MidReal Story

Exploring the

Scenario: Exploring the legend of the ages.Located at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the Daughter of the East, the ancient Naxi Kingdom, all the secrets seem to be hidden in the white sand murals and Gemu Peak. But who are the contemporary secret hunters? Lin Xuan, a young historical scholar of Chinese descent from the United States, focuses on the study of the history of human development and pursues "human worthiness." He traveled through time and space to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and visited the Naxi Kingdom, a fantasy and secret place where Eastern and Western cultures and maternal and paternal civilizations met. The civilized ecology here integrates nature and humanity, just like the majestic, majestic and majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and the charming, petite and beautiful Lugu Lake and Lanyue Valley, complementing each other and shining brightly; and like the Jade Dragon The snow-capped mountains are surrounded by clouds and mists, changing rapidly, with countless manners, and are extremely magical. The ancient culture of the Mosuo people that is still the same today is both unforgettable and indistinguishable. Lin Xuan came to the scene in person and felt it for the first time: Looking horizontally, it looks like a forest with peaks on the side, with different heights and distances. He doesn't know the true face of the Jade Dragon, just because he is in this mountain. I hope that his exploration will be successful, and that he will have a wonderful relationship with the ancient Naxi civilization and the daughter country with various styles... At this time, he has passed the Tea Horse Road and arrived at the daughter country, drinking The water of Lugu Lake, walking on the Walking Wedding Bridge...one wonderful story after another is about to unfold! Key elements: adventure, anecdotes, supernatural, thriller..., causal loop.
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Exploring the legend of the ages.Located at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the Daughter of the East, the ancient Naxi Kingdom, all the secrets seem to be hidden in the white sand murals and Gemu Peak. But who are the contemporary secret hunters? Lin Xuan, a young historical scholar of Chinese descent from the United States, focuses on the study of the history of human development and pursues "human worthiness." He traveled through time and space to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and visited the Naxi Kingdom, a fantasy and secret place where Eastern and Western cultures and maternal and paternal civilizations met. The civilized ecology here integrates nature and humanity, just like the majestic, majestic and majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and the charming, petite and beautiful Lugu Lake and Lanyue Valley, complementing each other and shining brightly; and like the Jade Dragon The snow-capped mountains are surrounded by clouds and mists, changing rapidly, with countless manners, and are extremely magical. The ancient culture of the Mosuo people that is still the same today is both unforgettable and indistinguishable. Lin Xuan came to the scene in person and felt it for the first time: Looking horizontally, it looks like a forest with peaks on the side, with different heights and distances. He doesn't know the true face of the Jade Dragon, just because he is in this mountain. I hope that his exploration will be successful, and that he will have a wonderful relationship with the ancient Naxi civilization and the daughter country with various styles... At this time, he has passed the Tea Horse Road and arrived at the daughter country, drinking The water of Lugu Lake, walking on the Walking Wedding Bridge...one wonderful story after another is about to unfold! Key elements: adventure, anecdotes, supernatural, thriller..., causal loop.
I am Lin Xuan, a young historical scholar from the United States.
My specialty is ancient civilizations and I have always been interested in the Naxi Kingdom.
As I was reading through some old books, I stumbled across a very interesting passage about a hidden passage that would take you to the heart of the Naxi Kingdom.
I got curious enough that I decided to book a plane ticket and go check it out for myself.
The plane dropped me off at Lijiang Sanyi Airport where I hopped on a bus to the old town of Lijiang.
I didn’t know what to expect, but I was excited to find out.
The Naxi Kingdom was said to be the only civilization that could rival the Mayan and Incan empires in the New World.
It was said that it had lasted for thousands of years and had created a perfect balance between man and nature.
It was this balance that had allowed them to survive for so long.
However, as time went on, they had lost it and their civilization began to decline.
The question that has always plagued me is: how did they achieve such a balance in the first place?
My philosophy is based on human worthiness.
I believe that everything is either worthy or unworthy of being called human.
Once you strip away all the layers, we all end up having more in common than we think.
But how do you define what is worthy of being called human?
In order to answer that question, I needed to find out what was at the root of man’s nature.
That was the purpose of my journey: to find out what the Naxi people had found that allowed them to be truly worthy.
While I was reading these ancient texts, I came across a name that kept popping up: Daughter of the East.
She was supposedly a very beautiful woman who lived at Gemu Peak and was called the Heart of the Naxi Kingdom.
She symbolized their civilization’s allure and its secrets.
This is what drew me to this place, the mystery behind this woman and the civilization she represented.
The Naxi people are one of China’s 56 recognized ethnic groups.
