MidReal Story

a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can

Scenario: a patient arrives to a clinic room, doctor can´t find patient record on his physical archive and doctor looks nervous.
Create my version of this story
a patient arrives to a clinic room, doctor can´t find patient record on his physical archive and doctor looks nervous.
“Dr Thompson, your patient is here.”
I looked up from the desk in the clinic room.
I was in the habit of using the time between patients to familiarize myself with their medical histories or any other information I had on them.
For the first time in my seven years at Hope Valley Clinic, I had nothing at all.
I’d checked three times already, just to be sure, but it seemed that my new patient, a Sarah Johnson, was a complete newcomer to the practice.
It wasn’t unheard of for people to just walk into the clinic unannounced, but it was most unusual.
Most of our patients were regulars who came for their check-ups at the same time each year, and so we always knew who was coming in.
Hope Valley Clinic was a general practice that served the needs of the people of Hope Valley and its surrounding areas.
The town itself was a small settlement consisting of a handful of houses and businesses, and we were a few miles out of town.
Hope Valley was surrounded by snow-covered fields, and it would take us twenty minutes to reach the nearest hospital by car.
It was hard for people who lived out here to get help in an emergency, so we did our best to provide them with the best care we could.
We’d even had patients brought in by tractor when the snow had been too thick for them to get out to us any other way.
We were in a lull between blizzards right now, but it wouldn’t be long before the next one began, so I hoped that my new patient wasn’t seriously ill or injured.
I didn’t know who she was or what her problem was yet, but I intended to do everything I could to help her when I found out.
I took a deep breath and rose from my desk.
“Thanks, Claire,” I said as I moved past her.
Nurse Claire hurried back to her station.
“Come on through,” I called as I crossed the room and opened the door to my exam room.
My patient sat up on the bed as I came in.
She was small and slight, with dark hair and large, brown eyes, and she was watching me warily.
I could feel her eyes on me as I moved toward her, and I smiled to put her at ease.
“Hi there,” I said, taking her hand and offering it a squeeze.
“I’m Dr.Thompson, and I’ll be looking after you today.”
Her hand was cold and clammy in mine, and I frowned down at it as she gave me a weak smile in response to my introduction.
There was something off about this girl, something strange that I couldn’t quite put my finger on yet, and I didn’t like it one bit.
She dropped her gaze to my hand, and I realized that I hadn’t let go of hers since I’d taken it, and I quickly released it, moving to a nearby chair to take a seat instead.
“I’m going to need your full name and date of birth before we get started,” I said as I opened her file on my laptop and let my fingers hover over the keyboard.
a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can
She gave me her name and date of birth in a quiet voice, her eyes still fixed on the floor.
I repeated them back to her, just to be sure.
It was always possible for names to be spelled differently or for dates to be input incorrectly, so it was important to check.
After all, we didn’t want to end up treating two different patients as if they were one person.
I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong, though, and I frowned as I looked down at Sarah’s name.
Her name was in my file, sure enough, but there was nothing else there.
No medical history, no details of previous treatments or medications, nothing at all.
“Have you ever been seen by us before?”
She shook her head, not looking up at me.
I forced myself to smile again.
“No problem,” I said.
“We like to get as much information from our patients as we can before we get started.
Can you tell me if you have any allergies or intolerances?”
“Yes,” she replied, looking up now.
“I’m allergic to penicillin.”
I made a note of it on my screen.
“And are you taking any medications at the moment?”
“No, not at the moment,” she replied.
I glanced down at her file, hoping for more details.
It was standard practice to ask about allergies and medications at each appointment, but it was always useful to know what someone’s medical history was.
If they were on medication, for example, that might affect how we treated them, so it was always good to know if they were taking anything.
I’d had patients try to hide things from me before, but it was never a good idea.
It was my job to help them, and I couldn’t do that properly unless they were completely honest with me.
“I see that you’re here for a physical examination today,” I said as I turned back to Sarah.
“Can you tell me why that is?”
She hesitated for a moment before replying.
