MidReal Story

Social Media Exodus: Taylor's Dilemma

Scenario: Taylor Swift: If TikTok Is Banned, I Will Leave the U.S.
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Taylor Swift: If TikTok Is Banned, I Will Leave the U.S.
Taylor Swift @taylorswift13
If TikTok gets banned I swear I’ll leave the U.S.
The tweet had gone viral.
It was all over the news.
In less than a day, it had amassed millions of likes and retweets, making it one of the most popular tweets in the platform’s history.
I’d trended worldwide for a while, until people got tired of talking about me and moved on to the next thing.
But that didn’t happen.
When I checked Twitter the next morning, I was still trending, and my tweet was still getting thousands of likes and retweets every hour.
There were more news stories: “Taylor Swift Threatens to Leave U.S.
Over TikTok Ban,” “Fans Freak Out Over Taylor Swift’s Promise to Leave U.S.
It was the lead story on every entertainment website, and people were still talking about it on Twitter.
My fans were sharing it with the hashtag #TaylorSwiftIsOverParty.
The hashtag had been used before, when I did something that pissed off a lot of people.
But this time, my fans weren’t mad at me.
They were mad at the people who were mad at me, because they thought it was unfair that TikTok might be banned and that they might not get to see me perform my new songs.
They said that if I left, they’d leave too.
They said that they’d rather move to Mars than live in a world without Taylor Swift.
The haters didn’t like that.
They said that I was overreacting and that I should be grateful for all the money and fame that America had given me.
They said that I could always post my videos on Instagram instead of TikTok, and that if I left, they wouldn’t miss me.
But my fans disagreed.
They said that they were tired of America’s bullshit, and that if TikTok got banned, they’d leave with me.
They said that America was being racist because TikTok was Chinese, and that they’d rather live in China than in a country that treats Chinese people like terrorists.
Selena Gomez @selenagomez
I woke up to a text from Selena: “I’ll go wherever you go.”
I knew she meant it too.
She was like a sister to me, and she wasn’t going to let me go through this alone.
I texted her back: “Thanks, girl!
You’re the best!”
Then I checked Twitter again and saw that #TaylorSwiftIsOverParty had been replaced by #TaylorSwiftIsNotOverParty.