MidReal Story

Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey

Scenario: Exploring the legend of the ages Located at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the Daughter of the East, the ancient Naxi Kingdom, all the secrets seem to be hidden in the white sand murals and Gemu Peak. But who are the contemporary secret hunters? Lin Xuan, a young historical scholar of Chinese descent from the United States, focuses on the study of the history of human development and pursues "human worthiness." He traveled through time and space to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and visited the Naxi Kingdom, a fantasy and secret place where Eastern and Western cultures and maternal and paternal civilizations met. The civilized ecology here integrates nature and humanity, just like the majestic, majestic and majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and the charming, petite and beautiful Lugu Lake and Lanyue Valley, complementing each other and shining brightly; and like the Jade Dragon The snow-capped mountains are surrounded by clouds and mists, changing rapidly, with countless manners, and are extremely magical. The ancient culture of the Mosuo people that remains the same today is both unforgettable and indistinguishable. Lin Xuan came to the scene in person and felt it for the first time: Looking from the side, it looks like a forest and a peak, with different heights and distances. He doesn't know the true face of the Jade Dragon, just because he is in this mountain. I hope that his exploration will be successful, and that he will have a wonderful relationship with the ancient Naxi civilization and the daughter country with various styles... At this time, he has passed the Tea Horse Road and arrived at the daughter country, drinking The water of Lugu Lake, walking on the Walking Wedding Bridge...one wonderful story after another is about to unfold! Key elements: adventure, anecdotes, supernatural, thriller..., causal loop. A total of 30 stories, each of 20,000 words, are written. They are all ancient human legends, as well as some ultra-modern human society and natural phenomena. Although Lin Xuan is a scholar of human history and has acquired a lot of anthropological knowledge from books, it is still shallow. He still wants to explore the history of human development from the source: For example, what is a matrilineal society? Why is matrilineal society the source of human social structure? Why was matriarchal society later replaced by patriarchal society? What are the pros and cons of each of these two social structures? Especially on issues such as love, marriage, and childbirth, as well as on issues such as social efficiency and fairness. Lin Xuan feels: The world is worth it, and experience creates meaning: meaningless tiredness is truly tired, and the result of meaningless efforts is true failure. Lin Xuan's hypothesis: The material-based development of contemporary human society has reached its end or extreme. It seems that society has reached a turning point or a new reincarnation. Might matriarchal society be a new choice for contemporary society? The Mosuo people are the living samples he is currently investigating. Why can their matriarchal society survive to this day? What are their lifestyles and ideas that contemporary people can learn from?
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Exploring the legend of the ages Located at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the Daughter of the East, the ancient Naxi Kingdom, all the secrets seem to be hidden in the white sand murals and Gemu Peak. But who are the contemporary secret hunters? Lin Xuan, a young historical scholar of Chinese descent from the United States, focuses on the study of the history of human development and pursues "human worthiness." He traveled through time and space to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and visited the Naxi Kingdom, a fantasy and secret place where Eastern and Western cultures and maternal and paternal civilizations met. The civilized ecology here integrates nature and humanity, just like the majestic, majestic and majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and the charming, petite and beautiful Lugu Lake and Lanyue Valley, complementing each other and shining brightly; and like the Jade Dragon The snow-capped mountains are surrounded by clouds and mists, changing rapidly, with countless manners, and are extremely magical. The ancient culture of the Mosuo people that remains the same today is both unforgettable and indistinguishable. Lin Xuan came to the scene in person and felt it for the first time: Looking from the side, it looks like a forest and a peak, with different heights and distances. He doesn't know the true face of the Jade Dragon, just because he is in this mountain. I hope that his exploration will be successful, and that he will have a wonderful relationship with the ancient Naxi civilization and the daughter country with various styles... At this time, he has passed the Tea Horse Road and arrived at the daughter country, drinking The water of Lugu Lake, walking on the Walking Wedding Bridge...one wonderful story after another is about to unfold! Key elements: adventure, anecdotes, supernatural, thriller..., causal loop. A total of 30 stories, each of 20,000 words, are written. They are all ancient human legends, as well as some ultra-modern human society and natural phenomena. Although Lin Xuan is a scholar of human history and has acquired a lot of anthropological knowledge from books, it is still shallow. He still wants to explore the history of human development from the source: For example, what is a matrilineal society? Why is matrilineal society the source of human social structure? Why was matriarchal society later replaced by patriarchal society? What are the pros and cons of each of these two social structures? Especially on issues such as love, marriage, and childbirth, as well as on issues such as social efficiency and fairness. Lin Xuan feels: The world is worth it, and experience creates meaning: meaningless tiredness is truly tired, and the result of meaningless efforts is true failure. Lin Xuan's hypothesis: The material-based development of contemporary human society has reached its end or extreme. It seems that society has reached a turning point or a new reincarnation. Might matriarchal society be a new choice for contemporary society? The Mosuo people are the living samples he is currently investigating. Why can their matriarchal society survive to this day? What are their lifestyles and ideas that contemporary people can learn from?
In the United States, a young historical scholar named Lin Xuan has long been interested in human worthiness and has conducted a significant amount of research to deepen his understanding of it.
Lin Xuan has always been interested in archeology, ancient history, and anthropology, and he has made an effort to acquire professional knowledge in all of those areas.
He spent some of his youth living in the United States and studying at New York University, where he earned undergraduate and master’s degrees in history and anthropology.
While earning those degrees, he also took on a teaching role at the university, instructing undergraduates.
After completing his graduate studies, Lin Xuan decided to pursue his doctorate while continuing to instruct undergraduates.
Throughout his academic journey, Lin Xuan has spent a great deal of time reading books and conducting research in multiple languages.
He has spent countless hours in the library and working on his computer, all in an effort to gain a deeper understanding of human worthiness.
That said, he also believes that valuable experience can help to shape a person’s views and understanding of the world.
In my twenty-five years of life, I have always believed that experience is the best teacher.
That is why I have always loved doing things that challenge me both physically and mentally.
I’m a typical Asian, but I don’t wear glasses.
I’m 5 feet 8 inches tall, so I don’t look that short when standing beside Westerners (but I still feel short).
Like all men, I have my own vanity.
When I was young, I liked to see where my limits lay by challenging myself with all sorts of tasks.
I like to think that’s because I’m a scholar who is different from my other peers from whom I’ve always felt alienated.
My father is an archaeologist and my mother is an anthropologist.
However, when they were still young, they gave up their careers and went into business.
Since they didn’t want me to be like them and become a businessman, they chose to let me have an education in the United States.
Therefore, I liked reading books since I was young.
As for my academic background, I graduated from New York University with a bachelor’s degree in history and anthropology before getting my master’s degree at the same university.
After I got my master’s degree, I began to teach undergraduates at the university.
At the same time, I was pursuing my doctoral degree.
I have always been interested in studying ancient history, especially the development of human beings.
I have been studying the reasons behind the rise or fall of different civilizations.
When I was majoring in anthropology, I came up with an interesting theory called “human worthiness.”
According to my theory, human worthiness is to realize one’s own value while living in this world.
This value is not only reflected in the individual but also in society.
If you want to understand human worthiness, you need to study many different things, including the rise or fall of different civilizations.
It seems as if I have talked a lot about myself, but I am not trying to show off at all.
As a historian, I have always felt that I need to study more.
In addition to reading books, I have also done many practical activities.
I rarely study by myself all the time.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
I have always believed that experience will shape a person’s views on the world.
Book knowledge is only the first step to understanding anything, especially for someone like me who studies history.
Frankly speaking, how can we understand a historical event when we do not know anything about it?
However, I think that book knowledge is not enough for me.
That is why I am constantly challenging myself.
While I was teaching at New York University, I found that my way of teaching is quite different from others.
Maybe it is because I am quite young and it is not easy to teach students who are only 2 or 3 years younger than me.
I began to integrate practice with theory to fully demonstrate the importance of experience while studying history.
The university library provided me with a lot of books about ancient civilizations and I took advantage of those books to design an interesting course for my students.
In this course, I taught my students everything that they can learn from books.
