom of Women, their fierce spirit was impossible to break.
It didn’t hurt that they also had a great geographical location.
Nestled between towering mountains on all sides was Lugu Lake, which stretched out like a giant mirror reflecting its surroundings.
But despite its beauty, Lin Xuan also knew that it was a dangerous place.
As General Yang continued to explain some basic military strategies to Lin Xuan, he couldn’t help but think about two of his favorite theorists on military strategy: Sun Tzu and Clausewitz.
As far as Sun Tzu, he had always agreed with his philosophy that war should be avoided if at all possible.
But when it came down to it, war was sometimes unavoidable, and that was when Clausewitz’s strategies would come in handy.
And from what he had seen so far, it looked like the Naxi were pretty well-prepared in case they ever needed to go to war.
As General Yang pointed out, they had natural defenses on all sides, which would make it difficult for an enemy army to invade their territory.
But even though they had those natural defenses, it didn’t mean that they could let their guard down, and that was why they had such a strong military presence in this area.
There were several ways for an enemy army to invade this area, and they needed someone there to watch out for them in case it ever happened.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
Lin Xuan had always been more interested in studying history than in actually being a part of it, but as he watched General Yang train his troops, he began to realize that you really couldn’t have one without the other.
That was why he found himself spending most of his time hanging out with the elite guard and learning everything he could about them.
He wanted to know what made them tick so that if he ever needed to call upon them for help, he would know exactly what they were capable of doing.
During his time with them, Lin Xuan also discovered that he had a natural talent for martial arts himself, despite never having done any training before in his life.
It helped that he was already in pretty good shape before he came here, thanks to all those years spent sitting at a computer or in a library reading books.
But now that he was actually putting all that knowledge to use, he could see just how much it would benefit him in the long run.
And even though he hadn’t realized it at first, all that training was actually giving him some pretty good ideas on how to make this kingdom even stronger than it already was.
Lin Xuan’s thoughts were interrupted when someone tapped him on the shoulder and asked him something in Chinese.
“What did you think of that last move?”
Lin Xuan asked her.
The young woman smiled and nodded her head in agreement.
“I thought so too.”
But then she looked at the other soldiers who were still sparring and said, “But I don’t think the others will be able to do it as well.”
Lin Xuan watched as the male soldier continued to spar with the female officer and saw that she was right.
There was no way that any of them were going to be able to pull off that move as easily as she had.
And even though it was a pretty cool move, Lin Xuan also knew that it wasn’t going to be very helpful in a real fight.
He looked at the map on the table in front of him and tried to think of a better way for them to use their strengths and weaknesses against an enemy army.
And after a moment of thinking, he finally said, “What if we put some troops here and here?”
Lin Xuan pointed to two different areas on the map where there were no troops stationed and explained how an enemy army could easily take advantage of those weaknesses.
But if they stationed some troops there, then it would force them to change their strategies, which would give the elite guard and the rest of the kingdom an advantage over them.
Everyone listened to what Lin Xuan had to say and nodded their heads in agreement.
They all thought that his ideas were pretty good and even suggested a few of their own too.
It wasn’t long before they had come up with a plan on how to deal with an enemy army if one ever tried to invade their territory.
Maya and the other members of the council were also impressed by what Lin Xuan had come up with, and they asked him to help them come up with some more strategies for other scenarios too.
Lin Xuan was so excited to have been asked to help them out that he immediately went back to his quarters and started looking through all the notes that he had taken while studying ancient Chinese military tactics.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
He read through them all and found a few good ideas that he could use, but most of them were pretty outdated, so he decided to try and come up with a few new ones on his own.
He sat at his desk and started writing down everything that came to mind, but eventually, he got stuck on a few things and couldn’t come up with any good ideas.
He didn’t know what to do at first, but then he remembered something that his mentor General Yang had told him once when he was having trouble coming up with a good idea.
Lin Xuan picked up his pen and paper again and started writing down everything that came to mind without worrying about how good or bad it might be.
When he was finally done writing, Lin Xuan knew that he had come up with a few good ideas, but also a few bad ones too.
He didn’t know which ones were actually going to work, but he did know that he had to try all of them out first before he could decide if any of them were worth keeping or not.
So the next morning, when Lin Xuan met back up with Maya and the rest of the council, he presented all of his ideas to them and explained how each one worked and why it would help them defeat an enemy army.