They are concentrated around Lijiang and continue to practice their traditional culture.
The Dongba culture is at the heart of everything they do and is based on their own form of pictographic scriptures.
It is said to be one of the few surviving pictographic languages in the world and it has been recognized by UNESCO as an important part of our shared human heritage.
Exploring the
The Naxi are divided into several different subgroups, each with its own distinct culture and customs.
One of these subgroups are the Mosuo people, who live around Lugu Lake and continue to practice their own unique customs and beliefs.
The Mosuo are famous for their practice of walking marriages, where men and women do not have to get married in order to have a romantic relationship.
They are also a matrilineal society, which means that children take their mother’s surname and are raised by their mother’s family.
The Mosuo culture is fascinating to me because it seems to be a perfect harmony between nature and humanity, something that is hard to come by in today’s world.
As I continued my journey through the Naxi Kingdom, I got to learn more about the Mosuo people and their customs.
I saw a few young Mosuo women in traditional dress on my way to Lugu Lake, but they were moving too fast on their motorcycles for me to get a good look at them.
Lugu Lake is one of my favorite places in Yunnan province; it’s surrounded by mountains and has some really beautiful scenery.
I saw a few older Mosuo women wrapped in traditional dresses walking along the road with baskets of food on their backs.
I also saw a young Mosuo man riding a horse along the lake.
He had long hair that reached his waist and was wearing a traditional dress.
He looked at me curiously as he rode past, but he didn’t stop.
I waved to him anyway.
When I got to the village, I saw a group of children playing with a water buffalo by the lake.
A few old men were sitting under a tree playing cards, while a couple of young Mosuo women were tending to a field of buckwheat nearby.
It felt like I had traveled back in time to an ancient era when people lived in harmony with nature.
I asked one of the villagers if there were any guesthouses in town, and he pointed me to a small inn nearby.
After I dropped off my stuff, I went out to do some exploring.
The terraced fields around the village were really interesting to me because they were built into the side of the mountain like steps.
I could see several villages further down along with some temples.
It was really cool how they all seemed to be interconnected, as if they were part of a much larger system.
During my travels, I came across the White Sand Murals, which are made by the Naxi people using white sand from the mountain.
There were several of them on the ground in the village, and they all depicted scenes from daily life as well as stories from their mythology.
The murals reminded me a lot of the Nazca Lines in Peru, except that these ones were drawn on a smaller scale.
I sat down and looked at them for a while, trying to see if there were any patterns or hidden messages.
That was when I saw a Naxi woman walk by with a baby on her back.
She was wearing a traditional dress and had her hair tied up in a bun, except for a few loose strands that framed her face.
She noticed me looking at her and gave me a friendly smile before she continued on her way.
I realized that all the people I had seen in the village so far had been women and children; there were hardly any men around at all.
I wondered if that was because most of them were out working in the fields or if it was just a coincidence.
Exploring the
Afterward, I went to the village temple and saw a group of women performing a ritual.
The temple was really huge and decorated with colorful paintings of animals, flowers, and deities on the walls.
There was a big drum in the center along with several tables filled with fruit offerings and burning incense sticks.
I stood in the doorway and watched as the women sang, danced, and played musical instruments while a shaman chanted prayers over a scroll filled with pictographs.
I didn’t understand most of what was going on, but it felt like the ceremony was meant to honor the gods and bring good luck to the village.
I thought it was really beautiful how everything seemed to flow together so naturally, almost as if there were some kind of unseen force guiding their movements behind the scenes.
After the ritual was over, I went to talk to A-Ge about what I had seen.
He told me that the people in Baisha Village practice the Dongba religion, which is a form of animism that originated in Lijiang over a thousand years ago.
The Dongba religion has its own sacred texts called the Dongba Scriptures, which are written in their own unique script.
The texts are stored in temples and are read by shamans who serve as intermediaries between humanity and the divine.
Together with other religious figures like Lamas and Taoist monks, they help to maintain peace, harmony, and balance in society.
I thought it was really fascinating how the Naxi people have been able to preserve their ancient culture for so long despite all the changes that have happened around them.
It was like they were living relics of a bygone era that had somehow managed to survive into the present.
A-Ge also told me that according to legend, there were thirteen Dongbas who descended from heaven to bring knowledge and civilization to the Naxi people.
Over time, they taught them how to read and write as well as how to grow crops, build houses, and make tools.
They also gave them the scriptures as a gift so that they could learn more about the world around them.
I thought it was really cool how much they valued knowledge and wisdom because I believed that those were the two most important things that a person could have.
