MidReal Story

Inkopolis Unveiled

Scenario: Splatoon: After the Great Turf War, a Confused Blue Ink Octoling came out of the sewer of Octo Valley, it's confused, it takes off its Octarian goggles and looks at the City of Inkopolis, Inklings all wearing fresh clothes and communicating... it's a utopia, she passed through every corner, Cuttlefish was asleep and Agent 3 was participating in Turf wars.
Create my version of this story
Splatoon: After the Great Turf War, a Confused Blue Ink Octoling came out of the sewer of Octo Valley, it's confused, it takes off its Octarian goggles and looks at the City of Inkopolis, Inklings all wearing fresh clothes and communicating... it's a utopia, she passed through every corner, Cuttlefish was asleep and Agent 3 was participating in Turf wars.
It was a headache that woke me up.
My eyes snapped open, then squeezed shut against the bright light, and I groaned.
I was lying on my back, against something hard and damp.
I pushed myself to my feet and looked around in confusion.
I was in some kind of alleyway, surrounded by tall brick buildings streaked with graffiti.
The ground was littered with trash, and there was a rank smell in the air.
I looked down at my hands and saw that they were stained with blue ink.
I had a sudden memory of a bright flash of light, and a voice calling my name—a voice that wasn’t mine.
It made my skin prickle just to think about it.
I shook my head, trying to clear away the memory, and looked around the alleyway for some sign of where I was.
But all I could see was more brick walls and garbage cans.
I turned back the way I’d come and saw a ladder leading up to a round hole in the ceiling.
A manhole cover.
Had I climbed out of it?
How had I gotten down there in the first place?
The last thing I remembered was walking through Octo Valley, just like I did every day.
What happened after that?
My head throbbed again, like someone had been banging on it with a hammer.
My memories are hazy now, but I think I stumbled over to the ladder and climbed up it into the light.
That’s how I ended up in this city: Inkopolis, the heart of Inkling culture.
The city of Inklings.
Inklings are like me, but different.
They’re more colorful than Octolings, literally.
Their bodies are covered in bright colors, while ours are usually black and white.
Also, Inklings have pointy ears instead of tentacles like us.
But the biggest difference between us is that Inklings live on the surface while Octolings live underground.
That’s why I was so confused when I climbed out of the sewer and found myself in the middle of the city.
How did I get here?
Why was my head throbbing like this?
And most importantly… why couldn’t I remember how it happened?
I got to my feet and stumbled out of the alleyway.
The city seemed to stretch out before me forever.
Tall buildings loomed overhead, their walls covered with colorful posters and graffiti.
They were so close together that they blocked out most of the sunlight.
But even so, the place was as bright as a rainbow.
Every inch of it was covered in color.
And Inklings.
They were everywhere.
There were so many of them, all different shapes and sizes.
Some were tall and thin while others were short and round.
Some had long tentacles while others had short stubby ones.
But no matter what they looked like, they all had one thing in common.
Inkopolis Unveiled
They were all super fashionable!
They wore all kinds of clothes: dresses, shirts, shorts, skirts, shoes, hats, gloves, you name it!
Some of them even had weird haircuts and piercings!
I’d never seen anything like it!
I was so amazed that I didn’t even notice when a crowd started to gather around me.
“Hey!Are you lost?”
someone said to me.
I turned to see a bunch of worried-looking Inklings standing around me.
They were wearing matching black-and-white uniforms with red crosshairs on their backs.
They looked like some kind of military group or something.
I took a step backwards, feeling nervous.
The man who had spoken to me held up his hands in a calming gesture.
“It’s okay,” he said gently.“We’re not going to hurt you.”
“Who are you?”
I asked him nervously.
“My name is Cuttlefish,” he said with a smile.“And these are my friends.”
The other Inklings nodded at me politely.
Before I could say anything else, a loud blast of music echoed through the city.
I turned and saw a stage in the middle of the square, with two Inklings dancing on it.
They were dressed like pop stars, with bright neon outfits that almost hurt my eyes.
But even so, they were amazing!
They were singing a duet, their voices blending together in a beautiful harmony.
Their names were Callie and Marie, the famous Squid Sisters!
