MidReal Story

Feminine Awakening

Scenario: Título mi novia me femenizo 🔞 femeninos. Solo pruébate estas bragas y este sujetador por mí. Eres una bestia sexy, me los probaré, pero si parezco estúpido no lo haré, así que me puse la tanga negra. Oh, Jonathan. Angela dice que tu trasero se ve perfecto. La tanga se sintió bien, aunque ahora, por el sujetador, cariño, ella dice que Angela ayudó. Mientras seguía con eso, se sentía extraño pero también agradable alrededor de mi pecho. Angela empujó algunos rellenos de espuma en las copas, lo que me hizo ver como si tuviera senos reales. Me veía y me sentía más como una niña, me entregó una de sus blusas, era blanca con un patrón de crochet en el frente un cuello abierto con cordones en la mandíbula y mangas cortas con puños de crochet. Me lo puse era tan femenino entonces ella me entregó sus pantalones negros. Me los puse y le subí el cinturón blanco. Tenían pantalones acampanados, pero eran tan largo arrastrando el piso no seas tonta cariño ella dijo que aún no te habías puesto tacones pensé tacones Nunca había usado tacones antes eran sandalias blancas con tacones de tres pulgadas Me los puse y los pantalones tenían el largo perfecto allí te dije que estarían bien, dijo, me tambaleé con los tacones por un tiempo y pareció acostumbrarme a caminar con ellos. Angela me puso un collar y unas pulseras y me paré frente al espejo. No pude. Créelo, ni siquiera me reconocí. Vaya, dije que nadie lo sabrá. Soy yo. Ahora Ángela dijo que te lo dije. Así que, niña tonta, ahora ve a ese seminario. Cogí uno de los bolsos grandes de Ángela y puse los papeles de mi teléfono y la computadora portátil en Angela me entregó el brillo de labios en caso de que necesitara refrescarme, ella dijo que no tenía otra alternativa que ir como una chica. No podía perderme el seminario, así que me fui, afortunadamente el campus no estaba lejos. Entré pavoneándome al seminario. Hall y tomé asiento, nadie pareció reconocerme, lo cual me alegró y después de una hora llegó el momento de irme. Estaba desesperada por ir al baño, pero no podía usar a los caballeros vestidos de niña, así que tuve que ir en el de damas. estaba lleno de chicas y tuve que hacer cola para conseguir un cubículo libre. Esta chica empezó a hablarme y parecía sentirse atraída por mí. Dijo: "No te había visto aquí antes, ¿ cómo te llamas?". Tuve que pensar rápido y dijo Joanne, ese es un lindo nombre, dijo: ¿ te apetece tomar un café cuando estés libre? ella dijo Yo dije que me encantaría, pero no creo que a mi novia le gustaría, ella dijo que es una pena, aunque pensé que te gustaban las chicas. tienes un aspecto masculino, eso es lo que me atrajo hacia ti, me puso un papel en la mano con su número de teléfono y entré en un cubículo vacío, pensé, si ella supiera que había hecho pipí rápido y salí tan pronto como Pude y me dirigí a casa. Le conté a Ángela todo sobre esto y ella simplemente se rió. Será mejor que no empieces a ir con niñas o niños, de lo contrario tendrás que lidiar contigo, niña traviesa. Ella dijo que ambos nos reímos mucho y me senté. girly con ella para cenar al día siguiente el maquillaje todavía no se quitaba así que me puse otra blusa lila con una falda lápiz azul y medias debo admitir que me empezó a gustar ser niña y recibía mucha atención por parte de la Las chicas y los chicos nunca tuve tanta atención como chico a medida que pasaba la semana Angela me hizo usar un vestido y medias, fue tan lindo que realmente me gustó cuando llegué a casa esa noche fuimos al pub conmigo en el Me vestí y nos reímos mucho. Después de todo, Ángela se había salido con la suya y ahora me gustaba ser una niña. Me quedé como niña durante todo el semestre y Ángela y yo nos acercamos más. Es curioso cómo funcionan las cosas. Ángela realmente me prefería como niña. La chica y yo también lo hicimos, así que nunca volví a vestirme como un hombre, nos casamos y usé un hermoso vestido de novia para la ceremonia. Tuvimos hijos y ellos tenían dos momias. La vida era buena y nunca miramos hacia atrás. ¿ Por qué debería amar? siendo una niña, si te gusta mi historia, presiona Me gusta y suscríbete a continuación a mi canal. Próximamente habrá más historias encantadoras. Amor para todos mis lectores
Create my version of this story