At first, Lin Xuan was a little nervous about telling them his ideas because he wasn’t sure if they were going to like them or not.
But when he saw that everyone was listening to him very carefully, Lin Xuan knew that they were going to at least try them out first before deciding if they wanted to keep any of them or not.
And even though Lin Xuan was a little disappointed by their response to his ideas at first, he was still very happy to see that Maya was actually listening to what he had to say for once.
When Lin Xuan was done explaining his ideas, the council members discussed it among themselves and eventually decided to try out a few of his ideas first to see if any of them would actually work.
They sent Lin Xuan to go speak with Chief Engineer Xu, who was in charge of making sure that all of their weapons, equipment, and defenses were in good working order, to see if there was anything else that they needed to do before they could start building everything that Lin Xuan had come up with.
Lin Xuan went to go visit Chief Engineer Xu right away and told him everything that the council had told him to say.
Chief Engineer Xu was so excited by all the new projects that Lin Xuan had come up with that he called in all of the other military engineers right away so that they could get started working on everything right away.
They went through all the different projects that Lin Xuan had come up with and wrote down all of the materials, labor, and time that it would take for each one before deciding which ones they wanted to work on first.
The military engineers finished going through everything a little while later and decided to start working on the new fortifications in the back mountains and Jade Stream Village first since those two areas were the most vulnerable to an enemy attack right now.
Lin Xuan was so happy to see that everything was finally starting to come together that he immediately went back to his quarters and sat down at his desk right away so that he could write a letter to Maya about everything that had happened.
He wanted her to know just how much he loved her and how amazing he thought she was for being able to lead the kingdom as well as she did.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
Maya had been happy when she had first heard about the Tea Horse Road that Lin Xuan had told her about shortly after he had arrived in the kingdom.
She thought that it would be a great way for the kingdom to make more money since they had so many caravans that traveled past Lijiang every year, but weren’t able to stop by because there wasn’t enough food or water for their animals along the way.
So after she had told the council members about what Lin Xuan had said, they had all agreed that it would be a great idea for the kingdom to build a new road near the Tea Horse Road so that caravans could stop by for a few days without losing too much time before continuing on their way.
The council had sent out some men a little while later so that they could find the best place for the new road before sending out even more men so that they could start clearing away any trees, bushes, or rocks that were in the way of where they wanted the new road to be.
And when they had finally finished clearing away everything that they didn’t want from where they wanted the new road to be, they had finally been able to start building it.
The kingfom’s population had been growing larger and larger over the years because there had been more refugees and migrants coming into the kingdom every year.
Some of the refugees came because they had lost everything that they had owned when their homes had been destroyed by an enemy army while others came just because they wanted a better life for themselves than they would have been able to have if they stayed where they had been living before.
But no matter why they had come, everyone who lived in the kingdom loved being there because Maya was such an amazing leader that she had managed to keep everyone who lived there safe over the years.
The kingfom’s population had gotten so large recently that some of the council members had decided that they needed to build some new buildings around Lugu Lake so that everyone who lived there would have a place where they would be able to live as well as work if they wanted to.
Maya had agreed with what they had told her and had sent out some men right away so that they could start working on building everything that they needed right away.
Lin Xuan had gone with them so that he would be able to make sure that everything that they built would look like all of the other buildings around Lugu Lake, which had been built using Naxi architectural style, since he was better at drawing than anyone else who lived in the kingdom.
He had spent the next few days inside of his new office writing up all of the new plans that he had come up with so that he would be able to show them to Maya later on that night.
Lin Xuan had also spent most of his time inside of his new office writing up all of his new ideas because Maya had put him in charge of making sure that everything that she wanted done actually got done.
She had also put him in charge of making sure that all of their enemies were kept out of the kingdom since Lin Xuan had been able to come up with a way for them to be able to keep their enemies out of the kingdom without having to fight them.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
Maya had been worried about not being able to keep their enemies out of the kingdom because the kingdom’s population had been growing so quickly over the years that there had been more people coming into the kingdom than they had been able to build buildings for, which meant that some of the people who lived inside of the kingdom had been living in tents while they waited for a building where they would be able to live and work to be built for them.
But Maya had not been worried about not being able to keep their enemies out of the kingdom as long as Lin Xuan was there because he had been working on coming up with new ways for them to defend their homeland over the past few weeks.
