MidReal Story

Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom

Scenario: Exploring the legend of the ages Located at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the Daughter of the East, the ancient Naxi Kingdom, all the secrets seem to be hidden in the white sand murals and Gemu Peak. But who are the contemporary secret hunters? Lin Xuan, a young historical scholar of Chinese descent from the United States, focuses on the study of the history of human development and pursues "human worthiness." He traveled through time and space to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and visited the Naxi Kingdom, a fantasy and secret place where Eastern and Western cultures and maternal and paternal civilizations met. The civilized ecology here integrates nature and humanity, just like the majestic, majestic and majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and the charming, petite and beautiful Lugu Lake and Lanyue Valley, complementing each other and shining brightly; and like the Jade Dragon The snow-capped mountains are surrounded by clouds and mists, changing rapidly, with countless manners, and are extremely magical. The ancient culture of the Mosuo people that remains the same today is both unforgettable and indistinguishable. Lin Xuan came to the scene in person and felt it for the first time: Looking from the side, it looks like a forest and a peak, with different heights and distances. He doesn't know the true face of the Jade Dragon, just because he is in this mountain. I hope that his exploration will be successful, and that he will have a wonderful relationship with the ancient Naxi civilization and the daughter country with various styles... At this time, he has passed the Tea Horse Road and arrived at the daughter country, drinking The water of Lugu Lake, walking on the Walking Wedding Bridge...one wonderful story after another is about to unfold! Key elements: adventure, anecdotes, supernatural, thriller..., causal loop. A total of 30 stories, each of 20,000 words, are written. They are all ancient human legends, as well as some ultra-modern human society and natural phenomena. Although Lin Xuan is a scholar of human history and has acquired a lot of anthropological knowledge from books, it is still shallow. He still wants to explore the history of human development from the source: For example, what is a matrilineal society? Why is matrilineal society the source of human social structure? Why was matriarchal society later replaced by patriarchal society? What are the pros and cons of each of these two social structures? Especially on issues such as love, marriage, and childbirth, as well as on issues such as social efficiency and fairness. Lin Xuan feels: The world is worth it, and experience creates meaning: meaningless tiredness is truly tired, and the result of meaningless efforts is true failure. Lin Xuan's hypothesis: The material-based development of contemporary human society has reached its end or extreme. It seems that society has reached a turning point or a new reincarnation. Might matriarchal society be a new choice for contemporary society? The Mosuo people are the living samples he is currently investigating. Why can their matriarchal society survive to this day? What are their lifestyles and ideas that contemporary people can learn from?
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Exploring the legend of the ages Located at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the Daughter of the East, the ancient Naxi Kingdom, all the secrets seem to be hidden in the white sand murals and Gemu Peak. But who are the contemporary secret hunters? Lin Xuan, a young historical scholar of Chinese descent from the United States, focuses on the study of the history of human development and pursues "human worthiness." He traveled through time and space to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and visited the Naxi Kingdom, a fantasy and secret place where Eastern and Western cultures and maternal and paternal civilizations met. The civilized ecology here integrates nature and humanity, just like the majestic, majestic and majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and the charming, petite and beautiful Lugu Lake and Lanyue Valley, complementing each other and shining brightly; and like the Jade Dragon The snow-capped mountains are surrounded by clouds and mists, changing rapidly, with countless manners, and are extremely magical. The ancient culture of the Mosuo people that remains the same today is both unforgettable and indistinguishable. Lin Xuan came to the scene in person and felt it for the first time: Looking from the side, it looks like a forest and a peak, with different heights and distances. He doesn't know the true face of the Jade Dragon, just because he is in this mountain. I hope that his exploration will be successful, and that he will have a wonderful relationship with the ancient Naxi civilization and the daughter country with various styles... At this time, he has passed the Tea Horse Road and arrived at the daughter country, drinking The water of Lugu Lake, walking on the Walking Wedding Bridge...one wonderful story after another is about to unfold! Key elements: adventure, anecdotes, supernatural, thriller..., causal loop. A total of 30 stories, each of 20,000 words, are written. They are all ancient human legends, as well as some ultra-modern human society and natural phenomena. Although Lin Xuan is a scholar of human history and has acquired a lot of anthropological knowledge from books, it is still shallow. He still wants to explore the history of human development from the source: For example, what is a matrilineal society? Why is matrilineal society the source of human social structure? Why was matriarchal society later replaced by patriarchal society? What are the pros and cons of each of these two social structures? Especially on issues such as love, marriage, and childbirth, as well as on issues such as social efficiency and fairness. Lin Xuan feels: The world is worth it, and experience creates meaning: meaningless tiredness is truly tired, and the result of meaningless efforts is true failure. Lin Xuan's hypothesis: The material-based development of contemporary human society has reached its end or extreme. It seems that society has reached a turning point or a new reincarnation. Might matriarchal society be a new choice for contemporary society? The Mosuo people are the living samples he is currently investigating. Why can their matriarchal society survive to this day? What are their lifestyles and ideas that contemporary people can learn from?
The history of human development and human worthiness has always been the focus of my research.
It was during an exploration of ancient civilizations that I accidentally travelled back in time to the Wei and Jin Dynasties.
The Naxi Kingdom, at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, is a famous ancient civilization.
It has always been known as the daughter of the East.
Here, in the shadow of Gemu Peak, there is a beautiful blend of Eastern and Western cultures.
The mysterious white sand murals here are still shrouded in mystery, and the solution is still unknown.
This unique civilization preserves its essence, not only through the well-preserved ancient Ninglang City, but also through the ancient rituals, customs, and matriarchal system of the Mosuo people.
After arriving in the Naxi Kingdom, we had a brief rest before setting off to explore the essence of this civilization.
My assistant, Sha'er, is very helpful.
As an American historian, I am well aware of China's matriarchal society; I have even read many books on the subject.
However, I am still not very clear about some things.
Therefore, I would like to come to this place in person to learn more about it and see what exactly happened to the Mosuo people.
There is so much that we do not know about them yet; what has been passed down through these ages may be only superficial knowledge.
It is only by experiencing it ourselves that we can understand more about it.
It is also as an exchange scholar that I came here all the way from America to explore this mysterious civilization.
This is also the focus of my research on human development history—how did China become a matriarchal society?
I have always believed that human worthiness is an important aspect of human development.
I will also continue my research in this area in order to find new answers to these questions.
I have always believed that the Naxi Kingdom is a blend of Eastern and Western cultures.
However, only when I came here in person did I understand how unique it is.
The ancient Ninglang City is built exactly according to the ancient Roman architectural style.
In the center of the city there is a circular market square with a fountain in the middle.
Here is the location where the ancient Roman poet Ovid wrote his famous poem "Metamorphosis".
In addition to the architecture, the lifestyle of the inhabitants of Ninglang City also has a Western flavor.
All these are closely related to human development history.
If we want to know what happened in ancient times, we must start from here.
All over the world there are many places with white sand murals.
These relics are a treasure trove for us to explore human history.
We will visit some places while we are here, and then we will go to Lijiang to get a feel for the local culture.
I believe this will definitely be a very meaningful journey for me.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
Have you thought it through, Lin Xuan?
Hearing the voice, I looked up and saw Professor Thompson walking towards me.
I stood up quickly and smiled at him.
I have thought it through.
Professor Thompson sat down and looked at me questioningly.
Lin Xuan, you want to study human worthiness for your doctoral thesis, right?
But why do you have to go to such a remote place as Lugu Lake to study?
Is it really necessary?
According to some of my research results, I feel that this place is very important.
If we want to know the answers to these questions, we must start from there.
You mean that matriarchal society in China?
Do you really think that's a good idea?
What's wrong with it?
It is true that many people do not think that China has ever had a matriarchal society.
But I believe that this is a very meaningful research topic.
As an American historian, I think you should know more about this than I do.
Yes, I admit that I do know more about it than you do.
But do you know what most people think?
They think that such a study is impractical and irrelevant.