Título mi novia me femenizo 🔞 femeninos. Solo pruébate estas bragas y este sujetador por mí. Eres una bestia sexy, me los probaré, pero si parezco estúpido no lo haré, así que me puse la tanga negra. Oh, Jonathan. Angela dice que tu trasero se ve perfecto. La tanga se sintió bien, aunque ahora, por el sujetador, cariño, ella dice que Angela ayudó. Mientras seguía con eso, se sentía extraño pero también agradable alrededor de mi pecho. Angela empujó algunos rellenos de espuma en las copas, lo que me hizo ver como si tuviera senos reales. Me veía y me sentía más como una niña, me entregó una de sus blusas, era blanca con un patrón de crochet en el frente un cuello abierto con cordones en la mandíbula y mangas cortas con puños de crochet. Me lo puse era tan femenino entonces ella me entregó sus pantalones negros. Me los puse y le subí el cinturón blanco. Tenían pantalones acampanados, pero eran tan largo arrastrando el piso no seas tonta cariño ella dijo que aún no te habías puesto tacones pensé tacones Nunca había usado tacones antes eran sandalias blancas con tacones de tres pulgadas Me los puse y los pantalones tenían el largo perfecto allí te dije que estarían bien, dijo, me tambaleé con los tacones por un tiempo y pareció acostumbrarme a caminar con ellos. Angela me puso un collar y unas pulseras y me paré frente al espejo. No pude. Créelo, ni siquiera me reconocí. Vaya, dije que nadie lo sabrá. Soy yo. Ahora Ángela dijo que te lo dije. Así que, niña tonta, ahora ve a ese seminario. Cogí uno de los bolsos grandes de Ángela y puse los papeles de mi teléfono y la computadora portátil en Angela me entregó el brillo de labios en caso de que necesitara refrescarme, ella dijo que no tenía otra alternativa que ir como una chica. No podía perderme el seminario, así que me fui, afortunadamente el campus no estaba lejos. Entré pavoneándome al seminario. Hall y tomé asiento, nadie pareció reconocerme, lo cual me alegró y después de una hora llegó el momento de irme. Estaba desesperada por ir al baño, pero no podía usar a los caballeros vestidos de niña, así que tuve que ir en el de damas. estaba lleno de chicas y tuve que hacer cola para conseguir un cubículo libre. Esta chica empezó a hablarme y parecía sentirse atraída por mí. Dijo: "No te había visto aquí antes, ¿ cómo te llamas?". Tuve que pensar rápido y dijo Joanne, ese es un lindo nombre, dijo: ¿ te apetece tomar un café cuando estés libre? ella dijo Yo dije que me encantaría, pero no creo que a mi novia le gustaría, ella dijo que es una pena, aunque pensé que te gustaban las chicas. tienes un aspecto masculino, eso es lo que me atrajo hacia ti, me puso un papel en la mano con su número de teléfono y entré en un cubículo vacío, pensé, si ella supiera que había hecho pipí rápido y salí tan pronto como Pude y me dirigí a casa. Le conté a Ángela todo sobre esto y ella simplemente se rió. Será mejor que no empieces a ir con niñas o niños, de lo contrario tendrás que lidiar contigo, niña traviesa. Ella dijo que ambos nos reímos mucho y me senté. girly con ella para cenar al día siguiente el maquillaje todavía no se quitaba así que me puse otra blusa lila con una falda lápiz azul y medias debo admitir que me empezó a gustar ser niña y recibía mucha atención por parte de la Las chicas y los chicos nunca tuve tanta atención como chico a medida que pasaba la semana Angela me hizo usar un vestido y medias, fue tan lindo que realmente me gustó cuando llegué a casa esa noche fuimos al pub conmigo en el Me vestí y nos reímos mucho. Después de todo, Ángela se había salido con la suya y ahora me gustaba ser una niña. Me quedé como niña durante todo el semestre y Ángela y yo nos acercamos más. Es curioso cómo funcionan las cosas. Ángela realmente me prefería como niña. La chica y yo también lo hicimos, así que nunca volví a vestirme como un hombre, nos casamos y usé un hermoso vestido de novia para la ceremonia. Tuvimos hijos y ellos tenían dos momias. La vida era buena y nunca miramos hacia atrás. ¿ Por qué debería amar? siendo una niña, si te gusta mi historia, presiona Me gusta y suscríbete a continuación a mi canal. Próximamente habrá más historias encantadoras. Amor para todos mis lectores
“Have you ever worn women’s lingerie?”
I coughed on the beer I was swallowing and sputtered before looking at Angela.
She was staring at me with an unreadable expression, her eyes a little wide.
“W-what do you mean?”
I finally managed to reply.
“I mean, have you ever put on a lacy bra or a cute thong and seen what it feels like?”
“I thought all guys had tried that at least once…”
I scratched my head.
“Not me,” I said.