Maya had called a special meeting with all of the council members as well as the generals and other people who worked for her so that she would be able to tell them everything that she wanted them all to do before she went on a trip somewhere else later on tonight.
Everyone else who worked for Maya had gotten there about half an hour before she did so that they could get everything ready for her while she had been going over some last minute things with the Elders Council.
They had finally gotten there about ten minutes after everyone else had gotten there and they had gone inside right away so that they could get started right away.
“Thank you everyone for coming here today.”, Maya said as soon as she walked into the room and saw that everyone was already sitting at the table waiting for her.
“I know that you are all very busy and I would not have asked you all to come here if I did not think that it was very important.”, she said.
“So let us get started then.”, Maya said.
“I have gotten everyone who works for me together today so that I would be able to tell everyone what I want them all to do while I am gone.”, she said.
“I will be going on a trip later on tonight and I will not be back until tomorrow afternoon so I will need all of you who are going on this trip with me to start getting everything ready so we will be able to leave as soon as I get back.”, she said.
“This is a map of all of the places where I want us all to go while we are on our trip tomorrow.”, she said as she put a map down on the table and showed everyone where they would be going.
“The first place where I want us all to go is over here.”, she said as she pointed at a spot on the map.
“I want us all to go over here first so we will be able to find a good place where we will be able to build our new base of operations.”, she said.
“I also want us all to go over here first so we will be able to build our new base of operations right away.”, she said.
“Then after we get done building our new base of operations I want us all to go over here so we will be able to meet with the Elders Council and I will be able to show them all of the new plans that I have come up with so they will be able to tell me if they think that I should change anything or not.”, she said.
“After I get done showing them all of the new plans that I have come up with I want us all to go over here so we will be able to start building the walls around the kingdom before we build anything else.”, she said.
“Once we get done building the walls I want us all to go over here so we will be able to find a good place where we will be able to build a new city for all of the people who live inside of the kingdom so there will be more room for them as well as all of the people who live in the other kingdoms around Lugu Lake.”, she said.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
“After we get done building the city I want us all to go over here so we will be able to start building the new houses that I have come up with so everyone will have a place where they will be able to live no matter how much money they make or how much money their family has.”, she said.
“Once we get done building the houses I want us all to go over here so we will be able to start building the school that I have come up with so everyone will be able to learn how to read and write no matter how old they are or where they live at inside of the kingdom.”, she said.
“Once we get done building the school I want us all to go back to the kingdom so I will be able to take care of some other things that I will need to take care of before I leave on my trip and bring back all of the things that I will need to bring along on my trip.”, she said.
“I want everyone who is going on this trip with me to get started getting everything ready so we can all leave as soon as I get back from my trip and I want everyone else to get started building the walls around the kingdom right away because I want them done before I get back from my trip.”, she said.
“If anyone has any questions that they would like to ask me about anything that I have said so far then just let me know and I will do my best to answer them.”, she said.
“No questions, Your Majesty.”
“Very well then let us all get started so we can get everything done that needs to get done before I leave on my trip later on tonight.”, Maya said.
“No problem, Your Majesty.”, they all said as they left the room and went over to their desks so they could get started getting everything ready for their trip the next day.
“I am impressed.”, Lin Xuan said as he looked over at Maya and saw the look on her face.
“You were able to get everyone who works for you to listen to you and do what you wanted them to do right away without any problems at all.”
“I was surprised too.”, Maya said.
“I thought that it would take more than just a few minutes to convince them all but it only took me a few minutes before they were all willing to do whatever I wanted them to do.”
“You are a very inspiring person.”
“Thank you, Lin Xuan.”
“You are welcome, Maya.”
“What else can I help you with today?”
“The next thing that I would like to talk to you about is the economy.”, Maya said.
“What would you like to know about the economy?”
“I would like to know what I should do so I will be able to help the kingdom earn more money and become a much better place to live.”, Maya said.
“Well there are a few things that you could do so you will be able to help the kingdom earn more money and become a much better place to live.”, Lin Xuan said as he thought about it for a moment and tried to come up with some ideas that would be able to help her out.
“The first thing that you could do is keep everything the way that it is right now and not make any changes at all.”, he said after he thought about it for a moment and came up with an idea that he thought would be perfect for her and the rest of the people who lived inside of the kingdom.
“If you keep everything the way that it is right now then you should be able to help the kingdom earn more money and become a much better place to live.”
“Why would you say that?”