Instead, they would prefer to see you focus on more practical subjects for your doctoral thesis.
I know what you mean.
But I do not agree with this point of view.
I am very interested in this topic, and I want to know the answers to these questions.
I do not care if it is practical or not, I just want to know what happened in ancient times.
I have always been very curious about these things, and I am also a very determined person.
I am sure that the answers to these questions will help us get a better understanding of human history.
Besides, it is not just about human history—it is also about human worthiness.
This is something that has been bothering me for a long time, and I want to find out the truth.
You are really stubborn, Lin Xuan.
But do you really think that by studying ancient civilizations you will be able to find the answers to these questions?
It is true that I am stubborn, but I believe that there is a way to get the answers to these questions.
As I said before, I am not just interested in human history—I am also interested in human worthiness.
I believe that by studying ancient civilizations we will be able to find the answers to these questions.
I see that you are determined to continue with your research no matter what I say, so I will not try to persuade you anymore.
But please remember that if you go through with it, there is a good chance that it will ruin your academic career.
I know, but I do not care about that.
If things do go as planned, then at least I will have tried my best and done everything I could to get the answers to these questions.
And if things do not go as planned, then I will be able to move on and try something else instead.
That is all I can ask for, and I hope you understand that too, Professor Thompson.
I understand, Lin Xuan, and I wish you the best of luck with your research.
Thank you, Professor Thompson!
After Professor Thompson left, I sat down and continued working on my research paper on the history of human development.
This has always been my main focus as a historian, and it will continue to be so for many years to come.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
I have always been very committed to my research, and I have spent many years studying human history and trying to understand how humanity has developed over the ages.
My goal has always been to find answers to the questions that have been bothering me for so long.
I have been very successful in doing so, and I have made many interesting discoveries along the way.
However, I have always felt that there is still much more that I can learn and discover.
And that is why I have recently decided to take my research to a whole new level by exploring ancient civilizations in person.
Of course, this has not been easy, and it has required me to use some rather unorthodox methods.
But I believe that it will be worth it in the end.
If I want to truly understand human history and human worthiness, then I need to see these ancient civilizations with my own eyes and experience them firsthand.
That is why I have decided to go on a journey through time and space.
With the help of an unnamed professor who has access to some advanced technology, I have been able to travel back in time and visit some of the most important ancient civilizations in human history.
My journey began in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, which were two of the most important periods in Chinese history.
I spent several months there studying the culture and traditions of the people who lived during that time.
Then I moved on to other ancient civilizations that were equally fascinating and important.
These include the Naxi Kingdom at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and the Western Regions of ancient China.
I also visited some of the most famous places in those regions such as Loulan City and Niya Ruins.
This has been an amazing journey so far, and I am looking forward to seeing what other ancient civilizations I can explore next.
I know that there will be many challenges ahead of me, but I am not afraid of them.
I am ready to face whatever comes my way in order to achieve my goal of finding answers to these questions that have been bothering me for so long.
After all, what is important is not how difficult or dangerous something is, but whether or not it is worth doing.
I am sure that this journey is definitely worth it.
As I was preparing to move on to my next destination, the unnamed professor came to see me again.
He warned me that things would be much more difficult from now on and that there would be many more dangers waiting for me.
But he also expressed his confidence in my abilities to overcome them.
He told me that he had seen what I was capable of during my time in the Naxi Kingdom, and that he had no doubt that I would be able to handle anything that came my way.
I thanked him for his kind words, and then we said our goodbyes.
After he left, I took a deep breath and got ready to continue with my journey.
I have always been a very determined person, and I am not about to change now.
I know that there will be many challenges ahead of me, but that is not going to stop me from trying my best to overcome them.
I am determined to continue this extraordinary exploration, no matter what it takes.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
With the help of a local guide, I was able to find a suitable vehicle and set off on my next journey.
The ancient Tea Horse Road is a historical and cultural route that connects Sichuan, Yunnan, and Tibet.
It is a significant route for both the Han people and the Tibetan people, as it has been the main path for tea trading between the two peoples for over a thousand years.
In addition to facilitating trade, this ancient road has also played an important role in cultural exchange between the Han and Tibetan peoples.
I am now on this ancient road, heading towards the Naxi Kingdom at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.
It is going to be a long journey, but I am looking forward to it.
Leaving behind the bustling city of Lijiang, we soon arrived at the ancient Tea Horse Road which is surrounded by lush green trees on both sides.
The air was fresh and the sky was clear.
The sun was shining bright in the sky, casting a warm light on the road below us.
This was the perfect weather for travel, and I felt truly blessed to be able to experience it.
After driving for about an hour, we finally arrived at Lugu Lake, which is located at the border between Sichuan and Yunnan Province.
The sky was blue and the water was clear, reflecting the beautiful scenery around it.
Lugu Lake is one of the most famous lakes in China and it is known for its crystal-clear water and stunning natural beauty.
There are many small islands scattered across the lake, which make it look even more picturesque.
After taking some time to admire the scenery around us, we continued on our journey.
The ancient Tea Horse Road was originally built on the northern shore of Lugu Lake, so we had to drive along the southern shore in order to reach the Naxi Kingdom.
The road was narrow and winding, and there were many sharp turns along the way.
However, the scenery was absolutely breathtaking, with snow-capped mountains and lush green trees surrounding us on all sides.
We also passed through many small villages and towns along the way, where we saw people working in the fields and children playing outside.
It was a very peaceful and beautiful sight.
The weather was getting cooler the higher up we went and the air was getting thinner.
It was difficult to breathe at first, but I soon got used to it and didn't notice it anymore.
However, I could feel the effects of the high altitude on my body when I got out of the car to take a break.
I felt dizzy and my head was spinning.
I knew that I would need some time to adjust to the altitude before I would be able to continue with my journey.
Luckily for me, this was not a problem because our driver had already arranged for us to stay at a hotel near the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain for the night.
We arrived at the hotel later that evening, and I was very happy to see that it was a very nice hotel indeed.
It was located in the middle of a dense forest and surrounded by snow-capped mountains.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
The air was fresh and the sky was clear.
It was absolutely beautiful.
Sha'er and I checked into our room and had dinner at the hotel restaurant.
After dinner, we went for a walk around the hotel grounds to explore the area.
We saw many different kinds of plants and flowers growing all around us.
There were also many small animals running around, including rabbits and squirrels.
It was a very peaceful and beautiful sight.
The next morning, we woke up early so that we could continue with our journey to the Naxi Kingdom.
We had breakfast at the hotel restaurant before checking out and getting back into the car.
We drove along the road for about an hour before we arrived at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.
When I got out of the car and saw the stunning view in front of me, I was absolutely speechless.
The mountain was just so majestic and beautiful that I couldn't take my eyes off of it.
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in China and it is known for its stunning natural beauty.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
It is covered in snow all year round and has many different peaks that are hidden among the clouds.
The mountain is over 5,000 meters tall and is considered to be one of the tallest mountains in China.
I took out my sketchbook and started drawing some sketches of the mountain.
I wanted to capture its beauty on paper so that I would be able to remember it forever.
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is also known as Yulong Xueshan in Chinese.
The mountain is located near Lijiang Ancient City and is considered to be one of the most important landmarks in the region.
It is also an important symbol for the Naxi people, who believe that it represents the connection between heaven and earth.
According to legend, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain was formed by a powerful dragon that lived in the area.
The dragon was angry that its people had forgotten about it and so it decided to create a holy mountain to remind them of its existence.
The dragon then transformed itself into 13 different peaks and used its breath to cover them in snow.
Since then, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain has been considered to be a sacred mountain by the Naxi people and they believe that it is inhabited by many powerful spirits and gods.
The Naxi Kingdom is located on the northern side of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and it is considered to be one of the most beautiful places in China.
The kingdom is surrounded by mountains on all sides and has many rivers running through it, which makes it look like a paradise on earth.
Lijiang Ancient City is located about 30 kilometers south of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and is considered to be one of the most well-preserved ancient cities in China.
