MidReal Story

Unleashed Power: The Superhuman Dog Apocalypse

Scenario: A scientist decided to make a liquid that will emplify the human body with powers and size of muscular beyond imagination for the military. An evil .  The experiment was a success. then a group of terrorist dicided to steal the liquid form to make superhuman soldiers, killing every scientist in the lab including military men. they use the formula to make superhuman dog to obey at their will. They use these monsterous dog to destroy  America becoming unstopable.  One man is trying to stop his distruction with a one of the the scientist that surivive the massacre. he is trying to find the actidote to spray at the dog to become normal
Create my version of this story
A scientist decided to make a liquid that will emplify the human body with powers and size of muscular beyond imagination for the military. An evil .  The experiment was a success. then a group of terrorist dicided to steal the liquid form to make superhuman soldiers, killing every scientist in the lab including military men. they use the formula to make superhuman dog to obey at their will. They use these monsterous dog to destroy  America becoming unstopable.  One man is trying to stop his distruction with a one of the the scientist that surivive the massacre. he is trying to find the actidote to spray at the dog to become normal
I am John Smith, a former military man who found himself in the midst of a terrifying ordeal with a group of terrorists.
These individuals had become superhuman through the use of an experimental formula developed by a scientist only known as the Doctor.
After ingesting the formula, the terrorists transformed into monstrous beings with excessive strength, size, and rage that were uncontrollable.
The Doctor had been developing the formula for military use to create soldiers with immense strength, and I was tasked with delivering it to her.
However, the terrorists intercepted me and had consumed the formula, triggering a massacre at the lab.
I soon crossed paths with Dr.Emily White, the only scientist who could potentially develop an antidote to stop the terrorists.
Together, we set out to find a way to neutralize them, but it was easier said than done as the laboratory was now a war zone.
As we ventured through the lab, we realized that our presence had been detected by the terrorists, led by David Johnson, a former military comrade of mine who harbored a grudge against me since his dishonorable discharge.
I saw terror in Emily’s eyes as she looked at me.
I should be terrified too, but I’ve seen worse.
I’ve faced death many times before.
I’ve been close to it too many times that I’m not afraid of it anymore.
I flashed her my best smile and whispered, “Stay behind me.”
She nodded and gripped her weapon tighter.
We could hear them coming closer.
There were at least six of them, all walking on fours like dogs and sniffing around like bloodhounds.
It made me shudder in disgust.
I didn’t want to fight them.
My hands were shaking as I gripped my weapon tighter.
This is going to be messy.
Then I remembered that there are no clean fights in war.
As soon as the first one stepped into the hallway where we were hiding, I opened fire.
He cried out in pain as he fell down on his side.
The other five charged at us furiously.
I kicked one in the face and let my weapon finish him off.
Another one tried to bite me on my arm but I managed to hit him in the head with my weapon’s butt.
I could feel them walking on my back as they climbed over me.
They were going to rip us apart.
Emily was screaming.
I ignored her and tried to get up, but it was no use.
The weight of three dogs was too much for me.
I thought this is it.
All of a sudden, they were thrown off me.
Emily was crying on the floor as she crawled towards me.
I looked up and saw David grinning at me.
His eyes were fixed on Emily’s lab coat where she put the antidote.
I took out my weapon and aimed at him.
He had grown bigger and his muscles had bulged out even more than before.
I knew that I couldn’t take him.
I’m not sure about this, but I’m more scared for Emily’s safety.
I know that he’s going to kill me first before he takes Emily.
I can’t let that happen.
He is not going to get his hands on her or the antidote.
I don’t care who gets in my way.
I’m going to kill him first.
I took out my weapon and shot him twice in the chest.
He groaned in pain as he fell down on his knees.
Unleashed Power: The Superhuman Dog Apocalypse
He got up and charged at me with full force.
My weapon was useless against him.
He was too strong, too fast.
He easily disarmed me and pointed the gun at Emily’s head.
“Smith, give me the antidote or your little girlfriend dies.”
The doctor looked at me with pleading eyes.
I know what she was asking me and I can’t bring myself to do it.
She flinched as she heard the gun click on her ear.
Unleashed Power: The Superhuman Dog Apocalypse
David grinned at her and said, “You know that I can do it, right?
It would be so easy for me.
Now are you still going to give me the antidote or should I just shoot your girlfriend?”
Emily whimpered as she looked at me with teary eyes.
“Don’t give it to him.” I growled at her before I looked at David and said, “Go ahead and shoot her, you son of a bitch!
You’re not getting anything from me!”
“You don’t want that.” David said as he threw Emily across the room.
My heart stopped as I watched her fall on her side.
“Give me the antidote or I’ll kill her.”
His subordinates growled at me and showed their fangs as they stood up on their hind legs.
I was about to give it to him when he suddenly cried out in pain and fell on the floor.
I saw that Emily had thrown a flash grenade at him and he was trying to shield his eyes from the bright light that it emitted.
She took my hand and pulled me as we ran away from them, but I knew that we weren’t going to get far before they caught up with us again because they are monsters and we are not.
We could hear David shouting behind us, “Get them!”
Emily looked back for a moment and saw that he and his subordinates were still on the floor, writhing in pain because of the blinding light of the flash grenade that we have thrown at them.
