MidReal Story

Reborn Love: A Second Chance Romance

Scenario: J and his wife X were graduated from a same university. When they were students of the university, J was an oddball in the mathematics department, not fond of studying but passionate about sports and an avid reader of various miscellaneous books. X, on the other hand, was a top student in the journalism department, two years younger than J. However, they did not know each other during their college years. It was only after they both graduated that they met and fell in love. At the age of forty, J experienced a once-in-a-lifetime event—a massive solar flare that caused a temporal disturbance, allowing him to be reborn back into his college days. This time around, J was determined to meet X earlier, fall in love with her sooner, and bring them together ahead of time, making up for the regrets of their past life.
Create my version of this story
J and his wife X were graduated from a same university. When they were students of the university, J was an oddball in the mathematics department, not fond of studying but passionate about sports and an avid reader of various miscellaneous books. X, on the other hand, was a top student in the journalism department, two years younger than J. However, they did not know each other during their college years. It was only after they both graduated that they met and fell in love. At the age of forty, J experienced a once-in-a-lifetime event—a massive solar flare that caused a temporal disturbance, allowing him to be reborn back into his college days. This time around, J was determined to meet X earlier, fall in love with her sooner, and bring them together ahead of time, making up for the regrets of their past life.
I woke up in my dorm room.
Reborn Love: A Second Chance Romance
There was a hot spring in the room, and I was lying in it.
Reborn Love: A Second Chance Romance
I felt like I had been reborn.
I was already forty years old, and I was still forty years old.
My face was covered with bubbles, and I could only see a few bubbles in front of me.
I pinched my nose and took a deep breath, and then I felt the water rushing into my nose.
It was hot, hot, and hot.
Then I came to my senses.
I was not dead but reborn.
I felt that my body was immersed in the hot spring, which was full of vitality.
The heat of the water soaked into my skin and then slowly flowed into my body through my pores.
I felt like I had been reborn.
I was so excited that I couldn't help but raise my hands and feet in the water, splashing water everywhere.
I was so excited that I wanted to jump up from the water, but I didn't dare to show my true face to the world, so I had to be dishonest and lie down in the water.
It was a true rebirth, but what was strange was that although I had been reborn, my face still looked like a forty-year-old man's face with a dark complexion and rough skin.
Even though I was lying in hot springs all year round, it didn't seem to have any effect on my looks.
This time when I was reborn, it was not because of my appearance that I was not satisfied with it, but because I wanted to make up for something that I had not done well in my life.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.
It had been too long since this thing had happened, and maybe it was also because I hadn't done it for too long that I missed it so much.
It happened almost twenty years ago.
At that time, I had just graduated from university and went back to the capital for an interview.
After the interview, I wanted to go back home for a few days before going back to school.
This time when I went home, I didn't stay at home for long before I returned to Yanzhou for work.
When I left, X stood at the door and waved at me.
The warm evening wind blew her long hair into her face, but she refused to move it aside.
I missed her so much right now that I could almost feel her standing in front of me, watching me leave in pain.
She must have felt very lonely standing alone at home after I left.
We were both from Yanzhou, and we were both university students at Yanzhou University, but we did not know each other when we were studying.
We met after we graduated.
Reborn Love: A Second Chance Romance
We were both from ordinary families, and our relationship had developed smoothly over the years.
We got married after graduation and had been living happily together.
Although we couldn't be considered as a proud couple, we lived a very ordinary life without any worries about food or clothing.
Reborn Love: A Second Chance Romance
I was an oddball in the mathematics department, while X was a top student in the journalism department, two years younger than me, and was intelligent and ambitious.
I was also a very gifted student, but I was too lazy to study, and I was only willing to do things that I was interested in doing.
I was very interested in sports and liked to read books very much, especially the novels written by X, who was also very famous in the circle of readers in Yanzhou University at that time.
I was even more impressed by her talent and beauty after I got to know her, and I was even willing to change my hobbies to match hers in order to be closer to her.
In addition, because of my excellent physical fitness, I was able to stand out in various sports at university, and I even helped the school team win several championships in track and field competitions, further enhancing my popularity among girls at school.
If I had to choose a regret in my life, it would be that I didn't work hard enough in school and missed the opportunity to stay with X for two more years or even longer, but that didn't matter, because we would definitely meet again in this life, and we would never be apart again!
I opened my eyes and looked at X who was soaking in the hot spring with me, smiling gently at her in front of me.
I'm back to Yanzhou University!
I'm back to when X and I were still in college!
I'm back to when I was still a student!
I'm back to when I was still in the prime of my life!
I had to sort out the mess in my heart before I could think about what to do next!
But one thing was for sure, X had to be with me!
Even if I had to do something wrong this time, I wouldn't let her go!
I got out of the hot spring pool and washed up before I put on a bathrobe and left the hot spring resort with a complicated mood.
I returned to the capital immediately after getting off the car and went back to the dormitory to pack up my things for tomorrow's trip to Yanzhou.
An Zai, who lived in the room next to mine in college, was also sitting in our dorm room when I came back.
I thought he had come to help me pack my things for a moment.
I didn't expect him to ask me when he saw me, "Did you have a good time on your business trip?"