As I watched them, I felt a strange pang of loneliness.
I wished I had someone to share this with me, someone who would be as amazed by this city as I was.
“You’re not from around here, are you?”
Cuttlefish asked me gently.
I shook my head, feeling a little embarrassed.
“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” I admitted.
“It’s amazing!”
Cuttlefish chuckled, a warm twinkle in his eye.
“Well, then you’re in for a treat,” he said.
“There’s so much to see and do here!Come on!Let me show you around!”
He held out his hand to me, and after a moment, I took it.
But I pulled away before he could lead me anywhere.
“I’m sorry, but there’s something I need to do first,”
He looked at me in surprise, as if he hadn’t expected me to refuse.
“That’s fine,” he said after a moment, nodding in understanding.
“Take your time.Enjoy yourself.We’ll be here when you’re ready.”
I smiled gratefully at him and then turned away.
As I walked through the square, I saw some Inklings sitting at a food stall, eating colorful bowls of what looked like soup.
They called out to me, offering me a drink, but I shook my head and hurried past them.
I wasn’t sure if it was safe for me to eat anything down here, especially since I didn’t know where it came from or what it was made of.
My stomach rumbled in protest, but I ignored it and kept walking.
Eventually, I came to a little shop called “Ye Olde Amiibo Hut.”
It was a small wooden shack with a thatched roof, decorated with all kinds of weird knickknacks: rubber duckies, toy soldiers, action figures…
It was so strange!
I started to turn away when I heard a loud booming noise from outside.
My head whipped around, my heart racing.
What was that?
I hurried out of the shop, my eyes widening as I saw a huge flying creature descending from the sky.
It looked like a dragon with huge shimmering wings, but its body was made of metal.
It was glowing with a bright purple light that pulsed and flickered like a beating heart.
I gasped in amazement at the sight of it.
“It’s beautiful,” I whispered.
But then it opened its mouth and belched out a stream of bright green ink that sprayed down onto the city below.
Inklings were screaming and running for cover as the ink rained down on them.
Cars were flipping over and crashing into each other as the drivers tried to swerve out of the way.
“Watch out!”
someone shouted from behind me.
I spun around just in time to see an Inkling hurtling toward me.
I braced myself for the impact, but then something slammed into her, knocking her out of the way at the last minute.
I squinted through the dust cloud to see what had happened, my eyes widening in shock when I saw who it was.
Agent 3 and Cuttlefish emerged from the dust cloud a moment later, their ink guns at the ready.
They were both wearing their hero suits and looking grim and determined as they squared off against the huge metal dragon.
I was so busy watching them that I didn’t even notice the Inkling sneaking up behind me until he grabbed my arm and yelled, “Look out!”
I gasped and jumped out of the way just in time to avoid being crushed by a car that came hurtling past me, its wheels spinning wildly.
Cars were flying everywhere now, crashing into buildings and sending bricks and glass shattering onto the streets below.
It was a complete madhouse!
I looked back up at the dragon just in time to see it raise its head and let out a deafening roar that shook the ground beneath my feet.
Then it flapped its wings and rose into the sky, disappearing into the distance in a cloud of billowing black smoke.
Inklings emerged from their hiding places cautiously, looking around in confusion.
“What was that thing?”
someone asked in a trembling voice.
“How did it get here?”
“Where did it go?”
Cuttlefish shook his head.
“I have no idea,” he said.
“But I think we can all agree on one thing.”
The Inkling nodded.
“We need to find out what it is and take it down!”
he shouted, raising his ink gun in the air.
“To the victors go the spoils!”
The Inklings cheered and followed him as he charged off into the distance.
Agent 3 looked up at Cuttlefish.
“Are you ready for this?”
she asked grimly.
He nodded.
“I was born ready,”
She grinned and then turned to follow the rest of the Inklings.
She paused when she saw me standing there watching her.
She smiled warmly and came over to me.
“Hey,” she said gently.
“Are you okay?”
I nodded numbly.
“Thank you,”
She laughed.
Inkopolis Unveiled
Turns out, I was hallucinating. It was still safe. And Dragons don't exist in inkopolis, I heard from my octoling teachers that the humans were extinct along with all the mammals.
