MidReal Story

Love Triangle: Betrayal in High School

Scenario: Özkanın okulda yiğiti sikmesi
Create my version of this story
Özkanın okulda yiğiti sikmesi
I was seven when I met the person who would be my best friend forever.
The moment I saw him, I knew he was going to be an outcast.
He was small, with a mop of blonde hair and a look of pure terror plastered on his face.
“Hi,” I said, extending my hand.
“What’s your name?”
I was tall for my age, with dark hair and big brown eyes.
My mother always said I had a charming smile.
That was the first time I ever used that smile on anyone other than family, but it worked like magic.
The boy smiled back, relief washing over his pale face.
His name was Yiğit.
We spent that summer together, getting into all sorts of trouble.
Even back then, we were as different as night and day.
Yiğit was shy and introverted, while I was loud and outgoing.
He always had his head in a book or was busy creating one of his numerous inventions.
He was the calm to my storm, the yin to my yang.
We had the same goal in life, though: make it big no matter what.
I’d do it with my charm, he said, while he’d do it with his brains.
That summer felt like a dream, but just like all dreams do, it had to come to an end.
My father got a job offer in Istanbul, so we packed up our life in Ankara and moved to the big city.
I didn’t think I’d ever see Yiğit again and I cried for days over that fact.
But Fate had other plans for us because when school started in September, I walked into my new class and there he was waiting for me.
We ran towards each other and hugged as if we hadn’t seen each other in years instead of just two months.
It was then that we made a promise: no matter what happened, no matter who came between us, we would always be there for each other.
Nothing would ever change that between us.
The years rolled by and that promise never wavered.
We went through everything together: schoolyard fights, heartbreaks and first kisses.
Yiğit was the voice of reason and I was the one who got him in trouble with our parents on more than one occasion.
I could read him like an open book; I knew all his secrets and he knew mine.
That’s why even though he never said anything, I knew something was going on with him.
Love Triangle: Betrayal in High School
“Hey,” I said as I sat down next to him in math class.
He grunted in response but didn’t lift his eyes from his notebook in front of him.
“Are you okay?”
“Uh-huh,” he said with a nod of his head.
I arched an eyebrow as he chewed on his bottom lip; that meant he had something to say but couldn’t find the words to say it.
It was our last year in high school and we were getting ready to take our university entrance exams.
Yiğit had always been the more serious of us two; he was ambitious and had his whole life planned out already while I still had my head up in the clouds trying to figure things out for myself.
“Do you have a problem with me?”
I asked him straight out, not beating around the bush like he would have done if he were in my shoes.
“I-I don’t know,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders and finally met my eyes.
When he saw me staring at him in silence, he quickly glanced back down at his notebook again and cleared his throat before saying, “Forget I said anything.”
But how could I forget?
We were walking through the crowded halls of our high school, Yiğit and I, when we saw her.
She was standing by her locker with a group of her friends, talking and laughing.
Her name was Elif, and she was beautiful.
She had nice hair, medium height, brown eyes and a body for days.
But she wasn’t just beautiful; she was smart too.
She had the highest GPA in our grade and wanted to become a doctor.
I’d seen her around school but never really paid attention to her until that day.
My heart started beating faster and my palms began to sweat.
No girl had ever done that to me before.
I turned towards Yiğit, just in time to see his eyes widen as he stared at her.
His cheeks turned pink as he quickly looked away from her before he could get caught checking her out.
“So, what do you think?”
I asked my best friend, my eyes never leaving Elif’s beautiful face as she talked to her friends again.
Yiğit swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat before saying, “She’s pretty, isn’t she?”
I growled under my breath.
He had no claim over her.
I hadn’t even met her yet, but I already knew that she was going to be mine.
“Don’t even think about it,” I said, glaring at him.
He blinked in confusion as he asked me, “Think about what?”
“She’s mine,” I said as I pointed a finger in her direction.
He opened his mouth to say something but then thought better of it, so he just nodded his head.
Yiğit and I were like two sides of the same coin, but when it came to girls, we’d never been each other’s competition before.
In fact, I’d never even seen him look at a girl the way he looked at her.