The city has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to many beautiful buildings and structures that date back to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912).
As we drove along the road to Lijiang Ancient City, I was amazed by how beautiful and peaceful everything looked around us.
I could see many different kinds of plants and flowers growing along the roadside and there were also many small animals running around.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
It was a very beautiful sight indeed.
When we finally arrived at Lijiang Ancient City, I was even more amazed by how beautiful it looked up close.
The city is built in an ancient Chinese style with many canals running through it and small bridges connecting all of the buildings together.
There are also many shops selling all sorts of things like jewelry, clothes, food, souvenirs and much more.
The city looks like a fairy-tale kingdom come to life and I couldn’t wait to explore it further.
While I was walking around Lijiang Ancient City, I happened to look up at Jade Dragon Snow Mountain once again and was completely blown away by how massive it looked up close.
The mountain stretches for over 35 kilometers from north to south and has a width of about 20 kilometers at its widest point.
It is also home to 13 different peaks that are all covered in snow year-round.
The highest peak of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is 5,596 meters tall and it is surrounded by 55 square kilometers of glaciers that are filled with clear blue ice.
When the sunlight hits the ice just right, it creates a beautiful reflection that almost looks like a mirror.
The snow-covered peaks of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain are often referred to as “silver mountains” because of how shiny they look when the sun is shining down on them.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
I was completely mesmerized by this beautiful sight and I just stood there staring at the mountain for a long time until Sha’er came up to me and asked if I was okay.
I immediately snapped out of my daze and replied that I was fine but I think she could tell that I was still in awe of the beauty of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain because she smiled and said that she felt the same way the first time she saw it too.
After a moment of silence, Sha’er then started telling me more about Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and how it is home to many different kinds of plants and animals which makes it one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world.
The mountain is home to over 4,000 different kinds of plants that grow in four different climate zones including tropical rainforests, subtropical forests, temperate forests and alpine meadows.
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is also home to many different kinds of animals including rare species like the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, clouded leopard, snow leopard, red panda and more than 400 different species of birds.
I was amazed by how diverse the wildlife is in this area and I couldn’t wait to explore it further in person later on.
When I asked Sha’er if there were any other interesting facts about Jade Dragon Snow Mountain that she could tell me about, she said that the mountain is considered to be one of the most sacred places in China for Buddhists because they believe that it is one of the best places in the world to meditate and achieve enlightenment.
I was surprised to hear this because I didn’t know that Jade Dragon Snow Mountain was considered a sacred place for Buddhists but I guess it makes sense since it is such a beautiful natural wonder with so many diverse ecosystems all in one place.
I was also curious to know if the Naxi people have any interesting stories or legends about Jade Dragon Snow Mountain so I asked Sha’er about them next since she is a Naxi person who grew up here in Lijiang.
She then told me that there is a very famous legend about Jade Dragon Snow Mountain involving a beautiful Mosuo woman named Gemu who fell in love with a prince from a distant tribe but their love was forbidden by the laws of the land which led to a tragic end for both of them.
After Gemu died, her spirit transformed into a beautiful mountain flower called the azalea flower which grows on the slopes of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain every year while her tears became the Lugu Lake below the mountain.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
The locals say that if you come to Gemu Peak during the azalea season in the springtime and you are with your true love, you will be able to hear the voice of Gemu calling out to you from the lake below the peak but only those who are truly in love will be able to hear it.
I thought this story was so beautiful and I really wanted to see Gemu Peak for myself so I asked Sha’er if we could go there next since I had never heard of it before today but she said that we would have to save it for another day since it is already late in the afternoon now but she promised to take me there first thing in the morning when we wake up.
I couldn’t wait to see it for myself so I agreed to wait until tomorrow but I asked her to tell me more about Gemu Peak in the meantime because I was so intrigued by the story of Gemu and her tragic love with the prince from a distant tribe.
Sha'er then explained that Gemu Peak is located on the southeast side of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain near the Lugu Lake which is a very famous tourist destination in its own right.
The peak is about 3,500 meters above sea level which makes it one of the highest peaks of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain but it is also one of the most beautiful peaks as well with its unique shape like a phoenix spreading its wings in flight towards the sky.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
The peak was named after Gemu who is considered to be the “holy mother goddess” of the Mosuo people as well as a symbol of true love for everyone who visits the mountain today.
It is said that if you come to Gemu Peak with your true love you will be able to hear the voice of Gemu calling out to you from the lake below but only those who are truly in love will be able to hear it since she only speaks to those whose hearts are pure like hers once was too when she fell in love with the prince from a distant tribe all those years ago.
Sha’er then told me the story of how Gemu was once a beautiful and innocent Mosuo woman in the ancient Naxi Kingdom who fell in love with a prince from a distant tribe called Duoluo and the two of them were very deeply in love with each other but their love was ultimately forbidden by the laws of the land because they were of different tribes and it was against the law for them to be married which caused the prince's father to order his son to leave Gemu behind and return home immediately or he would no longer be allowed to succeed him as the king of their tribe.
The prince was very heartbroken when he heard this news but he knew that he had no other choice but to leave his beloved Gemu behind and return home anyway or else he would never be able to succeed his father as the king of their tribe which was his ultimate dream and goal in life too so he tearfully left his beloved Gemu and returned home alone without looking back at her or their homeland one last time.
Gemu was very sad when she saw the prince leave because she knew that she would never be able to see him again but she loved him very much anyway so she decided to chase after him and tell him how much she loved him too but before long, she was discovered by the guards who were sent by the king of the Naxi Kingdom to capture her and bring her back but when they saw how beautiful she was they begged the king not to punish her because they were afraid that the prince might take revenge on them one day if they harmed her but the king refused to listen to them and ordered them to capture her and bring her back anyway so they chased after her all the way up the mountain until they finally caught up to her at the top of the mountain where she was forced to jump off the mountain and into the lake below called Lugu Lake which was named after her after her tears fell into it which turned the water salty too just like tears are too.
I thought this story was so sad but also very beautiful too at the same time so I asked Sha'er if we could go there tomorrow as soon as we wake up because I really wanted to see it for myself but before I could say anything else I suddenly heard a child crying not far away from us and I also heard Sha’er yelling and shouting for help too so I quickly rushed over there right away before I could even think or realize what was happening but when I finally saw what was happening I saw Sha'er crying with tears streaming down her face while holding a little girl in her arms who was also crying while holding onto her tightly at the same time as well.
I thought this was very strange but I didn’t know why they were both crying so much until I saw the wolf behind them just a few feet away and then I finally understood what had just happened now because the wolf must have tried to attack the little girl but Sha’er had saved her in time before it was able to do any real harm which is why they were both crying now.
I thought Sha'er was a hero now so I asked her what had happened when I saw the wolf but then she told me everything just minutes ago when it had first happened too.
The little girl's name is Yufen who lives in the village nearby and she had gotten lost in the woods earlier today while looking for firewood which is why she wasn’t able to find her way home again when she got lost then but luckily Sha'er came looking for her in time before the wolf attacked her so it wasn’t able to drag her away into the woods where it probably would have eaten up all of its food by now anyway.
I thought Sha'er was a hero now for saving the little girl’s life today so I told her that we should take the little girl home right now before it gets dark outside because it will be much more dangerous at night rather than during the day too when all of the animals come out of hiding then so we should hurry up and go home before anything else happens again too.
Sha'er nodded and agreed with me then we quickly went home together while carrying the little girl with us too.
Along the way, it seemed like everyone in the village came out of their homes to look for Yufen when they heard what had happened earlier today but they were all very relieved when they finally found her and saw that she was safe and sound now even though they were still very sad when they found out what had happened earlier too.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
I thought they were all very nice people now so I asked Sha’er if they were all like this or not and then she told me yes because this is what their culture has always been like ever since the beginning of time when they were first created in their ancient civilization but they still follow these traditions today just like they did back then too even though they are also a part of modern society now as well.