She raised an eyebrow.
“Are you daring enough to try it?”
I shook my head.
“Not really,” I finally admitted.
Angela grinned and gave me a little nudge.
“Oh, come on!”
“It’s just not my thing,” I said, looking away.
“Why not?
You don’t think you would look sexy in some cute lingerie?”
“So that’s what it’s all about…”
I said, feeling a little embarrassed.
“What do you mean?”
she asked, tilting her head to one side.
“I think you just want to see me in lingerie,” I replied.
“Is that so bad?”
My heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing Angela dressed in some sexy bra and panties.
I’d never seen her in lingerie before, but the idea of it was enough to make me hard in an instant.
“Yeah, I guess not,” I replied with a sheepish smile.
She gave me another nudge then smiled sweetly at me, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
“But what if you wore it instead?”
she said in a sing-song voice.
I coughed on my beer again and nearly choked as everything went blurry for a moment before coming back into focus.
“W-what do you mean?”
I asked in confusion.
“What if I wore women’s lingerie instead?”
“Well, why not try it on and see how it feels?
You might like it!”
she said suggestively.
I stared at her in surprise for a moment before realizing she wasn’t joking around.
She was serious!
I felt my face heat up with embarrassment.
This was way too far out of my comfort zone!
I didn’t want to try on women’s lingerie and see how it felt.
My masculinity was already fragile enough as it was.
If I put on a lacy bra or a cute pair of panties, it might never recover!
But the gleam in Angela’s eyes told me she wasn’t about to let me off easily.
I didn’t know how I could ever refuse her anything, even something as embarrassing as this.
I sighed and shook my head.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” I said reluctantly.
“Oh, come on!”
she said, giving me another little nudge.
“You might enjoy it more than you think!
And I promise you’ll look sexy!”
I met her gaze and saw that she was serious.
She really meant it!
My heart was pounding in my chest as I hesitated for a moment before nodding reluctantly.
“Okay,” I finally agreed.
“What do you want me to try on?”
Angela clapped her hands in delight and smiled sweetly at me.
Feminine Awakening
“Why don’t you try this?”
She slipped off the bed and walked over to her closet where she rummaged around for a moment before pulling out a black lace thong that was so tiny it looked like it might have been made for a doll.
“This is so cute,” she said gleefully as she held it out to me.“Just try it on!”
I stared at her in disbelief for a moment.
A thong?
She wanted me to try on a woman’s thong?
This was going way too far!
But the look on her face was so happy that I found myself hesitating for a moment longer.
Then I thought about how much I wanted to make her happy, no matter what.
And I realized that I was curious to know what it felt like to wear something like this.
I’d never tried anything like it before.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad?
I took the thong from her hand then sat down on the bed and stared at it for a moment.
It looked so small that I couldn’t imagine how it would possibly fit me.
My body was much bigger than hers.
But maybe that was the point.
Maybe it was supposed to be a little embarrassing for me.
I hesitated for a moment longer before pulling off my jeans and underwear so that I was naked from the waist down.
Then I slipped the thong over my feet and pulled it up my legs.
The sensation of the delicate lace against my skin was surprisingly stimulating and I felt a shiver of excitement go down my spine as I pulled it up higher and higher until it was snugly cradling my male anatomy.
It was so small that it barely covered anything at all.
So much of my buttocks were exposed that I felt like I might as well be naked.
But at the same time, it hugged my skin so close that I didn’t feel as if I was wearing anything at all.
It was such a strange feeling that I didn’t know what to make of it.
“Wow,” Angela said as she came back into the room and saw me standing there in nothing but the thong.
“You look sexy already!”
I stared at her in surprise.
She nodded in approval.
“Definitely,” she said with a smile.
I hesitated for a moment then glanced down at my crotch where a bulge was forming in the front of my jeans.
It was so obvious that anyone who saw me like this would know what I had on underneath.
But maybe that was part of the fun?
Maybe it was supposed to be a little embarrassing for me?
I hesitated for a moment longer as I thought about it.
Then I smiled and nodded.
“Okay,” I said.
“I’ll keep it on…but I think I need to do this.”
I reached down and tucked my male anatomy up and out of the way so that it would fit better against my skin.
Angela’s eyes widened as she stared at my crotch and saw what I was doing.
“You don’t have to do that,” she said quickly.
I met her gaze and saw that she was blushing slightly.
“It’s okay,” she said.
“I’m sure it’s not that bad…”
I hesitated for a moment longer then nodded and smiled as I continued to tuck myself away.
The sensation was so strange that I didn’t know what to make of it yet.
My body was so used to being free and unencumbered.
Feminine Awakening
But there was something undeniably sexy about wearing such revealing lingerie underneath my clothes and knowing that no one would ever see it but me and Angela.