I looked up at her in confusion.
“What were you thinking?”
she demanded with a frown.
I opened my mouth to reply but then stopped myself when I realized I didn’t even know what she was talking about.
“What do you mean?”
She sighed and shook her head.
“You can’t just stand there in the middle of a battlefield like that,”
she scolded me gently.
“You’re lucky I happened to be there in time to save you!”
I blinked at her in surprise.
“But I wasn’t standing in the middle of a battlefield,”
I said slowly.
“I was just…standing there.”
She stopped me with a hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes searchingly for a moment.
Then she nodded slowly as if she had finally figured something out.
“You don’t remember anything,”
she said ruefully with a shake of her head.
I shook my head slowly, feeling more confused than ever before.
“No,” I admitted.
“I’m sorry but…I don’t remember anything.”
She sighed and nodded slowly as if she had been expecting this.
“That’s okay,”
she said gently.
“We’ll figure it out.”
When the dragon disappeared, I found myself in the heart of Inkopolis, surrounded by Inklings of all colors and sizes, chattering away to each other in their own language and looking around excitedly at everything in sight.
Their voices were like music to my ears, a mixture of high-pitched squeaks and low growls that blended together to form a melody of laughter and joy that seemed to echo off the buildings all around me.
Inkopolis Unveiled
I was pondering, until suddenly, a young inkling girl bumped into me!
I stumbled backward and stared at her wide-eyed as she apologized quickly before dashing off into the crowd, her tentacles flapping wildly behind her in her haste to get away from me.I watched her go, feeling both confused and lonely all over again, then turned back towards the heart of Inkopolis and forced myself to keep walking forward despite the tears that welled up in my eyes as I went.I missed Octo Valley.
I missed my friends and family and home more than I could ever put into words, and it hurt so much to be here in this strange new place where nothing felt like it would ever be okay again, but there was nothing left for me there now, so… what else could I do?
I walked on, my heart heavy with sorrow and loss, and tried not to let my tears fall as I listened to the happy sounds of laughter and music that filled the air around me, for they only served to remind me of everything I had lost in the Great Turf War and would never be able to get back again.
The sun shone brightly overhead as I walked on, my heart feeling heavy with a sense of loss and sadness, and my ears ringing with the sound of happy voices and music that filled the streets around me, until at last I came to a stop in front of a grand stage that stood in the middle of an open square and seemed to command my attention with its very presence somehow.
The stage was covered in lights and technology, and as I watched, I saw a holographic image of an Inkling girl with bright pink tentacles dancing on top of it to a catchy rhythm that made me want to dance along with her despite everything I had been through so far today!
“What’s going on?”
I looked around to see where the voice had come from, and saw a crowd of Inklings standing on the other side of the stage and facing it with rapt attention, their eyes wide with excitement and wonder, and their mouths hanging open as they watched the holographic image of the dancing Inkling girl moving across the stage with a grace and energy that was absolutely captivating.
I came around to stand behind them, and watched over their heads as the Inkling girl began to sing a catchy tune that seemed to grab everyone’s attention and make them want to dance along with her.
The beat was fast and loud, and the lyrics were catchy and upbeat, and before I knew it, I was tapping my foot against the ground and jiggling my shoulders along with the crowd, feeling a thrill of excitement run through me for the first time since I had arrived here.
Maybe there was a place for me here after all!
Inkopolis Unveiled
The holographic Inkling girl moved her body to the rhythm of the music as she sang, her movements so fluid and graceful that for a moment, I almost believed that she was a real person who was really standing on the stage and singing just for me!
I couldn’t help but feel lost in her performance, as if nothing else mattered but the sound of her voice, and the sight of her dancing so freely and so passionately on top of the stage, no matter how hard I tried to look away or think about something else!
The song went on for what felt like hours, but they were hours that passed by in what felt like minutes because before I knew it, the Inkling girl’s dance routine was over, and the crowd broke out into thunderous applause and cheers as she waved to them and gave them one last dazzling smile before disappearing from the stage in a burst of light and color, leaving everyone clapping their hands and calling out her name while she was gone.
Everyone, that is, except for me.