“I have a new job,” she said finally.
“They need me to have an exam before I start.”
I nodded as I made another note of it on my file.
“And can you tell me who your new employer is?”
She gave me a blank look, and I realized that I’d forgotten to introduce myself.
I shook my head at myself.
“Sorry,” I said.
“I didn’t introduce myself properly.
I’m Dr.
Emily Thompson, and I’m going to be taking care of you today.”
She gave me another small smile, and I felt oddly relieved.
I’d been worried that she might not have been comfortable with having a female doctor, but it seemed that I’d been mistaken.
There was no reason why she shouldn’t be happy with her treatment today.
I was very good at what I did, even if I did say so myself.
I gave her another smile as I went on.
“I’ll be conducting your physical exam today, and then I’ll write up a report for your new employer.
Don’t worry, though,” I added as I saw her expression darken.
“Everything we discuss today is completely confidential, and your employer won’t know anything about what we’ve talked about today.”
She gave me another small smile at that, and I felt my own widen in response as I turned back to my computer again.
a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can
I quickly typed in a few notes before turning back to her with another smile.
“Now,” I said as I looked back at her file again.
“I have all of your details here, but I can’t find any records for you in our paper filing system.
That seems odd to me because we should have gotten them by now unless there was some kind of error.”
“I see,” she said calmly.
I nodded as I turned back to the computer again.
I typed in a few more things before checking the paper records again just to make sure.
I’d already checked twice, but I wanted to be completely sure.
It wasn’t like us not to have a record of someone who had been here before.
We were very meticulous about our record-keeping here.
We had a big filing system that was kept in the basement of the clinic, and all of the records were filed by hand.
They were organized alphabetically, and we also had a system that allowed us to check them against the date of the patient’s last visit as well.
This made it easy for us to find what we needed quickly.
I could think of only one time that anyone had ever been unable to find a patient’s records before.
That had happened when one of our patients had been lying about their identity.
The police had come looking for them, and they’d tried to deny that they’d ever been here before.
We’d known that they were lying, but we hadn’t been able to tell the police who they were because that information was confidential.
It was very rare that something like this happened, though, and it worried me that it was happening now.
I checked the files one last time just to be sure before turning back to Sarah with a worried look on my face.
“I’m sorry,” I said.
“But it seems that your records are missing.”
She gave me another blank look at that.
“Yes,” I said as I looked over at Nurse Rachel who was standing by my side.
“She definitely doesn’t have any records here.”
Nurse Rachel gave the file another quick look over before nodding her head slightly.
“It seems like you’re right,” she said as she looked down at Sarah’s file again.
“It’s very strange,” Sarah said as she looked up at both of us.
“This has never happened to me before.”
I shook my head at that as I folded my hands together on top of the desk.
“It’s never happened to us before either,” I said.
“We’re usually very good about keeping track of our patient’s files.
It’s very strange that we can’t find yours.”
She gave me a small nod as she looked down at her hands for a moment.
“And what does this mean?”
a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can
I frowned at her for a moment.
“It means that you don’t have any records with us,” I said.
“I’ve checked every name from here to there, and we have nothing on file for you.
This is very odd because you’re saying you’ve been here before but we don’t have any record of you.”
She gave me a blank look at that.
“I don’t know what to tell you then because I’ve definitely been here before.”
I shook my head at that and clicked my pen together.
“There is no record of you in our system.There is no medical history form with your name on it, and there is no intake paperwork with your name or handwriting on it either.
It doesn’t make any sense because we should have gotten something unless there had been some kind of mistake at registration.”
“That seems impossible,” she said with wide eyes.
I gave her a small nod at that.
“It does, but so does this.You’re telling me you’ve been here before, but we have no record of you at all.
It doesn’t make any sense, and it has me very confused.”
She gave me another blank look at that and let out a soft sigh.
“I don’t know what to tell you then,” she said.
“But I have definitely been here before.”
I frowned at her for a moment as I leaned back in my chair for a moment.
“Are you absolutely certain about that?”