We ran as fast as we could until we reached the place where they kept all the test tubes that they used on those super soldiers.
I could hear gunshots coming from the hallway where we came from, but I knew that it was impossible for David and his subordinates to come after us because they were blinded by our flash grenade.
I could already picture them shooting wildly with their guns as if we were ducks that they wanted to kill, but I knew that they weren’t going to hit us because they couldn’t see a thing right now.
Unleashed Power: The Superhuman Dog Apocalypse
All we have to do is run as far away from them as we could while they’re still blind, but I knew that it wasn’t really going to be that easy because they have some other things that can easily track us down even if they weren’t there anymore.
When we reached the place where they keep all the test tubes, Emily opened one of it and got a small container filled with a red liquid inside before we ran away again, but I knew that it wasn’t going to be enough to stop David and his men; especially if they already knew that we have an antidote now, but I didn’t tell her that because I knew that it was just going to make her panic even more than she already is, so I just kept quiet while we ran for our lives again a few moments later after we heard those mutants broke free from their chains and came running after us, but we didn’t get far before we saw that David is already standing in front of us, looking mad as hell while holding a big gun in his hand that is pointed directly at Emily’s head.
We ran inside a cave with the few other people who managed to escape with us while those mutants were busy trying to find their way inside so that they can kill us all, but we knew that it was only a matter of time before they actually do because they have sharp claws that can easily tear through rocks like butter, so we had to think of something fast if we wanted to stay alive.
I asked, “Do you have an idea on how to stop them?”
Emily answered, “I have to make an antidote for them, but I need this flower called ‘Jalak’ to do that.
The problem is that I don’t know where to get it from.”
A man said, “I can go get it for you.”
She looked at me.
“Are you sure?”
I nodded my head.
She smiled at me.
“Thank you.
I promise that I’ll make it worth your while.”
I just smiled at her.
“I’m counting on it.”
I was about to go outside when I heard David shouting, “They’re here!”
There’s no time to waste!
I have to go now!”
She handed me a gun with some bullets that she got from one of the test tubes.
Unleashed Power: The Superhuman Dog Apocalypse
“Here, take this with you just in case you come across any of those mutants outside.”
I nodded my head and took it from her hands.
“Don’t worry; I can handle myself.”
A few moments later, I went outside while holding a flashlight and carefully looked around to see if there are any mutants nearby before I slowly walked away from the cave where everyone else was hiding at as soon as I made sure that there wasn’t any mutant around, but I didn’t get far before someone suddenly called my name, but I quickly turned around and noticed Marcus walking towards me with a rifle in his hands, so I asked him, “What are you doing here?”
He answered, “I’m coming with you; there’s no way I’m going to let you do this alone!”
I shook my head.
“No way!
This is too dangerous!”
He shouted, “And what?
You think that you’re the only one who has a reason to stop these bastards?”
I sighed and said, “Fine.
Let’s go!”
We slowly walked around while looking for some flowers when we suddenly heard a loud explosion coming from far away, so we quickly ran towards the direction where it came from while holding our rifles tightly with both of our hands.
When we finally got there, we saw Emily and Dr.
Emily asked, “Did you bring the flower?”
I nodded my head.
She smiled at him.
“You’re a lifesaver!”
Dr.White asked, “How’s the antidote coming along?”
Emily answered, “It’s almost ready, but we have to be quick; the formula that they ingested is rapidly deteriorating their bodies, making them even more dangerous and unpredictable every second!”
She sighed and said, “I know.
I never thought that my formula would be used for something like this.”
I hugged her shoulders.
“It’s not your fault, Emily.
You didn’t know that the terrorists were going to steal your formula; especially not for something like this.”
She looked at me with a sad expression on her face.
“I know, but it doesn’t change the fact that innocent people are being killed because of what they did.”
I hugged her even more tightly.
“David and his men are not innocent!”
I took a few steps away from her and said, “I’m going to look for the Moonlight Flower now.”
She nodded her head.
“We’ll be waiting for you here.”
I motioned Marcus to come with me since we already found the other flower, but he shook his head.
“You go ahead; I’ll stay here and protect them.”
I gave him a thumbs up.
“Thanks, bro!”
A few moments later, I finally found the flower and picked it up before I went back to Emily with it since she needed it to complete the antidote.
When I got there, she got a small container filled with a clear liquid inside before she carefully placed the flowers inside of it.
A few moments later, the liquid turned red and she said, “The antidote is ready now.”
I asked, “What do we do with it now?”
She answered, “We’re going to pour it inside one of your canteens since you’re the strongest out of all of us, so you have to go and give it to David and his men.”
I nodded my head.
“I understand.”
A few moments later, she gave me the canteen and said, “Be careful; the effects of the antidote will only last for a few minutes, so make sure to pour it in their mouths before it wears off.”
I nodded my head again.
“Don’t worry; I will.”
She smiled at me.
“Good luck!”
A few moments later, I went outside while holding the canteen in one of my hands and made sure that there wasn’t any mutant around before I walked away from my hiding place and started looking for David and his men as soon as I made sure that there wasn’t any mutant nearby, but I didn’t get far before I heard someone calling my name, so I slowly turned around and noticed Marcus running towards me with a worried expression on his face.
When he finally got there, he hugged me tightly.
Unleashed Power: The Superhuman Dog Apocalypse