He wanted her too.
But he couldn’t have her because she was mine.
When did this happen?
How did this happen?
Love Triangle: Betrayal in High School
Ben senden hoşlanıyorum dedi özkan
Özkan senti ağzımda küfür tadıyla bağırdım.
“Why don’t you just admit that you two are dating?”
Yiğit accused me.
I raised an eyebrow as I asked him, “Why would you say that?”
We were in the locker room after PE.
Yiğit had just stormed in and demanded that I come with him.
Apparently, he had something important to say.
“It’s obvious that you like her,” Yiğit said as he glared at me.
“Who doesn’t like Elif?”
I asked him as if it were a no-brainer.
“She’s beautiful, smart, and kind.
And of course, she’s my girlfriend.”
“You can drop the act,” Yiğit said as he waved his hand in the air.
“Come on, Yiğit,” I said with an exasperated sigh.
“What did you want to talk about so urgently that we had to leave school?”
“I wanted to talk about you and Elif,” Yiğit answered as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Okay, what about us?”
I asked him, not sure what this conversation was supposed to be about.
“Özkan, come on,” he said as he rolled his eyes at me.
“What?” I asked again, not understanding where he was going with this conversation.
“I just want to know why you’d choose Elif over our friendship,” Yiğit said as he stared at me, waiting for an answer.
I blinked in shock as I asked him, “Are you serious right now?”
“Özkan, I should be the one asking you if you’re serious,” he said, starting to get frustrated again.
Why was he mad?
“What did I do to make you angry?”
I asked him, looking around the room as if I could find the answer written on the walls.
He shook his head as he sighed and said, “I can’t believe you’re going to make me say it.”
“Say what?”
I asked, still confused.
He groaned as he raked a hand through his hair before saying, “You need to apologize to Elif.”
My eyes widened in shock as I asked him, “For what?”
“For being such a jerk to her,” he said, glaring at me.
Yiğit was my best friend and I loved him like a brother.
He was always the voice of reason in our friendship and he had this annoying habit of being right.
But he was being an idiot right now.
I wasn’t going to apologize for falling in love with Elif.
I didn’t want to hurt his feelings and lose his friendship over a girl.
But I wasn’t going to apologize for falling in love with her either.
It wasn’t my fault that I was more handsome than Yiğit and had Elif’s attention.
It wasn’t my fault that I was sexier than Yiğit and Elif liked me more.
And it definitely wasn’t my fault that I was in love with Elif and she was in love with me too.
Yiğit had never told me how he felt about Elif and I hadn’t known that he liked her until she’d already fallen for me.
If he had told me how he felt from the beginning, maybe none of this would’ve happened.
“I’m not apologizing for anything,” I told him as I shook my head.
“Özkan, you’re always like this.”
“What do you mean?”
Love Triangle: Betrayal in High School
Seni sevdiğimi hicbir zaman gormedin
Yiğit asked me as he narrowed his eyes at me, looking like he wanted to punch me in the face.
Even if it was true, even if I’d never seen the way he looked at Elif and acted as if his heart would explode from the force of his emotions…
“What are you talking about?”
I asked him, pretending to be confused because I didn't want to deal with this right now.
I knew that Yiğit liked Elif but I wasn’t going to apologize for falling in love with her first.
“What did you want to say about Elif?”
I asked him as I tried to change the subject.
Yiğit narrowed his eyes at me as he shook his head before saying, “Forget it.”
“Yiğit,” I said as I followed Yiğit out of the locker room and into the hallway.
“Wait up!”
But Yiğit didn't stop or turn around to look at me.
He just kept walking away from me as if we weren’t best friends who had grown up together and been through everything together.
“Wait up, man,” I yelled as I ran after him and finally caught up to him.
He turned around to look at me and asked, “What do you want?”
I knew that I was the one who had done something wrong, but I didn’t want to talk about it with Yiğit right now.
I was mad at him for trying to make me feel guilty for falling in love with Elif, but I would deal with that later.
“Why are you so angry?”
I asked him, pretending that I didn’t know what he was mad about.
Yiğit glared at me as he said, “You know exactly why I’m mad.”
