MidReal Story

Tempted by Desire: A Rekindled Passion

Scenario: my ex messaged me saying that she's horny and wants me to fuck her rough
Create my version of this story
my ex messaged me saying that she's horny and wants me to fuck her rough
Hey, John. Long time no see.
I frown at the text, recognizing the name of the person who has sent it.
It’s been over a year since I last heard from her.
A year since we stopped communicating entirely.
A year since I’ve seen her in person.
I don’t know why she’s reaching out now or what she wants from me.
Does she not know that I’m still hurting?
That I’m still angry with her?
I don’t think I can handle this.
I don’t think I can face her again.
But at the same time, I want to see her.
I want to talk to her again.
And so, despite my doubts, I reply to her message.
Hi, Emily. How are you?
You know, busy with work and all that.
I’m an ER nurse now.
It’s tough on me, but I enjoy the challenges it presents.
I’m sorry for not reaching out sooner.
I’ve just been really busy.
It’s okay, I understand.
I hope work is going well for you.
It is, thank you.
What about you?
What have you been up to?
Not much has changed for me, honestly.
I’m still working in finance for the same company.
I’ve moved up a few ranks and now work as a financial analyst.
It’s been good so far.
That’s great to hear.
I’m glad you’re doing well for yourself.
I am, too.
I really want to see you again sometime soon…
That would be lovely.
Did you have something in mind?
Well, there are a few places I’d like to visit with you…
But you already know that, don’t you?
The way you say it makes me wonder if you’re not telling me something…
You’re right, you caught me!
I was wondering if we could meet up sometime soon…
If that’s okay with you.
Of course it is!
But what changed your mind?
What do you mean?
I’ve been wanting to apologize to you for a long time now…
And I feel like seeing you in person would be the best way to do that.
Tempted by Desire: A Rekindled Passion
she says she's horny
Oh, that’s nice of her!
Wait… Does she mean she wants us to get back together?
I thought she didn’t feel that way anymore…
Well, if that’s the case, then what do I have to lose?
Sure, Emily, I’d love to meet up with you!
Great! When are you free?
How about we meet somewhere this weekend?
That sounds perfect!
Thank you for doing this.
No need to thank me.
It’s the least I can do.
No, really.It means a lot to me.
And hey, maybe we can catch up on some lost time while we’re at it?
You know it! Can’t wait for Saturday!
Me neither! See you then!
She sends me a smiley face emoji before ending the conversation there.
Her message makes me smile as well, and a sense of nostalgia washes over me as I think about our past together.
We had some good times, Emily and I.
But we also had some bad ones…
Hey, John, are you free?
It’s late at night, and I’m lying on my bed, scrolling through my phone absentmindedly.
I sit up when it vibrates with her text, my face lighting up at her name on my screen.
Yes, I am.I reply, my heart pounding in my chest.
And so, for the next hour or so, we text back and forth, catching up on each other’s lives and reminiscing about old times and past memories together.
It feels nice to have her back in my life again, even if it’s just as friends for now.
But then she asks me a question that catches me completely off guard.
Are you free tomorrow night?
Can we meet up or something?
Sure, where do you have in mind?
As I wait for her to respond, I can’t help but wonder why she wants to see me so urgently all of a sudden.
Is it because she misses me?
Does she want us to get back together?
But then her next message comes through, and any thoughts I have about those things disappear from my mind immediately.
She wants to have sex with me tomorrow night?
Is she serious?
But then again, it is something she likes to do when she’s drunk or horny or whatever…
So maybe it’s not so strange after all?
Still, I can’t help but wonder what brought this on all of a sudden?
We’ve argued about things like this before, so I thought she’d had enough of them by now?
Tempted by Desire: A Rekindled Passion
she's extremely hot blonde with big boobs and a great ass. i don't feel hurt anymore. i want to fuck her right now. we meet instantly and she starts sucking me in the car while im driving
My cock stirs in my pants at the thought of me being inside of her again, and I swallow hard, trying to focus on writing a reply to her question.
Sure, but what do you have in mind?
Are you alone right now?
I can come over if you are.
I bite my lip when I read her text, and I can’t help but wonder if she’s teasing me.
Or if she’s actually serious about this.
Because I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little bit tempted by the idea.
Of having sex with Emily again.
Just like old times.
But then again, we’re still not official yet, so maybe I should wait until we are before we do this?
I'm sitting alone in my room, so I guess I can come over.
I reply hesitantly, wanting to see what she says before I make any moves.
Good, because I want you.
And I want you to fuck me tonight.
Not wanting to keep her waiting any longer, I quickly type up a reply and hit send, my heart pounding in my chest with anticipation.
Are you serious?