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
“Well if you keep everything the way that it is right now then you will be able to attract more tourists and they will be willing to spend their money so they can see what it is like to live in a kingdom that is run by women instead of men.”
“That is very true.”
“You are welcome.”
“Is there anything that I can do so I will be able to attract even more tourists and make even more money?”
“You could allow companies from other parts of China and the rest of the world sell their products and services in your kingdom so they will be able to make even more money instead of just selling their products and services in some other places like they are doing right now.”, Lin Xuan said as he tried to come up with an idea that he thought would be perfect for her and the rest of the people who lived inside of the kingdom.
“The only problem with that is they would be able to make as much money as they want but they would not have to pay taxes on any of the money that they make so my kingdom would not be able to make any money at all.”
“That is very true but there are some things that you could do in order to stop them from being able to do that.”, Lin Xuan said as he tried to come up with a way for her to be able to make even more money.
“Like what?”
“Well you could have your council members set up some rules and regulations so they will only be able to make as much money as they want to make instead of just making as much money as they want to make and they will have to pay taxes on any of the money that they make and not just some of it.”
“I like the way you are thinking.”, Maya said as she thought about it for a moment and realized that he was right.
“The next thing that you could do is keep everything the way that it is right now but lower some of the prices so you will be able to attract even more tourists and make even more money.”, Lin Xuan said as he thought about it for a moment and came up with an idea that he thought would be perfect for her.
“I like the way you are thinking too.”, Maya said as she thought about it for a moment and realized that he was right.
“I am happy to hear that you like what I am thinking about.”
“Thank you, Lin Xuan.”, Maya said.
“You are welcome, Your Majesty.”, Lin Xuan said.
“I am always here to help you out whenever you need me to help you out.”
“I know you are and I really appreciate everything that you have done for me since the first day that we met.”
“What would you like to talk about next?”
“I would like to talk about something else but I am not sure what I would like to talk about next.”
“Do not worry about it.”
“We can talk about something else tomorrow if you want to talk about something else tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Lin Xuan.”
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
Maya and Lin Xuan continued their conversation for a while longer before they finally decided to go to bed because they were both really tired.
A few weeks later Lin Xuan had come up with some ideas on how they would be able to stop some of the things from happening in their society so he decided to present his ideas at one of their meetings.
What do you think we should do if someone from another society comes here and tries to take us over by force?”, Lin Xuan asked as he looked at everyone and waited for an answer.
“The first thing we should do is fight back.”, one of the council members said.
“The second thing we should do is fight back with all of our might because they will not be able to take us down if we fight back with all of our might.”, one of the council members said.
“And then we should kill them all.”, one of the council members said.
“We cannot kill them all because if we kill them all then there will not be anyone left in order for us to take over their society and turn it into another Kingdom of Women.”, one of the council members said.
“Well we will have to come up with a plan that will work for us then.”, Lin Xuan said as he thought about it for a moment and came up with an idea that he thought would work for them.
“I have an idea on what we could do.”, Lin Xuan said as he looked at everyone and waited for an answer.“What is your idea?”
“We should set up some kind of a defense system around our society so we will be able to defend ourselves from anyone who tries to take us over by force.”
“That is a good idea but how do you think we should set up a defense system?”
“We should set up a defense system around our society so we will be able to defend ourselves from anyone who tries to take over our society by force.”
“What kind of a defense system are we going to set up?”
“We should set up a defense system around our society so we will be able to defend ourselves from anyone who tries to take over our society by force.”
What kind of a defense system are we going to set up?”
“We should set up a defense system around our society so we will be able to defend ourselves from anyone who tries to take over our society by force.”
“We should set up a defense system around our society so we will be able to defend ourselves from anyone who tries to take over our society by force.”
“How are we going to do this?”
“We are going to build a wall made out of stone, wood, and anything else that we are going to need for it.”
“That is a really good idea.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty.”
You are welcome.”
Lin Xuan had come up with a plan on how they would be able to stop someone from being able to take them over by force so they decided they were going to have him work on it.
He had everything planned out and was ready for anything that came his way.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
Lin Xuan had been thinking about what he was going to have them do for awhile and had finally come up with something that he thought would work for them.
Lin Xuan had been thinking about what he was going to have them do for awhile and had finally come up with something that he thought would work for them.
He had been looking at the wall that was built around their society and had realized that it was not very strong or safe if someone had decided they wanted to try and get in there.