After that, we went on a road trip together and visited many places where ancient civilizations had once existed.
This way, my students were able to learn more from life than from books.
However, in the past, my teaching method was not very popular as it was considered a waste of time and money.
However, I think that it is very important to have students experience what they learn in books.
After all, no one knows if this is the last time he will do this or if he will have a chance to do it again in the future.
This is the same as the rise or fall of a civilization.
A few years after teaching at New York University, I had an unforgettable experience one semester when a lot of work was piled up on my shoulders.
At that time, I was taking 16 hours to study for my doctoral degree and teaching 12 hours a week at the university, which nearly killed me.
I had no time to take care of myself as well as sleep properly, so all kinds of dark circles appeared under my eyes and I looked like a panda on TV.
At that time, I really felt that humans are not born to be slaves bound by time and space.
I had no choice but to put aside everything else that’s important in my life including relationships, marriage, business and so on.
I was on the edge of insanity until I met a professor who saved me.
He was 60 years old at that time and had been famous for many years.
His name was Bai Liancheng, who once worked as an anthropologist at Harvard University in the United States.
When I met him, he returned to China to work.
At that time, he was at New York University to give a lecture.
After he knew about my situation, he gave me a piece of advice that changed my life.
“Lin Xuan, I admire your spirit of challenging yourself.
I believe that it is also beneficial for your academic research to do what you are doing now.”
“But I hope that you can rank your priorities and focus on the most important one.
Remember that you must take care of yourself first before you can learn more from yourself.”
I was deeply shocked when I heard this.
He was right.
I have always liked to challenge myself, but I have no idea what should be prioritized.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
A few months later, I went to the United States with Professor Bai and he told me a lot of things that changed my life.
After coming to the United States, I rarely had any free time.
I have been teaching at a university in the United States, as well as studying for my doctoral degree and doing research on human development, which enabled me to accumulate a lot of money.
But the more I do this, the more I feel that it is meaningless to study these things.
I can’t help but worry about the future of human beings.
The human society has developed to this stage, but it seems that it will eventually destroy itself.
In today’s human society, most people don’t know what is important in their lives and what is really meaningful.
This is also the reason why so many people are willing to do anything to make money, even harming others for their own benefit.
It is not wrong to think about one’s own interests, but the most important thing for a person in his life is his own worthiness.
When a person’s worthiness is inferior to that of an animal, he will do all kinds of indiscriminate things for the things he thinks are beneficial to him.
If humans don’t care about themselves and others and only care about their own interests, they will harm others for their own interests.
If this continues, the human society will not survive and will eventually self-destruct.
I believe that every person’s life has its own value and everyone has his own worthiness.
But if we look at the current situation of mankind as a whole, we will realize that it is very likely that mankind will indeed be destroyed.
I don’t know if the end of the world will come or not, but even if it doesn’t come, mankind will still be destroyed by itself.
The development of modern civilization has reached a critical point and it seems to have reached the end of its road.
It may reincarnate or develop again after a new cycle of time.
I often think about where do people originally come from and how did all these living things come into being?
The source of all this must be plants and animals, but how did these plants and animals come into being?
They must have come from the earth, but how did the earth come into being?
I once asked Professor Bai this question and he told me that I would know the answer if I followed him at that time.
I was very excited when I heard this.
I have been thinking about this question for a long time but I haven’t been able to find the answer.
If there is really an answer to this question, it will be too great.
Therefore, I made up my mind to follow Professor Bai.
But when I thought about the risks involved in doing this, I hesitated again.
But at that moment, Professor Bai took my hand all of a sudden and said to me: “Let me take you on an adventure.”
I felt a force pulling me at that moment.
It seemed that something was propelling me to embark on this adventure.
The next moment, I felt that everything around me had changed.
In the blink of an eye, my surroundings became very dark.
I couldn’t see anything at first, but after my eyes adapted to the darkness, I could see that I was surrounded by dense forests.
The air was filled with the smell of trees and soil.
Everything around me seemed so fresh.
At that moment, I opened my mouth and breathed in the fresh air.
It was very comfortable to take a breath of this kind of air.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
After taking two breaths of fresh air, I raised my head to look up at the sky.
Above my head, there were many tall trees, which blocked the sunlight from above, so the light was not very bright below.
I could only see patches of light in the sky shining through the branches of the trees.
The place that I was at seemed to be in the middle of the forest, which is why everything around here seemed so dark.
There were no people around me at that time, so I wondered where did Professor Bai go?
Did he leave me alone in this forest?
I didn’t know why he brought me to this place, but since he had brought me here, he probably had his reasons for doing so, so I decided to wait for him here.
When I thought of this, I found a clean place to sit down, then closed my eyes and waited for his return quietly.
After sitting for a short while, I suddenly heard some noises coming from the forest not far away from me.
The noises were getting louder and louder gradually, as well as closer and closer to my place.
The next moment, I saw many people walking out from the forest in front of me.
When I saw these people, I couldn’t help but shiver all over my body.
After seeing these people, I couldn’t help but think of some bad memories from my childhood and I couldn’t help but feel afraid.
I saw that there were many tall men wearing black clothes with yellow stripes all over their bodies.
They were holding daggers in their hands, while walking towards me with fierce faces.
After seeing these people, my first reaction was to run away immediately.
I turned around and ran away without looking back at all.
I didn’t know where to go or where did Professor Bai go?
But at that moment, my first reaction was to run away immediately after seeing these fierce men.
I have heard from my parents that these are some bad men who like to rob other people’s money and belongings since young.
The Tea Horse Road is a trade route that connects Yunnan, Sichuan and Tibet.
It runs from Simao District of Pu’er City in the south to Lhasa in Tibet in the north.
It was first opened during the Tang Dynasty and became increasingly well-traveled during the Song Dynasty.
It played an important role in the trade between Han and Tibetan peoples as well as other ethnic groups along the road.
The tea trade along the Tea Horse Road had a significant impact on Chinese economic development and cultural exchange.
During its long history, the Tea Horse Road also suffered from wars and instability.
The people who maintained and traveled this route suffered hardships and made sacrifices.
The Tea Horse Road connected different regions and peoples, shaping their histories.
At present, we are on our way to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in Yunnan.
The vehicle is climbing up the mountain slowly.
The mountain is very high and we will need to climb it for quite a while.
We have been climbing for a long while but we still haven’t reached the peak of the mountain yet.
As we climb higher up the mountain, the air gets colder gradually.
There is even snow on the ground here.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
There are some sharp winds coming across our faces and they are very cold as well.
We are on our way up to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain now and it’s been a long while since we last saw those people who were on their way up to Tibet for a pilgrimage and were guarding us earlier.
“They should be still a little behind us now since they haven’t caught up with us yet.”
I shiver all over my body because I find it very cold here and I’m not used to such low temperatures at all.
There are a few people who are walking up the mountain together with us and they are wearing thick clothes as well.
I am walking at the back of the group with Mr.Zhang and we are talking with each other as we walk along.
Mr.Zhang is from Lijiang and he is our guide this time.
He has been guiding us throughout this trip here and he has some knowledge about this mountain as well.
He told us that this mountain is a very sacred place and it has thirteen peaks that are all over 4,000 meters high as well.
It has been very cold and windy ever since we started going up this mountain just now but it isn’t snowing yet.
I have been feeling a little cold but I didn’t feel very uncomfortable at all since it is still bearable so far.
But I could still feel a chill piercing through my bones at times as I walk along.
I have been feeling very cold since I came here but I still haven’t seen any snow yet until now.
This mountain is very high and so there isn’t any snow since we still haven’t reached its peak yet.
But there is some snow on its top since this mountain is very sacred and its top part isn’t accessible by humans at all.
We can only climb until its base and we won’t be able to go any further from there at all.
Mr.Zhang said that this mountain was called ‘Thousand Snow Mountain’ in ancient times because it usually has snow on its top throughout the year and there will be snow even during summer as well.
“Mr.Zhang, will we be able to see some snow later?”
“We are going to see snow later, right?”
I asked Mr.Zhang.
“Yes, we are going to see some snow later.”