“Of course, I am,” she said as she looked up at me.
I took a deep breath as I looked over at Nurse Rachel again.
She was giving me the same confused look now too, and when she saw me look up at her, she quickly looked away from me and down at the paperwork again.
I could tell she didn’t want to get involved with this craziness, but there was nothing that she could do about it now.
“I don’t know what to say then,” I said as I folded my hands together on top of the desk again.
There was an awkward silence between us for another moment or so.
“I’m sorry,” she said softly after a moment or so.
“It’s just very strange to hear you say that when I know for certain that I’ve been here before.I shook my head at her as she finished talking.
I was still very confused about what was happening, but there was nothing that I could do about it now.
We had no record of her ever being here before, and we couldn’t find any trace of her in our system.
I didn’t know what to make of that, but, as confusing as this was, there was something else that was worrying me even more now.
I’d been turning these thoughts over in my mind for the past few minutes, but now that they were out in the open, they were even more worrisome.
The fact that we couldn’t find any records on her was very strange because we should have had them unless there had been some kind of error on our part.
To be seen by any of the doctors here, every patient had to fill out a medical history form and intake paperwork.
We needed both of these in order to be able to treat them properly, and they were filed in our system as soon as they came back.
I checked the files myself, and then once more after that.
I made sure they were in the right spot, and then once more after that as well.
a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can
This meant that if the file wasn’t there then it was because there wasn’t one for us to find.
I took a deep breath as I looked back up at the woman sitting in front of me again.
There was nothing else I could do about that right now, but if we couldn’t find them, then Dr.
Reynolds would find out about it eventually as well.
That was what really worried me right now though, because he was the senior doctor in the clinic, and he was also going to be overseeing Sarah’s examination today.
If he found out that we didn’t have any record of this woman then he would probably never stop yelling about it, especially if he found out that she’d already taken one examination here before as well.
That could be very bad news for everyone who worked here too.
Dr Reynolds was very experienced doctor, but he was also one of the most difficult people in the clinic to work with.
He had an extremely high standard for everything, and he expected nothing less than perfection from every single person who worked here.
He would never allow for any mistakes, and if anything like this ever got back to him, then he would have harsh words for the person who was responsible for them.
I had only been working here for a few months, and I was still trying to prove myself to him.
My work was good, even if I was a little slow, but I had never made any mistakes before.
If he found out that there was no file for this woman then he would probably have a very poor opinion of me after something like this.
There was no way that I wanted anything like that to happen either, so I took a deep breath and looked down at the desk again.
There was nothing that I could do about any of that right now, so I might as well just get through with the examination now and worry about the rest later.
I took a deep breath and nodded my head again.
“That’s fine,” I said.
“We’ll just go ahead and start with the examination then.”
I was still feeling very nervous about all of this, but I still had a job to do.
Nothing else really mattered right now except making sure that I did the best job that I possibly could for this patient.
I stood up from the desk, and then I picked up the clipboard and pen as well.
I walked over to the sink on the other side of the clinic room so I could scrub my hands and get ready for the examination.
I turned on the water, and then I squirted some soap into my hands before I started scrubbing them together as thoroughly as I possibly could.
I counted in my head while I did so because I knew it was very important not to miss any spots while I was doing this.
I knew how important it was for us doctors to keep our hands clean whenever we were working with patients.
It was an easy thing to forget about sometimes, but it was something that would make sure everyone who came through our clinic was safe from any kind of infection or germs.
Our standards were very high, but they were also what made us one of the best clinics in town too.
a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can
I was trying not to let this worry me, but it was still difficult for me to keep everything straight so that I didn’t make any mistakes right now either.
I wasn’t feeling very good about myself at the moment because things had not gone the way that they were supposed to when this woman had shown up for her appointment.
I still didn’t have her file, and I didn’t know what I was supposed to do about that either.
There was nothing that I could do right now except try to remain professional and keep my cool in a situation like this one.
When I had finished washing my hands, I turned off the water and dried them off with a paper towel.