He knew there was something that they were going to need to do in order for them to keep themselves safe, especially since their kingdom was in danger because there were some people who wanted control over their kingdom.
Lin Xuan had been thinking about what his options were before he had finally decided just what he was going to have them do in order for them to be safe from harm’s way.
Lin Xuan told them what his idea was and they listened and nodded their heads as they decided what they were going to have him do in order for them to keep safe.
Lin Xuan had been thinking about what he was going to have them do before he had finally decided just what he was going to have them do in order for them to keep themselves safe from harm’s way.
After Lin Xuan had told them what his idea was, they listened and nodded their heads as they decided what they were going to have him do in order for them to keep themselves safe.
“I think that we should set up some kind of a defense system around our society so we will be able to defend ourselves from anyone who tries to take over our society by force.”
“That is a very good idea.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty.”
You are welcome.”
“We should make a wall that is made out of stone, wood, and anything else that we feel is going to need to be used in order for us to be able to protect ourselves from harm’s way.”, Lin Xuan said.
“I think that is a good idea.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty.”
You’re welcome.”
He had already thought about the size of the wall and knew that he would be able to help them build a wall that was going to be strong enough and big enough so that no one would be able to get through it.
There were some things that he was going to need to make sure that he had in order for the wall to be built safely and correctly.
They watched how he had made the wall and were happy with the way that it had turned out so they told him he could go ahead and make the wall again so that it would be even stronger than it already was.
They knew that Lin Xuan had some good ideas when it came to building the wall and decided that they were going to have him continue building the wall until it was done.
They watched how he had built it and were happy with the way that it had turned out so they told him he could go ahead and build the wall again so that it would be even stronger than it already was.
They knew that Lin Xuan had some good ideas when it came to building the walls and decided that they were going to have him continue building the walls until it was done.
He watched how Lin Xuan built the walls and were really happy with how strong and well built that they were built.
He watched how Lin Xuan put them together and were really happy that they had decided to go with Lin Xuan’s idea when it came to building the walls.
He watched how Lin Xuan built the walls and were really happy with how strong and well built that they were built.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
Lin Xuan had another idea that he wanted to share with everyone, “I think that we need to make some kind of a weapon that is going to help us not only defend ourselves but also attack others so we can protect our society from being attacked from others.
I think that we should use gunpowder.
It is something that I know about but I am not sure if you know about or not.
It is a substance that can be used in weapons such as guns, cannons, and explosives.”
“What are those things?”
“What do they do?”
“Guns, cannons, and explosives are all weapons that can help us defend ourselves against others who might try to attack us with weapons of their own.”
He showed them how the gunpowder worked by lighting a small amount on fire so they could see how much explosive power it had behind it.
They watched as Lin Xuan lit the gunpowder on fire so they could see how much explosive power that there was.
They saw how much of an explosion there was when Lin Xuan lit the gunpowder on fire so they knew that it was something that could use as a weapon in order to help protect themselves from others.
The elders looked at one another before turning back toward Lin Xuan, “We agree with Your Majesty.”
“I think that it is a very good idea and I am going to give you permission to make some of this gunpowder so we can use them as weapons in our society.
However I am going to set some ground rules down so everyone knows what they are.”, Maya said.
“Thank you, Your Majesty.”
“You’re welcome.”, she said.
“Rules are not to be broken or there will be consequences for their actions.”, she said.
“Of course there are consequences for their actions.”, she said.
“I want to make sure that no one uses this gunpowder unless there is a war on our hands and we need to use it in order to make sure no one else tries to attack us with their own weapons.”
“Of course Your Majesty.”
“Good.”, she said.
“I am also going to make sure that only you are allowed to make this gunpowder and only those who are allowed to have it in their possession are allowed to have it in their possession.”
“Yes Your Majesty.”
The elders looked at one another before turning toward Lin Xuan, “We agree with Your Majesty.”, they said.
He watched as Lin Xuan put his hands on his hips and nodded his head.
“I think one other thing I would like to do is take the time to show our metal workers how to make these special projectiles so they will know how to do this so when we need them.”, Lin Xuan said.
He demonstrated how he made them by using a special technique so he could create them with deadly precision so he could use them as weapons whenever he needed them.
He showed them how he made some of these special projectiles by using a special technique so he was able to create them with deadly precision so he was able to use them as weapons whenever he needed them.
