MidReal Story

Eternal Flames: A High School Love Story

Scenario: Robert falls in love into Huang Qiushan in the school...
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Robert falls in love into Huang Qiushan in the school...
I’m a senior at this high school.
Some people say I’m the most popular student at our school, but I never thought so.
In my eyes, a lot of people are more popular than me.
Besides, I hate those people who’re always fawning over my popularity.
It was a normal day for me.
I was sitting in the back of the classroom and listening to my classmate Mike’s complaints about his love life.
He had a crush on a girl, but he didn’t have the courage to confess his love to her.
“Just confess your love,” I said without thinking much about it.
“It’s no big deal.
It’s just a confession.
If she says no, you can still pretend nothing ever happened and go back to being friends.”
I believed that if he truly liked her, then he should at least try to confess his love to her.
That way, they may end up together.
But just then, the door opened and in came a new student.
We’d all known that there would be a new student today, but none of us had expected that she would be this girl—the girl we’d been talking about these days.
As soon as she stepped into the classroom, she immediately drew all our attention.
For some reason, it felt like time had stopped and everyone was staring at her, including me.
The mysterious girl, Huang Qiushan, was finally here.
There were many rumors about her, and one of them was that she had red eyes.
Of course, I didn’t believe it at all.
Red eyes?That was impossible!
But when I saw her for myself, I realized that it was true.
She really had red eyes.
Not only did she have red eyes, but she also had a pretty face and delicate features.
It was difficult to find words to describe how beautiful she was.
I couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of excitement when I saw her.
She was different from any girl I’d ever seen before.
And she’d made me feel captivated by her somehow.
I was still staring at her when she took out a pen and walked towards an empty seat near the window.
She glanced at us as she walked past us.
Her gaze was cold and detached, and it felt like she was looking down on us.
But as soon as she saw me looking at her, her gaze softened a little.
Even though it was just a slight change in her expression, it was enough to make my heart race.
I’d never believed in love at first sight before.
But somehow, she made me believe in it.
She’d only been here for a few minutes, but I felt like my whole world had changed because of her.
I don’t know why I felt so excited and interested in her.
It was a strange feeling that I couldn’t explain.
Eternal Flames: A High School Love Story
I followed her with my gaze as she walked past me and settled into the seat across from mine.
It felt strange to be so fixated on someone that I barely even knew.
But there was something about her that made it impossible for me to look away.
I stared at her for a while before finally tearing my gaze away from her.
The teacher was already in the classroom and writing some notes on the blackboard when I finally looked away from her.
I took out my phone to text Emily about the new student while pretending to be listening to the teacher’s lecture.
But even though I was trying to focus on other things, my mind kept drifting back to her.
It seemed like nothing else could hold my attention now that she was here.
I watched as she took out a book from her bag and started reading it even though the teacher hadn’t told us to start reading yet.
She seemed so focused on what she was doing that she didn’t even notice all the attention that she was drawing from the rest of us students in the classroom.
Her hair fell in soft waves around her face as she read, making her look even more beautiful than before.
Some of the boys sitting in front of me were also staring at her, and they were talking about her in such loud voices that I could clearly hear everything they were saying.
But she didn’t seem to care at all.
She just kept reading her book as if nothing else mattered.
It was like she was in a completely different world—one where no one else existed.
And somehow, that only made her seem more alluring and mysterious to me.
“Why are you so interested in her?”
I heard Mike ask me in a low voice.
He was sitting beside me, and he’d noticed that I’d been staring at her for a while now.
“So what if I like her?”
I replied, raising an eyebrow at him.
He seemed surprised by my answer, and he stared at me for a moment before breaking into a big grin.
“Look at you, man!
You really are interested in her!
This is not like you at all!”
he said, shaking his head at me.
“I thought you’d be trying to win her over with your charm by now.
After all, you have a reputation to maintain, right?”
I felt a little embarrassed by what he said.
And I quickly looked away from him so he wouldn’t be able to see the blush on my face.
Was I really acting out of character?
Maybe I was.
But for some reason, I didn’t feel like treating her the way I usually treated girls I liked.
I wanted to get to know her better first before making any moves on her.
And even though I knew it would be difficult to get close to her because of all the rumors surrounding her, I’d decided to try anyway.
Besides, I liked challenges.