“Why are you always so full of yourself?”
he asked me, his eyes narrowed into slits and his lips pursed in a thin line, which meant that I was in trouble because it was his way of showing that he was angry at me.
I sighed as I raked a hand through my dark hair and said, “Come on, man.”
Yiğit was the only one allowed to touch my hair without asking and I knew that he was the only one who could calm me down when I was angry and frustrated.
He had always been like that, even when we were kids.
He would calm me down and help me see reason when I was about to do something stupid.
And he would even go along with my crazy ideas and plans.
He was always there to defend me when I got into fights and to cover for me when we did something that would have gotten us into trouble if our parents found out.
He was also the one who helped me make up with our teachers whenever I got into trouble and he would always look out for me.
And even though he was always on my side, he always made sure to tell me when I was wrong or being an idiot.
Yiğit may be short and shy, but he was also strong and brave.
He never hesitated to stand up to anyone or anything for what he believed in and he had this way of making people see things from his point of view.
Yiğit was my best friend and I loved him like a brother because he was always there for me, no matter how crazy or stupid I was.
And he knew exactly what to do to help me feel better when I was sad or upset, even when we were kids.
Love Triangle: Betrayal in High School
I had always been the more adventurous one while Yiğit preferred to avoid getting in trouble whenever possible.
I was outgoing and popular because I had this way of making people like and admire me and I knew how to make people laugh.
But I was also impulsive and did things without thinking them through sometimes and that often landed us in trouble.
Yiğit, on the other hand, was more reserved and introverted and he was not as popular as me because he didn’t talk much, especially to people he didn’t know.
But he was intelligent and hardworking and he had this way of making people respect him because they could see how thoughtful and considerate he was.
Even though we were different in many ways, we had been friends since we were kids because we had grown up together.
And I knew that he would always be there for me, no matter what.
“Come on,” I said, smiling at him as I threw my arm around his shoulders and steered him back towards our classroom, “I’m sorry.”
Yiğit gave me a small smile before he said, “It’s okay.”
He knew that I didn’t mean any harm by falling in love with Elif’s sister, but he didn’t approve of it either because he thought that she was too good for me.
And even though he was right, it still made me angry that he would try to make me feel guilty for wanting to be with someone that made me happy.
Yiğit could be so annoying sometimes, but he was also the most important person in the world to me.
So even though it was hard, I knew that we would work things out eventually.
As soon as the bell rang, we grabbed our backpacks and ran out of the classroom before our teacher had a chance to tell us to stay behind.
We were excited because we had decided to skip school and go to a music festival instead, and we didn’t want to get caught before we had a chance to leave.
Even though we had done it many times before, we were still worried that we would get caught and in trouble, especially since it was exam week and we didn’t want to get into more trouble than necessary.
But we had been planning to go to the festival for weeks and we didn’t want to miss it just because we had to take exams, so we had decided to skip school instead.
I was more than happy to do it because it meant that I would have a chance to have some fun instead of spending all day taking exams.
Yiğit didn’t like the idea at first because he was worried that we would get caught, but he knew that I wouldn’t skip school alone and that he wouldn’t be able to stop me from going if I wanted to.
So instead of letting me go by myself, he decided to go with me, even though he didn’t want to.
I knew that he was only doing it because he didn’t want me to get into trouble, but it still made me happy that he was there with me.
It was the same reason why I went along with his crazy ideas and plans even when I didn’t want to, because I knew how much it meant to him.
And even though I got us into trouble many times, I knew that he would always be there for me, no matter what.
As soon as we were out of the classroom, we ran to the school gate and jumped over it before we hurried towards the bus station.
We were lucky that the festival was being held on a school day because it meant that there were fewer people around, which made it easier for us to leave without getting caught.
Love Triangle: Betrayal in High School
But just as we were about to leave, Yiğit stopped and turned around, which made me stop as well as I waited for him to speak.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to get a note from my doctor before we leave?”
he asked, and I immediately knew what he was referring too since it wasn’t the first time that I had done it before.
During one of our previous adventures, I had gotten into an accident and hurt myself, which meant that I needed to see a doctor before I could leave school and go home.
