MidReal Story

Wisdom's Quest

Scenario: In a remote village, there lived a smart little boy named Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming was brimming with curiosity about the world and always loved to explore his surroundings, discovering new and exciting things.One day, while exploring the forest, Xiao Ming stumbled upon a mysterious meadow with an ancient tree at its center, laden with colorful fruits that filled the air with a tantalizing aroma, capturing his attention. However, he recalled the warnings of the village elders that some things deep in the forest should not be touched carelessly.Deciding to seek advice, Xiao Ming returned home and consulted the village sage, Grandpa Zhi. After listening to Xiao Ming's description, Grandpa Zhi explained that the tree was the legendary "Tree of Wisdom," whose fruits could bestow knowledge and wisdom upon those who passed its tests of intellect.Following Grandpa Zhi's guidance, Xiao Ming found three riddles, each representing a trial from the Tree of Wisdom. With his intelligence and wit, he solved the riddles one by one. Eventually, standing beneath the tree, the fruits suddenly fell before him.Xiao Ming realized that true wisdom was not just about knowledge but also included courage, humility, and respect for the unknown. He carefully picked up the fruit, feeling a surge of strength and light within his heart.From that day on, Xiao Ming became not only a little sage in his village but also frequently used his wisdom and courage to help the villagers solve problems and protect the home he loved. The Tree of Wisdom became a beautiful legend in the village.
Create my version of this story
In a remote village, there lived a smart little boy named Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming was brimming with curiosity about the world and always loved to explore his surroundings, discovering new and exciting things.One day, while exploring the forest, Xiao Ming stumbled upon a mysterious meadow with an ancient tree at its center, laden with colorful fruits that filled the air with a tantalizing aroma, capturing his attention. However, he recalled the warnings of the village elders that some things deep in the forest should not be touched carelessly.Deciding to seek advice, Xiao Ming returned home and consulted the village sage, Grandpa Zhi. After listening to Xiao Ming's description, Grandpa Zhi explained that the tree was the legendary "Tree of Wisdom," whose fruits could bestow knowledge and wisdom upon those who passed its tests of intellect.Following Grandpa Zhi's guidance, Xiao Ming found three riddles, each representing a trial from the Tree of Wisdom. With his intelligence and wit, he solved the riddles one by one. Eventually, standing beneath the tree, the fruits suddenly fell before him.Xiao Ming realized that true wisdom was not just about knowledge but also included courage, humility, and respect for the unknown. He carefully picked up the fruit, feeling a surge of strength and light within his heart.From that day on, Xiao Ming became not only a little sage in his village but also frequently used his wisdom and courage to help the villagers solve problems and protect the home he loved. The Tree of Wisdom became a beautiful legend in the village.
I live in a remote village surrounded by a vast forest.
My mother always tells me not to play near the woods, but I can’t help being curious.
I still go to the edge of the woods every day, where there is a small river that passes through our village, I used to play in the water with other children.
It’s so nice to live in such a peaceful village.
The village is located on the edge of a valley, and there is a large river passing through it, which flows from the mountains in the distance.
We drink water from the river and use it for irrigation.
Our lives are closely related to this river.
Every morning, after I finish my chores, I will go to the river to fetch some water.
Our house is at the end of the village, and the river is only a five-minute walk away.
After I get the water, I will return home and continue playing with the children in the village.
I have recently learned to swim, and my goal is to become a great swimmer.
When it’s time for dinner, I will go home and eat with my mother.
In the afternoon, I will usually take a nap or study with grandpa Zhi.
Sometimes he would tell me some interesting stories about things in the world.
Grandpa Zhi is an elder of this village, he has white hair and kind eyes, just like my grandfather.
He is very knowledgeable about all sorts of things, so everyone calls him village sage.
Grandpa Zhi also taught me how to be a good person and shared his wisdom with me.
At night, after finishing my homework, I would go to bed and sleep soundly with stars twinkling brightly outside.
Every day was simple and repetitive, but I wanted to see more than just our village — I wanted to see what was beyond it.
One day last summer, when I went to fetch water as usual, I suddenly felt bored.
I had nothing to do except for playing with the children in the village or swimming in the river.
So I asked myself: “What should I do if I want to have some fun today?”
Just when I was thinking about it, I had already arrived at the riverside and filled up my bucket with water.
The river was not far away and I didn’t want to go home immediately, so I put down my bucket and walked into the forest barefooted and without thinking twice.
As soon as I entered, I heard the chirping of birds above my head, and a few naughty birds followed me closely, jumping from tree to tree and chirping at me.
The woods are a bit dim, but not very dark, as sunlight filters through the trees above and falls onto the ground in patches.
The ground was soft and covered with fallen leaves, making it comfortable for me to walk barefooted.
There were tall trees everywhere, and the trees were very dense, and I could not see what was on the other side of this forest.
However, there was a road in front of me with no grass or shrubs growing on either side, so I continued to walk along this road with curiosity in my heart.
Wisdom's Quest
The deeper I went into the forest, the more excited I became, as I knew that I was far away from my home now and no one could stop me from doing what I wanted to do.
At that moment, I felt like a bird flying freely in the sky, and a sense of excitement welled up within me as I walked on.
The dense foliage above my head shielded me from the sun’s rays, preventing them from reaching my body directly, which made me feel cool and comfortable all over even though it was summer and rather hot outside.
The ground beneath my feet was lined with thick layers of moss, which made it soft and comfortable for me to walk on; it also cushioned my feet, so that I felt no pain or discomfort even though I was walking barefooted on it for such a long time.
As I walked on, a cool breeze suddenly blew against my face as if it were trying to tell me something.
This cool breeze carried with it a hint of sweetness that made me feel refreshed after smelling it.