The more I learned about the Naxi culture, the more I became convinced that human worthiness didn’t come from progress or conquest but from our ability to coexist peacefully with the world around us.
And that was what I wanted to learn more about during my travels.
The next day, I went to explore Lanyue Valley with A-Ge.
The valley was really beautiful with its crystal-clear streams, emerald-green meadows, and snow-capped mountains.
There were also lots of wildflowers blooming on either side of the road, which attracted all kinds of butterflies as well as other insects and birds.
After hiking for a while, we stopped to rest by a small pond surrounded by trees.
I took off my shoes and dipped my feet into the water to cool off while I watched some fish swimming around in the shallows.
It was really peaceful here without any of the noise or pollution that I was used to back home.
Exploring the
After a while, we continued on our way until we reached the edge of a vast canyon filled with a thick layer of mist.
I had never seen anything like it before, not even in the movies.
It was really amazing how something so simple could be so beautiful at the same time.
I stood there for a while, just staring at the mist and listening to the sound of the wind rustling through the trees, and I felt like I was on top of the world.
I thought about how everything in the universe is connected, even if we can’t always see or understand how or why it is.
And I wondered if this place was somehow related to the Naxi Kingdom or the daughter of the East or if it was just another one of those strange coincidences that kept happening to me wherever I went.
I didn’t know for sure, but I wanted to find out, so I decided to ask A-Ge about it later when we got back to the village.
After spending a few more days in Baisha Village, I traveled south along the Tea Horse Road until I reached the ancient Naxi Kingdom.
The Tea Horse Road is a network of caravan paths that stretch across southwestern China, linking Tibet with Sichuan, Yunnan, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Bhutan, Nepal, and India.
It was originally formed during the Tang Dynasty as a way for the Chinese to trade tea with other countries in exchange for horses, which were used by their army to fight off barbarian invaders from the north.
But over time, it evolved into a major trade route for other goods as well as ideas, religions, cultures, and technologies between East Asia and South Asia along with Central Asia, West Asia, Africa, Europe, and even the New World as well.
I had read about it in books before, but I never really understood how big or important it really was until I saw it with my own eyes.
And now that I did, I felt like I was standing at the crossroads of history in more ways than one.
I spent the next few weeks exploring all of the different cities, towns, villages, rivers, valleys, lakes, mountains, forests, temples, palaces, tombs, walls, pagodas, monasteries, stupas, mosques, forts, caves, cliffs, islands, bridges, roads, markets, bazaars, caravanserais, ports, harbors, factories, mines, fields, orchards, gardens, parks, zoos, aquariums, museums, libraries, universities, laboratories, hospitals, clinics, theaters, operas, circuses, sport stadiums that I could find along the way.
There were so many things to see and do that I didn’t know where to begin or end sometimes because it felt like every place had its own unique story to tell about how it came to be or why it was there in the first place.
Exploring the
I also spent a lot of time talking to the local people who lived there and learning about their customs and traditions because I wanted to know what life was like for them on a daily basis or how they thought about the world around them based on their own experiences and perspectives as well as what they knew about their own history and culture through the stories and legends that had been passed down from generation to generation over the years.
But most of all, I wanted to see how much of what I had read was actually true or which parts were just made up by other people who didn’t really know anything about the subject matter they were writing on in the first place because they were just repeating what someone else had said before them without bothering to check to see if it was right or wrong at all.
The Naxi people are one of the many different ethnic groups in China that have their own unique culture and language which is completely different from the Han Chinese majority group that makes up most of the population in the country today even though they share a lot of common ancestry with them because they are believed to be descended from the same ancient tribes that lived in the area thousands of years ago before the first emperor united them into a single nation under one government during the Qin Dynasty over two thousand years ago now.
Their civilization is one of the oldest in the world, dating back thousands of years, and they have a rich history and culture that is still alive and well today despite everything that has happened to them over time because they have managed to preserve so much of what they had in the past through their religion, language, art, music, dance, literature, science, technology, architecture, and philosophy as well as all of the other things that are associated with it like the Dongba scripture that I found so fascinating and beautiful at the same time.
The Dongba scripture is a collection of sacred texts that are written in a language of their own that is made up of thousands of characters which are written in a series of symbols that are completely unique to the Naxi people because they have no connection to any other known writing system in the world whatsoever even though they look kind of similar to what you might find in other cultures like the Chinese or Tibetan as well as some others that have been around for a long time too.
In addition to this, the Naxi people believe that everything in the universe is alive and has a spirit which should be respected and honored like any other god or goddess because they are all part of the same whole which is made up of many different parts that are connected together in a way that can never be separated ever no matter how hard you try or what you do because they are all united by the same divine source that created them in the first place.