But instead of giving me a note like any other patient, the doctor had given me a thermometer and told me to put it under my tongue and wait for a minute so that she could take my temperature.
Even though it was an easy task, I had still managed to mess it up by biting down on the thermometer too hard, which made it break in my mouth before she came back and took it out so that she could read the results.
When the thermometer broke, the mercury spilled out and started to drip down my mouth and throat, which made me gag and throw up all over the floor just as the door opened and she walked in to see me standing there with tears in my eyes and vomit all over my face and clothes.
I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t look at her in the eyes the entire time she was cleaning me up and scolding me for what I had done, but when I finally did, it made me want to laugh because her face was so serious and angry that it made her look like a completely different person than the kind and gentle woman who had accompanied me to the room earlier.
But since Yiğit was there with me, I knew that I couldn’t laugh out loud or else we would get into more trouble than necessary, so I tried to hold it in and only let a small chuckle escape instead.
He could see how hard it was for me not to laugh, which made him start to laugh as well, and even though it wasn’t as loud as mine, it was enough for us to get into more trouble than necessary since she thought that we were laughing at her and not with each other like we really were.
So since then, Yiğit always offered to get a note for his doctor whenever I got into an accident and hurt myself again, no matter how small it was or if it wasn’t necessary for him to do it at all.
As soon as he said it, I knew that he was referring to the class that came after break time because it was the only one that we both hated and wanted to skip myself.
Love Triangle: Betrayal in High School
Even though grades were important to me and I didn’t want to fail or get held back a year like I did before, I knew that it wasn’t worth it to attend a class where I would be bored and wouldn’t learn anything because most of the things they taught us was something we already knew or didn’t make sense to us at all.
We were always at odds with the system and authorities who tried to control us in any way or form just to show them that they couldn’t tell us what to do and how to act no matter what we looked like or how old we were compared to them.
And it wasn’t just because our parents were teachers themselves and taught us from a young age to question everything and not accept anything they said as the truth or law and gospel like the rest of our classmates who were too scared to speak up or defend themselves when they were being abused and mistreated by their teachers who thought they were above them in every way and form just because they were older and had more experience than them in their field of study.
There was always a line that we never crossed and respected when it came to our teachers and how we treated them compared to our classmates who only stopped what they were doing and listened when they talked or moved around.
But when it came to our privacy or personal lives, we made sure that we kept it separate from our professional lives and didn’t mix intimacy between us into the equation when we spoke to them.
And even though most of our teachers were understanding and reasonable when it came to how they treated us compared to our classmates who didn’t know how to read or write as well as we did and got bored or distracted easily when we were in class with them, some of them weren’t nice or fair and abused their power over us by giving us more work than necessary and not grading us fairly like they should have been in the first place.
Our chemistry teacher was one of them and was always giving us something to do or work on when he didn’t feel like teaching or talking in class and wanted to be left alone with his thoughts and daydreams.
Even though he was nice and kind to us most of the time and never raised his voice or laid a hand on us when he was angry or upset about something that we did or didn’t do ourselves, he was also unfair and rude to us whenever he felt like it and wanted to take it out on us since we were his students and couldn’t defend ourselves against him like the other teachers who were older and more experienced than him were able to do so.
Love Triangle: Betrayal in High School
And that was exactly what happened after I stood up for myself and Yiğit in class and talked back to him in front of everyone.
He reported me to the principal’s office and told him that I disrespected him by talking back to him in class when he asked me why I did it.
But I didn’t care or regret anything that I said or did and made sure that he knew it when I looked him in the eyes and told him so before Yiğit and I left the room together.
I felt good and relieved after I let my anger out and spoke my mind to him without any hesitation or fear of what would happen next.
And even though I knew that I would get in trouble for doing so and be forced to face the consequences of my actions and words sooner or later, I didn’t let it bother me or show it on my face when I kept walking down the hallways with Yiğit beside me and pretended that nothing happened between me and him inside of class.
But Yiğit knew that I didn’t mean it and wasn’t being honest with him when he looked at me and saw that I was lying and hiding something from him while I kept my face blank and expressionless while I walked next to him.
“Hey, wait for me!”