What did I just see?The crowd broke out into another round of cheers and applause when the performance finally ended for real, but I didn’t join in this time.
I just stood there staring at the empty stage with a strange, hollow feeling in my chest, and tried to figure out what I was feeling and why I was feeling it, even though I didn’t know what it was yet.
The stage was silent now, and the crowd was starting to break up and disperse, but I didn’t move.
I just stood there staring at the empty stage and trying to understand the way my heart was racing in my chest, and the way my tentacles were all twisted up inside of me, and the way my head felt like it was going to explode at any moment, all for reasons I couldn’t explain or understand yet.
The air around me was suddenly filled with a strange and dizzying feeling of excitement and anticipation that I had never felt before, and I didn’t know what to do about it either!
The song that the Inkling girl had sung was still playing in my head, and I couldn’t remember how it went, but I could remember every single word of it anyway, and every single note of the catchy little tune that had made me want to dance along with everyone else even though I wasn’t sure if I even knew how to dance yet, or not!
It was like something had been lit up inside of me for the very first time, and I didn’t know what, or why, or even how to put it out again if I wanted to!
I looked around myself in bewilderment, and tried to figure out where this strange and dizzying feeling of excitement and anticipation could possibly be coming from, when there wasn’t anything exciting or interesting happening anymore that I could see.
The sun was shining brightly overhead, but not too brightly, and not too hot either, and the city around me was filled with happy Inklings who were laughing and talking with one another as they went about their business, but who weren’t doing anything special or amazing either, so that couldn’t be it either.
The city around me was a beautiful place, but nothing about it seemed particularly exciting or special compared to all of the other beautiful places that I had seen in this world today.
Inkopolis Unveiled
There were tall buildings that stretched up into the sky with colorful flags hanging from their windows, and there were long, winding streets full of shops and cafes with bright lights and colorful signs over their doors, and there were fountains and statues everywhere, including a huge, grand tower in the distance that I hadn't noticed earlier, with a beautiful statue of a huge Inkling squid on top of it with its tentacles spread out wide as if it was trying to catch every single ray of sunlight in them all at once, while they glowed gold in the last rays of the setting sun, like they were made out of purest gold, or like they were made out of sunlight itself!
I just stood there staring at it for a moment, mesmerized by its beauty, and I could feel my heart starting to race in my chest again, like it had been doing before, even though I didn't know why, or how, or even if that was a good thing, or a bad thing, or something that I should be worried about, or not.
The tower stretched all of the way up into the sky so high that I couldn't even see the top of it from where I was standing, but I could see the statue of the huge squid on top of it, like it was reaching out for the heavens!
And it looked like its tentacles really were made out of sunlight, too, because they were glowing so brightly that I could hardly even look at them without being blinded by their light!
And then I saw something else that made my eyes go wide with awe and wonder, and made my heart start racing in my chest again, too!
I saw that there were other Inklings besides myself who were staring at the statue of the huge squid on top of the tower!
They were standing around me in small groups, talking and laughing with one another as they went about their business just like everyone else in this city, but they were also staring up at the huge squid on top of the tower with awestruck looks in their eyes, and with huge smiles on their faces too.
It seemed like they were just as mesmerized by its beauty as I was, too!
I stopped in my tracks, and I just stood there staring up at the huge squid on top of the tower, too, feeling like I could hardly even breathe because it was so beautiful, and because its beauty was so overwhelming that it was almost too much for me to even take in all at once.
And then I saw something else that made my eyes go wide with shock.
I saw that the beautiful, colorful city around me was filled with Inklings who were every bit as beautiful, and as colorful, and as mesmerizing to look at as the huge squid on top of the tower was, too!
There were Inklings of every color of the rainbow standing all around me, talking and laughing with one another as they went about their business, or watching the grand stage where the holographic performance was playing, or looking up at the huge squid on top of the tower, or even taking photos of themselves with their mobile phones, or doing any number of other things that seemed perfectly normal, or ordinary, or boring compared to the huge Inkling squid on top of the tower that I was looking at right now.
But there was nothing boring or ordinary about them.
They were every bit as beautiful, and as colorful, and as mesmerizing to look at as the huge squid on top of the tower was.
