MidReal Story

Olivia MacDonald is enjoying a ferry ride with her friends

Scenario: Olivia MacDonald is enjoying a ferry ride with her friends when an annoying man with a cravat approaches her, but she manages to escape his company and join her friends at a table in the coffee shop, where they discuss their dislike for rugby players. Later, Liam Hayes meets up with his friends at a tavern and notices a stunning brunette named Olivia, but he has sworn off relationships and focuses on having one-night stands instead.
Create my version of this story
Olivia MacDonald is enjoying a ferry ride with her friends when an annoying man with a cravat approaches her, but she manages to escape his company and join her friends at a table in the coffee shop, where they discuss their dislike for rugby players. Later, Liam Hayes meets up with his friends at a tavern and notices a stunning brunette named Olivia, but he has sworn off relationships and focuses on having one-night stands instead.
I’m on a ferry with my friends, Dani and Tally, enjoying the sun and scenery.
We’re on our way to meet our other friends, the Beach Bandits, as they play a gig at a local coffee shop.
“Have you got your passport?”
“We’re going to the mainland so I don’t think I’ll need it.” I laugh.
Tally turns to me.
“Do you have your ID, then?”
I roll my eyes.
“Yes, Mom, I have it.”
I have no idea why she thinks I’m so irresponsible.
It’s not like I’m forgetful or anything.
Well, not that forgetful.
We spent the whole trip laughing and joking around, and Tally managed to get the first round of drinks in without Dani and me stopping her.
We find three seats together outside and sit down on the long benches looking out over the deep blue sea.
“It’s so nice today.” Dani smiles as she looks up at the sky.
“Yeah, we’re lucky.” Tally nods in agreement.
The sun is beating down on us, and it’s already hotter than it was when we left home.
We make our way across the sea with ease, and I take in the sights around me.
The water is so clear I can see to the bottom.
There are boats dotted around in every direction and seagulls flying overhead.
It’s a beautiful day for a ferry ride, that’s for sure.
“I can’t wait for coffee,” Dani says with a yawn as she stretches out her arms.
Tally and I smile at her.
“Yeah, we know you need your caffeine fix.”
“Well, that’s true,” she replies as she reaches up to touch her hair.
She has pink hair that is almost as bright as a My Little Pony’s mane.
It’s faded quite a bit from when she first had it done, but she’s still gets comments about it all the time.
It’s quite long and curly, and when we were younger, she used to spend hours straightening it.
But then she realized that just let it dry naturally, and it would turn into perfect ringlets.
She looked like a Disney princess when she was younger.
And with her big blue eyes, she would always get whatever she wanted from her parents.
Tally’s hair is also curly, but not nearly as out of control as Dani’s.
And then there’s me, with my boring brown hair.
I mean, it’s nice, but it’s nothing special.
Dani laughs, pulling Tally in for a hug.
“We all know you’re just jealous that you don’t have hair like mine.”
I roll my eyes before standing up.
“Come on, let’s go find some seats inside.”
We make our way into the ferry and head to one of the cafes to order some food.
Once we have food and drinks, we head to another area where there are some tables and chairs to sit down.
I’m about to sit down when I see him.
He’s tall with dark hair and tanned skin.
Olivia MacDonald is enjoying a ferry ride with her friends