“This mountain is called Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and it’s 5,596 meters high.”
“It’s a sacred place for the Naxi people.”
“This mountain has thirteen peaks, with each over 4,000 meters high.”
“The Naxi people have been living at its base for generations.”
“They regard this mountain as their guardian.”
“They believe that they will be blessed with peace and happiness if they can live in harmony with it.”
“There will be no wars or disasters if they can do so.”
“Since we are already here, we can take a good look at it now.”
Mr.Zhang said with a smile.
“Sure thing, let’s do it!”
I replied Mr.Zhang before I turned around to look at Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.
I saw a few people who were looking at it while taking photos of it as well.
This mountain doesn’t have sharp peaks at all.
Its top part is flat instead.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
This mountain is very beautiful as well.
This mountain is surrounded by clouds all year round and it’s very sacred as well.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
It’s not something that humans can touch at all.
It’s a very beautiful mountain as well.
This mountain is called Jade Dragon Snow Mountain since it looks like a jade dragon while it’s covered with snow all year round.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
The Naxi people regard it as their guardian as well.
Lugu Lake is located at its foot so we could see its snow-capped peaks from there as well.
We have reached a place which is quite high up now so we could see Lugu Lake clearly from here as well.
Lugu Lake is very beautiful indeed.
It’s very clear as well and it’s like a piece of jade on earth.The lake is surrounded by mist all year round as well.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
The water in the lake is so clear that we could see through it to its bottom, regardless of how deep it is.
There are a few boats on the lake now as well.
These boats look like small black dots, given how big the lake is now.
The water in this lake is so clear that it looks like a mirror now.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
The forests on both sides of Lanyue Valley look very beautiful now as well, just like a few rainbows which have descended from the sky to earth.
These forests are mostly made up of fir trees, cypress trees, pine trees, rhododendrons, incense cedars, azaleas, lilies, magnolias, camellias, orchids, and other plants as well.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
These forests will be covered by snow during winter though since they are located at a high altitude area on this mountain.
It will be covered by snow during winter but it will turn into a beautiful fairyland at spring instead since there will be flowers blooming everywhere during that time of the year.
The forests on both sides of Lanyue Valley will be covered with flowers during springtime as well after they have been covered by snow during winter.
But they will be covered with green leaves during summer since there won’t be any flowers blooming at that time of the year anymore.
I heard that the forests on both sides of Lanyue Valley will be covered by red leaves during autumn as well.
These red leaves are so red that they look like golden clouds in the sky.
But these red leaves won’t last for long though since they will fall to the ground after a few days.
This will create such an amazing scenery that you can’t even imagine how beautiful it is.
We have reached the peak later on as well.
We then took a few photos of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain before we took the cable car to go down from there.
We then walked to see the Walking Wedding Bridge after we came down from the cable car.
This bridge was built across the river in ancient times, allowing the Mosuo women to walk across it for their walking marriage.
This bridge was built across the river in ancient times, allowing the Mosuo women to walk across it for their walking marriage.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
The Mosuo people are living in this region as well.
There are some hotels which are operated by the Mosuo people around Lugu Lake now.
Mr.Zhang then told us that the Mosuo people are living in this region.
They have been using this bridge for their walking marriage as well.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
We then took some photos of Walking Wedding Bridge too before we went back to our hotel to take our luggage out later on.
After that, we went to see another attraction which is located in Lijiang Ancient Town after we checked into our hotel later on.
This attraction is called White Sand Murals which are located inside Mufu Palace
These White Sand Murals have been created by the Naxi people here in ancient times.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
It has been created by using white sand, black sand, blue sand, yellow sand, brown sand, orange sand, green sand, and purple sand too.
These white sand murals are located on both sides of these corridors inside Mufu Palace
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
These murals are made up of white sand, black sand, blue sand, yellow sand, brown sand, orange sand, green sand, and purple sand too.
They have been covered by water all these while too.
These white sand murals are only revealed when the water recedes though since they have been covered by water all these while ago.
These murals have been created to show about the beliefs of the Naxi people in ancient times too.
These murals have been created by using white sand, black sand, blue sand, yellow sand, brown sand, orange sand, green sand, and purple sand too.
The Dongba priests will hold religious ceremonies in front of these murals when there are festivals at that time of the year as well.
This has been done to show about how sacred these murals are to them too.
They also think that everything in this world is sacred as well.
It is said that everything in this world is sacred to them as well.
It is said that they believe in the doctrine of “One is all, all is one”.
This means that everything in this world is related to one another as well.
It means that everything in this world is related to one another as well.
The Dongba religion has been created by the Naxi people in ancient times.
The Dongba religion is believed to have been created by the Naxi people who are living in Yunnan Province now in ancient times as well.
It is said that they believe that everything in this world is related to one another too since they are all created by God as well.
I have been studying about history and philosophy for many years as well.
I also think that everything in this world is related to one another too since they are all created by God as well.
I think it is true since it is stated in many religious books as well.
This includes Bible, Quran, Buddhist Sutra and others too.
I think it is true since it is stated in many religious books as well too.
I think it is true since I also believe in God as well.
I then went to see these white sand murals which are located inside Mufu Palace after Professor Bai told us about what he knows about them too.
It was amazing to see these ancient murals which are made up of different colors of sands after I had seen them later on too.
I then felt like I have found out about some information which should be useful for me later on after I saw these murals.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
What are your thoughts on them?
I think it is amazing for them to have been made up of different colors of sands and they are located inside Mufu Palace too.
I think they are so colorful and beautiful since it is said that there are five colors which are representing the five elements and humans in Chinese culture as well.
I think so since I think I need to know more about Chinese culture and history more deeply as well so I can increase my knowledge more about them later on too.
I think so since I think I need to know more about Chinese culture and history more deeply as well so I can increase my knowledge more about them later on too.”
I asked him as soon as I had heard what he said to me earlier on too.
“Do you know what these five colors are which are representing humans and elements at that time of the year?”
“Wei Jin Dynasty was created by the Xianbei people who were from Northeastern China and they were nomadic people at that time of the year.”
“They think that there are different colors which are representing different people and elements at that time of the year.”
“It is said that white color is representing metal, black color is representing water, green color is representing wood, red color is representing fire and yellow color is representing earth.”
I asked him after I had listened to what he had said earlier on too.
“Yes, it is true.”
“I also think that there are five colors which are representing humans and elements at that time of the year.”
“Chinese people also think that there are five directions which are representing East, West, South, North and Middle at that time of the year.”
“Chinese people also think that there are five stages of development which are representing birth, growth, maturity, harvest and storage at that time of the year.”
“Chinese people also think that there are five seasons which are representing spring, summer, fall, winter and late summer at that time of the year.”
I said to him after I had listened to what he said earlier on too.
“You have a lot of knowledge about Chinese culture at that time of the year.”
“I also think that there are five colors which are representing five elements in Chinese culture.”
“I also think that there are five directions which are representing different things in Chinese culture as well.”
I said to him after we had talked to each other for many hours too.
I felt like I have found out about some information about Chinese culture and history which should be useful for me in the future too.
I also felt like I have found out about some information about Chinese culture and history which should be useful for me in the future too.
We then left Lanyue Valley and we arrived at Lugu Lake after we had traveled to there for one hour too.
We went to see a local Mosuo woman who were wearing traditional clothing for them to wear in ancient times as well.
She was wearing a red skirt with a white shirt at that time of the year.
She was wearing a red skirt with a white shirt at that time of the year.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
She was also wearing some old jewelry for her to wear as well.
She was very happy when she saw us at that time of the year as well.
She prepared some food for us to eat which is made from some local ingredients as well.
We were enjoying some food while we were talking to each other at that time of the year as well.
We then left her house after we had talked to her for many hours too.
We went to a Mosuo family house where we are going to stay during our trip at that time of the year as well.
We met some family members who were living in this house when we arrived at there at that time of the year as well.
They invited us to come inside their house and they prepared some food for us to eat as well.
We were enjoying some food while we were talking to each other at that time of the year as well.
The man of the house, Dawa Tsering, asked his wife, Yang Erqiu, to play a song for us after they had finished their dinner as well.