Inkopolis Unveiled
I really need to go to clothing stores!
I realized that I must have been standing around here for far too long, just staring up at the huge Inkling squid on top of the tower without even realizing it.
I felt my face going hot with embarrassment, and I quickly turned away from them all before I started to blush any more red than I already was, or before they had a chance to notice me standing around here, too.
I quickly tucked my Octarian goggles inside my hoodie pocket, and then I quickly wrapped my arms around myself to try to hide them from view even more than they already were.
I didn’t want them to see them, or to know what they really were either.
I tried to look cool too, like I belonged in this city with them all, by turning up the collar of my hoodie.
I really needed to go to a clothing store now!
But there still wasn’t anything wrong with my clothes anyway.
They looked fine.
They looked almost brand new in fact!
My boots looked almost brand new too!
But I still felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb because I was wearing them, while everyone else around me was wearing fresh clothes, brand new boots, and some of the most expensive looking accessories that I had ever seen too.
They didn’t look like they had ever been worn before either.
They still looked like they had come straight out of the box, or like they were still in their original packaging, or like they were still on the rack in a store.
But I still felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb even more because of them, while everyone else around me was wearing them, or some other type of brand new clothes in their place.
It was probably because of my boots, or because of my Octarian boots.
They didn’t look like normal boots at all.
They looked like giant Octarian boots, instead.
They didn’t have any laces to tie up either.
They didn’t have any straps to buckle up either.
They didn’t have anything on them that looked like it would be meant to hold them in place on my feet either.
They didn’t even have any heels to help me to keep my balance either.
It was probably because of my Octarian uniform too.
It looked even worse than my Octarian boots did.
It stuck out like a sore thumb even more than they did, while everyone else around me was wearing fresh clothes, brand new boots, and some of the most expensive looking accessories that I had ever seen too.
I quickly wrapped my arms around myself even tighter than I already was, even though I knew that it wouldn’t help to hide them from view at all.
It wouldn’t help to hide me from view even more than it already did either.
But it still made me feel better anyway, like they would help me to hide myself from view, or like they would help me to hide myself from view even more than they already did too.
I quickly turned away from them all before I started to feel any more embarrassed than I already was, or before they had a chance to notice me standing around here too.
That was when I saw it in the distance for the first time.
It was probably the tallest building that I had ever seen before.
It was probably the tallest building that I would ever see for the rest of my life too.
It towered over everything else around it, even though everything else around it looked like it was really tall too.
It almost seemed to reach up into the sky itself, while the sky itself stretched down from above right over it.
It looked like it had been built out of glass and metal, instead of bricks, wood, or stone.
It looked like it had been built out of glass panels, metal beams, or metal bars, instead of anything else.
It looked like it had been built out of glass window panes, metal roofing tiles, or metal girders, instead of anything else.
But it was what was on top of it that made me want to keep on going even more than I already did.
I didn’t know why, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of it for some reason.
I couldn’t look away from it at all.
I couldn’t look away from it even more than I already did either.
I didn’t know why, but I felt like I wanted to keep on going, or that I needed to keep on going, or that I was being drawn towards it for some reason.
I didn’t know why, but I felt like I needed to go over there to it, or that I needed to go and see it up close, or that I needed to go and see it for myself, instead of staying around here any longer.
I didn’t know why, but I knew that I needed to go and see it for myself, instead of staying around here any longer.
But the more that I looked up at it, the more that I couldn’t take my eyes off of it at all.
The more that I looked up at it, the more that everything else around me seemed to fade away into nothing at all.
The more that I looked up at it, the more that everything else around me seemed to disappear into thin air.
The more that I looked up at it, the more that everything else around me seemed to be left behind in the dust.
The more that I looked up at it, the less that everything else around me seemed to matter at all.
The more that I looked up at it, the less that everything else around me seemed to have any importance at all.
The more that I looked up at it, the less that everything else around me seemed to be worth my time at all.
The sun was setting in the sky above me by this point, while its light was still shining down on me brightly.
Its light was still shining down on me so brightly, actually.
Inkopolis Unveiled
I entered its doors, and saw many jellyfishes and inkling checking out the latest fashion collections, so fresh..~
Their songs were smooth and relaxing as well, and they really made you feel right at home.