I threw away the paper towel and walked back over to the desk so that I could set the clipboard down on top of it again.
I picked up the pen for a moment and checked to make sure that it was working before I turned around to face the patient once more as well.
“Are you ready to go ahead and get started then?”
She looked at me for a moment and nodded her head slowly again once more.
“Yes,” she said simply enough.
“I am ready to get started whenever you are.”
There was no way that I was going to able to get anything out of her like this, but there was no reason for me to let myself worry about it right now either.
It was only going to make things worse for me if I did that anyway.
I shook my head for a moment and then I moved over to the examination table so that I could start getting everything set up to examine this patient right now as well.
I needed to make sure that I did everything that I needed to do in order to make sure that this woman was healthy and not in need of anything else from me right now too.
It was my job to take care of her while she was here, and that was what I intended to do as well right now too.
I opened the door to the cabinet so that I could get out some of the supplies that I needed for the examination right now too as well.
I was trying to push all of this stuff out of my mind while I did this, but it was still difficult for me to do so while I was trying to keep my mind on the task ahead of me as well too right now also.
a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can
The most unsettling thing about all of this was that Sarah Johnson’s records weren’t here in this clinic right now either.
It defied all logic and reason for that to be the case too as well right now also.
There was no way that the records could simply have disappeared on their own like this either.
The clinic had never lost a record before today either.
This wasn’t the first time that we had ever seen something like this happen either.
It wasn’t even close to being the first time either.
I knew all of that stuff just as much as anyone else did too as well right now also.
There was no reason for me to be so worried about it either, but I couldn’t help but be worried about it anyway too also right now also at the very same time as well too right now also.
It was easy for me to see something like this happening to someone else though as well too at the very same time also.
I had never seen anything like this happen to one of my own patients either however, and this was the first time that I had ever seen anything like this happen to one of them either however too as well also.
It was unsettling for me to have to deal with something like this happening to one of my own patients though as well too right now also.
I couldn’t help but wonder if there was something more to all of this than what I even realized in the first place either too as well exactly too as well right now also as well too exactly as well also.
It didn’t seem to me like it was likely to be a simple matter of records getting lost somehow too as well either though.
The clinic had been so careful for so many years to make sure that all the records were stored safely and securely at all times too as well right now also.
No one ever got access to those records either, and no one ever saw them besides from the doctors and nurses who worked here either.
It was impossible for anyone to get access to them for any reason at all, and no one ever came here to see if they were stored properly either too as well also right now also.
It didn’t seem like there could be any real way for someone to have simply lost them somehow too as well either though.
a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can
I had no idea what could have happened to Sarah’s records, but I knew that I needed to find them again somehow soon before Dr.Reynolds found out that they were missing or something like that too as well right now also.
I couldn’t imagine what he would say or do if he found out about all of this somehow in any case however.
No one ever wanted to get on his bad side, and everyone who got the chance to work with him always did their best never to disappoint him in any way at any time at all too as well in general also.
He was an exacting person who expected nothing less than perfection from everyone around him at any given time at all; he could be incredibly demanding when it came to these sorts of things too as well also, and he didn’t take kindly to people who didn’t take their jobs seriously enough to go out of their way to make sure they did everything perfectly every time too as well exactly too as well in general also right now also.
I had known all of this before I had even come here to work for him, but I had still wanted to work for him anyway too at the same time as well also.
He was one of the best doctors in the hospital, and he was one of the most experienced as well too, so I knew that I could learn a lot from him while I was working here too as well also.
He was also one of the most respected doctors in the hospital, and he was always one of the first people that everyone came to whenever they needed help with something around here.
I had always admired him, and I had always known that I wanted to be just like him someday when I grew up, so I had jumped at the chance when he had offered me a job working for him after I had finished my residency program.
He had been willing to help me find a job working somewhere else in the hospital, but I had been willing to take a job working for him instead, so I hadn’t even considered trying to find a job working for someone else instead of for him.
I had thought that it would be more likely for me to be able to earn his respect more quickly if I worked for him than if I worked for someone else in any case though also.