I thought this was very interesting now so I asked Sha’er if we could talk more about this later tonight when we get home after dinner or not but then she said yes because she also wanted me to know more about their culture too just like everyone else in their village does now as well too.
I thought this was a great idea too so we both decided to talk more about this later tonight after dinner then we went home together while carrying Yufen in our arms along the way who still looked scared but happy now too when she saw all of the people who came out of their homes just to look for her today.
I thought this was a great idea now so I told them all that they should go home right away before it gets dark outside because it will be much more dangerous at night rather than during the day too when all of the animals come out of hiding then so they should all hurry up and go home right away too.
But just as they were about to leave, we suddenly heard a loud howling noise coming from the woods nearby which scared all of us very much then we saw a large white wolf coming out of hiding now with blood dripping from its mouth at the same time as well.
I thought it was very strange now but then I remembered what Sha’er had told me earlier about how all of the animals love eating meat but they also know that they can’t harm humans either because they are also a part of nature just like they are too at the same time as well.
I thought this was very interesting now but then I suddenly heard a child's voice calling out to me again from behind us then I saw Yufen running towards us while crying at the same time as well too.
I thought she was very brave now for coming back here by herself just to look for us but then I saw her pick up a stick from the ground then she started running towards the wolf with it in her hands at the same time as well.
I thought she was very brave now for doing this but then she suddenly tripped on a rock then she fell down on the ground with it in her hands while crying at the same time as well.
But then I saw her stand up again right away without saying anything else then she ran towards us again while crying at the same time as well.
I thought she was very brave now for doing this but then I suddenly heard another howling noise coming from behind us again just a few minutes later which scared all of us even more than before too because there were more wolves coming out of hiding now with blood dripping from their mouths at the same time as well.
I thought this was very strange now because they don’t usually come out of hiding like this until it gets dark outside but they also know that they can’t harm humans either because they are also a part of nature just like they are too at the same time as well too.
I thought this was very interesting now but then I suddenly remembered what Yufen had told me earlier about how all of the animals love eating meat but they also know that they can’t harm humans either because they are also a part of nature just like they are too at the same time as well.
I thought this was very interesting now but then I suddenly heard another howling noise coming from behind us again just a few minutes later which scared all of us even more than before too when another wolf came out of hiding now too at the same time as well.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
I thought it was very strange now because there are usually only one or two wolves in their pack but there were more than five wolves in their pack now too at the same time as well too.
I thought this was very strange now when we suddenly heard another howling noise coming from above us now when we saw another wolf coming down from the mountain now too at the same time as well.
I thought it was very strange now because there are usually only one or two wolves near by but there were more than ten wolves near by now too at the same time as well too.
This was not usual for them because they don’t usually come down from their mountains like this but they also know that they can come down any time they want to as long as they don’t harm any humans at the same time as well too.
I thought this was very strange now when we suddenly heard another howling noise coming from all around us again too at the same time as well.
I thought it was very strange now because there are usually only one or two wolves near by but there were more than 30 wolves near by now too at the same time as well.
We didn’t know what to do because we didn’t want to get hurt by them but we also didn’t want to hurt them either at the same time as well too.
We didn’t know what to do because we were all afraid that we were all going to die now because they are all going to eat us all up alive if we do not do anything about it soon enough at the same time too.
We did not know what to do because we were afraid that we were all going to get hurt badly by them soon enough if we didn’t do anything about it soon enough at the same time as well too.
We were all afraid that we were all going to die soon enough if we don’t do anything about it soon enough at the same time as well too.
I’m not sure what came over me but then I just suddenly went over and did what Sha’er had told me earlier when she said that there was a baby that she needed my help with and then I quickly went over and did what her and her father had told me earlier and then I quickly went over and helped her save her baby brother who was still sleeping on his bed at home by taking him outside and watching him while she went back inside and helped her father take care of another baby who was still sleeping on her bed at home too at the same time as well.
I thought this was very interesting now because she had another baby brother who was still sleeping on her bed at home but she also had another baby sister who was still sleeping on her bed at home too at the same time as well too.
I thought this was very strange now but then I suddenly remembered what Yufen had told me earlier about how there are many different kinds of families in their village but they all have one thing in common which is that they all love their family members equally no matter what happens at the same time as well.
I thought this was very interesting now but then I suddenly remembered what Yufen had told me earlier about how there are many different kinds of families in their village depending on where you live too at the same time as well.
I thought this was very interesting now but then I also remembered what Yufen had told me earlier about how they have many different kinds of customs in their village depending on where you live too at the same time as well.
I thought this was very interesting now but then I also remembered what Yufen had told me earlier about how they have many different kinds of traditions in their village depending on where you live too at the same time as well.
This made me really wonder about how many different kinds of customs and traditions that the people who live in this village all have too at the same time as well too.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
I thought this was very interesting and then I suddenly thought about how I was feeling very curious and then I quickly went back to the place where Yufen used to work and then I quickly started asking her more questions about how she and her family all love each other equally too.
This made me really wonder about how the people who live in this village all get along with each other too at the same time as well too.
This made me really wonder about how the people who live in this village all love each other equally no matter what happens too at the same time as well too.
This made me really wonder about how the people who live in this village all love their family members equally too at the same time as well too.
This made me really wonder about how the people who live in this village all get married to their wife no matter what happens too at the same time as well too.
This made me really wonder about how the people who live in this village all get married to their husband no matter what happens too at the same time as well too.
This made me really wonder about how the people who live in this village all have many different kinds of customs depending on where you live too at the same time as well too.
This made me really wonder about how the people who live in this village all have many different kinds of traditions depending on where you live too at the same time as well too.
This made me really wonder about why some families have only one child while others have more than one child too at the same time as well too.
This made me really wonder about why some families have more than one wife while others only have one wife too at the same time as well too.
This made me really wonder about why some families have more than one husband while others only have one husband too at the same time as well too.
I thought this was very interesting but then I suddenly thought about how there are many different kinds of families that we all have depending on where you live and what kind of customs you follow too at the same time as well too.
I thought it was interesting but then I suddenly thought about how there are many different kinds of customs that we all follow depending on where you live too at the same time as well too.
I thought it was interesting but then I suddenly thought about how many different kinds of traditions that we all follow depending on where you live too at the same time as well too.
I thought it was interesting but then I suddenly thought about how many different kinds of people who live in this world today all have many different kinds of customs and traditions that they all follow every day too at the same time as well too.
This made me really wonder about how many different kinds of people who live in this world today all have many different kinds of customs and traditions that they all follow every day depending on where you live and what kind of religion you follow too at the same time as well too.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
“You’re here, and everyone’s gone home.”
I set foot on this sacred land, carrying with me a sense of choice and responsibility, yet also filled with countless ethical dilemmas to think about.
Amidst the beauty of Lugu Lake, I remembered Enxiu’s departure and her words, “You’re here, and everyone’s gone home.”
Suddenly I remembered something she said before she left, “Everything is up to you.”
What did she mean by that?
Was she talking about choice?
Was she talking about responsibility?
No one knows, but her departure was so sudden, so abrupt, so secretive, so mysterious!
But even though she left so suddenly, she still left me with so many unanswered questions!
Was she trying to warn me, or was she trying to persuade me, or was she trying to remind me?
No one knows, but her departure still left me with so many unanswered questions!
It doesn’t matter, maybe I’ll find out later anyway!
I thought it was interesting because it reminded me of an old saying that says, “It’s not until we’ve gone through something that we’re reminded of its true meaning.”
Experience is like a lamp, illuminating our way forward!
It’s just that no one can guarantee whether this lamp will continue to shine!
I walked step by step into the distance, and it wasn’t long before I saw a mountain from afar!
That mountain is called Luoji Mountain!
Luoji Mountain is the place where all the Mosuo people live!
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Luoji Mountain is a very mysterious place because there is no way to get close to it by land, and the only way to get there is by boat, so the surrounding area is completely surrounded by water!
The mountains and water are intertwined, which makes it seem even more mysterious!