And getting to know her was definitely going to be one of the biggest challenges I’d ever faced in my life so far!
If I wanted to get close to her, then I’d have to step out of my comfort zone.
I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that or not yet, but I was willing to give it a try.
Eternal Flames: A High School Love Story
Even though I knew it was a bad idea, I couldn’t help but stare at her again.
In fact, I felt like I couldn’t take my eyes off her no matter how hard I tried to look away from her!
For some reason, everything about her intrigued me—her unique appearance, her reserved demeanor, and the way she seemed completely unfazed by all the attention she was getting from everyone around her.
It was like every little thing about her defied convention in some way or another.
And as someone who was always trying to break free from the monotony of everyday life and do something unexpected, it was no wonder that I found myself increasingly drawn to her—like a moth to a flame.
I could feel an unexplainable energy crackling in the air between us whenever our eyes met, and it made me want to get closer to her more than anything else in the world!
I wondered what it would be like to hold her in my arms and kiss her on the lips then…
“Are you even listening?”
Mike asked me again in a loud voice this time.
“Of course, I am,” I replied, tearing my gaze away from her and looking at him instead just in time to see him roll his eyes at me in exasperation.
“So, what were you saying, again?”
I asked him, feeling a little embarrassed now that he’d caught me staring at her earlier and was grinning at me like a little kid who’d just gotten away with stealing some candy from the store behind his mom’s back.
“I was just telling you about my date last night! You know, the one that ended in disaster!”
I let out a deep sigh and shook my head at him again.
I’d already heard enough about that disaster of a date he’d had with some girl he’d met online, and I didn’t want to hear any more of it!
I was already feeling irritated by his high-pitched voice and the way he seemed to be competing with the teacher for our attention by talking so loudly that everyone in the classroom could hear every little thing he was saying.
But now that he’d mentioned his date with some random girl, he was going to keep talking about it if I didn’t change the subject fast!
So, I decided it was better to ignore him for now and try my best to focus on what the teacher was saying instead—if that was even possible!
She sat there quietly for a while—reading her book—and not doing anything else like she usually did during class time.
Eternal Flames: A High School Love Story
But then, Mr.Richards, our math teacher, suddenly called my name and made an announcement that took me completely by surprise!
“Robert Johnson, you’re going to be Qiushan’s tour guide today!Show her around the school and help answer any questions she might have about it!”
he said, pointing at me with a stern look on his face to make sure I’d heard him loud and clear before going back to his desk and starting to write something on the blackboard from where he was standing at the front of the classroom.
I wasn’t sure what was going on here or how this decision had been made without my say-so, but something told me that this was an opportunity I didn’t want to miss!
I didn’t have any say in the matter now that the teacher had already made up his mind about this and given me my assignment for the day, but something told me that he’d done me a huge favor by picking me to be the one to show her around the school!
And even though I didn’t know why he’d chosen me out of all the other guys in the room or how much he knew about my infatuation with her already, I couldn’t help but feel excited by this unexpected turn of events and eager to do whatever it took to make sure she had an unforgettable day while she was here with me!
So, I waited until class was over and got up from my seat before walking over to where she was sitting—still reading her book—and smiling at her as if we were already old friends.
At first, she seemed a little surprised by how forward and confident I was being toward her, and she even blushed a little bit when she saw me staring down at her with a big grin on my face.
But she quickly composed herself and smiled back at me with a shy smile of her own before putting down her book and getting up from her seat.
I noticed how she was walking behind me as I led the way out of the classroom, trying to blend in with all the other students who were walking around us in every direction, and that somehow made me want to get closer to her more than ever before!
She looked so beautiful and ethereal standing there in front of me with all that long black hair falling down around her like a curtain and those big brown eyes staring back at me in that mysterious way of hers, and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling at her again as we started walking down the hallway together.
But then she saw me looking at her for some reason, and that seemed to make her blush a little bit more before she turned away from me and started looking down at the floor instead.
Eternal Flames: A High School Love Story
I followed behind her as she walked away from me, checking out how sexy and athletic she looked standing there in front of me with that tight little butt swaying back and forth underneath that short skirt!
She was so beautiful and mysterious walking around like that, trying to blend in with all the other students who were walking around us in every direction while I was busy checking out how sexy and athletic she looked standing there in front of me.