I saw a wry smile on his face and asked him, "What do you mean?"
An Zai glanced at me and said faintly, "The time-space order has been turned upside down!"
When I heard that he knew about it too, I immediately understood that he had also gone through the same thing that I had experienced, so I asked him with some surprise, "You've been born again as well?"
An Zai looked at me as if he wanted to see something from my face, and when he saw that I didn't look like I was lying, he asked me in surprise, "You know about it too?"
I laughed and said to him, "Of course I know about it!"
An Zai asked me after looking at me for a while, "Do you remember what happened before?"
I nodded seriously at An Zai and said to him, "Yes, I remember everything that happened!"
An Zai said to me immediately after hearing what I said, "That's great!"
I asked An Zai curiously after hearing what he said, "Why is it so good?"
Reborn Love: A Second Chance Romance
"It's good because I know that you are going to take the initiative to chase X this time!"
It's good that you're going to take the initiative to chase X this time!"
I looked at An Zai and asked him in surprise, "How did you know that?"
An Zai said to me with a smile on his face, "You've been talking about X all this time!"
I thought about it for a moment before I asked An Zai curiously, "Do you know who X is?"
An Zai chuckled when he heard what I said and said to me with a smile on his face: "Of course I know who X is!
Although she's two years younger than me, we've been good friends for so many years now!
She's so cute and beautiful!
It's just that she's always been indifferent to the people around her!
Anyway, you're probably not going to be able to get her since she's so cold to people!"
If he knew that X was actually going to be his sister-in-law in the future!
I smiled at An Zai when I heard what he said and responded to him seriously: "We'll see about that!"
An Zai laughed at me when he saw the expression on my face and said to me: "Alright, let's not talk about this anymore!
You should hurry up and pack your things up!"
"I have something on tonight!"
I packed my things quickly after hearing what An Zai said and left the dormitory not long after packing them up.
The next day when I returned to Yanzhou University from the capital at noon, I thought of participating in the opening ceremony of the school tomorrow for the first time!
I had no idea why I had never participated in such an important activity before!
X must also join in tomorrow's opening ceremony!
When we reached the school gate the next day, I saw a lot of freshmen coming into the school with their luggage.
There were so many students coming into the school for registration that they almost blocked the entire road outside the school!
I looked inside as soon as we entered the school gate!
The college buildings are all lined up against the road, with a few trees planted in the open space in front of the buildings.
The sunlight shone through the gaps in the leaves, casting a mottled shadow on the ground.
It was so beautiful that it made people feel refreshed when they looked at it!
As soon as I entered the school gate, I saw a lot of freshmen coming into the school with their luggage.
There were so many students coming into the school for registration that they almost blocked the entire road outside the school!
I looked around anxiously when I saw this scene, worried that X wouldn't be able to find me in such a big crowd!
I had been by her side all these years, but she had never noticed me before!
It had always been me who went to find her!
I wasn't sure if I would be able to find her again now that I was back in college!
Reborn Love: A Second Chance Romance
I looked straight ahead after I thought of this, but X stood not far away from me at that moment.
X stood in front of the main entrance of the teaching building with a smile on his face, looking at the freshmen coming in from the entrance with different expressions.
She looked so charming when she smiled like that, just like an angel who had descended from heaven!
X looked so beautiful that she charmed everyone who saw her.
Even the girls who came in and out of the teaching building would look at her from time to time when they saw her.
I couldn't help but look at X as well after my eyes landed on her.
When X saw my gaze, she smiled happily at me and waved at me, as if she was trying to tell me how happy she was that I had come back to college.
Although X didn't know me at all back then, she still felt very happy when she saw me after we got married.
She even told me how happy she was because of this matter when we got married.
At that moment, X said to me with a smile on her face: "Hello, my name is X Johnson!
You must be a freshman too, right?"
I smiled at X when I heard what she said to me.
Then I stretched out my hand and held her hand tightly before I responded seriously: "My name is J Smith!"
I'm a freshman too!"
Although we were of different ages, we were both freshmen, so I didn't lie to her by saying that we were both freshmen!
X smiled happily at me when she saw how serious I was, then she looked away shyly as she said: "It's nice to meet you!
Hurry up and go register for your dormitory!
We'll have a get-together in the evening!"
"Alright, I'll go register for my dormitory first then!"
After I said that, X smiled happily at me before she turned around and walked into the teaching building not long after that.
The moment I saw X smiling so happily, my heart also felt very happy for some reason!
It felt so warm that it felt like it was going to melt away soon!
At that moment, I stood still in front of the main entrance of the teaching building for a while before I walked towards the dormitory registration point after recovering from my daze.
Although she didn't know me back then, she had been very happy when she saw me after we got married, which made me feel very happy for some reason too!
It's hard to describe how happy I am right now!
I'm not particularly successful in my career after graduating from university, but I managed to save up some money after working for so many years.
So I planned to return to the capital for work after thinking about it for a long time!
As I thought of this, I suddenly felt an urge to pee in my heart after soaking in the hot spring for so long!
I didn't have a choice but to get out of the hot spring after feeling an urgent need to pee!
But before I could get out of the hot spring, a blinding light suddenly appeared in front of me!
Reborn Love: A Second Chance Romance