MidReal Story

Whispers of the Departed

Scenario: My name is Chen Feng. I am a psychic. I can talk to the dead. One of my childhood friends is Shen Tu. She is a criminal policeman. At present, she is working as an intern criminal police in a county in the northeast. Her father is the director of the provincial public security department. On this day, she came across a strange case, and there was no progress for more than a month. She picked up her mobile phone and dialed my phone.
Create my version of this story
My name is Chen Feng. I am a psychic. I can talk to the dead. One of my childhood friends is Shen Tu. She is a criminal policeman. At present, she is working as an intern criminal police in a county in the northeast. Her father is the director of the provincial public security department. On this day, she came across a strange case, and there was no progress for more than a month. She picked up her mobile phone and dialed my phone.
Shen Tu, my childhood friend, is currently an intern criminal police officer in a county in the northeast.
Her father, who holds a high position as the director of the provincial public security department, arranged this internship for her.
Despite being on site for over a month, Shen Tu has not made any progress on the case she's working on, which has caused her significant distress.
One day, as she was inspecting the crime scene, feeling frustrated and helpless, Shen Tu decided to call me for help.
I, Chen Feng, am a psychic with the ability to talk to the dead.
Shen Tu had hesitated to contact me, knowing I was busy and didn't like being disturbed during work.
However, with no other leads or solutions in sight, she felt compelled to seek my assistance.
Shen Tu was standing by the water with her hands in her pockets.
She had been standing there for so long that even I felt bored of watching her.
I was sitting by the pier while holding my phone to my ear.
"Chen Feng, I’m sorry to bother you.
I know that you are busy at work but I really need your help," Shen Tu said to me with a sad tone in her voice.
"Just tell me what happened," I replied, "as long as I can help you out."
I could hear her let out a sigh of relief from the other end of the line.
"They have been dead for over two days now and the bodies have not been found yet.
However, the villagers said that they could hear someone crying at night and they had asked me to look into it," Shen Tu responded.
I was confused by what she said and asked her what she meant by that.
Shen Tu looked up and stared at the crime scene in front of her with a frown on her face.
The village called Xianguan was surrounded by mountains and water.
The sea was empty and there was no one around except for a few police officers.
There was an unfinished house that was built on the pier not far from where she was standing.
The two bodies were buried under the cement inside that house.
They were the couple who built that house together with their own hands back then when they were still alive.
The wife found out that her husband was having an affair with someone else so she killed him with a hammer before she jumped into the water and killed herself too.
Since the wife’s body was not found yet, the villagers said that they could hear a woman crying every night.
Shen Tu turned back and looked at the three-story building located at the end of the pier.
She could see a few villagers standing outside of the house with a few police officers talking to them.
Those villagers were all the witnesses who had heard the crying sound that night.
Whispers of the Departed
"Chen Feng, I really don’t know what to do now," Shen Tu continued, "I'm already here at the crime scene but I still don’t know where the two bodies are buried."
"Did you first receive a call from the villagers?" I asked her.
"Yes, they had called us one month ago but I couldn’t find any traces of their bodies after inspecting this place for over 10 times," Shen Tu replied with a look of helplessness on her face.
She could feel her tears well up in her eyes but she refused to let them fall.
"I'm sorry for bothering you but I really don’t know what else I can do now," Shen Tu continued, "this case has been giving me a headache for quite some time now."
She knew that I could help people who had died but she had never asked me for help before since she knew how much I hated seeing dead bodies.
However, she had no other choice but to ask me for help this time."Don't worry about it," I continued, "just tell me what you need me to do."
Shen Tu shook her head and answered, "It's too complicated to explain it to you over the phone."
"Do you remember the time when we were still little kids and I promised you that I would be by your side no matter what happens?" I asked her.
Shen Tu nodded her head after hearing what I said.
"I'm sorry that I can’t help you out over the phone at the moment.
But I promise that I will be there as soon as possible.
Just wait for me there at the crime scene.
Don’t worry about it," I continued.
Shen Tu's eyes lit up and a faint smile appeared on her face.
She then answered me with a nod of her head, "Alright.".
"Alright then, just wait for me there.
I'll be there soon."
I ended the call right after that.
As soon as I put my phone down and stood up from where I was sitting, Xiao Cai came out from the room and looked at me with a confused look on his face.
"Chen Feng, what’s going on?"
Xiao Cai asked me with a frown on his face.
"What happened to Shen Tu?