The river was formed by the intersection of the mountains and the water passing through it.
This made me think that it was so beautiful!
It was so beautiful that it was almost as if it was right in front of me!
It was so beautiful that it was almost as if I could reach out and touch it!
I thought it was so beautiful that I didn’t even want to blink!
I thought this because for a while I didn’t even notice that there was a boat coming towards me from the river!
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There are many people on board the boat, and they all appear to be dressed in a hurry!
There are many people on board the boat, and they all appear to be looking around as if they are looking for something!
There are many people on board the boat, and they all appear to be talking to each other as if they are discussing something!
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Maybe it’s just me overthinking it, but I feel like they’re looking for something!
I did not think too much about it and turned around to leave, but I realized that my foot was caught by something!
I looked down to see that it was a rusty old iron chain!
I was not interested in this little thing, but I was still curious, so I followed along with it!
In the end, I didn’t expect that it would lead me to a place that I had never been before!
It was a valley called Lanyue Valley!
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Lanyue Valley is a very famous place, and it is also known as the place where scholars go to die!
This was because many scholars have died there after going there to search for ancient texts!
It’s said that a scholar who had gone there to look for ancient texts had died there, and his body had disappeared without a trace!
And the person who found his body was a woman who lived nearby, so he buried him himself!
This valley is not only dangerous, but it is also dangerous for people who are attracted to beauty, especially scholars!
This valley is very beautiful, and many poems have been written about this valley!
In fact, Lanyue Valley has a lot of beautiful scenery, especially the Qi Qiao Bridge!
The Qi Qiao Bridge is a very famous bridge, and it is said that there is a couple who meet there once a year!
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
The reason why this bridge is so famous is not only because of its beautiful scenery but also because of its beautiful surroundings!
It is said that when it rains, this bridge will turn green and when it snows, it will turn white!
So it is called Qi Qiao Bridge at first sight!
The reason why this Qi Qiao Bridge is so famous is not only because there are many beautiful stories about this bridge but also because there are many sad stories about this bridge!
It was said that there was once a scholar who had come here looking for ancient texts and had fallen in love with a woman who lived nearby!
And this woman’s family was very opposed to their relationship and eventually killed her and buried her on the Qi Qiao Bridge!
Since then, this scholar has come here every year to wait for his lover, but he has never been able to see her again!
The reason why this scholar has come here every year is not only because he has been unable to see his lover again but also because he has been unable to forget his lover!
The reason why this scholar has come here every year is not only because he has been unable to forget his lover but also because he has been unable to forget this place where he met his lover!
This woman was very beautiful, and when she first saw her, she was as charming as a fairy!
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I was stunned for a moment when I first saw her in front of the entrance of Lanyue Valley!
I didn’t expect such a beautiful woman to appear in front of me so suddenly!
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I didn’t expect such a beautiful woman to appear in front of me so suddenly!
I felt like I had lost my mind for a moment and couldn’t help but look at her more carefully.
But after looking at her more clearly, I quickly returned to my senses and quickly looked away from her.
As a scholar, I should be calm and composed!
As a scholar, I should be calm and composed!
It’s not good for me to look at her like this.
After all, she might disappear at any time.
After all, she might disappear at any time.
“I’m Enxiu.
I’m Enxiu.” The woman in front of me introduced herself with a smile on her face.
She looked at me with her big eyes and said, “What’s your name?”
She looked very delicate and cute when she spoke.
The corners of her eyes were slightly raised when she smiled.
I felt like I was about to be sucked into her eyes when I looked at her eyes.
I quickly lowered my head and said, “My name is Lin Xuan.”
She smiled and said, “It’s nice to meet you.”
I quickly said, “It’s nice to meet you too.”
After saying that, I felt like an idiot and wanted to slap myself in the face.
I quickly looked away and didn’t dare to look at her again.
Her beauty was so enchanting that I felt like I would lose control if I looked at her any longer.
It seemed like we were fated to meet here today.
She said with a smile, “If you want to go in, I can help you.”
It’s nice of you to say that, but I’m afraid that you won’t be able to help me.”
I’m afraid that you will be the one who needs help.”
She said with a smile, “Do you think I’m in danger?”
I nodded and said, “I think you are in danger.” She smiled and said, “If you think I am in danger, then why don’t you come in with me?”
I shook my head and said, “I can’t do that.” She asked with a smile, “Why can’t you do that?”
I looked at her and said, “You are right.
If I want to go in, I need someone to help me.
But this place is dangerous, and I can’t take the risk of taking you with me!”
She looked at me with a smile and said, “If I want to go with you, what can you do about it?”
I couldn’t help but ask, “You really want to go with me?”
“I don’t know what will happen inside.
But if it’s dangerous, it will be better if there are two people together.”
she said softly.
As she spoke, I felt like I was going crazy with excitement.
I quickly calmed down and asked, “Do you know where this place is?”
She smiled and said, “Of course I do.”
I asked curiously, “What kind of place is this?”
She looked at me and said with a smile, “Do you really want to know?”
I asked, “Can you tell me?”
Without waiting for me to speak, she walked up to me and said softly in my ear, “Lanyue Valley!”
As she spoke, the smell on her body entered my nose.
It was very light and very good.
Her voice was also very good.
I suddenly felt that I was very excited.
I have never been so excited before.
I quickly said, “Let’s go in.”
She smiled and said, “I know you are curious, but you still need my help if you want to go in.”
I couldn’t help asking, “What do you want?”
She smiled sweetly and said, “I just want to go in and have a look.
If you’re willing to take me in, then I’ll take you in.”
I nodded and said, “Alright.”
She smiled happily and said, “Then let’s go in.”
As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to hold my arm.
I could feel the softness of her hands through the thin cloth of my clothes.
It was very comfortable.
I couldn’t help but secretly sigh that she had good skin.
I quickly shook my head and said, “Don’t talk to yourself.
Have you figured out how dangerous this place is?”
She smiled and said, “I have figured it out.
Then why are you still holding it?”
She said with a smile, “Because I don’t want to let go of you.
I want to hold your hand all the time.”
As she spoke, she held my hand even tighter.
At that moment, I felt as if I had been struck by lightning.
My whole body was paralyzed.
The only thing that could move was my heart.
At that moment, I wanted to hug her very much.
The feeling of wanting her very much made me feel even more excited.
I didn’t know how long I had been standing there when she suddenly pulled me towards the entrance of the valley.
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When I came back to my senses, I realized that the valley in front of me was very narrow.
On both sides of the valley were cliffs that were very steep.
There were waterfalls on both sides of the cliffs, but it was not clear where the water came from.
The water fell from the top of the mountain, making a loud noise.
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I turned my head and saw that the woman’s hair was already soaked, revealing the white jade-like skin on her neck.
I couldn’t help but look at her again, only to see her smile at me with a smile, “Am I pretty?”
I nodded my head as soon as I heard that, not knowing what I should say.
She smiled even more happily and said, “Let’s go.”
She took my hand and walked towards the entrance of the valley.
I don’t know why, but I somehow feel that she is not simple, but I can’t tell why she is not simple.
After a short while, we had already arrived at the entrance of the valley.
I could not help but be shocked when I saw her face clearly, because at that moment, she seemed to have changed her appearance completely from before.
Now she looked more mature than before, with a little charm between her eyebrows, but she still had that innocent look on her face.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
Her beauty had been fully displayed at this moment, making it hard for people not to be attracted by her beauty.
When I came back to my senses, I realized that I was not the only one who had been attracted by her beauty.
The four men who had followed us all had a greedy look on their faces as they looked at the woman in front of them, as if they wanted her beauty for themselves.
At that moment, I could not help feeling a little proud of myself because I had such a beautiful woman by my side right now.
The woman smiled sweetly at me and said, “It seems like you haven’t met anyone from my tribe before.”
I shook my head when I heard that because I had never met a woman like this before.
She smiled sweetly and said, “No wonder you don’t know me.”
At that moment, I couldn’t help but ask her who she was again.
