MidReal Story

Secrets of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

Scenario: Exploring the legend of the agesLocated at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the Daughter of the East, the ancient Naxi Kingdom, all the secrets seem to be hidden in the white sand murals and Gemu Peak. But who are the contemporary secret hunters? Lin Xuan, a young historical scholar of Chinese descent from the United States, focuses on the study of the history of human development and pursues "human worthiness." He traveled through time and space to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and visited the Naxi Kingdom, a fantasy and secret place where Eastern and Western cultures and maternal and paternal civilizations met. The civilized ecology here integrates nature and humanity, just like the majestic, majestic and majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and the charming, petite and beautiful Lugu Lake and Lanyue Valley, complementing each other and shining brightly; and like the Jade Dragon The snow-capped mountains are surrounded by clouds and mists, changing rapidly, with countless manners, and are extremely magical. The ancient culture of the Mosuo people that remains the same today is both unforgettable and indistinguishable. Lin Xuan came to the scene in person and felt it for the first time: Looking from the side, it looks like a forest and a peak, with different heights and distances. He doesn't know the true face of the Jade Dragon, just because he is in this mountain. I hope that his exploration will be successful, and that he will have a wonderful relationship with the ancient Naxi civilization and the daughter country with various styles... At this time, he has passed the Tea Horse Road and arrived at the daughter country, drinking The water of Lugu Lake, walking on the Walking Wedding Bridge...one wonderful story after another is about to unfold! Key elements: adventure, anecdotes, supernatural, thriller..., causal loop. A total of 30 stories, each of 20,000 words, are written. They are all ancient human legends, as well as some ultra-modern human society and natural phenomena. Although Lin Xuan is a scholar of human history and has acquired a lot of anthropological knowledge from books, it is still shallow. He still wants to explore the history of human development from the source: For example, what is a matrilineal society? Why is matrilineal society the source of human social structure? Why was matriarchal society later replaced by patriarchal society? What are the pros and cons of each of these two social structures? Especially on issues such as love, marriage, and childbirth, as well as on issues such as social efficiency and fairness. Lin Xuan feels: The world is worth it, and experience creates meaning: meaningless tiredness is truly tired, and the result of meaningless efforts is true failure. Lin Xuan's hypothesis: The material-based development of contemporary human society has reached its end or extreme. It seems that society has reached a turning point or a new reincarnation. Might matriarchal society be a new choice for contemporary society?The Mosuo people are the living samples he is currently investigating. Why can their matriarchal society survive to this day? What are their lifestyles and ideas that contemporary people can learn from?
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Exploring the legend of the agesLocated at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the Daughter of the East, the ancient Naxi Kingdom, all the secrets seem to be hidden in the white sand murals and Gemu Peak. But who are the contemporary secret hunters? Lin Xuan, a young historical scholar of Chinese descent from the United States, focuses on the study of the history of human development and pursues "human worthiness." He traveled through time and space to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and visited the Naxi Kingdom, a fantasy and secret place where Eastern and Western cultures and maternal and paternal civilizations met. The civilized ecology here integrates nature and humanity, just like the majestic, majestic and majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and the charming, petite and beautiful Lugu Lake and Lanyue Valley, complementing each other and shining brightly; and like the Jade Dragon The snow-capped mountains are surrounded by clouds and mists, changing rapidly, with countless manners, and are extremely magical. The ancient culture of the Mosuo people that remains the same today is both unforgettable and indistinguishable. Lin Xuan came to the scene in person and felt it for the first time: Looking from the side, it looks like a forest and a peak, with different heights and distances. He doesn't know the true face of the Jade Dragon, just because he is in this mountain. I hope that his exploration will be successful, and that he will have a wonderful relationship with the ancient Naxi civilization and the daughter country with various styles... At this time, he has passed the Tea Horse Road and arrived at the daughter country, drinking The water of Lugu Lake, walking on the Walking Wedding Bridge...one wonderful story after another is about to unfold! Key elements: adventure, anecdotes, supernatural, thriller..., causal loop. A total of 30 stories, each of 20,000 words, are written. They are all ancient human legends, as well as some ultra-modern human society and natural phenomena. Although Lin Xuan is a scholar of human history and has acquired a lot of anthropological knowledge from books, it is still shallow. He still wants to explore the history of human development from the source: For example, what is a matrilineal society? Why is matrilineal society the source of human social structure? Why was matriarchal society later replaced by patriarchal society? What are the pros and cons of each of these two social structures? Especially on issues such as love, marriage, and childbirth, as well as on issues such as social efficiency and fairness. Lin Xuan feels: The world is worth it, and experience creates meaning: meaningless tiredness is truly tired, and the result of meaningless efforts is true failure. Lin Xuan's hypothesis: The material-based development of contemporary human society has reached its end or extreme. It seems that society has reached a turning point or a new reincarnation. Might matriarchal society be a new choice for contemporary society?The Mosuo people are the living samples he is currently investigating. Why can their matriarchal society survive to this day? What are their lifestyles and ideas that contemporary people can learn from?