I stopped and looked back when Ahmet called us and saw that he was right behind us when we stopped and waited for him to catch up to us.
He asked us if we were going to lunch and wanted to come with us and eat together like we always did and made sure that we sat next to each other at the same table and stayed there until our break was over and it was time for us to leave and go back inside for our next class.
I told him that we were and asked him if he was hungry and wanted to join us and eat with us before it was too late and all the food was gone or everyone else already left for their next class like they did sometimes without telling us or waiting for us like they should have been doing but weren’t most of the time and treated us like outsiders or strangers who didn’t know how to speak or act properly around them.
I also asked him if he wanted me and Yiğit to save a seat for him and waited for his response while Yiğit looked at me and asked me if it was ok for him to sit next to one of his friends at another table instead of sitting with the rest of the group like usual.
I told him that it was and that it didn’t matter where he sat and ate since we all came together in the first place and had fun and laughed together every day like we always did after they came back from their break and spent it alone without us since they were all busy and had different schedules than we did.
We walked down the hallways together and made sure that we didn’t run into anyone else or get in anyone’s way like they always did to us whenever they saw us coming and tried to make fun of us or pick on us without any reason or warning so that we would leave them alone and not bother them like we did all the time.
But they were wrong about us, and it wasn’t true or fair to them since we never bothered or picked on them first like they said or thought we did.
We only stood up for ourselves whenever they tried to mess with us or make fun of us in front of our classmates who didn’t know how to read or write as well as we did.
But we made sure to keep it to ourselves whenever they did it to us so that we wouldn’t get in trouble or be sent to the principal’s office again like we were before when they fought with us first after we told them to go away and leave us alone multiple times before they listened to what we said and left us alone by ourselves after we said it.
Love Triangle: Betrayal in High School
Kafetaryaya birlikte yürüdük yiğit yemek için sıraya girdi bende arkadan yaklaşıp ona dayadım
I walked behind Ahmet and waited for Yiğit in line to order our food for lunch and looked around the room while I was waiting for them and saw that there were a lot of empty tables but no empty seats left at any of them since everyone already took one for themselves before we came inside after they finished eating their food but didn’t bother to wait or save one for their friends or classmates like they promised to do every time they went out for lunch or break before they went back inside for their next class again like they were supposed to do instead of leaving everyone behind or forgetting about them after they left like they did to us sometimes without telling us first.
Then I saw some people getting up from their seats at another table across from us and coming towards me and Yiğit but didn’t know why they were doing it or where they were going until I saw some more people coming from behind them after they saw them walking towards me and Yiğit that made them stop whatever they were doing before they could reach us like they were planning to do before someone else saw them doing it first and got mad at them for not getting permission first before making a move against other students or teachers in school.I looked at them as they walked past me and Yiğit without saying anything else afterwards once they stopped caring about what they were doing before at first but didn’t know why until I realized that there were more people coming from behind me and Yiğit who were looking at them too instead of paying attention to what they were doing before they reacted like I did just now when I realized what they were doing before but didn’t see until now when I looked back at them later on at the same time as Yiğit did too but didn’t say anything to each other about it afterwards until later on after we left for our break again.
Then I saw some more people coming from behind me too while I was looking back at them still who stopped walking when they saw me looking at them too instead of looking forward or minding my own business afterwards like I should have done before someone else saw me too instead of paying attention to them before I reacted too late once again like I always did whenever something happened to me that wasn’t supposed to happen if I was paying more attention to what was going on around me instead of looking around all the time for no reason just because I was bored or didn’t have anything better to do afterwards once I realized that there was nothing else for me to do anymore except wait for my turn to come up next so that I could order my food too sooner or later before it was too late again.
“Özkan, Yiğit, how are you guys doing today?
Are you hungry like the rest of us?
Did you guys tell the others about what happened today in class earlier this morning with Mr.
Korkmaz?” Ahmet asked us about how we were feeling today before he saw what happened between me and Yiğit earlier this morning in class this morning before he went home for lunch today again like he always did every day before he came back inside after it was over for break time later on afterwards once he saw my reaction towards him this afternoon right now too.