Because, if you are, then I’m going to come over right now…
Yes, why wouldn’t I be?
I just want you inside of me tonight.
I cum too quickly, and too loudly, so let’s do this in your room instead of mine, okay?
It’s then that I realize what she’s talking about, and I swallow nervously.
Is this really what she wants?
What she’s been thinking about all this time?
And is it really what I want as well?
To forget about our past issues and simply move forward as if nothing ever happened between us?
To pretend like everything’s fine, even though it clearly isn’t?
I'm not sure how to respond to her message, but then another one comes through, and I realize that she isn’t done yet.
Maybe we can meet up somewhere first?To talk or something.
Tempted by Desire: A Rekindled Passion
i pick her up with the car
i pick her up and we start driving somewhere when she tells me to pull over and jumps me
What are you going to tell your parents?
That you’re going out with me?
They don’t have to know anything about it
Maybe I’m not ready for this…
Maybe I should tell her that we need to take things slowly first…
Because I don’t want to make the same mistakes as before.
And I don’t want to hurt her again.
But then another message comes through and I bite my lip nervously as I read it.
Come on, John!
I know you want me!
I know you want me and I know you want this!
Don’t play games with me and don’t make me wait any longer!
Because I won’t be able to take it much longer!
I won’t be able to take it much longer!
i take Emily back to my place after we finish having sex in the car
i fuck her twice more in my room and then I let her go home
Emily wants more sex
but i'm tired and I want sleep
so I drive her back home
and drop her off outside
and say goodbye
and drive back home
I don’t know why, but when I read this message, it makes me realize that I don’t want to spend the rest of my life wondering what it would be like if we did this.
If we finally had sex with each other again.
And if we were as amazing as we used to be.
I don’t want to regret not doing this.
And then regretting that I didn’t do it.
So, with a deep breath, I grab my keys and head out the door, ready to pick up Emily and take it from there.
She’s waiting for me outside when I arrive, and she smiles at me from across the street before getting into the car and giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek.
I smile back at her, feeling my cock stirring in my pants as soon as she gets inside.
And when she looks at me, I can tell that she feels the exact same way.
Because when she does, she bites down on her lip seductively as she pulls the seatbelt over her chest.
And then, without saying a word, she places one hand on my thigh and starts rubbing it up and down slowly, causing goosebumps to form all over my body.
I'm so glad you changed your mind.
I was afraid that you wouldn’t come.
I was afraid that you didn’t want me anymore.
I was afraid that you were going to leave me all alone.
But now that you’re here, I feel so much better!
Now that you’re back with me, I feel so much safer.
Because there’s no one else in the world who can make me feel the way you do!
Because there’s no one else in the world who can make me feel the way you make me feel!
Is that so?
I say teasingly as I start driving away.
Her hand is still on my thigh, squeezing it gently as she rubs my skin up and down.
And then, without warning, she moves it higher up my leg and places it directly on my cock.
Making me gasp at the unexpected contact.
And when she looks at me again, with those big blue eyes of hers that are so full of lust and desire, I can’t help but wonder what she has planned for the rest of the night.
Tempted by Desire: A Rekindled Passion
she takes my dick into her mouth with her big boobs out
She smiles at me mischievously as she places a kiss on the tip of my dick while still rubbing my thigh gently with her other hand.
I moan out loud as soon as I feel her soft lips against my skin, feeling my cock hardening instantly at the mere thought of having sex with this girl after all this time.
I wish I could say that I've never thought about this moment before, but the truth is that I think about it all the time.
I think about fucking her all the time.
I think about coming on her face all the time.
And when she sends me a message saying those words to me, telling me what she wants and what she needs, it makes me want to do it even more.
It makes me want to give her what she wants.
It makes me want to show her what she needs.
You know what sushi place we should go to?
she asks with a sweet smile on her face as we keep driving down the road together.
I have no idea what that means, but I can't help but smile at her anyway.
Since I don't know how to respond to this, I decide not to say anything at all and keep my eyes focused on the road, hoping that we can make it to her house before I crash and kill us both.
And when we finally arrive at her place, I'm so excited to see what happens next.
I'm so excited to see what she has in store for me.
I'm so excited to see if we can still be as great as we used to be.
And as soon as we step inside, I realize that I don’t have to wait much longer to find out.
Because instead of walking into her kitchen and grabbing a glass of water like I thought she was going to do, Emily walks down the hallway into her bedroom and smiles at me seductively.
And then, without saying a word, she starts taking off her clothes, piece by piece, right in front of me.
I’m going to eat a lot of sushi tonight!
she says to me playfully with a grin on her face.
her shirt off, showing off her perfect tits in front of me for the first time in over a year.
The main course is you!