Angkor Wat, the White Pyramid, the Sphinx, and the Nazca Lines.
What lies behind these ancient wonders?
How did they come into being?
What mysteries are hidden there?
These questions have been haunting me since I was a teenager.
I’m Lin Xuan, a young historical scholar from the United States.
I’m here to find the answers to these questions.
I want to explore the ancient civilizations that have existed throughout human history, and I want to uncover the secrets of human development.
What is human worthiness?
What is the history of human development?
These questions have been haunting me for years.
I’ve wanted to find answers to them for so long.
But today, I’m standing at the Wei and Jin Dynasties Exhibition Hall in Xi’an.
This is the third time that I’ve visited this place, and nothing has changed since the first time.
This is the third time that I’ve been disappointed by this exhibition, and nothing has changed since the first time.
The Wei and Jin Dynasties were two of the most famous periods in Chinese history, but I still know very little about them.
I can’t help but sigh.
So many ancient cultures have disappeared, leaving only a few ruins behind.
So many ancient civilizations have disappeared, leaving only a few ruins behind.
And yet, so many people still don’t know anything about them.
I don’t want to be one of them.
I want to be someone who knows what he wants to know and who does what he wants to do.
So I pack up my things, call an Uber, and head straight to the airport on an impulse.
A few hours later, I arrive in Lijiang, China, which is 2,000 kilometers away from Xi’an.
The moment I step out of the airport, I feel a strange atmosphere surrounding me.
It’s as if all of my fatigue has disappeared in an instant, as if all of my negative emotions have been washed away by this strange atmosphere.
I’m not sure what it is, but it feels great.
I take a deep breath and tell myself that I’m going to have a great time in Lijiang!
I go to the hotel first and drop off my things before heading out to explore the city on foot.
Lijiang is a city that has a history of more than 800 years.
It was once the capital of the Naxi Kingdom, which was one of the most powerful kingdoms in Yunnan Province during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
The Naxi Kingdom was a matriarchal society, and it was known for its unique culture, religion, and language.
The Naxi people were also known for their white sand murals, which were made by mixing white sand with water and then painting it on the walls of their houses to create beautiful patterns and images.
These murals are still intact today, and they are one of the most popular tourist attractions in Lijiang.
I’m not sure if it’s the murals or the city itself, but something about Lijiang has captured my heart, and I can’t wait to explore it further.
I spend the whole day walking around the city and taking in the sights and sounds of this ancient place.
Secrets of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
As the sun begins to set, I find myself standing in front of a small temple that is located on top of a hill.
The temple is called the Mufu Palace, and it was once the residence of the ruler of the Naxi Kingdom.
I stand there, staring at the temple, and I can’t help but wonder what kind of person he was.
What was his life like?
What did he believe in?
As I stand there, lost in my thoughts, a beautiful young woman approaches me and asks if I need a guide.
She is wearing traditional Naxi clothing, and she has long black hair that is tied up in a bun.
She has a petite and charming figure, and she looks very attractive.
I can’t help but be captivated by her beauty, and I immediately agree to hire her as my guide.
Her name is Mei Ling, and she is a local guide in the Naxi Kingdom.
She is also very knowledgeable about the local legends, history, and culture.
She tells me that the Naxi Kingdom was founded more than 1,000 years ago, and it was known for its unique blend of Eastern and Western cultures, maternal and paternal civilizations.
She also tells me that many people believe that the Naxi people were descendants of the ancient Egyptians, but no one knows for sure.
As Mei Ling and I talk, we walk around the temple and explore the surrounding area.
It is getting late, and the sun is setting, but I don’t want to leave yet.
I want to learn more about this place and its people.
And I want to challenge my own beliefs and values.
You see, I was raised in a patriarchal society, and I have always believed that men are superior to women in every way.
But now I’m beginning to wonder if that belief is true.
If it is true, then why did the Naxi people choose to be a matriarchal society?
What made them different from other civilizations?
As I ponder these questions, Mei Ling suddenly stops walking and points to a woman who is standing not far away from us.
She is wearing a white silk dress and is looking in our direction with a smile on her face.
Her long black hair is hanging loosely around her shoulders, and she looks very elegant and beautiful.
Mei Ling tells me that her name is Daughter of the East, and she is one of the most famous women in the Naxi Kingdom.
She is believed to be a descendant of the ancient Egyptians, and she has a special connection to this place.
As I look at Daughter of the East, I can’t help but wonder what secrets this ancient land holds.
I can’t help but wonder what stories it has to tell.
As Mei Ling and I continue to explore the Naxi Kingdom with Zhang Wei, I find myself immersed in this strange and mysterious world.
