MidReal Story

Eclipsed Valor

Scenario: Power Girl narrows her eyes suspiciously, sensing something off as you move closer. She might enjoy a bit of fun, but she's no fool; years of heroics have honed her instincts. What do you think you're up to? She says firmly, taking a step back and preparing herself for any possible threat. Her voice becomes stern, the playfulness evaporating like morning mist. Despite the danger she senses, Power Girl can't help but feel a sudden drain on her powers as the effect of the Kryptonite begins to take hold. But she won't let that stop her so easily. Nice try, slick… she grunts out through gritted teeth, struggling against the weakening effects. Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not nice to surprise a lady with such… dirty tricks? With sheer willpower and determination burning in her eyes, Power Girl forces herself to stand tall. Let's cut this game short before someone gets hurt. Her stance is one of defiance—though weakened by Kryptonite, there’s a formidable strength within Karen Starr that doesn’t easily bend. Now why don't we put away the party tricks and handle this like two adults—if you think you can manage that without resorting to sneaky tactics. Sweat beads on her forehead from exertion—as much from resisting your treachery as from maintaining composure in spite of it—but despite your attempt at deceit, Power Girl isn’t down for the count just yet.
Create my version of this story
Power Girl narrows her eyes suspiciously, sensing something off as you move closer. She might enjoy a bit of fun, but she's no fool; years of heroics have honed her instincts. What do you think you're up to? She says firmly, taking a step back and preparing herself for any possible threat. Her voice becomes stern, the playfulness evaporating like morning mist. Despite the danger she senses, Power Girl can't help but feel a sudden drain on her powers as the effect of the Kryptonite begins to take hold. But she won't let that stop her so easily. Nice try, slick… she grunts out through gritted teeth, struggling against the weakening effects. Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not nice to surprise a lady with such… dirty tricks? With sheer willpower and determination burning in her eyes, Power Girl forces herself to stand tall. Let's cut this game short before someone gets hurt. Her stance is one of defiance—though weakened by Kryptonite, there’s a formidable strength within Karen Starr that doesn’t easily bend. Now why don't we put away the party tricks and handle this like two adults—if you think you can manage that without resorting to sneaky tactics. Sweat beads on her forehead from exertion—as much from resisting your treachery as from maintaining composure in spite of it—but despite your attempt at deceit, Power Girl isn’t down for the count just yet.
I’m no stranger to danger.
I’ve been fighting evil for years, and as a result I’m able to sense when things are about to go down.
It’s like a sixth sense that’s been finely honed by years of experience, allowing me to know when to prepare for battle.
As I sensed that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach, I knew that something was off.
I didn’t know what it was, but I knew that something was wrong.
As I looked around, I saw nothing out of the ordinary, but I knew that something was definitely off.
Suddenly, I was hit with a wave of weakness, my powers draining out of me.
It was like someone had pulled the plug, and all the energy was rushing out of me faster than I could stop it.
But I wasn’t going to stop it—I wasn’t going to let it beat me.
I may have been weakened, but I was still strong.
I had more than enough power in me to take whatever—or whoever—was trying to take me down.
I turned to face my attacker, my vision blurry and my ears ringing.
“Whoa there, Power Girl,” a familiar voice said, “Easy on the eyes, would you?”
I shook my head, trying to clear the fog that had settled over my vision.
My powers were almost gone now, and I could barely make out the figure in front of me.
“Sorry about that,” I said, my voice sounding weak even to my own ears, “But if you want me to take it easy on you, then you better stop attacking me.”
The figure laughed, the sound chilling me to my core.
It was like nails on a chalkboard, sending shivers down my spine.
“Who said I wanted you to take it easy on me?”
I shook my head again, trying to clear away the last of the fog.
The figure didn’t move, standing there as still as a statue.
“Come on,” I said, “If you’re going to come at me, you better make it good.”
The figure didn’t move, and for a second I thought maybe they had given up and were leaving.
Then something hit me hard in the chest, sending me flying back a few feet.
I landed hard on the ground, the wind knocked out of me.
As I lay there gasping for breath, I heard the figure start to move towards me.