I couldn’t stop myself from checking out that tight little butt swaying back and forth underneath that short skirt while she was walking away from me, but then she turned around and saw me doing that for some reason.
And I saw how surprised she seemed by what I was doing when she looked over her shoulder at me like that.
“You’re so beautiful,” I said as we walked down the hallway together, trying not to sound too forward or creepy by what I was saying.
But then I saw how embarrassed she seemed by what I was saying, and that seemed to make her blush a little bit more than ever before!
So, I decided to look away from her while we were walking down the hallway together like this, but it was hard for me not to keep looking back over my shoulder at her while we were walking down the hallway together like this.
And I couldn’t stop myself from checking out how sexy and athletic she looked standing there in front of me with that tight little butt swaying back and forth underneath that short skirt.
So, I did my best to be discreet as I checked out how sexy she looked standing there in front of me.
But I couldn’t stop myself from looking back over my shoulder at her like this while I was walking down the hallway together.
Huang Qiushan was so beautiful walking around the school like this, trying to blend in with all the other students who were walking around us in every direction.
And I couldn’t stop myself from checking her out like this while she was walking around the school like this.
She was so beautiful walking around the school in that sexy blue uniform skirt with all those sexy long legs on display for me to look at.
And I was so surprised by how sexy she looked walking around the school in that sexy blue uniform skirt with all those sexy long legs on display for me to look at.
I couldn’t stop myself from looking back over my shoulder at her like this while she was walking around the school in that sexy blue uniform skirt.
But I couldn’t understand why she was trying so hard to blend in with all the other students who were walking around us in every direction.
She was clearly beautiful enough to stand out on her own, no matter how hard she tried to blend in with everyone else.
And she was clearly trying to avoid getting close to anyone else here.
Or, if she was, then no one else seemed to be interested in getting close to her.
It was almost as if she’d been here for a while now—or maybe even her entire life—and everyone else here already knew who she was.
But then why would she try so hard to avoid getting close to anyone else here?
That didn’t make any sense to me, no matter how many times I thought about it like this.
But then again, maybe she just wanted to be left alone—like how I used to be when I first came here and didn’t know anyone else here.
Maybe she just needed some time to adjust to everything that was happening around her before she could get herself situated here.
Or maybe she just wasn’t interested in making friends with anyone else here right now.
She seemed pretty aloof and indifferent toward everyone else here—especially me—no matter how hard I tried to get close to her like this.
And I didn’t know why that was either—especially when it came to me!
So, I did my best to get closer to her while we were walking down the hallway together like this.
Eternal Flames: A High School Love Story
But she was always one step ahead of me in front of me no matter how hard I tried!
And she didn’t even look back at me once or slow down her pace at all either!
She was always one step ahead of me in front of me no matter how hard I tried!
And I was getting so desperate to get closer to her in that sexy blue uniform skirt that I didn’t know what else I could do at this point!
But I had a feeling that she already knew what I was going through right now—and she was only doing it on purpose too!
She was obviously trying very hard not to get close to me at all costs right now!
But then I couldn’t help but wonder if she was feeling the same way as me right now too.
It was so hard not to be able to find out what she was thinking right now!
Maybe she was feeling the same way as me right now too?
She seemed so aloof and indifferent toward everyone else here—even her own classmates—that I couldn’t stop myself from wondering why that was right now.
And it seemed so hard not be able to tell what she was thinking right now too!
Maybe she was trying so hard not get close to anyone else around her—including me—that she couldn’t stop herself from trying not to get close to anyone else around her—including me?
I didn’t know why that was right now either.
But I did know that I was going to keep on trying no matter what it took no matter how many times I tried!
So, I did my best to keep on following her no matter where she went next!
And then the both of us were standing there together in the middle of the hallway like this while everything else around us seemed to be moving in slow motion right now.
And I couldn’t stop myself from checking her out again while we were standing there together in the middle of the hallway like this.
We were standing there together in the middle of the hallway like this while everyone else around us was moving in every direction.
But then the both of us were standing there together in the middle of the hallway like this for what seemed like an eternity before we finally started moving again.
And I was getting so desperate to get close to her again that I didn’t know what else to do at this point.
She seemed like she was being very aloof and indifferent toward everyone else around her—including me.