“What do you think?”
Angela asked as she held up a matching black bra that was filled with thick foam pads to simulate the presence of breasts.
“It’ll make you feel more feminine,” she said.
“And they’re super comfortable too.”
I wasn’t so sure about that but I was willing to give it a try if it would help me embrace my new identity.
“Okay,” I said with a smile as I reached out and took it from her hand and slid my arms through the straps before fastening the clasp behind my back.
Angela stepped up behind me and helped adjust the bra so that it could fit more comfortably around my chest and shoulders.
The foam pads added a little bit of extra weight to my chest but they were soft enough that they didn’t feel too uncomfortable as they shifted around with my movements.
Then Angela stepped back and took a step back as she looked at me with a smile of approval.
“You look great!”
she said with a smile as she stepped up beside me and looked at my reflection in the mirror.
“It really suits you!”
I laughed and shook my head as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.
I couldn’t believe how strange it felt to see myself standing there dressed as a woman with what appeared to be small breasts on my chest.
But at the same time, it also felt strangely right too.
It felt almost as if this was the way that things had always been for me and that this was who I was always meant to be.
I couldn’t help but smile as I ran my fingers over the delicate lace and looked at my reflection with wonder and amazement.
“Do you like it?”
Angela asked as she stepped up beside me and wrapped her arms around my waist and held me close to her body.
I met her gaze in the mirror and saw that she was smiling with approval and affection as she stared at me with wonder and amazement.
“I love it,” I said with a smile as I stepped closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist too and held her close to my feminine body so that we could share the experience together.
“Do you want to try on some more clothes now?”
she asked after a few moments of silence had passed between us.
I hesitated for a moment then nodded as I followed her back over to the bed where she had laid out several more items of clothing for me to try on.”
I tried on all the clothes that she had picked out for me then stepped back over to the mirror and looked at myself with wonder and amazement as I saw how different I looked and how my new outfit transformed my entire appearance and made me look even more feminine than before.
My outfit consisted of a white blouse with a crochet pattern, a black camisole, and black pants that were made from the same delicate lace material as my thong and bra.
I slipped them on and stepped back over to the mirror where Angela waited for me with more clothes for me to try on.”
She said as she stepped up behind me and helped adjust the outfit to make it fit more comfortably around my body.
Feminine Awakening
As soon as I was done, Angela stepped up behind me and pulled out another outfit that she wanted me to try on next.
“Here, put this on,” she said as she handed me a white blouse with long sleeves and lace trim along the collar and cuffs.
I hesitated for a moment then nodded as I took the blouse and held it up against my chest before stepping over to the bed and sliding my arms through the sleeves and fastening the buttons up the front to make it fit more comfortably around my body.
As I did, I couldn’t help but smile as I looked at myself in the mirror and admired how delicate and feminine the blouse was and how much I looked like a woman when I wore it.
I ran my fingers over the delicate lace and smiled as I imagined what it would be like to wear it on a real date with Angela and see the way that she looked at me and admired my feminine beauty as we walked hand in hand together as boyfriend and girlfriend.”
I called out as I stepped back over to the bed where Angela was waiting for me.
“Try this on too,” she said as she handed me a pair of black bell-bottom pants to try on next to complete the outfit.
“Okay,” I said with a smile as I stepped back over to the mirror once more and slid my feet through the leg holes before pulling them up around my waist so that they could fit more comfortably around my body.”
I called out as I stepped back over to the bed so that Angela could see how they looked on me.
But when she saw me, her eyes narrowed in doubt, then shook her head as she stepped up behind me and tugged on the legs of the pants until they fell all the way down to my ankles, but they were still much too long for me so that they dragged on the floor when I walked, which made them very impractical for everyday use in the real world.”
she said as she stepped back and took a step back so that she could get a better look at me while I stood there dressed in my new outfit.
“You need to put on some heels so that you can get the right length.”
I asked with a look of horror and doubt.
“I don’t know about that.”
“I’ve never worn heels before and I’m not sure if I would be able to walk in them without falling over and hurting myself!”
“Come on, it’ll be fun!”
Angela said with a smile as she stepped up beside me and grabbed my hand so that we could go over to her closet together and find a pair of heels for me to try on.
She opened the door to the closet and reached up to the top shelf then pulled down a pair of white sandals with three-inch heels that she thought would be suitable for a beginner like me to try out for the first time.”
she said with a smile as she held them up against my feet so that she could get a better look at them.
“Try them on!“Okay,” I said with a smile as I sat down on the edge of the bed and slipped my feet through the straps then stood up and slid my feet through the legs of the pants so that they could fit more comfortably around my body.
Feminine Awakening