We were listening to her playing the song for us at that time of the year as well.
We were also enjoying her performance at that time of the year as well.
The rest of the family members also sang some songs for us to listen to at that time of the year as well.
The rest of the family members also played some instruments too at that time of the year as well.
We then left them after we had listened to them performing for us at that time of the year as well.
Dawa Tsering then showed me around his house after we had left the living room at that time of the year as well.
He showed me around the courtyard first which is behind his house at that time of the year as well.
He showed me around the courtyard first which is behind his house at that time of the year as well.
I saw a lot of chickens which are walking around in this courtyard at that time of the year as well.
I also saw a lot of trees which are planted in this courtyard too at that time of the year as well.
I felt like I am at home when I saw this courtyard in front of me too at that time of the year too.
I asked him after I saw this courtyard too at that time of the year too.
“Yes, it is true.”
“This place is our home.”
“We will stay here for our entire life too.”
“Our parents will also stay here after they are no longer living too.”
“Women are holding key positions in both family and community in our society.”
“Men will leave their homes after they have grown up.”
“They will only come to visit their parents during holidays or when there are important things which need to be taken care of during those days.”
“We are following matriarchy which means women are holding key positions in both family and community in our society.”
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
“Men are only responsible for three things.”
“Firstly, we need to do labor work.”
“We also need to take care of our livestock too.”
“Secondly, we need to go hunting too.”
“Thirdly, we need to take care of our parents as well.”
“Women are responsible for everything else in our society.”
“Families are led by grandmothers.”
“Daughters and grandchildren are forming the core household unit of a family as well.”
“We can have more than one family in this farmland where we are living now too.”
“We can have as many families as we want to live together in this farmland too.”
“We can also divide these families into as many branches as we want to as well.”
“Our families will live together under one roof as well.”
“The women who live in these families will have their private space too.”
“They can do anything they like to do inside their private space too.”
The private space which he mentioned is actually a bedroom.
There were a few beds which were placed inside this bedroom as well.
It is like a dormitory room for them too.
“This is my wife’s private space over there where you can see now too.”
He said while pointing towards the bedroom which he mentioned earlier as well.
“There are a few beds which are placed inside her private space.”
“We can only sleep on these beds after we have obtained her permission to do so.”
“The concept of marriage does not exist among our people.”
“We are practicing walking marriage.”
“Both of us can separate from each other anytime if we want to too.”
“We can also find a new partner if we want to do so too.”
“The children will be raised by all of the women in their maternal family where they were born too.”
“The family name and properties will be passed down to daughters or granddaughters only in this society too.”
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
It is like a dream come true to me.
This is because I am a true believer who believes that all of the human beings are equal to each other too.
The concept of walking marriage which is being practiced by them is something which is unimaginable to most of the people who are living in this world too.
It is really hard for me to believe that men are actually willing to let go of their power so easily to women too.
It has proven to me that there are actually some people who are living under a matriarchal society too.
I have always believed that all of the human beings should be given freedom to decide what they want to do to themselves too.
They should also be given freedom to choose what they want to do too.
They should always be given freedom to act without any restraint too.
This is the reason why this concept of walking marriage which is being practiced by them has fascinated me so much.
It also makes me wonder whether it is possible for us to return into a matriarchal society too.
“The women who live in our maternal family can also have more than one partner throughout their lives too.”
“There is no need for us to blame these women when they choose to find a new partner.”
“There is no need for us to be ashamed of ourselves when we choose to find a new partner too.”
“The women who live in our maternal family can choose any men who they like to have sex with too.”
“It is not compulsory for us to marry to each other before we can have sex with each other.”
“The songs which are being sung by us can become a ladder for us to climb up into her bedroom.”
“We can also meet secretly with our partners inside her bedroom at night.”
“No one can prevent us from doing so too.”
“The songs can also be used by us to express our feelings towards her too.”
“It is like our love letter which we send to her too.”
“She will come down to our bedroom too if she really likes us too.”
“She will sleep on our bed if she likes us too.”
The songs can be used by the men who like each other too.”
“They can choose their partners from the list of men who live in their maternal family as well.”
They can sing songs towards each other too.”
“They can have sex with each other inside his partner’s private space.”
“There are no rules for them to follow when they are together.”
“Our people are actually living in a place where there are no rules and regulations at all.”
“The songs can be used by the women who like each other too.”
“They can choose their partners from the list of women who live in their maternal family as well.”
“They can sing songs towards each other too.”
“They can sleep on the bed together inside her partner’s private space too.”
“The songs can be used by the women who like men too.”
“They can sing songs towards these men too.”
“They can sleep on the bed together inside her partner’s private space too.”
“The songs can be used by the women who like women too.”
“They can sing songs towards these women too.”
“They can sleep on the bed together inside her partner’s private space too.”
The children who are being born after that will be looked after collectively by the women in the maternal family as well.”
“The fathers of these children are not allowed to interfere with their rights as well.”
“The children will not be treated differently as well if they do not know the identity of their biological father too.”
The concept of walking marriage which is being practiced by them has proven that we do not require laws and rules for us to live together harmoniously.
It is like we do not actually require someone else to babysit us as well.
This is because it has been proven that all of us are actually smart enough for us to take care of ourselves too.
All of us should actually be given freedom to decide what we want for ourselves too.
The laws and rules will only prevent us from choosing what we want for ourselves.
Our judgment ability will also be affected if we rely on laws and rules too much as well.
The concept of walking marriage which is being practiced by them has actually changed my perspective about relationship as well.
It has proven that both men and women are actually equal to each other too.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
I am curious about something and so I ask them a question about it, “Who will become the head of your family?”
“The head of our family will always be a woman.”
“The women will make the decisions and then discuss the decisions with the younger women in the family.”
“The final decision will always be made by the women.”
“I think it is good for the head of the family to always be a woman too.”
“It seems both men and women are equal in your family as well.”
“Who should always take care of the children if the head of the family is a woman?”
“The children should always be taken care by the women in the maternal family.”
It seems the children are actually closer to the women in the maternal family than their own parents too.”
“All children should always inherit their mother’s surname and wealth as well.”
It seems the inheritance system which is being practiced by them will always prevent their children from becoming poor too.”
This is because their children will always inherit their mother’s wealth and surname and so their children will always have a high social status too.”
I am curious about something else and so I ask them another question again, “Who should always teach your children about this world?”
“The women in the maternal family are responsible for teaching their children about this world.”
“All daughters in the maternal family will always inherit their mother’s wealth as well.”
“They are also responsible for teaching their own daughters about this world too.”
It seems these daughters should always teach their own daughters about this world as well.”
“They seem like they do not require a proper education system at all too.”
This is because all knowledge and information will always be passed down from one generation to another generation through oral tradition too.”
“All men will always marry women who are living in their maternal family too.”
“The men are only responsible for working outside, hunting, building houses, and buying things for their own family.”
“The men are also responsible for taking care of their own mothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews if they do not have husbands or lovers too.”
“They are not allowed making decisions for their own family too.”
“All decisions should always be made by the head of the family too.”
It seems all men in this society should not have any authority at all too.”
“They should listen to what the head of the family says too.”
“There are a few bad consequences which will always happen in this society too.”
“It is because our people will always rely on women for leadership and decision.”
“It will always make a few men feel that they are useless too.”
“They will start getting drunk all the time.”
“I think it will always make our people feel that we do not require laws and rules in this world too.”
“All of us should actually choose our partner freely as well.”
“Both men and women should always be treated equally too.”
I am curious about something and so I ask them another question again, “Are you sure you can live in peace without having any laws and rules at all?”
“We are sure that we can live peacefully without having any laws and rules at all.”
“This is because all of us believe that both men and women are equal too.”
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
I cannot stay here anymore as I do not want people around me thinking that I am an alien anymore too.
I take out my mysterious compass again before walking away from this place for a while too.
I think my mysterious compass will never bring me here again.”
I walk along a secluded path for a while before I realize that I am still walking down this path all the time too.
This is because I can still see my mysterious compass pointing at the same direction too.