I smile back at her before taking off my own clothes too, feeling my dick hardening in my pants as soon as I do.
It may sound silly, but seeing her like this, naked in front of me, reminds me of all the times we used to have sex in college.
It reminds me of all the places we used to have sex in college.
It reminds me of all the things we used to do together when we were young and stupid and in love.
And it makes me want to do them all over again.
It makes me want to do them all tonight.
Is that so?
I say cockily to her with a grin on my face while taking off my own pants slowly as well.
Just tell me when and where I need to be.
You know I’m always here for you.
Tempted by Desire: A Rekindled Passion
i'm not in love i just want to fuck her like an animal
You’re always here for me, huh?
she asks me with a smile before getting down on her knees and wrapping one of her hands around my dick, stroking it slowly and gently before moving in to kiss it as well, giving me a little bit of a taste of what’s to come.
That’s good to hear.
Because I was hoping to see you tonight too, she tells me with a smile before looking up at me with a mischievous expression on her face and running one of her hands through my hair, pulling me closer to her as she does so.
I was hoping you could meet me at Hotel Luminoso at eight o’clock?
I know it’s not for another four hours or so, but I wanted to give you some time to think about it before you say yes and make sure that you’re really ready for it before we go through with it and find out if we’re still as great as we used to be
What do you say?
I have no idea why she wants to meet up with me there, or what kind of room she has in mind, or what she has in mind at all, really, but I don't really care either.
The first time Emily and I ever had sex was in a hotel room.
The first time we did it without a condom was in a hotel room too.
We’ve had sex in so many different hotel rooms and so many different places together over the years, it’s not even funny.
She loves her sushi!
So knowing we’re about to have sex in one again, if that’s really what she has in mind, is making me feel some type of way.
It's making me feel good.
It's making me feel excited.
It's making me feel like I'm back in college already.
It's making me want to go home or go to my hotel room or go to some random place right now and jerk off to the thought of her before heading out to meet her in a few hours too.
I’m going to eat a lot of sushi tonight!
I smile at her before putting my phone back in my pocket and looking down at her naked body in front of me, cocked and ready and waiting for me to do something with it.
I can't believe how beautiful she is.
I can't believe how beautiful she is naked.
I can't believe how beautiful she is naked just for me.
I can't believe how beautiful she is naked just for me after all these years.
And as soon as I think this, Emily stands up on her own too and winks at me before giving me a little twirl around with her hand on her hip and showing off the rest of her body too.
She may be short and petite and skinny as hell, but she has a perfect ass too.
And perfect everything else too!
I'm going to eat a lot of sushi tonight!
I say cockily with a smile before getting down on one knee and taking her right away as well, running my hands up and down her legs slowly and gently before giving her a kiss on the lips.
Is that so?
she asks me with a smile before grabbing my hand again and wrapping it around my dick once more, stroking it slowly and gently as she speaks.
Tempted by Desire: A Rekindled Passion
she sucks my dick
I check my phone again when I get another text message from her.
I’m so fucking horny right now.
I need you to fuck me hard.
I need you to fuck me good.
I need you to fuck me hard and good and make me feel it in the morning.
Are you up for the challenge?
I read the message over and over again, my eyes wide and my heart racing and my dick throbbing even more than it already is.
I already know what this means.
I already know where this is going.
I know it's going to be good.
But the way she just says it, the way she just comes right out and says it, the way she just comes right out and asks me if I want to fuck her tonight, if I want to fuck her hard, if I want to fuck her good, if I want to fuck her hard and good and make her feel it in the morning, if I’m up for the challenge, is something else.
And it’s not just the way she says it or the way she comes right out and says it or the way she comes right out and asks me if I want to fuck her hard and good and make her feel it in the morning and if I’m up for the challenge too.
It’s also her timing too.
It's late at night.
It's really late at night.
It's too late at night.
I already know where this is going.
But I don't know if I can do it right now.
I don't know if I can do it here either.
I don't know if I can do it right now or here either since I'm with friends too.
I don't know if I can do it right now or here or since I'm with friends or since my best friend Alex is one of them either.
But I can’t help myself either, even though this may not be the best time or place for this either, even though this may not be the best time or place or since we’re with friends either, even though this may not be the best time or place or since we’re with friends or since Alex is one of them either either, even though this may not be the best time or place or since we’re with friends or since Alex is one of them either or since this is also happening much faster than I expected either too.
But I can't help myself when she says things like that either too.
So you’re saying you’re ready now?
I ask again, making sure that's what she meant and making sure she knows that's also what I want too.
Yes,” she says simply with a smiley face emoji afterward too.
You know what all of this means?”
It means you're ready to get used like a little slut tonight.”
At our old hotel?”
Yes,” she replies with another smiley face emoji afterward too.