“These special projectiles will only work if I show them how to create these special projectiles using a special technique.”
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
He was very devoted to making sure that they were prepared for any eventuality so he took it upon himself to make sure he was able to lead a group of militia forces through a series of arduous exercises so they were able to build up their endurance and stamina so he was able to lead them through a series of long runs.
He was able to get through any type of terrain that he needed to go through so he would be able to get through all types of weather conditions.
He would lead his group of militia forces through a series of strength exercises so he would be able to build up their endurance and stamina so he was able to get through any type of terrain that he needed to go through so he would be able to get through all types of weather conditions.
He was able to make sure that his group of militia forces were able to get through any type of terrain and weather conditions so he was able to learn how to work together as a team.
His leadership inspired his group of militia forces so he was able to get through all types of terrain and weather conditions so he was able to get through all types of types of weather conditions so he was able to persevere to learn how to work together as a team.
Lin Xuan led his group of militia forces through a series of arduous exercises so he could build up their endurance and stamina so he could lead them through a series of long runs through challenging terrain, including forests, rivers, and snowcapped mountains.
He led his group of militia forces through a series of difficult strength exercises so he could build up their endurance and stamina so he could lead them through all types of terrain so he could build up their stamina so he could learn how to work together as a team.
His leadership inspired his group of militia forces, so they were able to persevere and learn how to work together as a team.
They were able to learn how to work together as a team so they were able to build up their endurance and stamina so they were able to get through any type of terrain so they were able to learn how to work together as a team.
They were not only able to build up their endurance and stamina, but were also able to get through all types of terrain and weather conditions, including long runs.
He led his group of militia forces through a series of combat drills so they were able to learn some new tactics and strategies so they were able to defend the kingdom whenever that needed it.
He led his group of militia forces through a series of combat drills, including handtohand combat and marksmanship, so they could learn some new tactics and strategies that would help him defend the kingdom whenever that needed it.
They were not only able to get through all types of terrain and weather conditions but also learned some new tactics and strategies that would help him defend the kingdom when that needed it.
They were not only able to learn some new tactics and strategies that would help him defend the kingdom when that needed it but also worked together as a cohesive unit.
They were not only able to work together as a cohesive unit but also learned some new tactics and strategies that would help him defend the kingdom when that needed it.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
Cai Shaoyang had been training with her group of elite female guards at the same time Lin Xuan had been training with his group of militia forces.
She had been leading her group of elite female guards through a series of arduous exercises so she could build up their endurance and stamina so she could lead them through a series of long runs through challenging terrain, including forests, rivers, and snowcapped mountains.
She had been leading her group of elite female guards through a series of difficult strength exercises so she could build up their endurance and stamina so she could lead them through all types of terrain so she could build up their stamina so she could learn how to work together as a team.
Her leadership inspired her group of elite female guards, so they were able to persevere and learn how to work together as a team.
They were trained in various forms of martial arts, including jiu jitsu, judo, taekwondo, karate, kung fu, kickboxing, muay thai, boxing, and wrestling as well as archery, sword fighting, marksmanship, stealth techniques, and other advanced tactics and strategies that would help them defend the kingdom whenever that needed it.
Maya and Lin Xuan had been busy making preparations for their upcoming war with Chengdu.
In addition to making plans to build up their defenses and making sure they had plenty of supplies on hand, Maya and Lin Xuan had been working together to make sure they had enough troops to help him defend the kingdom whenever that needed it.
She called a meeting with their council of advisors for a strategy session so they could discuss some new ideas and make sure they had everything they needed to get ready for their upcoming war with Chengdu.
Maya called Maya to get her plan underway so she could make sure they had everything they needed to get ready for their upcoming war with Chengdu.
She said she wanted to make sure they had plenty of soldiers on hand to defend the kingdom if necessary.
She said she had several ideas she thought would help but wanted to get their input on them first.
She said she thought all of the ideas she had would be beneficial and wanted to make sure they could get started on them sooner rather than later.
Maya listened to what she had to say then asked her to explain her ideas in more detail so she could determine which ones were most important and make sure she had everything she needed to get started on them.
Maya said she liked all of her ideas but wanted to make sure they could be done before their upcoming war with Chengdu.
She said she didn't want to wait until it was too late to get started on them so they had some time before their upcoming war with Chengdu.