I do not have any idea where I can go from here anymore again as well.
I keep walking down this path for a while before I realize that I am currently walking down this path again too.
I think I will never get out from this path forever!”
I think I need to follow my mysterious compass again this time!”
I follow my mysterious compass again before I realize that I have been walking down this path for a while too.
There are no signs of human presence around me at all too.
I think I should go back now then!”
I am still unable to find any human presence around me at all too.
There are no more options for me but to walk down this path forever too.
I keep walking down this path before I see some lights up ahead too.
I keep walking towards the lights up ahead for a while before I see that I am now standing at the edge of a meadow.
It seems I need to go through this meadow in order to reach the lights up ahead.”
There is no other way for me but to go through this meadow.”
I walk through this meadow before seeing that there is a building up ahead which has some faint lights around it too.
The only thing I can do now is to walk towards that building up ahead.”
I am halfway through this meadow before I hear the sound of a horse behind me.”
I can see the light shining towards my direction and so I quickly get on the ground and hide myself among the bushes nearby.”
I keep looking at the horse behind me before seeing that there is no one on that horse.”
The horse seems like it has been tethered by someone around here before.”
The horse keeps making sounds around it before going away from here after a few minutes later.
I get up from the ground and continue walking towards the building up ahead again.”
The light inside the building gets brighter and brighter when I reach closer to it too.”
It seems the light is coming from a small lamp inside the building.”
The light from the lamp shines towards my direction and so I quickly hide myself among the bushes nearby again.”
The voices of women come from inside the building too.”
The women say, “We will be going back now then!”
The other woman says, “We will go back tomorrow then!”
It seems there are two people inside the building right now.”
The two people inside the building do not seem like they are bad people at all.”
They should be good people as well.”
I knock on the door of the building before seeing that there is one woman opening the door for me.”
She says, “Hello there!”
“Who are you?”
“May I know what do you want from us?”
“May I know whether you can offer me some help?”
The woman says, “Sure!”
“You can come inside and rest for a while first!”
What’s your name?”
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
I say, “My name is Lin Xuan.”
The woman says, “I am called Axiu!”
“You can come inside and sit down for a while first!”
I say, “You’re really kind!”
I take a look at the surroundings upon entering this building.”
The building seems to be a small building too.”
There are some clothes that have been hung out to dry around here as well.”
There isn’t much furniture around here.”
There are a few wooden boards that have been placed around here in order to form some tables.”
There seems to be some food that has been placed on top of these wooden boards as well.”
I can smell some food up ahead.”
I say, “I seem to have come at a good time!”
Axiu says, “We have just finished our meals not too long ago!”
“But you can still have some food if you’re hungry!”
I take a look at Axiu before saying, “That’s great!”
“Thank you so much!”
Axiu says, “There isn’t much food left right now.”
“But I will cook something for you if you want to eat too!”
I say, “Thank you so much for this!”
I take a look at Axiu before saying, “You look really young to me!”
Axiu smiles and says, “How old do you think I am?”
I say, “You should be around your twenties?”
Axiu smiles and says, “I am only nineteen years old this year!”
“You’re really young too!”
I take a look at Axiu’s face before saying, “You look really beautiful too!”
Axiu looks really beautiful to me right now too.”
Axiu smiles as she keeps looking at my eyes too.”
She says, “You’re really handsome too!”
The doors of the building get opened by someone right now too.”
The people who come inside are two elderly women and one young girl.”
The young girl seems to be five to six years old right now too.”
The young girl takes a look at me before saying, “Mother, who is this man?”
Axiu says, “This man here is called Lin Xuan!”
“We should be calling him as our guest!”
The two elderly women walk towards me before saying, “You can just call us as Axiu’s mother!”
“And we are Axiu’s aunts too!”
The two elderly women keep looking at my eyes too.”
They say, “You’re really handsome too!”
“Are you looking for a place to stay for the night?”
“We can offer you a place to stay here!”
“You must be really tired after your long journey too!”
“And so you need to eat something first before going to sleep!”
The two elderly women walk towards the wooden boards up ahead before taking out some food from it.”
The two elderly women quickly place some food on top of a bowl before giving it to me.”
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
I say, “Thank you so much!”
The two elderly women say, “You can just call us as mother and aunt!”
“You can call us like this in our Mosuo culture!”
“We don’t have any marriage in our Mosuo culture!”
“But we still have men and women living together right now too!”
“Are you talking about that ‘walking marriage’?”
“It seems like it’s a really special way of getting married too, right?”
The two elderly women nod their heads before saying, “But do you know what ‘walking marriage’ means?”
I say, “I actually don’t know what it means, but I just heard it from somewhere!”
The two elderly women say, “Walking marriage means that men and women get together as couples in our Mosuo culture!”
“We don’t have any concept of marriage in our Mosuo culture!”
“But men and women can just break off their relationships whenever they want to in our Mosuo culture!”
“So they can just choose another partner again if they want to!”
“So the relationship between men and women in our Mosuo culture is really free!”
“We can have a lot of lovers too!”
“But it doesn’t mean that we don’t have any commitments with each other in our Mosuo culture!”
“We can just choose a partner to have a lot of commitment with!”
“And the partner that they choose to have commitment with is also called as an ‘Axia’ in our Mosuo culture too!”
“And so people in our Mosuo culture can just call their partners as their ‘Axias’!”
“Their ‘Axias’ are the people who help them to do all kinds of things in their lives too!”
“Their ‘Axias’ are the people who share their happiness and sadness with them too!”
“Their ‘Axias’ are the people who are willing to make sacrifices for them too!”
The two elderly women say, “But people in our Mosuo culture don’t need to make love to their ‘Axias’!”
“They can just make love to anyone that they want!”
“And so they can just get married to anyone that they want!”
“But they need to break up with their ‘Axias’ first before they can get married to someone else!”
“I see!”
“So getting married doesn’t mean that they need to be together forever, but it’s like choosing another partner instead!”
It’s like breaking up first before getting together with someone else!”
“You’re right about that!”
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
“Getting married isn’t a permanent thing, but choosing an ‘Axia’ is also not a permanent thing too!”
“They can only get married to one person, but they can choose as many ‘Axias’ as they want!”
“They can only get divorced once, but they can also break up with as many ‘Axias’ as they want too!”
“So they need to be very careful when choosing an ‘Axia’!”
“Because the rules of breaking up and getting married in our Mosuo culture are very strict too!”
I say, “So I think love is also very important for choosing an ‘Axia’ too, right?”
Axiu’s mother says, “Yes, love is definitely important for choosing an ‘Axia’, but there’re also other things that are important for choosing an ‘Axia’ too!”
“For example, the ability of doing things, the attitude towards life, and the behavior towards others!””
Moreover, people will also have some walking marriage ceremonies with their partners too!”
“Since a walking marriage isn’t a marriage, it means that it doesn’t require a lot of things!”
“But people will also hold some small ceremonies for their walking marriages too!”
“Because they need to let other people know about it!”
“And so they’ll invite all their families, relatives, and friends to take part in it too!”
“Today we’re going to have a walking marriage ceremony with Axiu’s new partner!”
“And so we’ve specially come here to invite you all for it!”
After listening to what Axiu’s mother says, I’m very excited and say, “Really?”
I’m extremely curious about what a walking marriage ceremony looks like too!”
So I quickly follow Axiu’s mother and go out of the house!
When I go out of the house, I see a lot of people gathering on the road!”
Leading everyone on the road is a woman wearing some Mosuo clothes!”
She has a slim body and some long hair!”
She looks like a young woman, but not an old woman at all!”
Moreover, she has a very beautiful face with some small eyes and a small nose!”
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
And she also has some white skin too!”
Leading everyone on the road is also a woman who has a lot of strength too!”
She’s around 1.5 meters tall!”
And so she looks like a dwarf!”
But her body is full of strength!”
Her muscles are like iron bars which are very strong and powerful!”
She has also tied her short hair into a long braid!”
At first, I thought that she was a man, but when I take a closer look at her, I realize that she’s actually a woman too!”
This woman isn’t someone else, but Axiu!