Right as soon as I walked inside of there, I saw many Inklings and Octolings wandering about there, looking at all of the latest fashion collections and everything else there.
And then right as soon as I walked inside of there, and then right after that happened, and then right after that occurred, and then right after that took place, and then right after that went down, and then right as soon as that occurred, and then right as soon as that happened, and then right as soon as that took place and then right as soon as that went down, I found myself standing on the edge of Inkopolis Plaza, where a massive stadium was in front of me.
I could hear some cheering noises coming from inside of there as well, so they must have been having a Turf War there as well.
I could see many Inklings and Octolings battling it out there, splattering ink everywhere as well.
Their ink was splattering everywhere as well.
It was splattering on the ground all around them as well.
There were so many different colors of ink there as well.
Their ink had so many different colors in it as well.
Their ink was being splattered everywhere as well.
There were many Inklings and Octolings who were splattering their ink all over the place there as well.
There were many Inklings and Octolings who were splattering their ink all over each other as well.
There were many Inklings and Octolings who were splattering their ink all over everything there as well.
They were splattering their ink on themselves as well.
They were splattering their ink on each other as well.
They were splattering their ink on everything else there as well.
I could see many of them swimming around in the ink too, and I could hear some of them using their weapons as well.
My heart was racing with a mix of excitement and fear too, but I knew that I wasn’t ready to join in on one just yet either.
My heart was racing with a mix of excitement and fear because of how fun that it looked to be out there as well.
My heart was racing because of how fun that it looked to be out there too.
I really wanted to go out and join in one for myself too, but I didn’t know how to play one at all yet either.
I didn’t know how to play one yet because I didn’t even know what the rules were for it yet either.
I didn’t even know what the rules were for it yet because I hadn’t seen anyone playing one yet either.
I hadn’t seen anyone playing one yet because I had only just gotten here a little bit ago too.
I had only just gotten here a short while ago and didn’t even know where I was or what was going on either yet too.
I had only just gotten here and didn’t know what was going on yet either yet too.
I know what a Turf War is, but my Leader DJ Octavio, who rules the octo Valley, gave me engineering jobs instead.
I watched them for a few more minutes before giving up and leaving too.
I turned my back on them and left them behind before swimming through a storm drain grate nearby too.
There is no way that they would notice me anyway since they are competing with each other anyway either too.
It is no surprise that they wouldn’t notice me either since they are competing with each other anyway either too
As I started swimming through their storm drain grate though, it didn’t take long for me to find myself out in the city streets of Inkopolis as well though too.
As soon as I made my way out of the storm drain grate though, I was greeted by the sounds of battle being started off in the distance behind me too.
Their ink was already flying everywhere up in the air again already as well by now too!
Their ink was already being splattered all over each other as well by now too!
Their ink was already being splattered all over everything else as well by now too!
The sounds of battle were replaced by the sounds of the lively city streets here too.
The sounds of battle were replaced by the sounds of the lively streets here and the sounds of people shopping in the stores around here too.
The sounds of battle were replaced by the sounds of Inklings and Octolings going about their days here.
I was glad to be out of their sight now though.
I didn’t want to be around them right now either.
I was glad to be out of their sight and away from them now though.
I was glad to put them behind me and forget about my past life with them now though.
However, I was still feeling a bit lonely right now though.
I was feeling a bit lonesome right now even with all the people around me right now.
I was feeling a bit lonesome even with all the people who were shopping in the stores around me right now too.
I was feeling a bit lonesome with all the people who were going about their days around me right now.
I was feeling a bit lonesome even with all the Inklings and Octolings who were going about their days around me right now.
I was feeling a bit lonesome even with all the people who were shopping in the stores around me right now.
They had already forgotten me by now though anyway.
They had already left me behind and forgotten about me anyway by now.
They had already left me behind and my old life in Octo Valley behind anyway by now.
They had already left me behind and my old life with them behind anyway by now.
They had already left me behind, but I didn’t want to dwell on the past anyway by now too.
I didn’t want to dwell on the past right now with my old life either.
Inkopolis Unveiled