Meet me there?”
she asks me next before telling me what room number she has in mind and how long it’s going to take her to get there unless I say something else first.
Or are you too scared?”
she asks me next instead, threatening me and daring me and challenging me and teasing me all at once instead.
she adds afterward as well, reminding me what all of this really means, reminding me what all of this really means to her and what all of this really means for both of us instead too.
Tempted by Desire: A Rekindled Passion
she sucks my dick
she'll take it like a good little slut
she'll let me cum wherever I want
she won't complain about anything
she'll crawl on all fours for me
she'll beg for more
she'll take it all
she'll thank me after
she won’t ask me for anything
she won’t ask me for a relationship
she won’t get attached again
she won’t ask me for my love
she won’t ask me for my commitment
she won’t ask me for anything else
she'll do whatever I tell her
she'll do whatever I tell her to do
she'll listen to everything I say
she'll obey my every command
she won’t call me names anymore
she won’t fight with me anymore either
she’ll submit to my every desire
she’ll surrender to my every whim
she’ll give up control to me
she’ll give in to my every temptation
she’ll give herself to me
I’m going to make you my bitch tonight.”
Are you really?
Because you're definitely acting like one.”
Does that mean you’re going to go too?
Or does that mean you’re still just all talk too?”
No,” I reply quickly, just like I knew I would instead as soon as she said everything else before instead as soon as she said everything else before and just like I knew I would again before when she said everything else again instead before and just like I knew I would again and again and again before and before and before and again when she said everything else before and after and in between too and all at once instead as well.“It means I’m going to make you shut up all night with my cock instead.”
You’re not going to be able to shut me up,” she says next instead with a smiley face emoji afterward again too.“Not unless you fuck me hard enough and rough enough either.”
“We’ll see about that.”
“But what if I don’t happen to like it rough either?”
“It seems like you’re forgetting how rough it got last time.”
But what if it wasn’t rough enough either?”
“Then you’re really not going to be able to shut me up or make me stop wanting more either.”
And what if you don’t get any at all because you’re being so difficult either?”
And what if you’re not getting any at all because you’re no fun either?”
But I'm definitely not coming here unless you are though.”
“You’re not coming here unless I am?
Why is that?”
“Because that’s the only way this works for me.”
But that’s not the only thing that needs to work tonight either.”
But that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook from coming here first.”
Tempted by Desire: A Rekindled Passion
“Then you should probably come first.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“Then tell me what you meant instead.”
“I meant that if my cock isn’t in your mouth first then my cock isn’t going to be in anything else afterward too.”
And if my mouth isn’t around your cock first then my legs aren’t going around your cock afterward either.”
That’s fine with me,” she tells me next.“There are plenty of other cocks out there for me to choose from anyway.”
So when am I actually going to see you though?”
Are you really going to come here or not?”
Tempted by Desire: A Rekindled Passion
She wasn’t kidding around when she said she wanted rough sex.
I’m standing at the bar but I don’t care about the drink I just bought anymore.
I’m trying not to care about anything right now, but everything I’m feeling is making it impossible.
It’s been a long time since I’ve heard from Emily and even longer since we actually saw each other last, but she wants to see me now and that’s all that matters.
She’s being direct and explicit, and she’s sending pictures of herself that are only making my mind go even more insane than it already is.
I don’t know if it’s a good idea for us to actually do this and I don’t know how much trouble it could get me into later on, but nothing is stopping me from wanting to at least try and see her tonight like she wants me to.
I’m not the type of guy who ever uses the word “no” when a woman like Emily is asking me to come over and do this with her.
I’m not the type of guy who cares more about the consequences than about the possibility of having sex with someone hot like her, especially when it’s going to be rough.
I’m not the type of guy who doesn’t take opportunities like this when they’re presented to him, and I’m not the type of guy who would ever let a chance like this one pass him by.
I want to do it, and I want to do it now.
I can tell just from what she’s telling me that I’m going to love having rough sex with her, and I need to have her waiting for me in that hotel room as soon as possible.
“Where are you?”
That’s all I ask her after making sure that my mind is made up and that I can’t stop myself from doing what she’s asking me to do.
That’s all I ask even though I know that I can leave at any time and that she’ll be waiting for me at the hotel no matter what.
She responds right away with the address of the hotel along with a room number and an instruction for me to knock three times before coming inside.
I leave the bar immediately, knowing that I have to go see her tonight no matter what happens next.
My heart is pounding in my chest and I can feel my cock starting to grow harder just thinking about what I’m going to do as soon as I walk into that hotel room, but that doesn’t stop me from also feeling guilty about everything that happened tonight and everything that could happen later on tonight.
Tempted by Desire: A Rekindled Passion