I had thought that I would be able to learn more from him than from anyone else around here, and I had been right about that.
There was no question in my mind about any of this at any time at all.
I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like for me to have to go back home and tell all my friends and family members about what had happened if it turned out that this was something serious enough for them all to care about somehow in any case however.
I couldn’t bear the thought of having them all know about this in general anyway though, and I didn’t want anyone else except for Dr.
Reynolds and myself ever need to know about what was happening here right now either though.
I knew that there was nothing that I could ever do about anything that had happened already, but I still didn’t want anyone else except for Dr.
Reynolds ever need to know about it either right now though.
I knew that it wouldn’t change anything at all, but I couldn’t help but wonder how he would respond to all of this if he found out what had happened somehow.
This could be devastating for my reputation if it turned out that it was serious enough for anyone else need to know about it somehow too.
I couldn’t imagine what it would be like for me if it turned out that Dr.
Reynolds thought less of me after this somehow in any case, and there was no way for me ever know what could happen after this either right now as well too.
I was hoping that it wouldn’t turn out that way though, since I didn’t think that there was anything serious enough for him ever need to know about anyway right now.
I knew that there was nothing serious enough about this for him ever need to know about anyway either right now too as well.
This wasn’t important enough for him ever need to know about at any time at all, so there wasn’t anything serious enough about this for him ever need to know about anyway in the first place also right now.
My cheeks burned with shame as well as panic, and I worked hard not to let my emotions show as I tried not worry about anything right now also.
a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can
I knew that I couldn’t do anything about this right now, and I knew that I needed not worry about this anymore right now too, so I tried not worry so much about this anymore right now as well also.
I tried not worry too much about this at all, since I knew that I couldn’t do anything about this right now, and I knew that I needed not worry so much about this right now too as well also.
I was trying hard not let my panic show, and I was doing my best not let my emotions show through my face right now too as well also in case anyone else noticed what was happening around here right now too however in any case though also.
“Alright,” I said as I forced myself not show any emotion on my face that might give away what I was thinking or feeling somehow in any case at all.
“It’s time for us to begin your physical examination, Miss Johnson.”
I did my best not let my voice waver, and I did my best not let my face betray any of the fear that I was feeling inside right now too as well also, although I knew that I wasn’t entirely succeeding in this right now somehow too as well also in any case though.
I knew that Dr.
Reynolds was watching all of this very closely, and I knew that he would be able tell that something was wrong even if no one else could see it right now too somehow in any case though too as well also.
I was trying my best not worry too much about any of this, but I couldn’t help myself from doing so anyway nonetheless despite all of that in general too at all times in any case however nonetheless.
“I need you lie back on the table while I check your heartbeat,” I said next without waiting for her response.
I tried my best not let Dr.
Reynolds see how much I was panicking inside, but I didn’t know how long I could keep this up for, so I tried my hardest not worry about anything right now instead too as well also.
I checked her heartbeat first and then her blood pressure levels next, but I didn’t see anything unusual about either one of those things at all, so I didn’t know what I was supposed to think about that at all.
I knew that there was no way for me ever figure out what was happening with her if nothing was wrong with her blood pressure levels or her heartbeat, so I decided not worry about this at all and kept going with my physical examination as well also.
My physical examination revealed nothing out of the ordinary about her health condition, and I couldn’t see that there was anything wrong with her at all, so I didn’t know what I was supposed to do next in general at all.
I knew that Dr.
Reynolds would expect me not panic, but I didn’t know how much longer I could keep up with this before I broke down myself right now in front of him and everyone else around here too as well.
a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can
I knew that I had no choice but keep going anyway nonetheless despite everything anyway however nonetheless at all times in any case too as well also, so I tried my best not worry about this anymore for now anyway nonetheless however despite everything anyway.
After I had finished everything else I needed do for her, I excused myself from the room and went back into the hallway outside again too as well.
I took a deep breath in and let it out again slowly, but I still couldn’t get myself stop panicking from worry even for a moment regardless anyway nonetheless however in any case in general despite everything still.