And I was getting so desperate to get close to her again that I didn’t know what else to do at this point.
But then I had a feeling that she was only going to get even more aloof and indifferent toward me as time went on right now.
I had a feeling that she already knew what I was going through right now.
I just knew that I had to keep on trying no matter what it took no matter how many times I tried!
“Hey, Rob,” Mike said, nudging me while we were standing there in the middle of the hallway.
“Weren’t we supposed to be going to basketball practice after school today?”
I asked, turning back toward him.
“Yeah,” he said, raising an eyebrow at me while we were walking down the hallway together like this.
“I don’t think you’re going to be able to concentrate on anything else but her today, man,” he said while we were walking down the hallway together like this.
He was obviously talking about Huang Qiushan while we were walking down the hallway together like this.
And I had to admit that he was right.
It was so hard not be able to concentrate on anything but her right now.
And she was looking so beautiful in that sexy blue uniform skirt while we were walking down the hallway together like this.
Eternal Flames: A High School Love Story
She was standing there, staring at me with those beautiful brown eyes of hers.
And I did my best to keep myself from getting distracted by her eyes.
But I couldn’t help but get distracted by them.
They were so beautiful.
And they looked so sad too!
But then the only thing I could do was smile in response to him.
“Oh, no,” I said.
“I’m going to be able to concentrate on basketball practice just fine,” I said with a laugh.
“Yeah, right,” he said, rolling his eyes at me while we were walking down the hallway together like this.
But then I finally managed to catch up with Huang Qiushan, who was standing there in the middle of the hallway like this while she was staring back at me with those beautiful brown eyes of hers.
And the two of us were standing there staring back at each other like this again.
And I couldn’t stop myself from checking her out again.
So, I did my best to act casual when I was talking to her this time.
“So, is there anything you would like to ask me?”
I asked her while we were standing there together in the middle of the hallway like this.
I was doing my best to act casual again.
And it was so hard because she was making me so nervous right now!
“I don’t know,” she said.
“Are you usually this nervous when you’re talking to someone new?”
she asked me while we were still standing there in the middle of the hallway like this.
She was giving me that same half-smile again.
And I couldn’t stop myself from staring at those sexy lips of hers.
I couldn’t stop myself from checking her out again.
I didn’t know what to say about that right now either.
So, I did my best to play it cool.
“I guess maybe I am now,” I said with a laugh while we were still standing there in the middle of the hallway like this.
“I wasn’t always like this,” I said before I finally stopped myself from saying anything more than that right now.
But then she finally started moving again after that.
And I did my best to follow her again no matter where she went next!
So, I was doing my best to keep on following her no matter where she went next!
Even though she wasn’t really giving me any good reason to keep on following her no matter where she went next!
“Weird,” Emily said after Huang Qiushan left the hallway like that.
I didn’t know why she was looking so surprised like that all of a sudden either.
“Usually when people are this shy and indifferent toward other people like that they’re also more likely to be more introverted as well,” she said with a frown on her face like this all of a sudden.
And I didn’t know what to say to that either right now either.
And I had to admit that she was right about that too!
It was kind of weird how she was acting so shy and indifferent toward me right now too!
And she didn’t know me from Adam either!
“And she’s also a little bit mysterious too,” I said with a laugh on my face like this after that.
“She’s really something else!”
I had to admit that she was something else too!
She was stunning!
And she had really captivated me in every way!
Eternal Flames: A High School Love Story
But then the bell rang before Emily could say anything else about her after that.
So, we both went back to the classroom after that.
And we were both cutting it really close before we finally made it back to the classroom after that too!
So, we were both kind of out of breath when we finally made it back to the classroom after that too!
“Thanks again for giving me the tour,” Emily said after we finally made it back to the classroom after that.
She was saying that even though we never did finish the tour after all of that anyway.
I didn’t think there was any need for me to show her the rest of the school after all of that anyway.
So, I just nodded my head at her after that and sat down in my seat after that instead.
But then Huang Qiushan sat down in the seat right behind me after that as well.
And I had no idea why she decided to sit down in the seat right behind me instead of anywhere else right now either.
I thought to myself after I sat down in my seat after that as well.
I had no idea why she had decided to sit down in the seat right behind me after that either.
And I had no idea why she decided to sit down in the seat right behind me instead of anywhere else right now either!