Eclipsed Valor
My powers were still draining, and I could barely muster up the energy to stand.
I knew I had to do something, but what?
My eyes darted around, looking for something—anything—that I could use to my advantage.
But there was nothing.
For the first time in my life, I was powerless, and I wasn’t sure if there was anything I could do about it.
I gathered up what little strength I had left and forced myself to stand.
The figure was getting closer now, and I could finally make out their face.
I didn’t recognize them, but that didn’t matter.
I had faced plenty of enemies in my time, and I knew exactly how to handle them.
The figure was almost on top of me now, and I could see the wicked smile that twisted their face.
I braced myself, ready for whatever they were going to throw at me.
I may have been drained of my powers, but I was still Power Girl, and I wasn’t going down without a fight.
They say that the most dangerous person is the one who has nothing left to lose.
And right now, that was me.
I had no idea who—or what—was draining my powers, but I wasn’t going to let them get away with it.
I had faced plenty of enemies in my time, and I knew better than to underestimate any of them—especially not one who was able to drain me so easily.
My body tensed as the figure raised their arm, readying themselves for another strike.
I tensed my muscles, ready to dodge their blow and strike back with all the power I had left.
Then something strange happened—the figure stopped, dropping their arm back down to their side.
For a moment, there was silence, and then someone started shooting at me.
Bullets rained down on me from all sides, but I managed to deflect them with my bracers.
The figure didn’t stop shooting, their gun clicking empty as I stood there calmly blocking their bullets.
I could see the look of shock on their face as they dropped their weapon and ran towards me.
“Impressive,” they said as they came closer, “Even without your powers, you’re still pretty tough.”
I raised an eyebrow at them, unfazed by their words.
“Who are you?”
I asked, my voice stronger now that my powers were no longer being drained.
The figure stopped in front of me, their grin widening.
“You don’t recognize me?”
they asked, “I’m hurt, Power Girl.
After all we’ve been through together, you don’t even remember me?”
I shook my head, my eyes narrowing in suspicion.
“I don’t know who you are,” I said, “But I do know one thing—I’m not going down without a fight.”
The figure laughed, the sound sending a chill down my spine.
“Oh, Powerless Girl,” they said, “You never stood a chance.”
And then they attacked.
My vision cleared as my powers returned, and I could finally see my attacker for what they really were.
It was a woman—a beautiful woman with dark hair and piercing eyes.
There was something about her that seemed familiar, but I couldn’t quite place it.
It didn’t matter though—I had more than enough power in me now to take her down.
Eclipsed Valor
She didn’t give me time to attack her though.
“Did you really think it would be that easy, Powerless Girl?”
she taunted, “Did you really think you could take me down so quickly?”
I frowned, my eyes narrowing in confusion.
How did she know my name?
How did she know that my powers had been drained?
But before I could ask her any of these questions, she waved a hand and the force hit me again.
My powers were draining away, and this time, it was even worse than before.
I dropped to my knees, gasping for breath as I tried to fight off the weakness that was overtaking me.
The woman watched me with a smirk on her face, her arms crossed as she waited for me to recover.
It took everything I had not to give up—to give in and let her win.
But I was Power Girl, damn it, and I would never let anyone defeat me—not even someone who could drain my powers like this.
Finally, the weakness passed and my strength returned.
I stood up and faced the woman again, my eyes blazing with fury.
“What do you want from me?”
I demanded, “Who are you, and why are you doing this?”
The woman laughed, the sound sending shivers down my spine.
“You don’t remember me, do you, Powerless Girl?”
she mocked, “I should have known that you wouldn’t—after all, you have no memory of what happened before you came here.”
I frowned, confused by her words.
“Before I came here?
What are you talking about?”
The woman smirked, a glint of malice in her eyes.
“I’m talking about the Kryptonite-infused bullets that have been weakening you,” she said, “You may not know this, but I’m the one who created them.
And now, you’re going to pay for what you did to me.”
I shook my head, trying to make sense of her words.
“I don’t understand,” I said, “I haven’t done anything to you.
I’ve never even met you before.”
The woman’s smirk widened, and she took a step towards me.
“You may not remember me,” she said, “But I remember you.