At this moment, I felt as if I were surrounded by nothing but fresh air.
I stood still with my eyes closed for a while as I listened to the symphony of bird chirps and rustling leaves around me.
I could feel my body being fanned by this cool breeze as well as my hair fluttering in the wind.
Maybe this is what people mean by: “Being bathed in forest air.”
I couldn’t help but feel grateful for this pleasant feeling as I looked up to the sky and took a deep breath of fresh air.
After taking a few more breaths, I opened my eyes to follow this cool breeze that felt so refreshing to me.
I had been walking for quite some time when I suddenly saw a light in front of me.
It seemed that I had finally reached the end of this forest.
This light appeared to be not very bright, but it was much brighter than before.
I didn’t know why this light looked like this.
I felt excited and wanted to take a look at what it was, so I quickened my pace and walked towards it.
The light was getting brighter and brighter, and finally, after walking through some bushes, I finally saw what was on the other side of the forest: it was a vast meadow!
The transition from darkness to light made me feel as if I had just entered another world.
The sudden change left me stunned for a moment, and it took me a while to adjust to this new scene.
I looked back at the forest behind me, and then at this bright and spacious meadow, and realized that this world is not only vast and beautiful, but also very mysterious!
The forest is deep and full of dense trees, while on the other side of it is an endless and open meadow.
Wisdom's Quest
The two are like two completely different worlds, so different that one cannot believe that one exists right next to the other!
Standing at the edge of this forest, I could see that this vast meadow was filled with grass that swayed in the wind like an endless sea of green and gold under this clear blue sky.
There were thick clusters of grass everywhere, so one could imagine what it would be like to be buried in them!
In addition, there seemed to be an old tree standing in front of me in the middle of this meadow.
From where I stood, I could see that there were many branches and leaves on this tree which swayed rhythmically in the wind.
I couldn’t tell how big this tree was, but from here, it looked like it was very old and sturdy as well as full of vitality!
This tree stands there like an old man who has experienced many trials and tribulations in life but still retains his youthful charm as well as his pride, not willing to bow down no matter what happens!
In addition, this tree was covered in a large number of branches, leaves, as well as flowers, and fruits!
This tree looked very special even to me, as someone who had never seen such a tree before.
I couldn’t help but wonder if there is such a tree in this world, or if it’s just my imagination!
This tree’s branches were covered with all sorts of leaves as well as flowers, and fruits!
The branches were so full of leaves that they gave me a sense of lushness, as if they could even block out all light!
There were also many flowers on this tree, all of them blooming in all kinds of colors, from yellow to red, to white, blue, purple, green, pink, and orange, etc!
These flowers were so fragrant that they gave off a strong aroma that wafted over to where I was standing!
In addition, there were many fruits growing on this tree as well, all in different shapes, colors, as well as sizes!
These fruits were so large that they almost covered all of this tree’s branches!
These fruits looked so delicious that I couldn’t help but feel a sense of hunger after looking at them for a while!
As I walked closer to this tree, I could see that there was an even more amazing sight: these fruits seemed to be glowing with a light!
This light wasn’t very bright, but it was enough to illuminate most of this meadow!
It could even make one feel warm after standing under it for a while!
These fruits were not only glowing with light but also looked very beautiful!
Each fruit seemed to be a work of art, as its shape was not only complete but also very pretty!
It looked like these fruits were made from different colors of glass which was then skillfully melted down to form these beautiful shapes!
These fruits looked like they had life in them as they seemed to be pulsating with light occasionally!
This pulsating light made me feel like my heart was beating with theirs!
Wisdom's Quest
I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement after seeing these fruits, and I wanted to go closer to them to have a better look at them!
However, I soon had a strange feeling that I found it hard to understand, which warned me not to go closer to these fruits, or else something terrible would happen!
This feeling was so strong that I could only stop in my tracks and watch these fruits from afar!
I felt a little strange after seeing these fruits, and I wondered why I felt this way!
After thinking for a while, I realized that this must be because I don’t know what kind of fruits they are, or what kind of tree this is!
I’m afraid that these fruits are poisonous, and if I eat them, I would die!
I’ve heard my mom say that there are many poisonous plants in the forest, and we should never eat anything unless we’re sure that it’s safe!
In addition, I’m not very sure what kind of tree this is, and if it’s dangerous!
Therefore, I decided to be careful, and not take any chances!
I couldn’t help but wonder if my decision is too cautious, as nothing bad happened to me when I walked through this forest!
I couldn’t help but remember the words that the village elders always told me and the other kids in the village!
The village elders have always been the guardians of our village’s tradition and customs!
They would often tell us stories about our ancestors, and teach us about the importance of respecting our elders, learning from our mistakes, being cautious when we make decisions that could affect our future, etc!
These elders have always been respected by everyone in the village, and we would often come to them for advice whenever we need help or guidance in life!
In addition, the most respected elder in our village is Grandpa Zhi, who is also the village leader!
Grandpa Zhi has always been the wisest sage in our village!
As the village leader and mentor to all of us in the village, Grandpa Zhi has always been respected by everyone in the village!
We would often come to him for advice or help whenever we need guidance during difficult times!
In addition, Grandpa Zhi has always been very patient and kind to us!
I could still remember the day when I came to Grandpa Zhi for advice on an important decision that I had to make in my life!
It was a very difficult decision that made me feel very troubled and anxious!
I didn’t know what to do or how to make this decision!
I was so troubled by this that I couldn’t sleep at night!
One day, I decided to go to Grandpa Zhi for help when he was taking a walk through our village.
After seeing my troubled expression, Grandpa Zhi came over to me and asked me what was wrong with me?
Wisdom's Quest