She smiled and said, “If I tell you who I am, you might be scared, so don’t ask if you don’t want to know.”
After she said that, she patted my chest and said, “Don’t worry, I’m a good person.”
When she said that, I couldn’t help but let out a laugh because I had never met such a woman before, so I didn’t know how to deal with her.
When she saw that I had laughed, she frowned and said, “You’re not lying, are you?”
When I saw her like this, I quickly shook my head and said, “No, no, no, no.” Then I asked her if she was from Lanyue Valley?
At this time, her face changed and she looked at me with a strange look in her eyes as if she was surprised that I knew about Lanyue Valley.
After a while, she said, “Yes, I’m from Lanyue Valley.”
When I heard that, my heart was full of joy because it proved that the information about Lanyue Valley was true and this was the best result for me because there was no need for me to take any risks now.
However, when I thought of this, my heart ached because the reason why I had come here was that I wanted to take the risk.
At this time, she looked at me and said, “Do you still want to explore Lanyue Valley?”
When I heard this, my heart couldn’t help but feel happy because it seemed like she was going to take me into the valley now, so I didn’t have to take the risk anymore.
But after thinking about it, if a woman from the valley was willing to take me in just like this, wouldn’t it mean that the valley wasn’t dangerous anymore?
After thinking about it, I quickly asked her if she could take me into the valley?
When she heard this, she looked at me for a long time before sighing and saying that she could take me into the valley.
When I heard this, my heart couldn’t help but feel happy again because it seemed like my luck was really good today!
The woman looked at me and asked me if I was ready now?
When I heard this, I nodded and said that I was ready.
When the woman saw me agreeing, she smiled sweetly at me.
At this time, the four men, who had been following us all this time, came over.
The woman looked at the four of them and asked what they were doing now?
When the four men heard this, they quickly said, “A beauty like you, how could we be willing to let you go into the valley alone?”
The woman smiled coldly when she heard this and said, “I’m sorry, but only one person can go with me into the valley today, so which one of you is going in with me?”
Although the woman had said this, the four of them still did not give up.
The four of them continued to talk to the woman, trying to get the woman to take them in together.
But when the woman saw this, her face turned cold as she said, “Since none of you are willing to go in with me, then you guys can just stay here and wait for me.”
Then the woman turned around and left without looking back.
When the four men saw this, they immediately followed her.
At this time, I was also planning to follow her, but when I got up, she suddenly turned around and looked at me before saying, “You haven’t told me your name yet.”
When she asked me this question, I was stunned for a long time because I hadn’t expected her to ask me this question.
After thinking about it for a long time, I finally remembered that my name was Lin Xuan.
The moment the woman heard this name, the look on her face changed drastically and I could see that her hands had slightly trembled as well.
At this time, the look in her eyes was just like the look in the eyes of those scholars who had come here in the past.
I hurriedly asked her what was wrong when I saw her like this.
Noticing that something was wrong with her, the four men who had followed us also came running over to see what was wrong with the woman.
When they saw the look on the woman’s face, they couldn’t help but feel a little scared.
Seeing their reaction, the woman quickly recovered her emotions before looking at me again.
A smile then appeared on her face as she asked, “Lin Xuan, are you a scholar?”
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When I heard this, I quickly nodded my head.
I then asked the woman how she knew I was a scholar?
When the woman saw this, a smile appeared on her face as she said, “Nothing much, it’s just that you’re not the first person to come here saying your name is Lin Xuan.”
As soon as the woman finished speaking, I could feel a bad feeling welling up in my heart.
I immediately asked the woman whether there were any other scholars with the same name as me who had come to this place before?
When the woman heard this, she nodded.
The moment I heard this, I couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy.
I asked the woman if something had happened to the scholars who had the same name as me in the past?
When I heard the woman say this, I couldn’t help but feel even more uneasy.
All of this reminded me of what my dad had told me before I left.
He told me that many scholars from various dynasties had disappeared after coming to Lanyue Valley in search of ancient texts.
They were never able to return home.
My dad then told me that he was worried about my safety when he heard that I wanted to come here.
For this reason, he gave me a piece of advice.
He told me not to be too curious about some things.
If I didn’t come across anything like what those scholars from before did, I should act as if I hadn’t seen it at all.
In addition to this, he also told me another thing.
He told me that if I found myself in danger while here, I should immediately leave and never come back again.
This was because he didn’t want to lose his son just like those fathers who lost their sons did.
Although I understood what my dad meant, I still insisted on coming here.
As a result, I could only hope that nothing would happen to me after hearing what my dad told me.
But when I saw the situation in front of me now, I couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy.
The woman seemed to have noticed my current state as she frowned slightly before asking, “What’s wrong?”
The moment I heard the woman say this, I immediately shook my head and said nothing before turning around to leave.
When the woman saw me acting like this, she immediately came up to me before grabbing me by the arm as she asked, “Where are you going?”
“Didn’t you want to go into the valley with me?”
When I heard the woman say this, I was a little surprised as I turned around to look at her before asking, “You still want to take me into the valley even after knowing the situation I’m in now?”
When the woman heard this, she couldn’t help but smile before saying, “Of course I do.”
Then, the expression on the woman’s face turned serious as she continued, “You have a piece of jade on you from the Jade Pool, right?
Since you have such a precious item on you, how can I bear to let you go home like this?”
At this time, the woman said before shaking off the hand she had been holding onto my arm with before pulling me towards the entrance of the valley.
The moment I saw this, I immediately had no choice but to follow her along as we walked into the valley.
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I was immediately greeted by an endless stretch of mountains after walking up a hill with white fog at the foot of the mountains.
There was also a river flowing through the white fog while reflecting the sunlight like a piece of gold while giving off a feeling of beauty that was out of this world.
I then took a look around me after coming here before immediately feeling shocked by what I saw as I couldn’t help but say, “This place is really beautiful.”
The woman turned around when she heard what I said before smiling at me as she said, “This place is called Lanyue Valley.”
“Although there are many beautiful places with great scenery in this world, none of them can be compared to this place when it comes to beauty.”
I immediately looked at the woman when I heard her say this before asking, “Oh?Where are all these beautiful places with great scenery located then?”
The woman then stretched out her hand before pointing to the mountains in front of her as she said, “This place might seem to be a good place with a beautiful scenery, but it’s actually a very dangerous place.”
“It is known as the Valley of Death by many people.”
“Many people have lost their lives here over the years.”
“I heard that many scholars who came here to study in the past had also lost their lives here.”
“Because of this, no one would dare to come here anymore.”
I immediately looked at the woman after hearing what she said before asking, “In that case, why did you come here then?”
I then pointed to the mountains in front of me before asking, “Are you not afraid of losing your life?”
The woman then looked at me before smiling as she said, “It’s because I know how to protect myself.”
At this time, we had already entered the valley as we continued walking forward.
Suddenly, a few people who were following behind us began to whisper something among themselves after seeing the beauty of the woman in front of me before looking at her from time to time with a hint of envy in their eyes.
At this time, I couldn’t help but look in their direction after seeing this before asking, “What are you guys talking about?
One of them immediately looked at me after hearing what I asked before smiling awkwardly as he said, “We didn’t say anything.”
I then furrowed my brows after hearing what he said before asking, “You didn’t say anything?”
They then immediately shook their heads after hearing what I said before turning around to leave as they stopped talking among themselves.
I then shook my head when I saw this before continuing to follow behind the woman in front of me as we walked deeper into the valley.
A long time had passed since we entered the valley, but we had still not seen any strange scenes up until now.
It was only when we walked forward for a while longer that we suddenly heard the sound of running water coming from in front of us while also seeing two paths appear in front of us with white fog around us.
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At this time, we could already see a mountain in front of us that was not too far away from us with a few waterfalls flowing down from it.
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“It seems like there are several waterfalls on this mountain.”
The woman in front of me then suddenly stopped before turning around to look at me after hearing what I said.