Axiu looks very beautiful wearing those Mosuo clothes too!”
She has tied her long hair into two ponytails with a headband on top of her head!”
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
And so I say, “You look very beautiful, Axiu!”
After hearing what I say, Axiu smiles and says, “Thank you!Lin Xuan, you’re very handsome too!Now let me introduce you to my new partner, his name is Na’erbi!He’s also a very nice person too!So please don’t be nervous when you meet him, okay?”
After listening to what Axiu says, I start to wonder who this Na’erbi is in my heart?”
And so I ask Axiu, “Axiu, how old is this Na’erbi?”
After hearing what I say, Axiu smiles and says, “Na’erbi is already in his sixties, but he’s a very nice person!I really like him!So Lin Xuan, please don’t be nervous when you meet him later!Just smile at him happily, okay?”
Although Axiu has asked me to smile at him happily, I don’t know what I should say to him too!”
And so I can only nod my head and say, “Okay, no problem!”
While saying that, Axiu leads me to follow her on the road!
After following Axiu for a while, we arrive at a big house soon enough!
There are a lot of people gathering in front of the house too!
I don’t know any of them either!
Moreover, they’re all looking at me curiously too!
After they see that Axiu has brought me here, they all take the initiative to greet me nicely too!
And so I greet them back nicely as well!
“Oh my God, Lin Xuan, you’re finally here!I’ve been waiting for you for a long time already!I’m the one who will be having a walking marriage with Axiu today!And so you must be someone from the outside world then?I’m the one who will be having a walking marriage with Axiu today!I’m called Na’erbi!I’m the azhu of Axiu!”
The woman who speaks to me with some excitement is Axiu’s new partner!
Her name is Na’erbi too!
This Na’erbi has some white skin too!
She must be someone who often stays at home and doesn’t do any work then!
But she seems to be very nice too!
After hearing what Na’erbi says, I quickly bow and greet her nicely too!
But I’m not sure if there’s any rule about bowing and greeting people in this place!
But they all look very happy after seeing me bowing and greeting them!
And so they all smile and nod their heads to me in return!
After that, Axiu leads me into the house and lets me sit on the sofa first!
Then she goes out to take care of some matters!
The sun is already setting down after a while!
But the people outside are still singing and dancing happily!
And they’re all very excited and happy too!
The people inside the house are also very happy and excited as well!
And so they’re all talking and laughing with each other too!
At this moment, I suddenly feel that the marriage ceremonies of these Mosuo people are actually quite simple!
They don’t have to make any preparations for it at all!
They don’t have to spend any money for it either!
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
Moreover, it seems like there isn’t even a need for a wedding house or anything like that!
It feels like it’s not a big deal for them at all to get married and have children then!
But why are there so many love songs and romance stories about Mosuo people with a marriage system of azhu in the outside world?
It seems like there are many writers in the outside world who love writing about them then!
But it feels like most of them are actually not real at all then!
Or maybe it’s because I don’t understand them well enough right now?
And so I’m actually feeling pretty confused about them then.
As I’m thinking about it, Axiu’s son walks over and sits beside me with a bowl of wine in his hand.
He looks at me with a big smile and says, “Lin Xuan, I’m going to have a walking marriage with a woman from our neighboring village tomorrow!And so I won’t be able to take care of Axiu and you anymore after that!I hope that you guys will be able to take care of each other well then!”
“Na’erbi has prepared a bowl of wine for you!This is a tradition that we have in our place!You must drink it!”
After he says that, he lowers his voice and tells me with a smile.
“Many women don’t like to be an azhu!And so they would rather have a walking marriage instead!And it can be either the man or woman who will move to stay with another person!This way, they would have more choices too!The most important thing is that it will be easier for them to find a partner who they’re attracted to as well!”
I nod my head in agreement after hearing what Axiu’s son has said!
It seems like this actually makes quite some sense!
Axiu has already chosen her azhu!
And so she would be able to have a happy and fulfilling life with this person then!
But as for Axiu’s son, he would be able to have more choices if he has a walking marriage then!
This way, it would be easier for him to find someone else to be his partner too!
As I’m thinking about it, I take over the bowl of wine from him!
Then I look at him and say, “You must be very happy to have a walking marriage with someone whom you like then!”
Axiu’s son takes over his bowl of wine and drinks it up at once.
Then he puts down his bowl of wine and looks at me with a smile.
He says, “I’m still young though!
How can I possibly know what love is like?
So are you not planning to get married and have children in your life?”
I take over my bowl of wine and drink it up as well after hearing what he says.
Then I put down my bowl of wine and ask him, “Do you think that love is very important?”
“It’s different for different people!”
Axiu’s son looks at me and says, “Some people may think that love is very important to them!”
“But there are people who think that love isn’t that important too!”
“And so you can choose to have an azhu or have a walking marriage in our place!”
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
“Is it really okay to do this?”
“Of course it’s okay to do this!”
Axiu’s son looks at me and smiles.
He says, “Our Mosuo tribe is a matriarchal society!”
“As such, all important roles in our tribe are shared between both men and women equally!”
“This includes political leaders and religious figures!”
“Therefore, women don’t need to rely on men for economic support in our tribe!”
“Instead, they can work and earn money themselves since both men and women can work in our tribe too!”
“Besides, children in our tribe are raised by the maternal lineage!”
“So they don’t really need to worry about it then!”
After listening to Axiu’s son’s explanation, I realize that I seem to have misunderstood something before!
Women in our world often take on housework such as cooking and taking care of their family members!
As for men, they often work outside to earn money to support their families!
This way, both men and women can give in to each other to take care of their families then!
Back then, I thought that it wouldn’t be convenient for women to have children if they’re working outside.
What if they have to take care of their children while working?
However, I realize that I seem to have made a mistake in thinking this way!
Since children are raised by the maternal lineage in their tribe, mothers don’t need to worry about taking care of their children at all then!
This way, it seems that there’s no need for men to support their families economically at all in their tribe then!
And so this means that Mosuo women are living a very free life without worrying about economic problems or anything else either!
What’s more important is that Mosuo women can choose their own partners too instead of being forced to marry someone whom they don’t like or love at all!
So it seems that love isn’t important at all in their tribe since women don’t need to rely on men for economic support either!
But I take over my bowl of wine and ask Axiu’s son, “Are you and Axiu really not planning to get married then?”
Axiu’s son smiles and says, “We’re both still young!”
“We can always get married later when we’re older then!”
After hearing what Axiu’s son says, I look at Axiu and ask, “So do you think it’s possible for both men and women to coexist equally in this world then?”
Axiu looks at me and smiles.
She says, “Our Mosuo tribe has already been doing this for thousands of years now!”
“Therefore, I don’t think there’s any problem with it at all!”
Then she takes over her bowl of wine and drinks it up at once.
I also take over the food and drink placed before us and drink it up as well after hearing what she says.
I want to ask Axiu some more questions after hearing what she says.
However, Axiu has already gone upstairs with her son after seeing that we’ve finished our food and drink.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
I return to my room and sleep on the bed empty-handed after seeing this.
I can’t help but feel a deep sense of respect for this woman named Axiu after speaking with her.
It’s because I think that there are still many people who are living like savages even though we are already living in a civilized society now.
We can always see men and women quarrelling with each other over money and other kinds of things on the streets and on TV too…
It seems that those people who are living like savages are not as primitive as these Mosuo people who are walking naked on the streets.
In fact, we are actually much more primitive than them instead!
I continue to think about this for several days while staying here.
Then I finally decide to summon Axiu one day while she’s working outside.
After seeing me coming, Axiu puts down her work and comes over with a smile.
She asks, “Are you planning to leave already, mister?”
I shake my head and say, “I want to ask some questions.”
Axiu smiles and says, “Go ahead.”
I look at Axiu and say, “I’ve heard that people from your tribe are walking naked on the streets and that they are living a primitive lifestyle.”
“Is that right?”
Axiu smiles and says.
Then she looks at the clothes and shoes that I’m wearing and says, “I think that people from your tribe are living more primitive lifestyles.”
“Is that right?”
