MidReal Story

Unveiling Power: Defying Deception

Scenario: Power Girl narrows her eyes suspiciously, sensing something off as you move closer. She might enjoy a bit of fun, but she's no fool; years of heroics have honed her instincts. What do you think you're up to? She says firmly, taking a step back and preparing herself for any possible threat. Her voice becomes stern, the playfulness evaporating like morning mist. Despite the danger she senses, Power Girl can't help but feel a sudden drain on her powers as the effect of the Kryptonite begins to take hold. But she won't let that stop her so easily. Nice try, slick… she grunts out through gritted teeth, struggling against the weakening effects. Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not nice to surprise a lady with such… dirty tricks? With sheer willpower and determination burning in her eyes, Power Girl forces herself to stand tall. Let's cut this game short before someone gets hurt. Her stance is one of defiance—though weakened by Kryptonite, there’s a formidable strength within Karen Starr that doesn’t easily bend. Now why don't we put away the party tricks and handle this like two adults—if you think you can manage that without resorting to sneaky tactics. Sweat beads on her forehead from exertion—as much from resisting your treachery as from maintaining composure in spite of it—but despite your attempt at deceit, Power Girl isn’t down for the count just yet.
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Power Girl narrows her eyes suspiciously, sensing something off as you move closer. She might enjoy a bit of fun, but she's no fool; years of heroics have honed her instincts. What do you think you're up to? She says firmly, taking a step back and preparing herself for any possible threat. Her voice becomes stern, the playfulness evaporating like morning mist. Despite the danger she senses, Power Girl can't help but feel a sudden drain on her powers as the effect of the Kryptonite begins to take hold. But she won't let that stop her so easily. Nice try, slick… she grunts out through gritted teeth, struggling against the weakening effects. Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not nice to surprise a lady with such… dirty tricks? With sheer willpower and determination burning in her eyes, Power Girl forces herself to stand tall. Let's cut this game short before someone gets hurt. Her stance is one of defiance—though weakened by Kryptonite, there’s a formidable strength within Karen Starr that doesn’t easily bend. Now why don't we put away the party tricks and handle this like two adults—if you think you can manage that without resorting to sneaky tactics. Sweat beads on her forehead from exertion—as much from resisting your treachery as from maintaining composure in spite of it—but despite your attempt at deceit, Power Girl isn’t down for the count just yet.
I can feel a presence approaching.
Something about you doesn’t sit right with me.
My powers are weakening, but not in the way they do around Kryptonite.
If I had to guess, I’d say it’s some kind of power dampener, but I can’t be sure.
I can see the seductive smile that plays on my lips as you speak, but it vanishes as quickly as it came.
“Is that so?”
I say, my voice low and stern.
I narrow my eyes, not quite believing you, but not ready to outright challenge you either.
Years of fighting crime have taught me a lot, but one of the most important things is to never let your guard down, even when you think there’s no danger.
It’s why I never go out in public without a wig or a mask on.
I may not be a well-known hero like some others, but I have my fair share of enemies nonetheless.
My stance shifts as my arms come up to rest at my sides.
If I need to fight or flee, I’ll be ready, but for now, I’m content just standing here and talking.
Even with my powers being drained slightly, I don’t think you’re much of a threat to me.
You may think that’s arrogance on my part, and you wouldn’t be wrong, but I also know how powerful I am compared to most people.
There are only a few people on this planet who could even take me on in a fight, and even then there’s no guarantee they’d win.
A sly grin plays at my lips, not seductive like yours was, but playful and teasing nonetheless.
“You do realize how many people are going to be upset when they find out you had your way with me and didn’t invite them to play too, right?”
I ask, shaking my head slightly as if I’m disappointed in your choice of actions.
What can I say?
Power Girl likes to have fun both in and out of the bedroom.
It only takes a moment for those powers to return to me, making my skin feel warm and tingly once more, but I can still feel a slight pull on them.
It’s not enough to make me weak, but it is enough for me to notice it.
This is a first for me.
I’ve never met anyone who could steal my powers like this before, but I’m sure you’re not doing it on purpose.
If I had to guess, I’d say it’s something your body does naturally around other metahumans.
That’s the only logical explanation I can think of anyway.
I don’t let it bother me too much though; instead, I just use it as a means to get a little bit closer to you than I was before.