“Are you done already?”
Sarah asked me as she came out of the room a few seconds later.
She was looking at me with a smile on her face, but I knew there was no way for me tell if she was being sarcastic about this or not, either one really truly in general overall as well also too.
“Yes,” I said back in response without knowing what else I was supposed to say next as well also.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but have you been here before?”
Sarah shook her head “no” in response, but she didn’t seem upset by this question at all either way too as well also.
“No, I haven’t.But is that something wrong?”
“No, not at all,” I said back as a response, but I didn’t know what else I was supposed say back in reply either.
“It’s just that, well, you seem like a regular here, so that’s why I was wondering too.”
“I see,” Sarah said back with a smile on her face, but she didn’t say anything else in response, so I didn’t know what she was thinking right now at all either one really truly.
“Is something wrong?”
“No, not at all,” Sarah said back with a smile on her face once again, but she still didn’t say anything about this one way or the other at all.
“Then is there anything you would like ask me about?”
she asked as if she had read my mind and knew that there was something bothering me right now too as well.
I shook my head “no” at first, but then changed my mind and shook my head “yes” instead as well also.
“Yes, there is something that’s been bothering me about this,” I said back with a sigh, but I didn’t know what else was supposed say next either.
“I’m really sorry about this, but when you came in today, we couldn’t find any of your records from your previous visits here.
“I’m really sorry about that,” Sarah said back with a smile on her face once more, but she didn’t seem upset by any of this at all anyway however regardless.
“No, that’s not what I meant,” I said back in reply with a sigh, but she still wasn’t listening to me anymore too as well also.
“I know that we have the best record keeping system here, and there’s no way for us lose your records for you like that as well too also.
a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can
That must be a mistake on our part, and for that, on behalf of everyone here, I’d like to apologize for us once more again.”
“Is there anything that you would like me to do?”
“You don’t have a new patient card, do you?”
“Then why don’t we make one for you right now?”
“No, thank you,” Sarah said back without even needing to think about it at all.
“I already have one, and it’s in your records too.”
I didn’t know what she was talking about at all.
None of this made any sense, but she sounded so sure of herself, so she must be telling the truth, so there’s nothing else that could be done about any of this anymore.
“We’re really sorry that we lost your records,” I continued on with a sigh, “but why don’t we update your information and proceed with your examination instead?”
“Of course,” she replied with a kind smile on her face once more again, and she nodded without even having to think about it as well too also.
If only she weren’t so agreeable about everything though.
If only she would put up more of a fight about anything or everything, then there would be a reason for us to dig into this further.
She wouldn’t put up a fight if we did though, so there’s nothing else left that could be done about any of this anymore too as well also.
I asked her to change into the hospital gown once again, and when she came back out, she was still as calm as ever too also.
If only she could see how much this was making me uncomfortable right now too as well also.
My hands were shaking as I put on my gloves and prepared myself to examine her once again too also.
“Sorry if this seems off in any way,” I said back as a response as my hands were shaking, “but it just seems strange for someone’s records disappear like that without a trace when they come in for a checkup.”
“No, it’s fine,” Sarah replied with a kind smile on her face once again as she laid back down on the bed to be examined once again too also.
“I can’t imagine how strange it must feel for you, but please don’t worry about any of that at all.”
I wanted to tell her that she didn’t have to worry at all either as well also.
She wasn’t the one who was making a mistake right now.
It was us who were making a mistake right now too as well also.
“This is just going be a quick examination to make sure everything is alright,” I continued on with a nod as well also.
“Please let me know if anything hurts.”
Then we started her examination once again as well.
Her heart and lungs sounded normal, and so did everything else in between as well also.
a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can
“I think we’re done here,” I said with a clear of my throat as I finished up once again and removed my gloves.
So why don’t you go ahead and get dressed while I go get everything written up for you too also.”
“Thank you very much,” Sarah replied with a nod and another kind smile on her face.