I can’t help but feel confused after seeing Axiu saying this.
Therefore, I say, “People from our tribe are living in a civilized society now!”
Axiu smiles and says, “Is that so?”
Then she says, “How many tribes do you think there are in your society then?”
I say, “There aren’t that many tribes in our society…”
Axiu says, “But what are the names of those tribes then?”
I can’t help but feel curious when I hear Axiu saying this.
Therefore, I say, “I don’t know…”
Axiu smiles and says, “Let me tell you their names then!”
“Some of them are called the poor tribes while some of them are called the rich tribes…”
“Some of them are called the fisherman tribes while some of them are called the farmer tribes…”
Besides saying these things to me, Axiu also says this while looking at my confused expression.
“You people are living in separate houses!”
“What’s more important is that all of you have to work and make money yourselves!”
“There’s even another tribe known as the war tribes which even need to kill people and rob their things!”
“I think that people from your tribe are living more primitive lifestyles instead!”
After saying these thing to me, Axiu returns to do her work once again.
And she even throws a question to me while doing her work too.
She asks, “So what do you think?”
However, I don’t know how to respond to her at all after hearing what she says.
It’s because what she says seems to make sense no matter how I look at it.
This is something that I’ve never thought about before!
Therefore, I look at Axiu and say in a serious tone after seeing this.
“I really want to stay here for a few more days if you don’t mind.”
Axiu looks at me and asks in surprise, “Why?”
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
I say, “It’s because I want to help you out and be your friend!”
Axiu smiles and says, “Alright then!”
“However, you have to stay here to the end!”
I ask, “The end of what?”
Axiu says, “The end of the festival!”
I can’t help but feel a little curious when I see Axiu saying this.
What festival is she talking about?
However, I can see that Axiu doesn’t want to talk about it at all.
And she also looks like she’s in the middle of doing her work.
Therefore, I don’t want to disturb her and leave her alone.
I return to my room after leaving Axiu.
And what I see is that all of the people from the Mosuo tribe are busy doing their work.
Some of them are moving woods around.
Some of them are going to the mountain to gather bamboos.
Some of them are busy making clothes, bags, and decorations.
Some of them are also building something grand.
As for Axiu and Lanyue, they’re both busy supervising the people who are doing their work.
They’re giving out instructions and helping out too.
The preparations for the festival must be very important since they’re all so busy with it!
It’s really great to be able to live with the Mosuo tribe for a few more days!
This is because I will be able to see how they prepare everything for the festival!
This is definitely something that I’ve never seen or heard about before!
Therefore, I also want to know how important the festival is to the Mosuo people.
Therefore, I’m willing to help out whenever I can as well!
Even though Axiu and Lanyue don’t ask me for any help at all, I still offer my help whenever I can.
For example, I’m helping them to carry the woods when I see them carrying woods.
I’m also going to the mountain to gather some bamboos with them when they’re going there.
It seems like they’re really thankful toward me after seeing me helping them out in everything that they’re doing.
Axiu even tells me about what the festival is about after seeing me helping them out.
Axiu says, “The festival is a very important event for the Mosuo tribe!”
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
It turns out that the festival is an event where everybody will be able to sing and dance!
There will be ten days for the festival where everybody will be able to sing and dance during the day for all ten days!
It’s going to be a very lively event!
I’m really looking forward to it!
After the sun goes down, there will be a lot of bonfires being lit up!
They will drink wine and continue to sing and dance at night!
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
It’s going to be very lively at night as well!
The Mosuo people will also use this chance to find their lovers!
This is because the people who are currently staying far away will come back during the festival!
I have no idea why they’re staying far away but I think that they might be working far away from home!
This means that a lot of people will be coming back during the festival!
This means that the Mosuo people should be able to find their lovers with ease during the festival!
The bonfires will be put off at night so that the young men will be able to sneak into the houses of the young women without being noticed by anybody!
There will also be a lot of hidden couples being found during the festival!
I can’t help but feel really excited after hearing what the festival is about!
This is because I will be able to see a lot of things which I’ve never seen before during the festival as well!
I won’t be going back until the end of the festival as well!
This means that I will be able to see the whole process of the festival as well!
Axiu tells me, “You will be able to see how Lanyue sneaks out of our house during the festival!”
I can’t help but feel really excited after hearing Axiu saying this.
It’s not long before the day of the festival arrives.
When I wake up, I see Lanyue coming out from her room while wearing a flowery dress.
She’s also wearing a headdress which is made out of silver.
She looks really pretty as well!
She looks like a fairy who’s coming from above.
I can’t help but feel amazed after seeing her look like this.
I say, “You look really pretty today!”
Lanyue smiles after hearing what I say.
She says, “Thank you!”
I continue asking, “What’s the special occasion today?”
Axiu says, “It’s the day of the festival today!”
It turns out that Lanyue has made herself look prettier today since it’s the day of the festival today!
I can’t help but feel a little bit amazed over how seriously they’re taking it!
Axiu holds my hand and tells me, “Two persons will be able to hold hands once they have made themselves look prettier!”
Axiu continues saying, “You will be able to hold hands with Lanyue now since she has made herself look prettier today!”
Lanyue holds my hand while smiling after hearing what Axiu says.
I become unable to speak for a while after seeing Lanyue’s beautiful smile.
It’s not long before Shibo comes into our house with his spear.
He says, “Let’s go!The elders have started the bonfire already!”
Shibo looks really handsome while holding his spear like this.
Lanyue looks at Shibo while looking excited.
She lets go of my hand and runs outside immediately!
Axiu tells me, “Let’s go!We’re also going outside!”
Axiu holds my hand and drags me outside immediately!
The bonfire looks like it has been set up in the middle of the village.
There are a lot of people who are standing around it as well!
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
Lanyue is standing beside Shibo while looking at Shibo’s spear.
Axiu says, “This is my brother, Shibo!”
Shibo looks at me and says, “My sister has mentioned about you before!You’re a scholar from the west, aren’t you?”
I say, “Yes, I am!”
Shibo says, “That’s great!You look so handsome!You will definitely have a lot of people who are trying to get closer to you once you have gone home!”
I can’t help but feel a little bit surprised after hearing what Shibo says.
This is because no one is going to try to get closer with me once I have gone home!
There’s no one in this world who’s willing to get closer with me!
Lanyue hits Shibo right on his shoulder with her hand after hearing what he says.
She says, “Stop it already!What if he thinks that you’re trying to ask him to get closer with you?”
Shibo touches his shoulder and says, “But I’m trying to ask him to get closer with me!”
Lanyue looks at Shibo while feeling speechless.
Axiu and Lanyue look at each other and start laughing!
The bond between these two people seems to be really good as well!
This is pretty much what the so-called childhood friends are like!
Lanyue can’t help but feel a little bit curious after seeing Shibo.
She asks, “Brother, did you win this spear somewhere?”
Shibo says, “No!Father has given it to me before he goes out to do something else!”
Lanyue looks at Shibo and says, “You’re so lucky!My father doesn’t give me anything even though he knows that I want a pet fox!”
Shibo says, “Father won’t give it to you even if you ask for it.”
It turns out that these two people will start bickering over this matter even though they look really good when they’re together!
The only thing which I can say here is that they look like they’re made for each other!
This is what the so-called being made for each other is like!
Axiu looks at these two people while laughing.
She says, “These two people will never stop bickering over this matter!”
It turns out that Axiu and Lanyue have known each other since they were still kids!
Axiu used to play the role of the older sister while Lanyue used to play the role of the younger sister when they were still kids!
The only thing which I can say here is that this might be the reason which causes their bond to become stronger as well!
It’s not long before Axiu asks Lanyue to hold my hand.
They tell me, “Lanyue has wanted to hold your hand for a long time already!”
I hold Lanyue’s hand and walk beside her after hearing what they say.
I realize that my heart starts beating really fast after holding Lanyue’s hand for a while!
Lanyue looks at me and says, “Xuan, are you married?”
I become unable to speak for a while after hearing what she says.
It’s not long before Axiu says, “My brother and I are still single!”
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
Axiu looks at Lanyue as she says this.