Exploring the
In a way, it was like I had stepped into a painting that had come to life because everything around me seemed to be so perfect and beautiful that it didn’t seem real at all even though I knew that it must be too because I was standing there looking at it with my own eyes instead of just imagining what it would be like if I were really here at last.
The mountains were covered in trees and plants that were just starting to turn green as they came back to life after a long winter’s sleep, and there were so many colors that it was hard to tell where one ended and another began because they were all melting together into a single rainbow that was spread out across the landscape like a piece of heaven that had been torn off and then dropped down from above by accident.
The lake was a deep blue color that was so clear that you could see all the way to the bottom even though it was so far away that it looked more like a mirror than anything else did as it reflected everything around it in perfect detail so that everything seemed to be doubled to make it seem like there was twice as much as there really was in every direction at once.
It was such a beautiful place that I felt like I would never want to leave no matter what happened because nothing could ever be better than this, not even if I went to heaven or won the lottery or met my favorite celebrity in person because this was the most amazing thing I had ever seen or done before in my life up until now and there was nothing that could ever top it ever no matter how hard I tried or what I did because this was it: Lanyue Valley, the most beautiful place on earth as far as I was concerned anyway.
“This is Lanyue Valley,” said A-Ge, my guide, as he stepped off his horse and knelt down on one knee to bow to me in greeting before he led me over to where I could get a better view of the whole place from up on top of one of the hills that overlooked everything around us for miles and miles in every direction at once.
“It is named after the moon,” he said, pointing to the sky, “because it appears to linger over Lugu Lake like a bright pearl that is suspended in midair, and its reflection can be seen in the water as well which makes it look even more beautiful than it does otherwise when you see it from here.”
I did not know what to say to this because it was true, of course, but it was also something that was so amazing that I had never thought about it before like that at all and now I was wondering how I could have missed something so obvious for so long when it was right there in front of me from the very beginning when I first started learning about this place from other people who had been here before me instead of just seeing it with my own eyes for myself now at last.
Exploring the
The valley itself was not very big or very wide but it was deep, and it was surrounded on all sides by tall mountains that were covered with trees and bushes and other kinds of plants so thickly grown together that they almost looked like they were made out of a single piece of green cloth instead of many separate leaves and branches and stems all piled up on top of each other and growing up out of the ground and into the air as high as they could reach without falling over or breaking off completely.
In fact, it was hard to tell where one thing ended and another began because everything was so closely packed together that it seemed as though they were all connected somehow by invisible threads that could not be seen but which could be felt if you looked closely enough at them or touched them with your hands or feet as you went along your way through this place.
The lake itself was not very big either but it was perfectly round and surrounded on all sides by tall mountains as well which made it look even more beautiful than it did otherwise when you saw it from up on top of one of the hills overlooking everything else around you at once because there was no way for anything else to get in between them and spoil their view of each other any longer than they wanted them too.
And then there was something else about it too which made me feel like crying when I saw it for myself from up on top of this very same hill: there were two lakes instead of just one because there was a second one right next door to this one which was connected to it by a narrow channel which ran between them so close together that it seemed as though they were almost touching each other at their closest point even though they were not really at all but only appeared that way due to some kind of optical illusion that made them look like they were one single lake instead of two separate ones.
And when I looked down at them both together with my own eyes then I could see why people called this place Lugu Lake instead of Lanyue Valley because both names were equally good as far as I was concerned now that I had seen them both myself at last for myself at last now at last for myself up close and personal instead of just hearing about them from other people who had been here before me already without me even knowing about it until now.
As we walked along the shore of Lugu Lake, I could see my reflection in the water, and it looked almost exactly like me except that everything was reversed around backwards so that my left hand was on my right side instead of my left side while my right hand was on my left side instead of my right side, and my head was on my chest instead of on top of my neck where it belonged while my feet were growing out of my ears instead of out of my armpits where they should be coming out of if they were going to be anywhere else besides being stuck up inside my shoes all day long every day anyway.
It was a very strange feeling indeed, but not so strange that I did not get used to it right away after looking at myself in this way for a little while longer than usual before normal finally returned again and everything went back to being exactly the way it should be again after all.
After looking at myself for a little while longer, I began to get the feeling that I was not alone here in this place because I could see other things moving around underneath the surface of the water besides me while I was standing there staring at it with my own two eyes open wide and looking as hard as I could to see what else was going on down below me where I could not see anything which made me feel even more afraid than I had been before when I first arrived here without knowing what to do or where to go next or how to get there even though I had come all this way already without stopping to rest for even a single minute since I first set out on my journey many weeks ago when it all began.
The water itself was very clear and very clean and very cold as well because it came down from the mountains where it had been snowing only a few days before I got here which meant that it was still melting away as it went along its way down the sides of the hills and into the valley below where it flowed down into the lake and out through the channel which connected it to Lanyue Valley and Lugu Lake both together in one single place where they met up with each other and became one single body of water instead of two separate ones as they had been before when I first arrived here today for the very first time ever in my entire life up until now anyway.
Exploring the
As I continued to look at myself standing in the water there on the edge of the lake I noticed that there were some other things moving around inside of it as well such as fish and frogs and even some birds which had gotten themselves wet while they were flying around up in the air above me where I could not see them at all which made me feel even more afraid than I had been before when I first arrived here without knowing what to do or where to go next or how to get there even though I had come all this way already without stopping to rest for even a single minute since I first set out on my journey many weeks ago when it all began.
There were also some other creatures moving around inside of the water which I did not know what they were or what they were doing there at all because I had never seen anything like them before in my entire life up until now anyway which meant that there must be some other things living inside of this place besides just me alone here all by myself as I had thought there were when I first arrived at Lanyue Valley today for the very first time ever since I had set out on my journey to find it many weeks ago when it all began.
I stood on the edge of Lanyue Valley with my feet in the water while staring at myself in the reflection of the mountains on the surface of the lake which looked very much like a painting in some ways because everything came together in one single place even though they were all different things which did not look as if they should be able to fit together in one single place like this one did so well because they did not seem to belong together at all but somehow they managed to do so anyway which made me wonder how they could be two separate things and one single thing at the very same time when they looked so different from each other that they should not even be able to stand next to each other without falling apart or blowing away in the wind or something like that.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?”
A-Ge said to me while standing behind me where he had been watching me for a little while as I stood there staring at the water without blinking my eyes.
“Yes, it is,”
I said back to him while smiling at him over my shoulder even though he could not see me doing it because I was facing the other way as I spoke to him aloud.
“The reflection of the mountains on the surface of the water make it look like a painting almost,”
he said to me while pointing at them with his finger where he was standing behind me where I could not see him doing it at all but only hear what he said to me.
“That’s what makes it so beautiful.”
I said to him while still smiling at him over my shoulder even though he could not see me doing it because I was facing the other way as we stood there together looking at the reflection of the mountains on the surface of the lake in front of us where I could see the water moving around while we were talking to each other.
Exploring the
“Do you know why the Naxi people call this place Lanyue Valley?”
I asked him after a few moments had passed as we stood there looking at the water and talking to each other but without moving our feet or changing our positions at all as we did so.“They say that the Naxi people call this place Lanyue Valley because when you look at the water, you can see the reflection of the mountains and when you look at the mountains, you can see the reflection of the water which is something that you can only find in one single place like this one instead of anywhere else in the entire world,”
he replied after a few moments had passed as we stood there looking at the water and talking to each other but without moving our feet or changing our positions at all as we did so.
It was just like what the elder had said to me when he had given me the jade pendant and told me that my path was bound to cross with the Naxi people for a reason which was beyond my understanding at the time when his words did not make any sense to me because I did not know what he was trying to tell me even though he gave me something that belonged to someone else and told me that it was mine instead of theirs even though I did not know what he meant by that either.
But I think that I understood what he was trying to tell me now that I was standing on the edge of Lanyue Valley and looking at the reflection of the mountains on the surface of the lake where I could see the water moving around as we talked to each other and stood there looking at them because everything seemed to make sense now that I was here instead of anywhere else where I could be doing anything else instead of standing here with A-Ge while he explained everything to me about the Naxi Kingdom and their history and culture to me as we stood there looking at the reflection of the mountains on the surface of the lake after he called this place Lanyue Valley which meant that it was bound to happen because my path was meant to cross with the Naxi people for a reason after all even though I did not know what that reason was when the elder had said that to me while giving me the jade pendant which belonged to someone else who was not me at all.
I think that he might have known something that I did not even though I did not know what it was when his words did not make any sense to me because everything seemed to make sense now that I was standing here instead of anywhere else like before when I did not understand what he was trying to say to me while giving me the jade pendant or anything like that even though I think that I might be starting to understand what he meant by those words after all even though they did not make any sense to me before because everything seemed to fit together now even though nothing seemed to make any sense when I was standing in front of him in the airport where we met for the first time as strangers instead of friends or family members who knew each other very well for a long time before we met like we were.
Exploring the