She then smiled at me before pointing to the mountains in front of us as she asked, “Do you see those mountains over there?”
I then nodded my head after hearing what she asked before saying, “Yes, they all look great.”
She then smiled and continued as she said, “There is actually a different kind of beauty on those mountains.”
“Would you like to go take a look?”
I was stunned for a moment after hearing what she said before looking at her for a while without saying anything.
She looked at me for a while after seeing me like this before saying, “I’ll take you there to take a look then.”
After saying this, she immediately turned around and began walking forward before taking the left path this time around as she continued walking forward while leading the way with me following right behind her.
The fog in front of us was very thick, so it was hard for me to see where I was going as my vision was blocked by the fog in front of me, but the woman in front of me seemed as if she could see the road clearly as she walked very fast in front of me without any signs of slowing down at all.
We walked for quite some time when we suddenly heard the sound of water coming from in front of us as we continued walking forward, but it was only when we walked for about ten minutes that the fog in front of us gradually began to disperse as the mountain in front of us gradually became clearer and clearer as well.
After the fog in front of us had finally completely dispersed, I immediately looked up at the mountain in front of me after seeing this, but I was surprised to see that there was no longer any fog on the mountain in front of me like there was earlier as I looked at the mountain in confusion for quite some time before asking, “Why is there no fog on the mountain in front of me now when I look at it now?”
The woman beside me then smiled after hearing what I said before pointing to the mountain in front of us as she said, “Take a look over there.”
I quickly followed her instructions after hearing what she said as I looked at the mountains in front of me, only to find that there were indeed no longer any fog covering the mountains like earlier.
The woman beside me immediately smiled after seeing that I had finally discovered this as she said, “It is actually because there is no fog on the mountains over there, so you could see them clearly from here.”
I immediately nodded after hearing what she said as I looked at the mountains in front of me, only to find that the scenery over there was even more beautiful than this place.
At this time, the mountain in front of us was already much closer to us than earlier, so we could already see some things on the mountain very clearly from here.
In addition, the mists floating around the mountains seemed to be dancing with joy for some reason after seeing her as they floated around her body lovingly like they were alive.
At this moment, I suddenly saw the woman beside me again, but for some reason, I felt like she was a completely different person from the woman I saw last time!
She was still standing ten feet away from me, the same distance as earlier, but there was a huge difference between her appearance now and her appearance last time!
She no longer looked like the shy woman she was when we first met, but she now looked like a beautiful woman who was full of allure instead!
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The woman beside me looked extremely beautiful, but it was also extremely difficult for people to look directly at her!
It was only after I looked at the woman beside me for quite some time that I could see her clearly, but I still didn’t know why I couldn’t see her clearly when I first saw her earlier!
I could see her clearly right now, but I was still unable to see her clearly earlier, which really made it hard for me to understand why it was like this!
“Why are you looking at me like this?Am I very beautiful?”
I immediately shook my head after hearing the woman’s words before saying, “No, I am just thinking about something, so I didn’t pay too much attention to you just now.”
The woman beside me nodded slightly after hearing what I said without saying anything else, so we continued walking towards the mountain in front of us.
We walked for about another 20 minutes before we finally arrived at the mountain in front of us, but I was surprised to find that there was another road on this mountain that could lead us even higher up the mountain further ahead!
There were also a lot of stones lying on both sides of the road, so it made it very difficult for us to walk on this road!
It was already very difficult for ordinary people to walk on this road, but it was even more difficult for us to walk because of the fact that we were walking very fast earlier!
I was just thinking of riding a horse to go up this road later when the woman beside me suddenly stopped after seeing that the road in front of her was blocked by a lot of rocks and said, “You can’t ride a horse to go up this road later, so we can only walk from here.”
I immediately nodded after hearing what she said before saying, “Alright!”
After saying this, the two of us immediately began to walk on this road, but the two of us were still walking very fast even though we were walking on a different road now as we were soon able to arrive at the top of this mountain after walking for less than an hour.
I was just about to catch my breath after arriving here when I suddenly saw the mists floating around in front of me as well, so I immediately looked up and was surprised to see another cliff lying in front of me after seeing this!
This cliff was even steeper than the one before, but I could still hear the mists floating around in the air like I could still hear the sounds of chanting coming from the bottom of this valley!
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
The cliff in front of us was surrounded by the mists floating around in the air, and the sounds of chanting were coming from the bottom of this valley, so I felt like I had entered a place where I could see some divine beings!
But I saw the woman beside me take two steps forward after seeing this before turning her head back to look at me with her beautiful eyes and said, “This is the entrance to Lanyue Valley!I will take you to the Gazing at the Moon Pavilion from here!”
I immediately nodded after hearing what she said before saying, “Alright!”
After saying this, the two of us immediately began to walk again as we walked down from the top of this mountain before walking straight toward the left side of this cliff under the guidance of the woman beside me.
There were also many big trees growing on both sides of this road, so there were also many vines hanging down from these big trees too!
I was just thinking to myself, “What would happen if these vines fall on my body and wrap around my neck?”
However, the woman beside me suddenly stopped after seeing this before turning her head back to look at me and said, “There are a lot of vines hanging down from the big trees on both sides of this road, so you have to be careful later.If you are not careful, you will be strangled by these vines!”
I could see the mists floating around in the air as well as the sounds of chanting coming from the bottom of this valley while I was walking on this road, so I was even more excited after hearing what she said.
The mists floating around in the air as well as the sounds of chanting coming from the bottom of this valley were getting thicker and clearer as we continued walking on this road, so it made me feel even more like I was about to see some divine beings!
However, one hour had already passed by the time I came back to my senses.
I had already arrived somewhere else after walking for more than an hour, but I didn’t know where I had arrived at!
There was a big stone in front of me, but there was a pavilion lying behind this big stone instead!
It was obvious that this was the Gazing at the Moon Pavilion that she had mentioned earlier!
But I could see a very big and beautiful moon in the air right now, so I immediately said, “Why is there such a big moon in the air now?”
The woman beside me nodded slightly after hearing what I said before saying, “Yes, there is a very big and beautiful moon in the air right now.I wonder if master has ever seen such a big moon in the air before?”
She asked me again, but I suddenly felt like I had been struck by lightning after hearing her question!
I suddenly realized that I had been overwhelmed by the scenery around me and this beautiful woman earlier, so I didn’t pay attention to why I had come here!
The sun had set in the west, so why would there be such a big moon in the air now?
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
I was suddenly filled with disbelief after realizing this, but she was already walking ahead to enter into the pavilion right now, so I could only shake my head before following her into this pavilion.
She turned around to look at me after seeing me entering into this pavilion before saying, “Master, we have already arrived in Lanyue Valley right now!Why did you come here to look for me?”
I was unable to see anything clearly when she asked me this, so was there really such a big moon in the air?
But why did she come here to ask me why did I come here to look for her?
Didn’t she take the initiative to ask me to meet up with her earlier?
But my eyes were already dazzled after turning my head around to take a look, so is this what people called “moonlight”?
I had never realized that it was already night time because there were no stars in the sky right now!
But when did it get dark?
Wasn’t it still daytime just now?
Why was it already night time?
Wasn’t it still daytime just now?
Why was there such a big moon in the air when it was still daytime?
Could it be that this was not real moonlight but just an illusion created by some kind of strange flower?
Is there some kind of strange flower nearby which would only bloom during daytime and would wither during the night time, so they would create an illusion of moonlight when they withered away?
Or could it be that someone had intentionally created an illusion of moonlight in order to deceive travelers who were passing by this area?
I was not sure about what it was, but I immediately turned my head around to take a closer look before asking, “What is going on?”
She said, “We are already in Lanyue Valley right now, but master has yet to explain what he is doing in Lanyue Valley.Why are you looking for Enxiu?”
She asked again after hearing what I said.
She was already standing behind me right now, so she had already blocked out all the moonlight from shining onto my body.
Therefore, all I could see was just a few beams of moonlight shining onto my body.
I could see her face very clearly right now, but I was momentarily dazzled by her beauty!