Axiu looks as if she wants to tease me purposely after seeing my reaction.
She tells Lanyue, “He’s not married yet, but it’s possible that he might become a walking marriage partner!”
I’m stunned by what Axiu says.
I realize that there are two people who are holding my hand all this while after being stunned for a while.
I realize that Lanyue is holding my right hand while Axiu is holding my left hand.
Lanyue looks at me with a smile on her face as she asks, “Xuan, it feels really comfortable when you’re holding my hand.Why don’t you follow me to the road which leads to Yongning?Father will surely give you a good place to stay once we reach Yongning.You’ll be able to share bed with me once you’ve gotten a good place to stay here.”
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
The only thing which I can say here is that Lanyue has given me an extremely bold suggestion!
“Share bed with me.”
These words keep echoing in my mind one after another!
I’m unable to turn back to look at Axiu and Shibo even though they are behind me.
It’s not long before Lanyue starts laughing!
She asks, “Do you really want to share bed with me?”
She sounds a bit overjoyed as she asks this question!
The only thing which I can say here is that my cheeks have turned red and hot!
It feels as if my entire body has been electrified even though there’s no electricity at all in this era!
The only thing which I can do right now is to lower my head so that nobody will be able to see my facial expression right now!
I feel like laughing at myself as well after realizing that my reaction feels as if I’m still a young boy!
The only thing which I can do right now is to try my best to remain as calm as possible in front of these three people!
However, the fact that Lanyue has given me such a bold suggestion makes me feel that it’s very hard for me to remain calm at all!
It’s not long before Lanyue starts holding my arm instead of holding my hand!
She tells me, “Xuan, let’s walk faster!”
These two people start walking ahead of us without waiting for us after hearing what Lanyue says.
I realize that these two people are walking faster than before!
They look quite joyful even though they look like they’re just walking casually!
It turns out that these two people are really joyful when they are together!
Lanyue looks at me once again after walking ahead of us for a while.
She asks, “Xuan, do you find it comfortable when you’re holding my arm?”
She looks as if she wants to tease me purposely after asking this question.
The only thing which I can say here is that I have no idea how to answer her question at all!
I keep thinking about the matter regarding sharing bed with me over and over again even though Lanyue has not mentioned this matter anymore after telling me to walk faster just now.
Mosuo people walk on foot and ride horses.
The road will not become muddy even though there was rain yesterday in Yongning because the road is made of white marble.
It’s very good to walk on this road even though there’s only a small number of pedestrians and horses on this road right now.
I realize that Lanyue has been holding my arm tightly even though there’s nobody on this road.
However, Axiu and Shibo are walking ahead of us.
They are quite far away from us right now.
I don’t know how far we have to walk in order to catch up with them.
Lanyue asks me once again after walking on this road for a while, “Xuan, why do you look so nervous when you’re walking with me?”
The only thing which I can say here is that Lanyue looks at me with a smile on her face when she asks this question.
It seems that she doesn’t want to joke with me anymore after she sees that I’m looking quite nervous.
I ask her after hearing what she says, “To be honest, Lanyue, do you know that your suggestion just now is very bold and risky?”
Lanyue asks in surprise after hearing what I say, “Xuan, what’s the matter with you?
Didn’t you agree with what I said just now?”
She asks once again, “Do you want to share a bed with me?
As a matter of fact, it’s like a walking marriage arrangement!”
As a matter of fact, what Lanyue says makes me feel quite shocked even though I seem to be quite calm when talking with her.
I don’t know why this Mosuo woman has suddenly given me such a bold suggestion!
Is it because of the matter regarding human worthiness which we have discussed just now or something else?
What will happen if there’s something between Lanyue and me?
Can we get married despite the fact that both of us come from different worlds?
Can we have children as well?
What will happen if we cannot have children?
What will happen if we have children and our children will be human beings instead of Mosuo people?
Is it possible for these children to leave with their father after they grow up?
What about the relationship between their father and mother?
These questions keep appearing in my mind one by one even though Lanyue is still looking at me with a smile on her face right now.
It turns out that Mosuo people are really bold and open-minded even though they don’t seem to care about what will happen in the future.
Mosuo people don’t seem to care about the consequences even though they do something which is not accepted by other people at all.
It turns out that they only focus on what will happen right now.
They only care about their own happiness.
It seems that they are only able to live happily if they don’t have to think too much.
It turns out that Mosuo people only live for today instead of tomorrow.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
It turns out that they don’t even plan for tomorrow at all.
Mosuo people are not even willing to think about tomorrow since they only care about their own happiness right now!
It seems that Mosuo people will feel unhappy if they have to think too much!
They will not be able to live happily if they have to think too much about the consequences which will appear after they do something.
Mosuo people will not be willing to do something if it’s very hard for them to do something.
They will be able to live happily without doing this thing.
As a matter of fact, it seems that these Mosuo people are still following the law of nature instead of human beings even though it seems that they’re human beings as well.
The only thing which I can do right now is to try my best to find an answer after thinking about this problem for a while.
I’m an academician and scholar who works in the field of history and archaeology.
It’s very normal for me to think this way since I’m very curious and interested in this matter after witnessing what has happened in front of me just now.
I ask Lanyue after thinking for a while, “Is it very easy for Mosuo people to get into a walking marriage arrangement?”
Lanyue asks in surprise after hearing what I say, “Xuan, why do you say so?
Are you unwilling to do this with me?”
She asks after seeing that I’m looking quite nervous once again, “Do you know why I have given you such a bold suggestion just now?
It’s because you seem to be quite interested in me when you’re talking with me just now!”
She says once again, “As a matter of fact, it’s just an exploration of interest between men and women!
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
You can choose not to think too much about it!
She says after seeing that I’m still looking quite nervous, “You’ll be able to get used to it after you have been living in our place for a few days!”
She says once again, “You’ll be able to accept it naturally after you have been living here for a few days!”
She continues saying once again, “Xuan, we can get into this walking marriage arrangement after we have agreed on it together!”
She continues saying once again, “You can choose not to accept it even though you’re not interested in it!”
She says after seeing that I’m still looking quite nervous even though she has told me so many times, “Xuan, you don’t need to worry about it!
We’ll be able to get into a walking marriage arrangement if we want to do it together!
It’s very easy for us as long as we’re willing to do it together!”
She says without waiting for me to ask her anything after she has finished what she wants to say, “As a matter of fact, there are many people who are willing to get into a walking marriage arrangement together.
It’s just like a game between men and women when they get into a walking marriage arrangement in our place!
It’s just like a game between men and women when they get into a walking marriage arrangement!
We can live happily even though we have not planned for our future!”
She continues saying once again, “We don’t need to plan for our future at all!
We don’t need to worry when we’re going to live happily since we’ll be able to do something which will make us feel very happy every day!”
Lanyue sounds very open-minded when she’s speaking but she looks quite innocent and simple right now even though I know that she’s actually quite bold and straightforward inside her heart.
"Secrets of the Jade Dragon: A Scholar's Odyssey"
It seems that she looks quite innocent even though she’s actually not simple at all!
She looks like a child who doesn’t understand anything right now!
It seems that she knows nothing even though she looks quite innocent and simple!
It seems that she doesn’t even care about what will happen in the future at all!
I really want to know what will happen in the end!
It seems that I’m quite curious about this matter right now!
I ask while looking at Lanyue with a smile on my face after thinking for a while, “Lanyue, do you know that I’m not a Mosuo person at all?”
Lanyue asks while looking at me with a smile on her face after hearing what I say once again, “Xuan, do you know that it doesn’t matter at all?”
She continues asking after seeing that I’m shaking my head after she has finished asking me the question just now.
The only thing you need to do is to follow what we’re going to do when we’re getting into a walking marriage arrangement together!”
Lanyue says after seeing that I’m looking quite surprised by what she says and do once again.
It seems that I’m quite shocked by this matter once again.
It’s because I know that it’s impossible for something like this to happen in the place where I come from.
We’ll be able to get into a walking marriage arrangement quite easily since it doesn’t matter at all even though we’re not Mosuo people.