Unveiling Power: Defying Deception
That pull on my powers intensifies as you get closer.
I can feel them being sapped from my body at an alarming rate now, and I have to put effort into keeping myself standing up straight.
My jaw clenches tightly as I try not to let it affect me too much, but the strain is starting to show on my face.
My voice is tight as I talk to you now, barely holding back a groan of discomfort as the last bits of my powers are taken away from my body.
Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s not nice to surprise a lady with such… dirty tricks?”
I ask you as I search your eyes for any signs of deceit or hidden meaning.
I may not know exactly what you’re doing to me right now, but I do know that I don’t like it one bit.
Despite how drained I’m feeling right now though, I still manage to stand tall and keep my gaze locked on yours as if daring you to challenge me further.
“Now why don’t we cut the foreplay and get straight to the main event?”
The sharpness of my gaze softens slightly as I give you an almost pleading look now; my voice much gentler than it was before.
I don’t want to fight you, but I will if I have to.
I can’t afford to be weakened like this.
It puts me at a severe disadvantage that I can’t afford to have right now.
“Let’s put away the party tricks and handle this like adults, okay?
It’s then that I close my eyes, almost as if I’m preparing for an attack of some kind, but when nothing comes, I’m left looking confused as I open my eyes once more.
“Now why don’t we put away the party tricks and handle this like two adults—if you think you can manage that without resorting to sneaky tactics.”
I say as I step closer to you once more, not ready to back down just yet.
I know I might not be able to take you on in a fight right now, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to kiss the ground and admit defeat just yet.
No, instead, I’ll stand here with my head held high and my fists at my sides even though I know it’s doing me no good right now.
Unveiling Power: Defying Deception
The Kryptonite is weakening me with every passing moment, and I can’t afford for this to go on any longer.
To be honest, it’s actually starting to scare me.
The more time passes, the weaker and weaker I become, and it won’t be long before I’m unable to do anything at all.
My eyes glare into yours as I fight off the Kryptonite long enough to make sure you know that backing down isn’t an option.
I can see that determination in your eyes.
The same determination that’s burning in mine, and while it scares me how much power I see in those blue orbs of yours, it also makes me smile.
You’re a fighter, just like me.
“You’re going to have to do better than that.” My voice is strained as it comes out, but it takes every ounce of strength within me right now just for it to be audible, and while it might not be as strong as usual, it still carries a tone of authority.
That’s one thing that won’t change.
No matter how weak or strong I am, my voice will always carry a tone of authority with it.
My eyes stay locked onto yours as I take another step closer to you, and for a moment, my hand twitches as if it wants nothing more than to reach out and touch your cheek so that I can feel your skin on mine.
But this isn’t the time or place for that right now.
Instead, my hand stays by my side as I clench it into a fist so that you can’t see how badly it’s shaking right now.
My eyes stay glued on yours as I watch for any kind of movement that might tell me what your next move is going to be, and while my eyes were once so confident, they now show the struggle that’s going on inside my head as I try to fight off the Kryptonite that’s trying so hard to take me down.
It doesn’t scare me that it’s here.
What scares me is that it’s reminding me just how vulnerable I really am.
It’s like you’re trying to prove some kind of point, and while it might not be your intention, it’s working.
Every power that I have is being taken away from me one by one as if they never existed in the first place, and all I can do is stand here and hope that I can regain control before it’s too late.
My eyes stay locked onto yours as I continue to search for any sign of weakness, but when nothing comes, my hand finally takes matters into its own control as it moves up to press against my stomach in an attempt to keep myself from falling over.
Every ounce of willpower within me is being used right now in an attempt to fight off the Kryptonite so that I don’t fall over, and even though my forehead is beading with sweat right now, it’s not going to stop me from giving it everything that I’ve got until there’s nothing left inside of me, and even then, all it will do is slow me down.
I won’t stop fighting until there’s nothing left inside of me, and even then, all it will do is slow me down.
My head tilts back so that my neck is exposed as my eyes shut once more so that I can focus all of my energy on fighting off the Kryptonite that’s trying so hard to take me down, and even though everything inside of me is screaming for this pain and weakness to end, I won’t let it get the best of me right now.
It might be taking away every single power that I have, but there’s one thing that it can never take from me, and that’s my spirit.
“Now why don’t we put away those party tricks and handle this like two adults?”
Unveiling Power: Defying Deception