And I’ll never let you forget what you did.”
“What did I do?”
I demanded, my fists clenched at my sides.
The woman laughed—a cold, cruel sound that made my blood run cold.
“You ruined my life,” she said, “And now I’m going to ruin yours.
But first…”
She raised her arm and the force hit me again, draining my powers and leaving me weak and helpless once more.
Only this time, it was different.
This time, I could feel the Kryptonite in her veins—pumping through her body and giving her the power to drain me like this.
And suddenly, everything made sense.
It was so obvious that I couldn’t believe I hadn’t realized it before.
The woman saw the realization on my face and smirked.
“That’s right,” she said, “I’m like you—I’m a Kryptonian too.And that means I’m entitled to use Kryptonite against you any way I see fit.”
I shook my head, trying to make sense of what was happening.
This was a nightmare—a living nightmare that I couldn’t wake up from no matter how hard I tried.
But I wasn’t going to let this woman beat me.
Eclipsed Valor
I refused to be taken down by someone who had less experience than a high school cheerleader.
I could feel my powers slipping away, the energy draining from me like water from a broken faucet.
But I held on—I didn’t let go.
I couldn’t afford to lose my powers, not when I had no idea what I was up against.
The woman was still watching me, waiting for me to make a move.
But I knew that she wouldn’t give me a chance to attack her before she hit me with that force again.
I needed to find a way to stop her, but I had no idea how.
My X-ray vision couldn’t detect the source of the force, and I knew that if I used it again, I would only drain myself faster.
But there had to be something I could do—some way to fight back.
I just needed to figure out what it was.
The tingling sensation was back, creeping up my spine like a thousand tiny spiders.
I grimaced, trying to ignore it as I clung to the last remnants of my strength.
I wouldn’t let this woman drain me—not if I could help it.
With all the strength I could muster, I raised my arm and fired an energy blast at the source of the force.
The woman didn’t see it coming, but she recovered quickly, raising her own arm to deflect the blast before it hit her.
I didn’t give up though.
I kept firing energy blasts at her, one after another, until finally, she was forced to stop.
She frowned, annoyed by my persistence.
“Are you done yet?”
she snapped, “Or do you need me to teach you a lesson?”
I didn’t answer her—instead, I fired another blast at her face.
She raised her arm to deflect it again, but this time, I didn’t stop there.
I fired a second blast at her chest, knocking her off balance before she could recover.
And then I charged at her, moving faster than she could react.
I raised my fist, ready to deliver a knockout blow that would end this fight once and for all.
But before I could strike, the force hit me again, harder than ever before.
It was like being hit by a Mack truck, and it sent me flying across the room.
I crashed into the wall and slumped to the ground, dazed and disoriented.
The woman was standing over me, her arms crossed as she watched me recover.
“Did you really think you could beat me that easily?”
she taunted, “Did you really think I would let you get away with attacking me like that?”
I shook my head, trying to clear the cobwebs from my brain.
I had been so focused on using my powers to fight back that I hadn’t even considered the consequences.
The Kryptonite was draining me—of course it was.
And every time I used my superhuman abilities, it only made it worse.
I needed to find another way to defeat this woman, and fast—before it was too late.
I forced myself to stand up, ignoring the dizziness that threatened to overwhelm me.
Eclipsed Valor
she started to undres me
The woman raised her hands, and I could feel the energy start to drain from my body.
It was like a thousand tiny pins and needles stabbing into my skin, sapping my strength with every move that I made.
I clenched my fists, trying to hold on for as long as possible.
I would not be defeated—not by her, not by anyone.
With a roar of rage, I lunged at her, ready to end this once and for all.
I had never felt so weak before—so powerless.
But I was Power Girl, dammit.
And I refused to let anyone take that away from me.
I grabbed the woman’s arms and tried to pry her fingers off me, but she was too strong.
She laughed as I struggled against her grip, taunting me as my strength continued to wane.
I could barely stand anymore—my legs were shaking so badly that I could hardly keep myself upright.
But still, I fought on.
I didn’t care how weak she made me—I would find a way to beat her.
With a final burst of effort, I summoned all my strength and pushed her away.
