MidReal Story

I date my teacher. nsfw.

Scenario: I date my teacher. nsfw.
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I date my teacher. nsfw.
Title: Forbidden Fruit
I still can't believe it's happening. Me, a student, dating my teacher. I'm 22 years old, and she is 35, standing at the head of the classroom, guiding me through the complexities of literature. But now, as I sit here in bed, fingers hovering over the keyboard, I have to admit that the real lessons she's taught me have nothing to do with books or academic theories.
Ms. Marion. She's the epitome of a sophisticated, well-read woman, always dressed in smart pencil skirts and those sensible blouses that only seem to accentuate her full, perky breasts. Her wavy, dark hair is usually tied in a neat bun, but when she lets it loose, it tumbles down in soft waves, framing her delicate features.
We started out as teacher and student, as it should be. I was the quiet one in the corner, always taking notes on the edge of her lectures. She was the one who sparked my interest in literature, igniting a passion for the written word that I never knew existed.
The first time I felt a spark between us was during one of her lectures. She was explaining the erotic undertones in the text we were studying, her voice low and sultry. The way she spoke about the characters' desires made my heart race, and I couldn't help but feel a strange tingling sensation in my lower belly. Later, as I sat alone in the library, poring over the text she had recommended, I couldn't help but imagine her in the place of the characters, whispering those words to me.
Over the next few weeks, our conversations shifted from academic discussions to more personal ones. We talked about our favorite books and authors, sharing our thoughts and feelings openly. It was during one of these conversations that I realized I wasn't just admiring her intellect; I was also drawn to her on a physical level.
One evening, after a particularly intense session in the library, we found ourselves alone in the dimly lit room. I was struggling to understand a passage, and she offered to explain it to me. As she leaned over, her scent enveloped me - a heady mix of vanilla and something undeniably alluring. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to focus on her words, but all I could think about was how close she was, how soft her lips looked.
Our eyes met, and in that brief moment, everything changed. The air between us crackled with electricity, and I knew that I couldn't hold back any longer. I leaned in and gently brushed my lips against hers, testing the waters. She hesitated for a moment, but then her lips parted, and she kissed me back, her tongue hungrily seeking mine.
Our hands explored each other's bodies, tentatively at first, and then with more urgency as the passion between us grew. I could feel the heat radiating from her skin, and I knew that I had to have her. We fumbled with each other's clothes, our hands shaking with anticipation.
When we were finally naked, I couldn't believe my eyes. Her body was even more stunning than I had imagined - her breasts full and round, her waist tapering into shapely hips, and her legs long and smooth. I felt a rush of desire course through me, and I knew that I had to taste her, to feel her pleasure.
I began by kissing her neck, trailing my lips down to her breasts. She moaned softly as I took a nipple into my mouth, swirling my tongue around the sensitive peak. My hand wandered down between her legs, and I felt how wet she was, how ready she was for me.
As I slid my fingers inside her, I watched her face, the way her eyes fluttered closed, the way her lips parted in a silent gasp of pleasure. I could feel her muscles clench around my fingers, and I knew that I had to have her, to feel her wrapped around my cock.
She guided me inside her, and I couldn't help but groan at the sensation of her tight, wet heat. I thrust into her, feeling her body respond to each movement, her hips rising to meet mine. Our bodies moved together in a rhythm as old as time, and I knew that this was something special, something forbidden.
I date my teacher. nsfw.