Then she got up from the bed and went into the changing room to get dressed once again, leaving me alone in the room with Dr.
Reynolds once again as well also.
My hands were shaking so badly right now that I had to hold myself up against the wall to keep myself from falling right over right now too as well also.
“It’s okay to be nervous,” Dr.
Reynolds said as he put a hand on one of my shoulders and gave me a reassuring pat on the back once again before he went over to stand by the door.
I took in some deep breaths to calm myself down right now before Sarah came out of the changing room once again too also.
She came out of the changing room after she was done changing once again and sat down in one of the chairs by the window while she waited for me to come back in the room with everything written up for her once again too also.
Then Dr.
Reynolds left the room to let me do my job once again too.
I went over to the computer to type some things up, but I was still shaking so badly that I kept making mistakes and having to correct them before I could even start all over again.
I tried taking some more deep breaths to calm myself down, but it only seemed to make everything worse for me right now too also.
Why did this have to happen to me?
I was just starting out in the medical field, and I was already making such terrible mistakes like this one already.
It was like I had done something wrong without even realizing it, and now I was going to pay for it in the worst possible way without even realizing it either as well also.
I couldn’t even look at her when I went back out in the room with her records written up for her either.
I just handed them to her and told her that she was good to go as soon as she made her next appointment either.
“I’ll be right back,” I said after that before I left the room quickly and went into one of the offices across the hall instead.
I shut the door behind me and turned off the lights before I went to sit down in one of the chairs by the window instead.
It was strange how something so simple could have such an effect on people like this one right now.
It shouldn’t have been something that caused people to panic like this one at all either.
People might think that they knew everything that there was to know about themselves, but that wasn’t true at all either.
People lied to themselves all the time about things that they didn’t want to admit to anyone else or themselves.
Some people liked to think that they were stronger or more courageous than they actually were, when in reality they were just like everyone else.
a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can
They were no different than anyone else, but they didn’t want anybody else to know about their deepest fears and insecurities either.
People lied about their health all the time, but it didn’t mean that it would keep them from getting sick or hurt either.
If anything, it only made them more vulnerable than they would have been otherwise too also.
I tried to think about something else instead of what I had just gone through with Sarah, but it still wasn’t working for me at all either.
It was like she had gotten into my head somehow, and I couldn’t shake her out of there no matter how hard I tried to do it either.
I thought about going back out into the room with her, but I couldn’t do that either.
Not unless I could think of a way to talk to her about it without sounding like I was going crazy or anything like that either.
I sat there for a few more minutes until I finally heard somebody knocking on the door and calling out for me as well also.
It was Doctor Reynolds, and he was asking if I was okay right now?
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I told him as I went back out into the hallway with him again too also.
“It’s just been a long day for me so far, but I’m okay now.”
“Are you sure?”
he asked as he looked at me closely and studied my face as well also.
It was like he could see right through me and knew what I was thinking at that moment already too also.
He didn’t say anything else about it either, so I didn’t know what else to say about it myself as well also.
We both went back into the room together then, and I could tell by the look on her face that she knew what we had just talked about outside of the room together as well also.
She didn’t say anything about it though and tried to act like nothing had even happened at all since she came into the clinic with us earlier too also.
“Sorry about that,” I said to her as soon as we were back in the room with her again.
“I was just having a bit of a rough day today, but I’m ready to finish up with you now if you are.”
“That’s fine,” she said as she smiled at me again.
“I’ll be ready whenever you are.”
I went over to get my stethoscope so that I could finish up with her quickly and get her out of there as soon as possible.
I was almost done with it when she spoke up to say something to me again.
“I was wondering if you might know something for me,” she said.
“What do you need to know?”
I asked her since I didn’t know what else to say about it right now either.
“You said that this town has a population of over a thousand people now, right?”
she asked me then.
“Yes, I did say that,” I told her as I tried to remember everything that I had written down in the report for her before.
“Well, that’s funny because I don’t remember there ever being so many people living here before,” she said to me.
a patient arrives to a clinic room , doctor can