But then Emily sat down in the seat right beside me after that too!
And I had no idea why she decided to sit down in the seat right beside me instead of anywhere else right now either!
But then I turned around to look at Huang Qiushan after that too!
I had to admit that I wanted to know more about her after that too!
I didn’t know why I wanted to know more about her like that all of a sudden right now either!
And I had no idea why I wanted to know more about her like that all of a sudden either!
But I knew that I wanted to know more about her for some reason right now too!
“Hey, Robert!”
Emily said after I turned around to look at Huang Qiushan after that too!
“What did you talk to Huang Qiushan about just now?”
Emily asked me while we were both sitting there together like this all of a sudden too!
She asked me that even though we were still in the middle of class right now too!
“I just introduced myself to her,” I said with a laugh on my face like this after that.
“Why are you looking at me like that right now?”
I asked her back after that too!
“I want to know more about Huang Qiushan as well,” she said with a frown on her face like this after that too.
But then I turned around to look at Huang Qiushan after that instead.
Even though I knew that I shouldn’t be doing it right now either!
So, I did my best to play it cool again after that.
But I couldn’t stop myself from checking her out again after that as well!
And I didn’t expect her to catch me checking her out either!
But I didn’t expect her to look so beautiful when she did it either!
It was as if she knew how sexy and beautiful she really looked all along as well!
Eternal Flames: A High School Love Story
Huang Qiushan sat there staring at me for a moment before turning away from me again too, though.
I sat there feeling my face flush with embarrassment too, even though I tried not to do it as well!
But then class started again shortly afterward too!
I couldn’t stop myself from checking out Huang Qiushan again later on as well!
It wasn’t as if I could help myself from wanting to check out how beautiful and sexy she really looked after all!
And I didn’t expect her to look so beautiful even when she wasn’t even trying either!
Even when she didn’t even have any makeup on either!
But then our English teacher called on us to practice our English dialogue again later on right after that too!
I was secretly hoping that we would get paired together again too!
I wanted nothing more than for us to get paired together again right now as well!
And today seemed like the perfect opportunity for us to get paired together again later on right after that too!
“Robert, why don’t you practice your dialogue with Huang Qiushan for us?”
our English teacher said to us later on.
I had to admit that I was secretly hoping to get paired up with her today as well.
It’s just that I wanted to get paired up with her for some reason right now as well.
I didn’t know why, either.
And I didn’t know why I wanted to get paired up with her for some reason right now, either.
It’s just that I had a feeling that we would get paired up with each other today right now, though.
And I had no idea why, either.
It’s just that I had a feeling deep down inside of me that we would get paired up with each other today.
And I didn’t know why, either.
But then Huang Qiushan stood up from her seat shortly afterward.
And I had to admit that I couldn’t help but feel happy at the same time right now either.
It’s just that I couldn’t help but feel happy at the same time, either.
I had no idea why, either.
And I had no idea why I couldn’t help but feel happy at the same time, either.
But then Huang Qiushan walked over to sit down in the seat right beside me after that too.
It’s just that she looked so graceful and elegant as she walked over to sit down in the seat right beside me after that too.
And it wasn’t long before we started practicing our English dialogue again after that too.
And I had to admit that it felt so nice and comforting to be practicing our English dialogue like this again after that too!
It’s just that I liked how it felt when we were practicing our English dialogue like this all of a sudden too.
But then I complimented Huang Qiushan on how nice and modest her dress looked on her after that too.
And it wasn’t long before Huang Qiushan started blushing again after that either.
“Thank you,” Huang Qiushan told me shyly afterward.
“Your dress looks so cute on you!”
I said to her afterward too.
Huang Qiushan didn’t say anything after that, though.
Eternal Flames: A High School Love Story
She only looked at me with her big, round eyes for some reason, and she only smiled at me shyly after that too.
“Okay, thank you,” I said to her afterward too.
It’s just that I knew that I would never ever forget the way that Huang Qiushan looked at me and smiled at me right now either, though.
I had a feeling deep down inside of me that I would never ever forget the way she looked at me and smiled at me right now either, though.
And I had absolutely no idea why, either.
But then I couldn’t help but notice how gentle and calm Huang Qiushan looked while she was practicing her dialogue with me after that either.
It’s just that she had a calm and gentle aura around her while we were practicing our dialogue together right now for some reason too.