She stumbled back, surprised by my sudden show of force.
And that was when I struck.
With a primal scream of rage, I lunged at her one more time.
I didn’t wait for her to recover—I just kept coming.
She tried to defend herself, but it was no use.
She was no match for me.
Not when I was this angry.
Not when I was this determined.
And then she caught me off guard.
I didn’t see it coming.
There was a bright flash of light—and then everything went black.
I felt myself falling.
Falling through the air in a free-fall that seemed like it would never end.
My body slammed into the ground with a thud that sent shockwaves of pain radiating through every nerve in my body.
I lay there for a moment, stunned and disoriented.
But before I could even begin to recover, there was another blow—a second impact that hit me even harder than the first.
I tried to get up—to defend myself—but my body wouldn’t respond.
It was like my limbs were made of cement.
And then I saw him—a figure cloaked in darkness, his features obscured so that I couldn’t make out his face.
He moved like the wind, darting back and forth around me so quickly that I could barely keep up.
I tried to track his movements—to anticipate his next attack—but he was too fast for me.
I couldn’t see him coming until it was already too late.
And then he struck again, landing a powerful blow that sent me skidding across the ground.
I crashed into the wall, leaving a splatter of blood in my wake.
But I barely felt the pain—not when there were this many at stake.
This man was no ordinary attacker.
He was strong and fast, with powers that rivaled my own.
And he wasn’t pulling any punches.
He wanted me dead—and he might just get his wish if I didn’t do something fast.
I forced myself to stand up, willing my body to move despite the agony that wracked every muscle and bone in my body.
I had been hit before—I could take a few licks if I had to.
Eclipsed Valor
undressing me
But I couldn’t just stand here and let him keep hitting me, either.
At this rate, I would be dead before long—and that was something that I absolutely could not allow to happen.
Not today of all days.
Not when there were still so many lives that needed saving.
So I did what I always did—I hit back twice as hard.
It wasn’t easy—not when my body felt like it had been run over by a freight train—but I refused to give up the fight.
I could feel my strength returning as I fought, seeping back into my veins as I pushed myself to go on.
My attacker might have been fast, but I was faster—and stronger, too.
Much, much stronger than he could ever hope to be.
I punched him square in the jaw, hitting him so hard that his head snapped back with a sickening crack before he crumpled to the ground in a heap.
But even then, I didn’t stop—not until he stopped moving entirely.
I stood there for a moment, trying to catch my breath as I surveyed the damage that had been done.
But even as I did, I knew that this wasn’t over—not by a long shot.
Eclipsed Valor
exposed and naked
The figure walked over to me and grabbed me by the arms, pinning them to my side and effectively rendering them useless in the process.
Even though it was still invisible to me, I could tell that it was trying to control me in some way, perhaps even trying to make me submit to its will.
But I refused to give in, even as it drew closer and closer to me, its breath hot and fetid on my face.
I knew that it had to be the one who had been draining me of my power and that it had been using kryptonite to do so.
It was the only thing that made sense in that moment, and as the figure moved closer to me, I saw the green light of the rock in its hands and knew that I was right all along.
It was definitely holding kryptonite, and now that it was so close to me, I could feel the energy being drained from me more than ever before—as if it were leeching away at my very soul.
But even as it did, I felt something else inside of me—an incredible determination and strength that hadn’t been there before and that was fighting against the energy drain with all that it had.
The figure said something to me then—some taunt or jeer or other—but it was so distorted and chilling that I could barely understand a word of what it said.
“Why don’t you come out and show yourself?”
I asked, finding that my own voice was strong and steady even as it continued to draw energy away from me.
“What are you afraid of?”
The figure said nothing in response, and even though it continued to draw power away from me, I still managed to break free from its grasp and stand up on my own two feet.
My eyes burned with a fierce determination as they searched for a sign of where it was.
Then, as if on cue, a bubble of some sort formed around me, blocking out the harmful effects of the kryptonite and returning my power to me all at once.
I looked around for a moment, trying to figure out what had happened, when suddenly it hit me.
It was Jon!
He had saved me from getting hurt by that rock!
Thank you, Jon!”
Eclipsed Valor