You looked so serious when you were talking to her over the phone," Xiao Cai continued.
I shook my head and answered him with a sigh, "She's in trouble."
"What kind of trouble is it?" Xiao Cai asked.
"I'll tell you after we get to the northeast.
Let's go first since we need to get to the airport as soon as possible," I replied to him with a smile.
"Sure thing," Xiao Cai nodded his head and replied.
I then walked pass him and went into the room to pack my things.
I had just come back from overseas study for less than 6 months and here she was calling me to go to the northeast again.
I didn't want to go there again but she sounded so sad and desperate over the phone so how could I say no to her?
It might take us over 8 hours to get from where we were to the northeast by plane.
Whispers of the Departed
I was really worried about Shen Tu and all I could think of was to be there next to her so that I could help her to solve the case that she was working on at the moment.
I looked at the screen of my phone and answered the call.
"Chen Feng, I've arrived at the crime scene," Shen Tu said to me with a heavy heart in her voice.
I could feel the anxiety in her voice and it pained my heart when I heard it.
I quickly answered her back with a nod of my head, "Don't worry about it, Shen Tu.
I'm on my way right now and I'll be there before you know it."
"Alright," Shen Tu answered me with a nod of her head before she ended the call.
I let out a sigh after I had put my phone down and I then turned to Xiao Cai who was sitting next to me on the plane.
"I'll be there soon," I said to him with a smile.
Xiao Cai nodded his head and replied me with a smile as well.
I then leaned back on the seat and closed my eyes for a while before we finally arrived at the airport in the northeast.
"Chen Feng, are we going straight to the crime scene?"
Xiao Cai asked me after he saw that I was looking at my phone when we were in the car heading to our destination.
I nodded my head and replied him while still keeping my eyes on my phone screen.
"Yes, we are," I answered him with a smile before I called Shen Tu back after that.
"It’s really weird this time around," Shen Tu mumbled in a low voice before she continued to say something to me over the phone later on.
"They all looked like they were alive but they couldn’t move or speak at all."
Their eyes were filled with fear and despair and it made me feel really uncomfortable even though I’ve seen so many dead bodies before."
"It’s alright, Shen Tu," I answered her with a frown on my face right after that before I let out another sigh.
"Just wait for me there.I’ll bring all of my tools along."
"Alright then," Shen Tu answered me with a nod of her head before she ended the call right after that.
"It’s only been about 5 years since the last time I went to see her and this time around she sounded so sad and desperate over the phone," I mumbled in a low voice before I heaved out a sigh later on.
Shen Tu had never been one to give up easily but it appeared that the case this time around must have been too hard for her to solve that it made her sound so anxious over the phone.
After Shen Tu and I had graduated from the police academy, Shen Tu’s father recommended her to be an intern criminal police officer at the county where he worked at.
Shen Tu’s father was the director of the provincial public security department and he held a high position there.
It was because of this that Shen Tu could be placed in the county right after she graduated from the academy as such.
We were supposed to do our internship one year after graduation but Shen Tu’s father used his power to make it earlier for us.
Shen Tu and I quickly made our way to the county right after that and we were both really excited about it.
However, Shen Tu sounded really sad and anxious over the phone that day and it made me really worried about her.
A lot of the interns who went to that county would be given a really hard time by their superiors but Shen Tu had always been someone who was really ambitious and hardworking.
She had never given up easily on anything and no matter how hard it could be, she would always try to solve it no matter what.
This was because Shen Tu wanted to make a name for herself and not rely on her father’s power all the time.
However, Shen Tu normally would just put on a brave front even though she was filled with despair deep down inside.
"Chen Feng, are you not going to answer the call?"
Xiao Cai asked me after he saw that I was looking at the screen of my phone again.
"Chen Feng, it’s Shen Tu, right?"
Xiao Cai asked me with a smile.
"She is my childhood friend," I answered him with a nod of my head before I looked at the screen of my phone again and answered her call right away.
"Chen Feng, the things that I just told you earlier on?"
Shen Tu asked me the moment she picked up the call.
I could feel her anxiousness from her voice again as I nodded my head and replied her back right after that.
"How many hours had it been?"
Shen Tu asked me once again.
"It’s only been about 2 hours since you last called me," I answered her with a confused look on my face.
"Alright then," Shen Tu answered me with a nod of her head before she ended the call shortly after that.
I let out another sigh after I had put my phone down before I leaned back on the seat and closed my eyes for a while.
Whispers of the Departed