I had no idea why, either.
And I couldn’t help but notice how gentle and calm Huang Qiushan looked while she was looking at me for some reason, either.
It’s just that I couldn’t help but notice how gentle and calm Huang Qiushan looked while she was looking at me for some reason, either.
And I had no idea why, either.
I had a feeling deep down inside of me, though, that something was wrong and off right now, though.
And I couldn’t help but feel so sad and disappointed all of a sudden either, either.
I had no idea why, though.
Maybe it’s just because we were practicing our dialogue together for the first time, though.
Or maybe it’s just because I wanted to get to know her better as well, though.
I had no idea why, either
I only knew that I would never ever forget the way she looked while she was practicing her dialogue with me right here today, though.
I had a feeling deep down inside of me that I would never ever forget the way she looked with me right here today right now either, either.
But then I couldn’t help but notice how cold and distant Huang Qiushan looked after we finished practicing our dialogue together either.
She only stared at the ground quietly for some reason after we finished our English dialogue together again after that too.
“I have to go now,” Huang Qiushan said to me quietly afterward as well.
It’s just that she didn’t even say goodbye or anything before she left the classroom shortly afterward, either.
The only thing she did before she left the classroom shortly afterward was stand up from her seat and leave quietly without saying anything else to anyone else afterward either.
I had absolutely no idea why she left the classroom without saying goodbye to anyone else afterward either… Or why she left without saying goodbye to Emily afterward, in particular
It’s just that Emily only stared at her coldly before leaving the classroom afterward too, and she only gave her a nasty look before leaving the classroom quietly after she left as well
I had absolutely no idea what had gotten into Emily all of a sudden… Or why she was acting so cold toward Huang Qiushan all of a sudden, too
“Why are you staring at her?”
Emily asked me as we left the classroom afterward too.“Do you like her?”
she asked me afterward as well too.“No!”
I shouted at her immediately after she asked me if I liked her or not.“I don’t even know her.”
Eternal Flames: A High School Love Story
It’s just that I couldn’t help but get a little bit mad after she accused me of liking Huang Qiushan right here like this for some reason too.
“Okay,” Emily said to me quietly after I told her that I didn’t like her very much.“Let’s go have lunch together right now then.” And she didn’t even ask me if I wanted to join them for lunch or not too… But she only decided to go have lunch with them for some reason too… Or maybe it was because she knew how hungry I was right here right now too, though?
That’s why she decided to invite me to come have lunch with them right here right now too?
But then I couldn’t help but notice how strange it was for Emily to be dragging me along with them to go have lunch together right here like this for some reason too… Or why she was dragging us along to go have lunch with them like this right here right now too…
It’s just that she didn’t even wait for us to answer her question before she walked away immediately after she said that and invited us to have lunch with them right here like this too as well
I wasn’t sure why she was dragging us along to go have lunch with them like this right here today too
Or how we ended up going to the same restaurant together to have lunch together like this right here today too
It’s just that they only decided to sit in front of us quietly after we sat down and ordered our food together in the same restaurant like this for some reason too
Emily couldn’t help but notice how strange it was for them to be sitting in front of us right here today too as well
And I couldn’t help but notice how strange it was for us to be having lunch together in the same restaurant together like this too
It’s just that Emily only kept staring at Huang Qiushan and trying to talk to her quietly after we sat down and ordered our food together in the same restaurant like this too
She only asked Huang Qiushan if she wanted to go visit the town square together after we finished having lunch together in the same restaurant like this today too
She even suggested that we could go shopping for new clothes after we finished visiting the town square together later on in the afternoon too
And I couldn’t help but hate her so much for suggesting something like this to us like this too… Or why she would want us to go shopping for new clothes with her like this either…
But then I couldn’t help but notice how Huang Qiushan didn’t even say anything to Emily after she suggested that we should go visit the town square together first either…
She only stared out of the window and looked around quietly after she suggested it to us like this either…
And she didn’t even say anything afterward either…
Emily stared at Huang Qiushan with an angry look on her face like she didn’t want to come visit the town square with us afterward either…
I didn’t even know what to do afterward either…
It’s just that I only tried asking Huang Qiushan if she wanted to come visit the town square with us too afterward…
Eternal Flames: A High School Love Story