She was looking straight into my eyes right now, and her eyes were very deep and clear.
I had never seen such a clear pair of eyes before!
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
She was also standing in front of me with her hands on her waist right now, and she had already spread out her legs while standing in front of me like a man!
Therefore, I could smell the fragrance coming from her body right now, and she seemed to have a very strong body odor as well.
She was acting like a man while standing in front of me right now, so I was feeling very strange after seeing this.
But why would a woman like me if I were to act like a man?
I didn’t know why, but I felt like I must get to the bottom of this matter right now, so I must try to find out the reason behind this matter!
I had always been a person who has the ability to observe things very clearly, and I had always been able to observe things without being affected by anyone else.
I had always been able to observe things without being being biased by emotions or feelings as well.
But why did I feel like I could not maintain my composure when I was facing her?
Why did I feel like I must try to find out the reason behind this matter?
I was not sure about what was going on with me right now, but I felt like I must get to the bottom of this matter no matter what!
Therefore, I tried my best to calm myself down for a while before bowing towards her and saying, “May I ask where master Enxiu is?”
She had already been looking straight into my eyes with her big clear eyes for quite some time now, but she suddenly smiled after hearing what I said as if she was very satisfied with my attitude.
She looked very beautiful when she smiled, and she seemed to be getting even more beautiful when she smiled.
I had never seen such a beautiful woman before, and I couldn’t help myself from staring blankly at her when I saw her smile.
My mind suddenly went blank when I saw her smile, and I suddenly forgot that I was supposed to be observing her right now.
She continued smiling for quite some time before saying something and snapping me back to reality.
She said, “Master Enxiu is not here right now, but you can come with me now.”
I almost immediately replied, “I am not going to follow you!”
I was feeling very anxious and nervous right now.
What would happen if master Enxiu saw this?
Hadn’t master already told me that master Enxiu had been in love with me since the beginning?
If master Enxiu were to find out that I was going out with someone else now, then wouldn’t master Enxiu be very sad?
What would happen if master Enxiu were to be very sad?
Could it be that what master was telling me was true?
Therefore, why must master lie to me?
I must know the truth!
But why did I feel like the way that master was acting was very mysterious?
There was suddenly a very strange smile on Enxiu’s face right now, and there was also a very strange smile on my face as well.
But why did my heart suddenly feel like it was being grasped by someone else?
I had been walking with Enxiu for quite some time right now, but we were still walking on the same path which was still looking very bright and shiny as before.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
But this was not the most important thing!
I was suddenly feeling very anxious and nervous right now.
Could it be that there were some kind of invisible threads which were trying to bind my heart?
Why did my heart suddenly feel like it was being bound by something else?
Could it be that there were some kind of invisible threads which were trying to bind my heart right now?
But why did my heart suddenly feel like it was being bound by something else even though there were no one else around me apart from Enxiu?
Did Enxiu lay some kind of trap for me to walk into?
Was there some kind of trap which was waiting for me to walk into it?
But what was this mysterious trap which was waiting for me to walk into it?
I didn’t know what was going on, but my mind suddenly went blank after seeing how steep the path in front of us was.
The path in front of us was actually very steep, and it was almost impossible for people to walk on it.
The pavilion in front of us was actually very high in the sky, and it looked like it was going to pierce the sky through.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
There were a lot of stairs in front of us, and we had to climb up the stairs to get to the pavilion.
But this was not the most important thing!
The most important thing was that we had to climb up stairs that were about ten meters high in order to reach the pavilion.
But why did my path suddenly feel so difficult when there were no one else around me apart from Enxiu?
Did Enxiu want to make things difficult for me?
Why did she want to make things difficult for me?
But why did I feel like Enxiu’s steps were so light that they did not even touch the ground?
Was there some kind of mysterious power which was helping her to fly on the ground?
I didn’t know what was going on, but my heart suddenly felt very anxious and nervous.
I had been walking with Enxiu for quite some time right now, but we were still on the same path as before.
But why did my steps feel so heavy that they could almost not move?
Did Enxiu want to make things difficult for me?
Why did she want to make things difficult for me?
I didn’t know what was going on, but my mind suddenly went blank as we walked up the stairs.
There were actually a lot more stairs in front of us than I thought there would be.
But these were not the most important things!
The most important thing was that there were actually a lot more stairs than usual in front of us.
I actually had to use all my strength just to climb up these stairs, but it felt like there was some kind of mysterious power helping me to walk up these stairs as well.
But what could this mysterious power be?
I didn’t know what this mysterious power could be, but this mysterious power seemed to be very powerful as well.
This mysterious power could actually help me to walk up these stairs while using all my strength at the same time as well.
It felt like there was some kind of mysterious power which was helping me to move forward step by step as well.
This mysterious power could actually help me to move forward step by step while using all my strength at the same time.
It felt like there was some kind of mysterious power which was telling me to move forward step by step.
What was this mysterious power which was telling me to move forward step by step?
I didn’t know what this mysterious power could be, but this mysterious power seemed to be very powerful as well.
This mysterious power could actually help me move forward step by step while using all my strength as well.
This pavilion seemed to be even higher than the Gemu Peak, and the view in front of us was even more spectacular than the Gemu Peak.
Did we have to climb up the stairs to get to the pavilion?
The view in front of us was getting more and more beautiful, and the view in front of us was getting more and more beautiful.
It looked like the most beautiful landscape in the world in front of us, and there was nothing else which could compare to it at all.
There was a very beautiful moon in the sky, and the moon was shining through the night sky right now.
It looked like the moon was shining through the night sky, and it was shining through the night sky as well.
There was a very beautiful valley in front of us, and there was a very beautiful moon hanging over the valley right now.
The "Gazing at the Moon" pavilion was actually on top of a cliff, and we could see a lot of waterfalls flowing down from different directions as well.
Secrets of the Matriarchal Kingdom
It looked like there was nothing else in this world which could compare to the beauty in front of us at all.
I never thought that there would be such a beautiful place in this world, and I never thought that there would be such a beautiful place in this world at all.
But there was still one unanswered question left.
How did we get here so fast?
I didn’t know how we got here so fast at all, but we did get here very fast as well.
This place is so beautiful!”
I never thought that the valley would look so beautiful at all, and I never thought that the valley would look so beautiful at all.
I always thought that words couldn’t describe how beautiful this place would look at all.
I always thought that words couldn’t describe how beautiful this place would look at all, and there would be no way for me to describe how beautiful this place actually looks like at all.
But now that I've seen it for myself, I found out that words could actually describe how beautiful this place looks like at all.
This place looks so much prettier than I ever imagined.”
I didn't know how to reply to her compliment, but I didn't know how to reply to her compliment either,”
Now that you’ve seen how beautiful this place is for yourself, do you think that words can describe how beautiful it looks like at all?”
Enxiu didn't know how to reply either,”
Now that you’ve seen how beautiful this place looks like for yourself, do you think that words can describe how beautiful it actually looks like at all?”
I don't think that words can describe how beautiful it looks at all,”
Words can't describe how beautiful it looks at all.”
She gave me a weird expression and laughed,”
You're right; words really can't describe how beautiful it looks at all.”
Then she stopped laughing and looked at me,”
It's so beautiful here, isn't it?”
Yes, it is beautiful here.”I nodded,”
But I still have to go.”
I don't want you to leave.”She shook her head.
I don't want you to leave either.”She shook her head once again.
I don't want you to leave either.”She shook her head again.
I don't want you to leave either.”She shook her head once again.
I don't want you to leave either.”She shook her head once again.
I don't want you to leave either.”She shook her head once again.
I don't want you to leave either.”She shook her head once again.
I don't want you to leave either.”She shook her head once again.
I don't want you to leave either.”She shook her head once again.
I don't want you to leave either.”She shook her head once again.
I don't want you to leave either.”She shook her head once again.
I don't want you to leave either.”The wind was blowing, and the moon was shining through the night sky, making her look even more beautiful than before.