Maya said she was confident in her ideas and thought they would be beneficial so she wanted to make sure they got started on them right away.
She said she wanted to make sure they got started on them right away so they could have everything they needed to get started on their upcoming war with Chengdu.
Maya and Lin Xuan met with their council of advisors so they could discuss how to implement the ideas that Maya wanted to put into place before their upcoming war with Chengdu.
Maya said she wanted to make sure they were prepared for anything that might come their way so she could do whatever it took to defend her kingdom.
She said she was confident in her abilities and knew that if they worked together that could be done.
She said she was confident in their abilities and knew that if they worked together that could be done.
Maya and Lin Xuan met with their council of advisors so they could discuss how to implement the ideas that Maya wanted to put into place before their upcoming war with Chengdu.
Maya said she wanted to make sure they were prepared for anything that might come their way so she could do whatever it took to defend her kingdom.
She said she was confident in her abilities and knew that if they worked together that could be done.
She said she was confident in her abilities and knew that if they worked together that could be done.
Maya said they needed to do whatever it took to protect her kingdom from any threats so they could be sure they had everything they needed to be successful.
She said they needed to come up with a plan so they could determine what they needed to do next so they could get started on it right away.
Maya said they needed to work together so they could get started on it right away so they could have everything they needed when it came time for their upcoming war with Chengdu.
Maya said they needed to work together so they could come up with a plan so they could determine how much time they had left before it was too late so they could start working on it right away.
Maya said they needed to come up with a plan so they could determine how much time they had left before it was too late so they could start working on it right away so they could be ready when the time came for their upcoming war with Chengdu.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
"It's important we maintain our trade routes with Lijiang," Lin Xuan stated, his voice firm, but polite as he addressed the council.
The council nodded in agreement, and the First Advisor answered, "Of course, Lin Xuan.We have every intention of maintaining our trade routes with Lijiang.The last thing we want is for the people there to suffer because we decided not work with them."
"We also need to build a magical barrier around the kingdom," Lin Xuan continued, "To prevent anyone from invading us."
The council nodded in agreement, and the Second Advisor answered, "We agree, Lin Xuan.This will help us protect the kingdom from any threats that might come our way while we are at war."
"However, we need to make sure we can build the barrier at all," Lin Xuan continued, looking at the Magic Advisor, who was frowning in thought, "Your magic is powerful, but even you may find it difficult to build an enchantment strong enough to keep out an entire army."
The Magic Advisor replied, "You're right, Lin Xuan.I think we can build the barrier.But it won't be easy.We'll need more power than we have now."
The Magic Advisor replied, "It won't be easy.But I think we can do it if you're willing to give us the resources we need to make it happen."
"What kind of resources?" Lin Xuan asked.
"We'll need strong enchantresses to help us," the Magic Advisor replied, "And we'll need to use a lot of magic energy to power the barrier."
"Will it hurt the environment?" Maya asked.
"I don't want us to destroy our kingdom's natural beauty," the Magic Advisor replied.
"We agree," the council said.
"It won't hurt the environment," the Magic Advisor replied.
"It won't hurt the environment," the Magic Advisor replied, "But we'll need to use a lot of energy to make it happen.If you can give us what we need to do that, I think we can make this happen."
Maya and Lin Xuan agreed, and the council nodded in agreement, too.
"Good," Lin Xuan said, and he turned back to the Magic Advisor and said, "I'll leave you in charge of building the barrier.I don't care how you do it or what resources you need.Just make sure you get it done before our war with Chengdu."
"Of course," the Magic Advisor said.
"The last thing we want is for anyone else to know about our new advancements in gunpowder and metalwork," Lin Xuan continued.
"And that includes our own people," Maya added.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
"The last thing we want is for there to be any leaks as a result of people talking too much about our new weapons," Lin Xuan said.
Maya nodded in agreement.
Just as they were about to leave, a guard burst into the room and said, "Your Majesty!General Yan has gathered all of his elite guards outside your palace and is demanding to see you.He says he has an urgent matter to discuss with you."
"Lin Xuan and Maya exchanged looks and then both headed outside.
When they got there, they saw General Yan standing outside with all of his elite guards behind him.
"Why are you here?" Lin Xuan asked.
"Why am I here?" General Yan replied."I'm here because I heard that you're planning on going into war against Chengdu without my permission.That's why I'm here!"
"You're not my boss!" Lin Xuan shouted back.