I visit white sand murals and Gemu Peak.
The white sand murals are very beautiful and intricate, and they are made by mixing white sand with water and then painting it on the walls of houses to create patterns and images.
Gemu Peak is a very majestic mountain that towers over the Naxi Kingdom like a giant.
It is believed to be a holy mountain by the Naxi people, and many people come here every year to worship it.
As I explore these places with Mei Ling and Zhang Wei, I can’t help but feel like I am living in another world.
I can’t help but feel like I am experiencing something that I have never experienced before.
And I love it!
Secrets of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
The Naxi Kingdom is an ancient civilization that has existed for thousands of years.
It was established by a group of people who left their homeland in search of a better life.
They settled here and built a new society based on their own beliefs and values.
One of the most interesting things about this society is that it is a matriarchal society.
In other words, women are considered to be superior to men in every way.
For example, women occupy central roles in leadership and social structures.
They hold titles such as “queen” and “princess”, and they are responsible for making important decisions that affect the lives of everyone in their kingdom.
They are also seen as being more intelligent and more powerful than men, and they are revered for their ability to control their own destinies.
As a young historical scholar from the United States named Lin Xuan learns more about this society from his local guide named Mei Ling, he becomes deeply entwined with its mysteries.
He becomes obsessed with understanding its traditions and customs, and he wants to know everything there is to know about it, including why it chose to be a matriarchal society in the first place.
To that end, he embarks on a journey to visit its most famous sites and monuments, including white sand murals and Gemu Peak.
But little does he know that this journey will change his life forever!
As Lin Xuan continues to stare at Daughter of the East, she suddenly turns around and walks away.
He feels like he is losing something very important, but he doesn’t know what it is or why he feels this way.
Daughter of the East is a very mysterious woman, and she has a special connection to this place, just like him.
He can tell that there is something unique and special about her, but he can’t figure out what it is or why she chose to appear in front of him at this particular moment.
He has so many questions that he wants to ask her, but he knows that he may never get a chance to do so again.
Meanwhile, Mei Ling is busy telling him more about Daughter of the East and her life story.
She tells him that Daughter of the East was born into a noble family and was raised by her mother, who was a powerful queen known for her intelligence and wisdom.
She tells him that she has always been interested in history and has spent many years studying it and researching it.
She tells him that her ultimate goal is to unlock the secrets of this ancient land and understand it more deeply.
As Mei Ling finishes telling him more about Daughter of the East, Lin Xuan can’t help but feel like he has a special connection to her and that she may be the key to unlocking all of this place’s mysteries and secrets.
Secrets of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
After a long night of resting, Lin Xuan feels a renewed sense of energy and excitement as he prepares to enter the Naxi Kingdom for the first time.
He has traveled a long way to get here, but he knows that his journey is far from over.
He still has many more adventures to experience and many more secrets to uncover before he can finally return home.
He has been studying history for many years, but he has never had an opportunity to be a part of something like this before.
He knows that he is very lucky to have this experience, and he is determined to make the most of it.
As he walks out of his hotel room, he sees his colleague Zhang Wei walking towards him with a big smile on his face.
Zhang Wei is also a historical scholar from the United States, and he has been traveling with Lin Xuan for several weeks now.
He has always been one step behind Lin Xuan in terms of their research, but he knows that he will be able to catch up to him soon enough.
The two of them have become good friends during their trip together, and they are both looking forward to exploring this ancient land together for the first time.
After a long day of traveling, Lin Xuan and Zhang Wei finally arrive in the Naxi Kingdom.
They are both very excited to be here, but they know that they still have a long way to go before they can finally reach their ultimate destination.
The Naxi Kingdom is located in a very remote area of China, and it takes several hours to get there from the nearest airport.
It is surrounded by towering mountains and lush forests, and it is shrouded in an air of mystery and enchantment that draws people in from all over the world.
Lin Xuan has always been fascinated by this place, and he can’t wait to begin exploring it with Zhang Wei by his side.
The two of them are both wearing comfortable clothes and sturdy shoes that are perfect for hiking through rugged terrain.
As scholars of anthropology and history, they know how important it is to dress appropriately when visiting a new culture for the first time.
They want to make a good impression on the local people and show them that they are serious about learning everything they can about their customs and traditions.
After they have finished preparing themselves, they walk out of their hotel and head towards the nearest village where they are scheduled to meet their local guide for the first time.
Her name is Mei Ling, and she is a young woman who has lived in this area for her entire life.
She is very knowledgeable about local legends and customs, and she is eager to help them find their way around this mystical land and unlock all of its secrets and mysteries.
When they finally arrive at the village, they see Mei Ling standing in front of them in traditional Naxi attire from a distance away.
She is a petite and charming woman with long black hair and a sweet smile on her face, and she is holding a big sign with their names written on it in bold letters.
Secrets of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain