MidReal Story

After a heated confrontation with Dumbledore, Harry finds himself

Scenario: After a heated confrontation with Dumbledore, Harry finds himself in a conversation with Death, who reveals that Harry has always been the Master of Death and offers him the chance to go back in time and change things; Harry wakes up in his cupboard, decides to leave the Dursleys, and heads to Diagon Alley to retrieve money from his vault at Gringotts.
Create my version of this story
After a heated confrontation with Dumbledore, Harry finds himself in a conversation with Death, who reveals that Harry has always been the Master of Death and offers him the chance to go back in time and change things; Harry wakes up in his cupboard, decides to leave the Dursleys, and heads to Diagon Alley to retrieve money from his vault at Gringotts.
I had never seen Dumbledore so angry.
He seemed on the point of exploding, but when he spoke, his voice was quiet, and calm.
“You are under a great delusion,” he said, and his eyes were stony as he looked into mine.
“You have no chance of expelling him yourself: you are too young, too unskilled—”
“It’s got nothing to do with that!” I roared.
“You don’t get it, I’m not trying to expel him! I haven’t got a clue how to destroy him! And I don’t want to!”
Something shifted in the depths of Dumbledore’s weird, brilliant eyes.
“Have you any idea how much tyrants fear the people they oppress?
All of them realize that, one day, amongst their many victims, there is sure to be one who rises against them and strikes back!”
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
“It is that part of us that must remain hidden at all costs; and we must not let him know how much we know…”
Dumbledore opened his eyes again.
“But you know,” he said.
Dumbledore took several deep breaths.
He was still looking at me intently.
“You have no business in Diagon Alley at this time,” said Dumbledore very quietly.
“I must ask you not to go again, Harry.”
He stood up again and Harry saw with some surprise that he was quivering with some suppressed emotion; his lined face was full of pain; the sight unnerved Harry, who had never seen Dumbledore show weakness of any kind in front of him before… Dumbledore turned away from Harry, but Harry was sure he saw a tear glistening in the corner of Dumbledore’s eye.
He stared down at his own feet, thinking about what Dumbledore had said about the prophecy.
Was it really possible that Voldemort was only going to come after him if he was the one standing in his way?
He had always thought he was meant to kill Voldemort, but maybe…
“So you don’t believe the prophecy?”
said Dumbledore, his voice still gentle and calm, almost kind, but Harry saw him slip his wand up his sleeve, ever so slightly, and he was reminded of what he was talking to.
“You don’t think you are the only one to be connected to him?”
“I don’t care if I am,” said Harry hotly, “I’m not being dragged away to the castle by Snape – I’m going where I want to go!”
And he strode off, not looking back at the furious and now deadly white-faced Dumbledore.
He walked blindly, waiting for the rage to subside, but it took longer than he had expected: it was not until he had stopped walking that he realized that the man sitting on a bench on the edge of the park was gazing at him avidly.
Harry dropped his bag and reached for his wand, but then he saw it was only a man sitting there, a very ordinary-looking man watching him intently from behind round glasses.
After a heated confrontation with Dumbledore, Harry finds himself