He also wanted to know if me and Yiğit wanted to talk about what happened between me and Mr.
Korkmaz and see if there was anything he could do to help us out or make things easier for us to deal with in the future next time too in class again like he always did whenever he saw something happening to us or someone else who was in trouble and needed him to step in and do something about it so that things wouldn’t get worse for them or anyone else around them again like it did earlier this morning with me and Yiğit in class this morning too.
We told him that we were fine and nothing happened to us today in our class this morning but didn’t tell anyone about it before he came back from break time during lunch earlier this afternoon right now too because it wasn’t necessary to tell anyone about it at this time just yet since no one knew what happened to us in class except for the two of us who were there at the time when it happened too.
But he saw that something did happen between us after we left the classroom and wanted to know what happened between us next and if everything was ok between us afterwards too soon or late once again like he always did whenever he saw us doing something together alone by ourselves when no one else was there too.
We told him that we were fine and everything was ok between us like always but didn’t tell him that something did happen to us earlier this morning with Mr.
Korkmaz in class too because it wasn’t necessary anymore at this time after it already happened to us once before earlier this morning with him in class already so didn’t bother to tell anyone else about it now that it was over with after he left us alone outside afterwards once it was finished again after he was done with us before he let us go too and went back inside for our next class to start around soon or later like usual after lunch was over and break time was finished too.
Love Triangle: Betrayal in High School
İçeri girdik yerimize oturduk ve hocanın gelmesini beklerken alttan alttan yiğitin poposunu ellemeye başladım
I was bored out of my mind in chemistry class.
I wasn't really paying attention to the teacher at all, though I usually did.
It was just the same old topic over and over again, and I was tired of it.
I'd heard it enough times already; I didn't need another lecture on the periodic table.
So instead, I was doing the one thing that could always keep me entertained: messing with my best friend, Yiğit.
Some people found it weird that I could still pay attention in class even while I was messing around, but I'd always been able to multitask like that.
In fact, I was so used to it that I didn't even realize when my hand slipped a little further than normal and I brushed against something soft and warm.
Yiğit jumped up out of his seat, sending his chair flying backwards as he looked around frantically.
I followed his gaze and let out a low whistle when I saw what had caught his attention.
It wasn't unusual for us to cause a stir when we entered a room, since everyone knew that wherever Özkan Yılmaz and Yiğit Demir went, chaos always followed.
But the girl who had just entered the room had nothing to do with us, yet she was still managing to draw attention all on her own.
The first thing I noticed about her was her beauty; she had a striking face with sharp angles and high cheekbones.
Her hair was dark and shiny, falling in a smooth curtain around her shoulders that went all the way down her back.
She was tall and slim, with a figure that any model would kill for.
But it wasn't just her looks.
She had a presence about her that was impossible to ignore, an air of confidence that seemed to radiate from her like a halo.
And the way she looked around the room, her eyes flitting from one person to the next as if she were scanning the area for potential threats, made it clear that she was incredibly intelligent as well.
But what intrigued me most of all was the way she stared straight at me, her gaze somehow managing to lock onto mine from across the room, even though there were dozens of other people between us.
When she saw me, a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, and it felt like I'd been punched in the gut.
What the hell?
Who was this girl and why did it feel like she could see straight through me?
Before I had a chance to figure out what was going on, the teacher called for our attention and the girl turned around and walked up to the front of the classroom.
She glanced at Mr.
Korkmaz and gave him a small nod, and then she turned back around and looked at us, her eyes scanning the room once more.
She stopped when she saw me and Yiğit, and the smile on her face grew wider.
“Hello,” she said.
“My name is Elif Kaya, and I'll be joining your class today.”
Elif Kaya, I thought, trying out the name for size.
I didn't recognize it, so it must mean that she was new.
Had she been assigned to our class after semester break, or had she moved here from somewhere else?
I didn't know, but either way, I had a feeling that things were about to get a lot more interesting around here soon.
I wasn't the only one who seemed to think so, either, because everyone was staring at her, their eyes wide with shock and surprise.
Except for Yiğit, of course.
He just rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, “Just another girl Özkan's going to forget about in two weeks.
Love Triangle: Betrayal in High School