"You can't stop me from going into battle!"
"I'm not trying to stop you from going into battle!" General Yan said.
"I'm just trying to say that I should be leading this war because I have more experience than you do."
"You don't have more experience than I do!" Lin Xuan shouted.
"You were just a general of the Naxi Kingdom.I was an emperor of the Tang Dynasty.The only reason I let you be in charge of my military was because I didn't want to cause any conflicts with other people.But that doesn't mean that I can't lead my own army into battle!"
"You may be an emperor, but you're still just a kid!" General Yan shouted.
"And even if you were a grown man, I wouldn't allow this!The training methods you've been using for our army are too soft!You have your men spending too much time reading and not enough time training their bodies!I won't let my elite guards be led by someone who doesn't know the first thing about how a warrior should be trained!"
Lin Xuan exchanged looks with Head Guard Xue and Luo Yang, and then he turned back to General Yan and said, "Who says I don't know anything about war?I may not be as old as some of the other soldiers, but I'm still a great warrior and a great leader."
"Then prove it!" General Yan replied.
Lin Xuan thought about it for a moment, and then he said, "Fine.I'll prove it to you.But if we're going to do this, we're going to do it my way."
"What do you mean?" General Yan asked.
"I mean we're going to do things my way," Lin Xuan replied.He turned to his Head Guard and said, "Head Guard Xue, I want all of the militia forces to be integrated with the elite guards into one army.I want everyone to be training together and fighting together like they're one unit."
"You can't be serious!" General Yan shouted.
"We'll never agree to this!" one of his guards added.
"I think it sounds like a good idea," Head Guard Xue said.
"And I'm willing to follow your orders if you decide to go through with it."
"I don't care what you think!" General Yan shouted.
He turned to Lin Xuan and said, "I won't let you ruin our army by mixing the elite guards with a bunch of amateurs!We're not going to listen to you!If you're not willing to change your mind, then we'll just have to take matters into our own hands!"
"No!" Lin Xuan shouted.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm
General Yan and his men turned around and walked away.Lin Xuan sighed, but he didn't try to stop them.Instead, he turned to Head Guard Xue and Luo Yang, and he said, "You two are dismissed as well.I need some time alone."
It was almost two weeks before Lin Xuan saw the elite guards again.
They had been training their soldiers in private while they waited for him to come up with a new battle plan.
Lin Xuan had spent most of that time trying to come up with a new plan, but he couldn't think of anything that would make them happy.
So instead he decided to spend his time training the militiamen and trying to get them ready for whatever was coming their way.
When he learned that he had been challenged to lead them into battle, he decided that it was time for them to start using real weapons.
So he ordered some wooden sticks and had them painted black so they looked like real swords and spears.
Then he had the militiamen come together for their next training session and watched as they stared at each other in confusion.
"Are you telling me that you want us to go into battle with these?" one of them asked skeptically as he picked up his wooden spear.
"They're just wooden sticks," another added as he looked at the black paint on his weapon.
"Have you lost your mind?" their leader, Head Guard Xue asked when he saw their weapons.
"I don't think the other guards are going to be very happy about this," Head Guard Luo said nervously.
"Stop whining and start training!" Lin Xuan shouted as he grabbed one of the sticks and started swinging it around in front of him to demonstrate how it should be done.
He had all of the militiamen line up behind him, and he led them through a series of exercises and drills to help them get used to their new weapons and learn how to use them properly.
When they were finished, he had them practice their forms and stances for a few hours before he finally ordered them to start sparring with each other in groups of two or three.
It took them a while to get used to their new weapons, but after a while they started to get the hang of it and were able to train just as well as before.
But Lin Xuan wasn't satisfied with just training the militiamen.He wanted to make sure that they were prepared for whatever was coming their way, so he decided that he would have to train himself as well.
And that was exactly what he did for the next few days.
He spent every waking moment training his body and mind to make sure that he was ready when it was time for him to lead the kingdom into battle again.
When it was finally time for him to lead the soldiers into battle again, he was ready to go and felt more confident than ever before.
He had all of the soldiers line up in formation behind him and led them through a series of exercises and drills to make sure that they were ready for whatever was coming their way.
He demonstrated all of the techniques and stances that he wanted them to use in battle and even sparred with some of the soldiers so that he could help them improve their skills and become better warriors himself.
Kingdom's Legacy: Secrets of the Matrilineal Realm